THiEMCIGNDAILY l AY, UOA "I'll I I I L I , Wleepy Hollow--Replete WIith Traditio, nsO.f ABy-G one 3ay (Continued frymVs i(:edxoiei oerewtu 'ien: "Everybody ,n~ that api ahli I.iP~ )sopher does not 1nwa much as Cetil h neisaporiat. sophomore; and IcnrauaeyouOnicpa.alafroc --yuouh ni having reachecd tatln 7oW~ko eeo ~wI~ .cn Frequently the Presdniwt here, hnIa r otte icpDuc gut even thesttlJae urlCasilhio hiWaintniv ingell had no (;lec onlte absencetI ,1~'e~ t 5aP1Ptnt rf decorum in Slepy ollow. Al- ua mhhttr t~eimyb ays the speakers_ icddseveralththc lirwens toe irofessors and acul of deans. th" nds >c ao - heeey hol- The Cap Ngtclbainisll\e u h iv o itne,11could 'bile carried offin pl f a eiiifrsm sc I~AAC ~l estivity, was always cdryadteNgt tudents well-behaved:.Btatr h ltth .n.~ae nvest eturning snake dac( cce h lgswllu170 ht tWSD ampus, there usedto b au e uhtig Tegsir iigdw worts of students.on:ont o' rmte o ,ctoi i"u~i ,nd sometimes takno i o uhi eln i~GJ i u lIi f this or that,.atclrgair ~pe ot 1 The class games, wh ._ch_.were Yheld' s tt d c n Abtr ndpr ni what was thenh il'ahei tisoiw~bEao u rafre eld, consisted chiefl ( te o c treams ri u --nt ul1 bag fights, relay rac .santhtiw eiigedvlpdnowats f war, which ended up wvithetb now Sleep;y lc. rush or sophs in the Huron. The «raivel, oun ntentjs Those bag fights, in which the lower to the ,car ofthHolwisgd lassmen tried to tie each other up )evidenceP ofthstegelitsay ith pieces of ropere really fights. as is h ep~~ena t hog 'wo or three fr e.henxou r to which flos1 h he ino. eparate a sophomre, rus him up, spoali~~l~l~y, that end take him to their "camp," and the t-he entr e'onaln ilcyHP ophomores would try to do the aelW niiii n owse one o the freshmen. It was ntigfortn ne.ucradh lio t bs to be broken, and soeie h ef alk.Petecmyhv een ajuries were more sros uha causedbyorfoofhetrm, cracked skull or two. Bulin tose na avrbe micytiedprid days the "men were made of sterner ci yris ri a aebe tuff" - maybe. n boyfAter. And then Michigan spirit began to hyd'tko.Olteprh- anie. The days of Old Man Yost's sailrshe, h t ed to burn ghting .Point -- a - 'Minute footballterpt hrcudtl o h, eams' gave way to the day-: when he conference championship . )was iven to Kipke's boys a1,a1matter of i nurse. Cap Night becamelessnd (, -ss each year the irl'iufetvj eremnony. And Sieecust tHollo.wTbe- ears ago when t. iy ,r ied o holdit, - y kot 100 freshmen n opooe iisgust. i ' This coming spring --who knows? vi . Ve 'he motley crew of frosh is again ampant. They haetakento pots A ivry.u'en rith a vengeance. Eve touhhe ;on't have class ame bcaue -- s 1i'_(: 0, o ai'i ' P iid birdl rie Old Timer exrse t Teeo h iso~i )-~ fTil ary oesn't seem t eayspooe" ~ abe lt i i xibition ass" - they may :A1 v veaclssi h]V 1 , n f r c toegcofther ight;, and Slcepy flovmy nei.Jrny h eg ieaoni 30 gain resound with enthusuisti";°c vie o43mlin cr;odadwr nid be brightened bey h fireo un-fudI i;s [e~aotIen r)il.'s ig pots. hotn Crawfrd, Neaka How Sleepy Hollow came to be Augngb s w hp, and sur- alied Sleepy Hollow is 6sornethiingfatina 1i:gste"egs re probably fa mystery, the details of whicha are fr c ai«edck-ke id, Dr'. E. C. uried in the past. Untilthe trn Case. d bretocrsof themseurm of pale- fthe century it was adeoltespt. ontoflogy, said. )o far away from the.- citynd the r-:wo of the eggs were pierfectly ampus to be botheivcd with. BJta pitrV. ved ii txin g hardlyany crush- oth Ann Arbor and the Universty ing. Two others were, partly crushed. --- - - ------ irelltory SCOTT' WliNS -DAMNAGES tent of $126.24 in circuit court Proessr Ivin D.Scotof 1043 Thursday morning. Oliia \ eni, mmbe o the Uni- t cQ~tyfault, asawrded dam- WNATCH SPECIALISTS ages~ ~ ~~o ina5itaCn1 rfesrAl- cisar4(len ad ~ rti'of: ,he Collge t Eginerni, ad Pof. 1121 So. University Ave. Loiissonl, 'Alfred. Jr. to the ex -___________________ 0i . IBSEN pl'i e ad, iO Wvi1(- i Alti ci ' J; nor ' i r -1 A 4 Dc n~osn be scrda.:no' di < cI 1lc per reac,;h:ag line (on o liveavern ,ewords- to l~c pr reaing ine fr dingy-e rlioe lO.O, 2 onth..........(3c 300 lines c -ed de sired..........Be 100ltsusda asrd.......7c 2,000 lines v ed as desired ........6c th e above rates are per r^_ i' ' line, b sd on eight reading lines p:, inch. Inctype, up-,per and lowor c-:e.Add yc per line ':o above rates ir altcap)ital lettrs. Add Ge per line to aboxe for t gdfcuurid lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters The above rates are for 711 point type. LAUNDRY STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices rea sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 6x _ NOT_._.lICES _- n-san andaddress.10 ets10 C