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October 20, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-20

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Continued fair weather to-
day; not much change in tem-



Slow Motion Justice...
What's Become Of
Comedy Club? . .




Boycott On
Ital Voted'
By League,
Sanctions Ban Purchase
Of Italian Exports By y
Member Nations
Ethiopians Gather
For Major Battle
Attitude Of Aon-MemIIber
Nations Will Be Sought
By Committee
GENEVA, Oct. 19. -- (IP) -The
League of Nations general committee
of 52 nations tonight voted to drop I
the guillotine of a drastic "buy noth-
ing from Italy" boycott on the Italo-
Ethiopian war.
The assembled delegates fixed Oct.
31 as the date when the League mem-
bers will decide just when to let fall
this knife, the first of its kind in his- Son
tory. obligi
In other words, Premier Mussolini Mich
has just 11 days left to think things burn
over. If he has not capitulated in amph
that time to the League's demand ford hospi
peace, the League will: Th
1. - Amputate 70 per cent of Italy's studer
exports - the percentage normally porti
sold to countries which are members not
of the League; first
2 -Extend mutual assistance to Sleep
League members which are hit by It
3-Refuse~ ~ ~~t 1t1e Iayrcev ~
the repercussions resulting from tins in
blockade of trade; o h
3 - Refuse to let Italy receive any Darts
"key products" used for the manufac- say
ture of war materials from League they
members, games
Eden Is Author Of Plan that,
The boycott, devised to a large ex- Cap
tent by Anthony Eden, the British years
minister for League of Nations affairs,
is expected by its advocates to deal a
crushing blow to Italy's incomes and 0,
seriously cripple that nation's capacity
for continuing the war.
Only the voices of Hungary and '
Austria, as on previous occasions, were
raised against the sanction. Dele-
gates of both these nations, neighbors
and friends of Italy, said that the
economic boycott would be a crush- Faci
ing blow to them economically.
Tonight's work winds up the first W
big rush of sanctions decisions by Fi
the League.
It climaxes the "halt the war" drive
which began with the solemn con- k
demnation of Italy as an aggressor Ank P
and continued with relentless pressure A in
through an arms embargo, a finance thg M
blockade and this formal approval Work
of the buy-nothing and key-product Th
ban. which
Additional sanctions may yet be whch
voted against Italy, but it is not ex- the
pected they will be seriously consid- he
ered until Oct. 31, on which date the "Illne
League states are requested to notify Glk
the League Secretariat when they can the co
begin the actual enforcement of eco- I 'Sf
nomic sanctions.
the m
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 19. - (P)- orni
Concentration of Ethiopian troops for
a major clash with an Italian army Spe
was disclosed today by Ethiopian au- , I:spi
thorities. .enta
The government announced that a Rober
carefully-prepared plan had been Train
completed for a strong stand against clared
the Fascist invaders. It is expected cae
to take place at Makale, 60 miles a "de
southeast of Aduwa. , . Th.
Emperor Haile Selassie's warriors tients

have been strengthened by a strearn
of war materials into the country fol- haven
lowing a lifting of munitions embar- lack o
goes. He
Ethiopian officials said that the Hospi
populace around Amlbaalaje, northern ,nrg
Tigre Province, was infuriated by the sored
killing of a child by Italian air bombs.

Where TI ey Reveled O n Cp Night Lon tAgo

olverinesaunch Aerial Attack


Deeat isconsin, 20

-12, For

econdStraig1t _1



* h: *

~ ~
me 40,000 years ago, a glaciier
ingly pro vided University of
igan freshmen with a place to
their pots - Sieepy Hollow, the
hitheater-like glen behind the
e prehistorir yea-ling co'lere
nts failed to recognize their op-
nity, legend has it, and it ws.
until the 1900's that the fresh
began to take advantage of
y Hollow.
that ravine hack of the Univer-
Hospital, which new lies quietly
e beautifl foliage of fail, some
ewildest limes held around these
took place the Old Timers
It was in Sleepy Hollow that
had the freshman-sophomore
s. And it was in Sleepy Hollow
above all, they held the famous
Nights, when the freshmen of
ago would discard their badge
Lities hi Ps~,yehop~a e iI~
ars Are 1) ploredl In
[nal Session
rly 700 delegates from social
groups throughout the state left
Arbor yesterday after conelud-
he 3rd annual convention of
Michigan' Conference of Social
e sessions of the conference,
opened last Wednesday, were
ided with a luncheon meeting n
Union ha]lroom, at which Dr.
Freund of Detroit spoke on
sa as a Challenge." Elroy S.
i ,newly-eled pre ident of
nfreiee presided.
cial Acuion in Miehiua" was
eneral topic of discussion at the
ng .essione.
1)r. Ru hell Speaks
akinig on "Necued Action in the
talhzalion arid Tw nucnm of
al Patients in Miehigaa,'' Dr.
rt Macell of the Wayne Couny
ing School at No thvill, de-
1 t, it the state's faciitIes forl
of t mentally diseased are in
lpicrQAe mess."
Fc are over 1,000 mental pa-
in Mlehtan who have been
itted to ins utions but, who
't been admit ted because of the
4 room, Dr. Haskell asserted.
went on to say that the State
tal Commission would be "re-
ized" by the legislation spon-
by the commission and GCoy.
D Fit zgerald

r1 F-bi
F WX S" x ~fi 'LFYx'vi'' m£.eAs H L A
Be Held Todam
3V arsity Rh,. o. '. & . Band
' '11 March 'oStation;
* * *Feam Arrives At 3 :40
The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band, the
ft'cheerleaders and what William Dix-
- on, '86, president of the Men's Coun-
) 4- cii, hopes xvil be a large number of
. students will turn out to the Michi-
~ - ~~gan Central Depot at 3:40 p.m. today
of infeoiorhty and hurl their pos iin to give Michigan's vitorious football
the huge, e rakhng bonfires, built team the welcome it deserves.
lust to the outh of the clump of Dixon, who talked with William D.
i eltree:; in the center of the io- Revilli, director of the Band, empha-
low.sied that the Band will definitely be
And thoe Cap Nights, which al- present today. Band members are
was cane about ther middle of May to meet at Morris Hall at 2:30 p.m.,
tis; after the 'lass gamnes, were great IRevilli told him.
affairs, awi fd by not only fresh- The Band will march down State
men but everybody in the University. Street to the depot. It is believed
It, was about 7 p.m. that the long that Coach Kipke and Captain Bill
parade down Nor:h University Ave- Renner will make brief speeches.
nue used to tart. --fir:st the seniors, Last year the team was welcomed
desed in the caps and gowns, then home after its defeat in Chicago. Two
the juniors, next the sophomores,
and finally the exectant frosh.
They would have speeches by alum- BAN) MEMBERS TO MEET
ni, faculty menibers. and students; Members cf the Varsity R.O.T.C.
music by the Vaisity Band; cheers Band were requested last night o
and songs by everybody. Then some meet at Morris Hall at 2:30 p.m.
dignified upperclassman would arise today in preparation for their pa -t
and tell the freshmen that they were in welcoming the Michigan foot-
"now at the end of the period of sus- ball squad home from its victory
picion and at the plane of toleration." over Wisconsin.
And the yearlings, yelling and sing-
mg at the toanof their voices would years ago a pep meeting was held at1
parade around the bonfire, making the depot when the team returned
kindling of their pots from Evanston, after winning its sec-r
When the caps wre properly~ dis- nd consecutive Big Ten champion-
posed of, all the students would snake d sBh
dance b-ack to State Street, often be- sip-b
hindthe and andperhps ncirle verything points to a big wel- )
hind the Band, and perhaps enirc le coming celebration," Dixon declared.
t ca-rnus everal timeso. Andwh "After its 20 to 12 victory over Wis-
acd . ..eople uAnn Arbor, who, no nsin, the tearn certainly deserves
z: ttirer were tay lived. coud hear a royal welcome. I'm sure the Stu -
he revelry, wot td know that some- dents won't let them down."
thin was doing up at the Univer- last night
sity. stated that the squad and its coaches
Simply everybody used to turn out were in high spirits, jubilant over
aid sit on the banks of Sleepy Hol- their victory. The conensus among
loi to see the reintiorof the rots , sports writers here is that it greatly
Park in 1907 when the enrollment in increased the morale of the griddrsZ
tic University was less than 3.000, and will do much toward helping to
there v/areC o000 peusons present as make the rest of their season success-
spectatos. And they all enjoyed it,
the students more than anybody else.
'he faculty members, especially,-
ock jart in the ceremony. Speaking cl K. inih D
at Cap Night, with the shadows of
ihe Sleepy Hollow bonfire flickering 4 jt. aI 'r
among the gently swaying trees, theH
late Profes;Gor Wenley of the philo-f
ophy depamiteri orae told the fresh- KALAMAZOO, Oct. 18. - 01)
(0 nl n 'Hd '1 ra Retneent at ive Henry M. Kimoball
fRep., Mic.)l died today. He suft-
Srced a stroke of apoplexy last sum-
m x serving his first term as
Irepr-esntaive of the Third Michigan
d;7 di-c: and had been ill since.
Rides j. 1-v:o Msdea h was attvributed to over-
work and the strain of his first. con-f
'essional session.
On July 6, he sIf('red a' stroke.
- -- -For a week, he was sen-consewust
W F NGTor Oc. 1. - Garfield hospital, Washington.
Wtl; may13. Gordo r ' ftereaaevr' ral weeks of Wradual im-
bankiug of Pennsylvania and receiv- urovemet, he returned home. TheI
er for the closed Hamilton Trust Co. uorovement apparently continued
of Philadelphia, has failed in the until yesterday, when he suffered a
United States Slprene Court to force relapse that caused his death at'c
Rabbi Bernard Heller of Ann Arbor, 4:_am.
formerly of Phila delphia, to pay ap-
pro::imately $5,000 claimed to be due
the bank. . 111 eSS
The court refused to pass on the Fin
decision of the Michigan Supreme i
Court, holding that a judigment ob-
taintd by the secretary of banking
against Rabbi Helir in the Philadel- By JOSEPH S. MATTESr
phia court of common pleas was not Ann Arbor's business men benefitedz
acceptable. fmm Univ°r ity fraternities to the
The Philadelphia judgment against extent of more than a half million
Heller was obtained in April, 1933, dollars last year, according to thet
for $4.712, balance due on a bond and -eport of the Committee on Fra-
warrant given the bank by Rabbi ternity Financial Standard Exemp-
Heller, accompanied by a mortgage tions.t

.ou real estau, to secure payment of sixteen of the 25 expense items list-1
:83.0-0 on or before March 11, 1927. 1d in the report, representing all but
In January. 1934, the secretary of $13,000 of the total 'expenditure of1
""nkin botught suit in Michigan 1592,91.1.53, are either directly or in-I
to mforce payment of the judgment, directly beneficial to the community,j
which with interest them amounted to while the remaining nine items are
$501. The trial cou r in Washtenmaw or are not, depending upon the in-
county decded against the secretary, dividual fraternity.{
and was su t dmed by the Michigan Of items in the decidedly beneficialI
Supreme Court, which held the claim 'lass, food provisions, amountinug to
had beoui outliod because suit had' $.7,117.56, more than one third of
not t'e. begun it Philadelphia with tue total expenditure, represents the'
ein' six years n quired by Pennsyl- r e ite-n.-Rent assumed

viscon siin Runner Downed In Tracks After Punt

Wilson, Wiscnsin left halfback, is shown after receiving a punk
by Sweet in the first quarter of yesterday's game. He was downed almost
in his tracks by Lincoln. This photo was flown to Detroit by airplane.


Michi gan Rolls Up Lead Of
Three Touchdowns In
First Half Of Contest
Blocking Appears

Martinelli Explains
Encore Refusal As
Invariable 'Rule'
Why did Giovanni Martinelli and
Ezio Pinta, noted Metropolitan Opera
singers, refuse an encore to the 6,000
persons who vigorously and steadily
applauded their duet for nearly five
minutes last night?
"Well." said Martinelli, the ruddy-
faced tenor, when the question was
put to him, "it is a rule. What can,
you do when it is a rule?" and he
shrugged his shoulders and spread
hi harids expressively.
"Alas," the Italian artist continued.
T'I'he rule, it says that the duet shall
not be an encore. I am so sorry. You
see, I could do nothing. It is a rule."a
The singer laughed, shook his head of,
shaggy, grey hair and looked at Pinza.
And the tall, stern bass-baritone
grunted an assent.
"Well," Martinelli said as he pre-
pared to get into a waiting taxi out-
side Hill Auditorium, "I am so glad,
you liked the concert - er, ah -is
it that you did like the concert?"
"Yes," he was assured. "Very,
"Ah," he smiled. "That is very
fine. Well, I go now."
And he got into the taxi.
r O wABs n AlIubTOh i
ca~r ::aw (ra dViat
Sheridan Downey, national coun-
selor for the Townsend movement, a
pl'acticing attorney in San Francisco,
Calif., and a graduate of the Uni-
v'.sity of Michigan law school with
the class of 1907, will deliver an ad-
dcess at, 3 o'clock Monday night at
a Townsend meeting in the Ypsilanti
I-igh school.
Mr. Downey was an outstanding
debater during his undergraduate
days, and was manager of the Mich-,
' anensian in the year he graduated.
I Milion e" riy
ed to $7,710.06. parties to $6,723.44,
and repairs to $6,218.22.
Expenses for telephone amounted
to 55.823.50. Supplies cost $4,707.21;
taxes, $3.894.97; miscellaneous board,
$3,863.27; and rushing, $2,177.75.
The remaining expense items,
which may or may not have been of
benefit to Ann Arbor, are as follows:
Dues. $5,792.02; educational (books,
periodicals. etc.), $1,676.77; insurance
$317.04: interest, $2,930.59; Michi-
ganensians. $1.82.47; store, $669.47;
other expenses, $21,741.95.
There were seven sources of in-
come as listed by the committee in
the report. The largest was board,
for which fraternities collected $306,-
156.50. Second largest was room,
which amounted to $181,512.43.
The income obtained from dues,
much of which went to the national
organizations, was $54.032.52. Spe-
cial assessments amounted to $6,-
986. donations to $979.24. fines to

Cadet Officers
Are Appointed'
Enrollment Reaches Total
Of 668; Is Largest In
History Of Corps
Cadet appointments to the Reserve
Officers Training Corps and the larg-
est studefit enrollment in its history
were announced yesterday by Col.
Frederick C. Rogers, professor of mil-
itary science and commandant of ther
Final compilations bring the total
student enrollment in the corps to5
668, of which 160 are in the advancedl
group and 198 in the sophomore1
The new list of cadet officers is
headed by Paul W. Phillips, '36, col-
onel, and Charles A. Framburg, '36E,t
lieutenant-colonel, who were appoint-
ed last June.
The new appointments include
Louis Antol, Jr., Dan K. Cook, '35,
and L. Maurice Mason, '36Ed., as ma-1
jors of the First, Second, and Third
Battalions respectively.
The company captains are: Com-
pany A, John B. Hcles, '36; B, William
A. McClintic, '35E; C. Floyd J. Sweet,
'36E; D, Russell E. Mason, '36E; E,
Edwin D. Howell, '36E; F, James F.
Goodrich, '36E; G, Geoge A. Graves,
'36E; IH, Lyle M. Reading, '36E; I.
John E. Johnson, '35E: K, Arthur H
Cutler, '37; L, William H. Fleming,
'37; M, Harold G. Bowman, '36E; and
Headquarters Company, George M.
Hincz, '35E.
Staffs Announced
The new captain and regimental;
adjutant is W. N. DeRamus, '36; cap-z
Lain of intelligence, Kenneth C. Mo-
sier, '36E; captain of plans and train-
ing, William H. Eason, '36E; and
captain of supply, Howard W. Under-
wood, Jr., '36E.
The new staff of the First Battalion
is composed of Robert M. Burns, '36,f
Boyd E. Allen, '36E, D. F. Hulgrave,
'36, and Timo W. Heilala, '36E, first
Those for the Second Battalion are
Edwin W. Richardson, '35E, Anson G.
Raymond, '36E, Robert M. Stevens,{
'36E, and Robert J. Auburn, '36E; and
in the Third Battalion the first lieu-
tenants are Wayne W. Crosby, '36,
Cyril V. Gross, '36, Charles W. Swart-
out, '36E, and Edwin V. King, '36.
First lieutenants for the companies
are, in the order of their company:
James H. Wilson, '36, Tunis C. Ross,
Jr., '36, Edward A. Stone, '36, Alfred
M. Hilburger, '36E, Robert S. Fox, '36,
Howard J. Jackson, '36E, Wesley C.
Hurley, '36, Walter D. Weidner, '36E,
Charles E. Nadeau, '36, Robert L.
French, '36, Wray H. Reger, '36, Clif-
ford H. Greve, '36, and Julian L. Stef-
fenhagen, '36E.
Donald G. Sutherland, a former
student of the University and a spe-
cial investigator in the Bureau of In-
ternal Revenue, Will be buried in Ar-
lington national cemetery, the Treas-
ury Department reported Friday.

Game Nearly Lost In 2nd
Half As Oppressive Heat
Causes Listless Play
(Sports Editor)
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 19 -(Spe-
cial) - The Michigan eleven rolled up
a three-touchdown lead in the first
half of its Western Conference game
with Wisconsin here today, nearly
lost it through listless play in the
second half, but emerged on the long
end of a 20 to 12 score.
Early in the game the Wolverines
launched a brilliant passing attack
with Capt. Bill Renner and Chris
Everhardus in the lead roles, scoring
twice in the first quarter and again in
the second. Everhardus laid the way
open for two of the Michigan scores,
intercepting a Badger pass to give his
mates the ball on one occasion, and
recovering a fumble another time.
After Wisconsin had scored a first
down on a long lateral forward, Par-
rott, to Tommerson, to Jankowski on
the first play of the game, Everhardus
recovered a fumble in midfield. First
downs by Everhardus and Smithers
and a pass ruled complete through in-
terference took the ball to the 10 yard
line, and a pass, Renner to Smithers,
scored. Viergever converted.
Savage Scores
The second score came shortly
afterward when Renner passed to
Savage for 17 yards and a touchdown
after Everhardus had put the ball in
position with two first down runs.
Early in the second quarter, after
Smithers had run the ball to the Wis-
consin 25 yard 'line on a play in
which Cedric Sweet laid out two men
with his savage blocking, Renner
passed to Everhardus for the final
Michigan touchdown. Everhardus
place-kicked the extra point.
Wisconsin opened the second half
kith a flurry of passes in reply to
the Michigan attack, and made four
successive first downs on the passing
combination of Tommerson to Wind-
ward and Wilson, carrying the ball
ftom their 27 to the Michigan 10 yard
line. After three plays made eight
yards, Wilson swept wide around end
and crossed the goal line in the ex-
treme corner of the playing field.
Jankowski's try for the extra point
Neither team showed a brilliant at-
tack as the play was divided until
the closing minutes when Tommerson,
v:.n his own 22, threw to Wilson on
his 45, Wilson scoring on a run down
time sidelines as Ritchie and Ever-
hardus missed him.
Heat Sils Play
Oppressive heat spoiled the play
ater the first half, neither team
showing particular punch, although
ichigan's listless play reflected the
greater let-down.
Michigan, however, displayed im-
provement over its first two games in
blocking and tackling. The best block-
ing play of the day came on Smith-
ers' run in the second quarter which
paved the way for the third Wol-
verine touchdown. Sweet, running
ahead of Smithers, bowled over Jan-
kowski, who had sifted through, then
cut ahead of the ball carrier to knock
dawn a Badger halfback.
The Wolverine line was charging
faster and tackling lower against a
Wisconsin team which failed to show
great strength in its line play.
rhe conclusion of the game was
marred by a near mixup when Golem-
geske was halted in the midst of the
Michigan team after he had been
throwing insults from the field at
Coach Kipke and Michigan players
on the bench, and after alleged dirty
play on his pan't.
Wisconsin outpointed Michigan 14
to 9 on first downs, largely through
passes, 10 of them coming in the sec-
ond half.

Tryouts for the business staff
of the Michiganensian are asked
to report at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the 'Ensian business office at the
R*,,dp1,* Pihn~ation sThilminzm. it

"".1 1U. i .A , 1:. L cl .
Although the government did not Michigan ranks thirty - second
state the quantity nor the places to among the stares cf the Union D:'.
which the arms and munitions were Haskehl said in the matter of pro-
going, it is known that they include vision for care of its mentally sick.E
American machine guns and Belgian Judge Tho pso Speaks
and Czechoslovakian rifles and cart- Judge Ruth Thompsom piesident ofr
ridges, and are modern. Other secret the Probate Judges of Michigan, ad-
sources areralso sending older arms vocated that the present legislatio.
over the provided for nol hers' pensins should
be amended to exclude divorcedi
McAllister Slated mothers from benefits. Her subject
was "The Futur'e c Mothers' Pen-
To Head Librarians " s"o in Michigan."
Asserting that mothers' pensions
are "one of the best things that can
ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 19. - -- be done with public funds," Miss
Samuel W. McAllister, of the Uni- Thompson added that they have put
versity library staff, is unopposed for an undesim able premium on divorce.
the piesidency of the Michigan Li- Four reasons for the failure of ti'
brary Association in the election 1ill provicin for centralization of the
which concludes the group's forty- state deprt;ment of public welfare.
fifth annual convention here today. sponsor-ed by the conference, were

The retiring president is Mrs. Loleta outlined by William J. Nor ton, execu--
D. Fyan, Detroit. tive vice-president an secreta y.
Other candidates for office, also ,However he pointed out, the con-
nominated without opnosition. are i fer'enee should ctoninue to make everyI

I After stai ai a'G0 .~ 0

hs propomlions ef the second largest
single expeniditure, amounting to
$132.974.78. and labor represents the
third largest item, 82,987.11

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