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October 22, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-22

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TUESAY, OCOBER~ 22, 1935


Dances And Choral Union Opening Are Features Of Busy We


erg - o -o nd
If you are having a hard time getting a call into the various sorority
houses and dormitories, you may guess that a lot of Michigan men are
lobking about for dates for the two big dances that are coming off in the
immcdiate future . .. namely . . . the Union Formal and the Interfraternity
Ball. All of which goes to prove that the campus social life is still whirling.. ..
and the Merry-Go-Round is gaining momentum ...
Fraternity TabWs.. .
The Phi Psis and the Trigons took the prize at the League last Friday
night . . . both houses had long tables that wound about in the far end of
the Grill. Quite a few of the Phi Psis went stag . . . Dave Barnett . . . Bud
Haynes ... Carl Fisher ... and a few others spent no end of time standing
together on the side lines discussing which co-ed would be their next victim.
And on the dance floor . .. you just couldn't help but glance now and again
at Bill Griffith and Mimi Robinson . . . it is really quite fascinating at times
to watch the way Griff sways from side to side when he dances.
Mary Agnew with Bob Sankey.. .and Esh Greenwood with Barry Bara-
gaw . . . passed our table as they came in. Of course . . . they too were
headed for the Phi Psi table. . . where Libbie Powers.. . and Adeline Single-
ton were also sitting. Both girls were in black velvet. . . and Mary . . by the
way ... looked very smart in a green crepe with accents of brown.
Paging Tommy Ayres ...
And now for the Trigons . . . of course everybody knows that Tommy
Ayres was among those present . . . thanks to the orchestra . . . and some
innocent person on the telephone who had him paged . . . it's good publicity
anyway, Tommy. We also notice that you did right by yourself in picking
Jane Peter, the attractive Delta Gamma, for a dancing partner. And
what would those nine fraternity brothers do without you? We understand
you got Helen Wilson and Charlie Keppel together . . . to say nothing
of Baton Slater and Marjorie Lehner . . . Chuck Lovett didn't seem to have
any trouble keeping himself amused with "Dutch" Van Dyke. And it
rather goes without saying that Johnnie Mann and Mary Lou Willoughby
don't exactly need a middleman . . . Lovely Margaret Lowery's height was
enhanced by a blue velvet gown, while Jean Rheinfrank - a Pi Phi pledge
- wore one of those popular combinations, a black velvet skirt and a dusty
pink blouse.
Back Again.. .
Art Shepherd . . . who seems to be back in town for a while . . . was
right up in the front row when Al Cowan's boys put on their little skit ...
singing or whistling. .. we don't know which they really do . . . into bottles.
The star performer used as his instrument a huge coke bottle . . . one of
those great big things they put in drug store windows. Almost everyone was
packed around them trying to look over someone else's head . . . but we did
get a peek at Jean Laitner, whose green dress had a brilliant piece at the
neck and gave the effect of a neckline . . . Marcia Connell . . . who keeps
all those curls in a surprisingly regular condition . . . had on a bright red
dinner dress that was open at the shoulders
More People...
The opening night of the Choral Union Series was quite an event
and the house was packed. All four of the Opera singers said that they
liked singing for Ann Arbor students . . . because they are all so eager and
enthusiastic. The first concert was certainly well received . . .and the
people were all on the edges of their seats when "I Mulattieri" was sung.
Among the faculty members that were present were President and Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven ... Mrs. Ruthven wore a gown of black chiffon -. .
President and Mrs. Charles A. Sink ... Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Brinkman and
Betty Brinkman . . . Prof. and Mrs. Palmer Christian ... and Prof. Hanns
Among the students we saw . . . Barbara Bates . . . who wore a green
dinner dress with green lace about the shoulders and neckline . . . Nancy
Cook ... Beth Ranney in purple . . . Peg Cowie . . . Betty Greve with the
golden hair . . . took time off from her major iterest, riding . . . you know
she had been all afternoon judging the horsemanship of aspiring members
to the Crop and Saddle . .. and Christine Kennedy looked out through the
little brown veil in amazement at the Empire gown worn by Miss Queena
'You Keep Going Your Way'..
After the concert, people went their various ways . . . but the Union
drew quite a few . . . Helen Strand and Jack McCarthy passed us as they
leisurely strolled in the direction of the library. Helen was dressed in black
. her dress being trimmed in fur... Marian Donaldson was in blue ... as
was Eleanor Johnson. The latter's dress was trimmed in a darker blue
velvet. Downstairs we stopped for a brief moment to say "hello" to Betty
Morgan and incidentally had a chance to notice her brown-crepe afternoon
dress with white .edging the collar.0

Will Be Wed


The Engagement of Sue Thomas,
'6, and George Lawton, '35, was an-
nouced last Saturday at the
Thomas residence, Dayton, 0. The
wedding will take place next sum-
k* *
P aienrts A i iounee
Studen's betrothal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. ThomasI
announced the engagement of theirt
daughter, Sue, '36, to George Law-7
ton, '35, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. FredI
Lawton, Detroit, Saturday, Oct. 19,1
at the Thomas residence, Dayton, O.
The announcement was cleverly
made before a group of 20 intimate
family friends. Miss Thomas select-
ed an attractive dinner dress, fash-
ioned along the new Viennese lines.
Her black crepe model was accented
at the neckline with a soft white
moire collar.
Mrs. Thomas chose a mulberry vel-
vet gown for her daughter's an-
nouncement party. The wedding date
has been set for next summer. Miss
Thomas and Lawton are to lead the
grand march for the Panhellenic Ball,
Nov. 29.
Miss Thomas is affiliated with Delta
Gamma sororitiy, and Mr. Lawton is a
member of Trigon fraternity.
Expect Sell-out
Of Tickets For
Union Formal
A sell-out of tickets for the sixth
annual Union Formal is expected
within the next two or three days,
students in charge of the dance an-
nounced yesterday.
Plans for decoration of the ball-
room have been made by George E.
Malone, '37, and his committee on
decorations. Work will be finished
Thursday night.
Danny Russo and his Orioles, who
are well known in Chicago and in
many parts of the Middle West, will
play for the dance which was first
held in 1929. Sally Sage will appear
with Russo. She is the soloist who
has been featured in many musical
comedies and who has become a fa-
vorite with audiences wherever Rus-
so has appeared.
Tickets for the Formal are on sale
at the Union desk, and a limited
number have been given out to the
executive councilmen. Students may
purchase tickets from Wencil A. Neu-
mann, '36, John C. McCarthy, '36,
Bertram Lebeis, '37, Rush Bowman,
'37, Ralph Helper, '37, George Ma-
lone, '37, Herbert Wolfe, '37, Wil-
liam Struve, '37, Loren Kadet, '37,
and other sophomore members of the
Union student organization.
John C. McCarthy, recording secre-
tary, emphasized the necessity of
getting the tickets today because of
the expected sell-out and because only
a limited number of tickets remained
on sale.
Moore To Address
Freshman Womeni
Prof. Earle V. Moore, of the School
of Music, will address the freshmen
women and upperclass transfers in
another of the series of Orientation
lectures at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Prof. Moore's lecture will be on the
subject of music and will be the first
in a series of three addresses concern-
ing cultural advantages in the Uni-
versity. The second and third lec-
tures of the series will deal with dra-
ma and general arts.

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Aague, Union About Peter Eg
iouncils Will His Work, An
.(fTthee rmanDepartment)
The Norwegian actors woaet
gue Council Entertains pass the week-end with us seem to
[en's Group At Dinner have aroused a good bit of curiosity
LeagueTonight by their advance advertising of a
a Leg comedy by an unknown Scandinavian
author, Peter Egge. At least I have
e League council will entertain been asked whether this name is sig-
nembers of the Union Executive nificant of some new movement in
cil at a dinner to be held at 6:00 Norwegian literature or is especially
tonight in the Grand Rapids typical of Scandinavia; for his fellow
countrymen are introducing him to
of the League. This will be the America like a band of missionaries
social gathering of the two spreading some new cult.
Ps for the year. To be sure the eager student in-
ests of honor for the affair will vestigators willfind no mention of
ide r. ad Ms. Sanle G.this author in the Britannica or the
de Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. World Almanac, yet he is no new
z, Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof. Henry star in the galaxy composed of Ibsen,
rson and Miss Ethel McCormick. Bjornson, Lie and the Nobel Prize
mbers of the League and Union winners, even though he has about
nizations who will be present are: the same luminence in our Middle
Seeley, Betty Scherling, Laura Western literary heaven that the
Zimmerman, Betty Chapman, planet Pluto has on a foggy night in
nia York, Martha Steen, Marg- Ann Arbor. There is no English
Hiscock, Julie Kane, Marjorie translation of him in our University
ison, Lois King, Maureen Kava- Library -although we do have some
, Winifred Bell, Brenda Parkin- 25 of his books in the original lan-
Josephine McLean and Jane Ar- guage. Naturally, with the small ap-
from the League council, and propriation for Scandinavian litera-
cil Neumann, Jack McCarthy, ture that our State is able to make.
am Lebeis, Herbert Wolf, Rob- we cannot add an accompanying
3ailey, William Struve, Richard translation of every Swedish or Nor-
hey, George Malone, Russell wegian masterpiece we purchase. This
nan, Loren Kedet, John Badger, is a university, students have the
ard Underwood and O'Neill Dil- opportunity to learn foreign languages
of the Union Executive council. here.
tty Scherling and Winfred Bell Egge And Hamsun
ie League council are in charge Peter Egge is strikingly like Knut
e arrangements for the affair. Hamsun, of whom the most of us have
heard, although for my Victorian
taste he is much more enjoyable, for
ard Present he has a far less pronounced distaste
for soap and water. Unlike some of
t F ID ' the ostentatiously patriotic Norwegian
t Dwriters, he does not fill his works
with those glowing descriptions of the
O 'Pro-weel scenery, which serve as good tourist
advertising but prove tedious to the
Ae informalmeriation ceremony n reader. Neither does he
ew informald niation ceem.oy make any effort to hold up the great,
t concluded 'pro-week' activities silent, introspective Norwegian as a
at Helen Newberry Residence last chalacters ari essentciay hua and
This occurs near the beginning we could understand them even if we
ach year to promote friendship found them in Sinclair Lewis' defama-
acquaintanceship among the tions of the Rotary Club. Neither is
en residents and loyalty to the Egge a flaming patriot, who considers
eq - it necessary that his characters speak
embers of the governor's board some dialect, for the full understand-
present for dinner and initia- ing of which the general reader must
These included Mrs. Henry B. use a special dictionary.
Miss Clare Saunders, Detroit,
Mrs. Myra Jordan. The dinner Said To Be Versatile
5 were decorated with red roses Peter Egge is not a young man, he
white candles. Initiation was was born in 1869, and his work has
in the parlor with Margaret been before the public since 1891,
er, '36, house president, presiding, when he had his initial success with
Eileen McManus, '36, assisting. the novel Almue. Since that time he
tivities during the week included has been very productive, he has
al unusual dinners which were published sometimes two or three
ned by Peggy Lou White, '37, works in a single year. He is a ver-
week' chairman. Thursday night satile writer, for he has written novels,
ze was given for the most unus- short stories, comedies and serious
arrangement of a hair ribbon. A drama. His greatest work is perhaps
ier Goose dinner was held Wed- Hjertet, which came out in 1907.
ay, and Tuesday night a back- Kjaerlighet og Venskap, the play we
is dinner was served. are to hear, was written two years be-
COMMITTEE TO MEET Egge's youth was a hard one, he
The Merit System committee of was the son of a laborer in the small
League will meet at 4 p.m. Wed- city of Trondhjem and had to sup-
ay in the Undergraduate office. port himself by manual labor until
>sher Hall held class elections for
coming year. The following of-
s were elected: Ruth Sandusky,
>r class president; Joanne Kim-
sophomore class president; and
jorie Lee Lehner, freshman class
dent. The class presidents are
-presidents of the house council.
senior class president, Maureen
anaugh, is president of the house
icil and is elected in June preced- Hair Shaping and Recondition-
her term. ing is a necessity for a

Ask for Mr. COLLINS.
ye Glass Frames Open Tuesday and Friday
Lenses Ground.Ee
HAILE R'S Jewelry Collins Beauty Shoppe
HJy618 E. Liberty Dial 7400
State Street at Liberty

Shampoo, Fingerwave,
Arch and Manicure
for $1.00

ge--His Life,
d Literary Worth
he secured a reading public. He was
for several years a sailor, a journalist,
a photographer, and a stone mason,
and he never enjoyed educational
advantages beyond the lower schools.
He belongs to the realistic writers,
but possesses a sanity and good sense
that keep him from indulging in
nauseating details. He reminds one
slightly of Strindberg, in that he
often deals with the supposed in-
evitable conflict between man and
wife, but he avoids the partisanship
and the acrimony of the Swede. '.

at the
625 East Liberty - Over Kroger's


Fall Showing
Of The NEW

Tomorrow at 3:00 o'Clock
MAKE A NOTE of the date and time ...
for this is the style event of the sea-
son! A style show on living models of
Bucilla hand-knit fashions for fall . . .
each one as new as tomorrow!
Our instructress as well as Mrs. Ruth
Dunlap, of New York, will be glad to help
you start anything you choose after the






\* :


* * * *

* *

There was quite a gay bunch at the Union on Friday ... and weren't
all those horns ... confetti ... and what not a. surprise. Mary Jane Field
and Watson Gilpin stood up on chairs to get a better view of the floor show
... and Eleanor Gessner and Dick Stickney were seen getting themselves
some horns so that they could join in the fun. Bob Carney and Bill Paine
were talking together in the lower hall (while waiting for their dates) .
Frances Robinson, the gal with the surprising dimples was drinking a
Boston cooler . .. It was a real party.
Friday Night A gain...
Also on Friday night ... Theta Xis had one of their unusually successful
radio parties. Barbara Otte was with Bob Reedhill . . . They have been
going places together for the last three years and are still going strong .. .
Sally Salisbury was with Paul Simpson . . . Sally was in black crepe, and
incidentally she is a Kappa transfer from Hillsdale this year. . . Sue Johnson
and Butch Abbott were together. . . as were Elizabeth Rourke and Bud Fries.
An old couple that are now back together again are Betty Schmidt and
Knute Norman. . . Ruth Kennedy was there in a black crepe with a large
white satin collar .... she was with Floyd Sweet ... and Marg Rogers was
with Jim Morgan ,. . Jim is a Beta but never-the-less he was there.
New Term Means Blind Dates ...
And now to flash back to the League for a minute ... . Several Phi Gams
in search of dates did a pretty good job of finding some blind dates at Betsy
Barbour for Saturday night. . . Betty Howard went with Bert Coffey. . . Mary
Lou Traywick had a date with George Bordman . . . Barbara Paterson was
with John Rinck ... and Marjorie Merker was with Bill Jewett.. . who, we
hear, is a member of the freshman football squad.
After the Chi Psi open house Saturday afternoon a number of the mem-
bers and their dates made their way to Chubbs. Harriet Hathaway went
down with Tom Sullivan . . . Mary Rall was with Jack Palmer ... Mary wore
a plaid wool of brown and gold.. . Martha Hankey who was with John Beck-
ert was in a rust crepe with moleskin trim.. . and Jean Seeley and Julie Kane
were also there and much in demand on the dance floor.



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