TH E, M IC HIMAN -,DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 II TIE MICHIGAN DAILY The Philanthropies of Carnegie... 4- Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Te News Service. MEM ER S$Ot eal &11tat t rt S -1934 1i"W _]bfgz 1935 son wscons MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press i exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as rechd, class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Thiird Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West2nd Street, New York, N. Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............JOHN J. FLAHERTY SPORTS EOITGR....................WILLIAM R. REED WOMENS EDITOR ..............JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDITORS.HALY ......DOROTHY S. GIES, JOHN C. HEALEY EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS News Editor..........Elsie A. Pierce Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul- man. Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich- ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and Bernard Weissman. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman. WOMENS ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H. Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M. King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil- lam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich- ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey, Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker, Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine John Hinckley, S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little, Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, ErnestrL. McKenzie, Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick, Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle- ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller, Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks. Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas, *Beatrce Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes, Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner, Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars, Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick- root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit- ney. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON EDIT MANAGER .. ....JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGERS........... ...MARGARET COWIE, ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, 'Willis Tolinson; Cn-, tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;I Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt- man.] -USINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert, D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry J. Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, Wil- " 'liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star- sky, Norman B. Steinberg.1 WOUEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Polier. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY HAndbill Passing Vs. A College Education.. W HEN A STUDENT is suspended from' this University for participating in an unpremeditated prank, such as breaking into a sorority house, the student body laughs at the prank and says it is too bad but guesses that he1 shouldn't have done it. When a student is sus-] pended from the University for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, the student body calls him7 a fqol and says he should have known better. BUT, when two members of the National Student League pass out handbills on the campus, after' they were warned not to do so because of a Uni- versity rule prohibiting it and are suspended for' such action, their fellow comrades cry to nobody' in particular that it is "suppression" and "dis-1 crimination." Most students have enough intelligence to real- ize .that in a University of this size there must be certain rules of conduct to be followed by the studlent. The Board of Regents has vested in cer- tain officials of the University the power to adopt such rules and issue such orders as they see fit and to discipline violators of such rules or orders. Both Miss Folkoff and Opler, we are sure, have the intelligence to realize that when they are ordered not to distribute handbills on the campus, failure to comply with this request must neces- sarily meet with disciplinary measures, and in no way can discrimination be construed from any such action. It is rather obvious that the two students de- liberately dared the University to do something about it, and their punishment is no less than you would expect from any officer of the law if you at- tempted to tell him that "You can't arrest me for breaking that window." But whatever their mo- tive was in breaking the rule, the fact remains that although in their minds they might be "dying" for a cause, they have completely botched up their educational career at this University unless they promise to mend their ways. After all it takes no Socrates to figure out that a diploma from this URING OCTOBER and November an international celebration of the centenary of the birth of Andrew Carnegie will be held. The principal celebration will take place in New York in the last week of November. Although Ann Arbor contemplates no commem- orative exercises, as Dr. Bishop suggests "it would be ungracious to let the anniversary go by without mention." Everyone is undoubtedly aware of the numerous and extensive benefactions of Mr. Carnegie, as well as the widespread help given to libraries by the Carnegie Corporation in carrying out his policies. Through the efforts of both Mr. Carnegie and the corporation embodying his principles the standards of library service have been materially raised, and although it is too early to note the real effect of this work, a deep debt of gratitude is due the memory of this most influential humani- tarian. [THE FORUM1 Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus, Poor A. J. To the Editor: I read with mingled feelings of amusement and pity A. J.'s letter protesting against the use of the word "Hell" on the Freshman banner at the Mich- igan-Indiana game. Is it possible that we have here at the University a student with such tender sensibilities that his delicate nature rebells at the public sight of a good-old American expres- sion? He writes, "The word 'Hell' is considered by the best circles to be vulgar, and from a religious point of view it is impossible to countenance it." If my memory serves me, the word in question is contained in the Holy Bible, is spoken by ministers in church, and was even employed on Rudy Vallee's program this evening. Now if A. J.'s definition of a "best circle" is a place where his idea of "smut" is dispensed with, he must enjoy a soli- tary existence. I shrink to speculate what will happen to his sense of decency when he finds out that some of the college boys say "damn" and drink coca-colas. Or can it be that A.J. is a hypocrite? -George H. Barbour, '39. Yes, Poor A. J. To the Editor: I see that "A. J." feels quite bad, and more or less irate. Because some freshmen's banner read "T'Hell with '38." How come, A.J.? What shel- tered nook has housed you all these years? Would you substitute: "Good gracious" or "Tush, '38, my dears?" Where I come from a good old "Hell" is just a he-man's term. It shouldn't make the shyest miss even blush or squirm. Don't be a sissy, A. J., please. Or holier than the gang. A "Hell" is no better, or no worse, than the merest slang. And please, A.J., don't call it "smut." That's silly and untrue. Or we'll be forced, I think, A.J., to say "T' Hell with you!" Filpak As Others See It More About Subsidization (From the Cornell Daily Sun) T WAS only a few years ago that the famous Carnegie report, disclosing the widespread prac- tices of the subsidization of athletics was supposed to have checked the overemphasis of intercol- legiate competitions. Subsequent developments have proved the contrary, however, and it is gen- erally agreed that there are more colleges which pay athletes in one manner or another today than before the publication of the report. In the current issue of Aeropagus, this whole question of subsidization is brought to light again by publishing the opinions of the football captains of Cornell and three of her major football rivals. Of the four grid leaders, we are inclined to favor the line of thought, followed by Captain Constable of Princeton. Of the quartet, he alone opposed the subsidization of football players. His only reservation, namely that athletes should not be granted scholarships except on the same basis of scholastic merit as other students can be dis- carded as irrelevant since such scholarships do not come under the heading of subsidization. In our minds, the subsidization of athletes is ex- cusable only upon one condition. If an athlete is financially unable to obtain the advantages of a college education without assistance and if he earnestly desires this opportunity without regard to his chance of winning athletic glory, then sub- sidization is excusable. By far the great majority of athletes who are offered inducements to attend a certain institution do not need this financial assistance. Most of them would be able to go to college, perhaps not in such grand style it is true, without a scholarship. A good many of them have attended preparatory schools, and certainly the majority of those able to afford a prep school course can also bear the financial burden of a college education. The truth of the matter is that the exceptional athlete, realizing that he possesses an asset which can be turned to advantage, offers his services to the highest bidder. The declaration that sport ought to exist for its own sake and not for the financial advantage The Conning Tower ODE TO A PURPLE GRACKLE Swart leader of your clan, coal-plumaged grackle, Paternal, brotherly, You hear your glossy cohort croak and crackle, Departing southerly, Though black your coat that many storms has weathered, You must feel gay with it, Since Amy Lowell termed you "Tyrian" feathered And got away with it. -Arthur Guiterman The Council for Moderation, Miss Barbara Hoff- man thinks, should quote the mate of that Scotch ship in William McFee's "Casuals of the Sea," who "spent the whole evening over one glass of whisky -it was a very close night." The Council also should know that the presiding officer at Weston town meetings is the moderator. On November 20 at the Waldorf-Astoria there is to be a Poetry Ball, and committee meetings are being held. Blithely skipping through the news- papers is our habit, and we do not recall having read whether the proceeds of the ball are to be given to poets or why it is called a Poetry Ball. A slogan might be taken from Gilbert's "Roll on, thou ball, roll on"; and on the prograI should be printed that a capella chorus from "The Pi- rates of Penzance": Hail, Poetry, thou heaven-born maid! Thou gildest e'en the pirate's trade: Hail, flowing fount of sentiment! All hail, Divine Emollient! Our guess is that in two years the WPA will be one with the NRA and its blue eagle. One may then look at the files of today's papers and find it hard to believe that one lived in such comical times. The intelligence department of the WPA reveals to executives that the organization is in danger from Communists boring from within. And now WPA state officials have been instructed to approve no further projects calling for the expenditure of Federal funds "to enhance the value of private property or for the production of articles which might be put into ordinary trade." That sounds communistic. What about private property? Is it to be depreciated? The WPA is to build postoffices and Federal buildings; proximity to a postoffice may increase the value of prop- erty. The more we read about it, the worse our vertigo becomes. Sebastian said, "Damnation," sililantly. -From "The Silver Desert," by Ernest Haycox. He couldn't even lisp it. AMUSEMENT PARK We didn't always go to Sylvan Dell for our pic- nics. Sometimes we went by trolley to Vallamont Park. Our burning hope on picnic day was that the car would reach our corner before the front and rear platforms were filled. On the front platform we could watch the motorman manipulate the mechanism, one foot busy with the clamant bell that warned milk and grocery wagons looming at side streets, when we were tearing along at fif- teen miles an hour. Vallamont had few of the amusements such as merry-go-rounds and ferris wheels to interest us then, but later we grew up to enjoy the Laura Wheeler Stock Company. Every summer Laura Wheeler returned with a new husband to act as her leading man, and thrilled play-goers with the lat- est drama, for which, we were assured by the leading man in his daily curtain speeches, the company was paying an unheard-of royalty. I often wondered what royalty had to do with the plays and why in a free country we had to pay them for putting on a show. One summer there was a play about a Lady Godiva and we learned with bated breath of the theretofore unsuspected existence of that shame- less woman of the history books. Thereafter when I joined the worshipers at the stage door I watched with new interest as the now somewhat portly Laura, her hair showing the brittle and multi- colored effects of restorers and dyes, waddles to her cart drawn by two tiny black and white ponies. Laura and her ponies and her husbands have gone their way, the park and its theater have been swallowed in a real estate development which ballooned out of the boom, and in further proof of the mutations of time for-sale signs are tacked to the lordly estates whose owners found after 1929 they weren't as rich as they had supposed they were. But the pines that stir over the rooftops of the Colonial homes reared upon the grave of the theater still breathe the awed whisperings of the boys and girls hearing for the first time of the wicked woman who rode through the streets of Coventry on horseback and to her hotel by pony cart. -Reed McCarty. The Democrats have said that there aren't enough Republicans to make a dent in the Roose- velt 1936 chances, but the number of gentlemen who already have indicated that they have no desire to run is no inconsiderable voting strength. The Department of Justice has supplied a list agitators, reds, communists, etc. Probably these agitators are sowing the seeds of discontent in the unfertile soil of a loyal PWA worker's mind. If the worker paid no attention to this disturbing talk that the Communists indulge in they would be loyal and happy men, whistling and singing at their work. Throw 179 men out of work, and the Department A Washington BYSTANDE R By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. -- (P) - Senator Joe Robinson's answer to Herbert Hoover's speech attacking "nev deal" spending, so promptly shot out by the Democratic national committee publicity machine, throws a bit of light on how that issue is to be met, in part at least, oncethe Democrats really get going. The Senator found-or there was found for him, kindness of the com- mittee--"a bookkeeping error" in Hoover national debt total calcula- tions "ranging from $5,000,000,000 to $9,000,000,000." Even as affecting so stupendous and unconceivable a figure as $34,- 000,000,000, the total Mr. Hoover used, that would be quite an error. Popularizing any discussion that deals in billion dollar units would be a tough job anyhow. If the debate is to be featured by disputes over ac- curacy that involve 10 billions or so, one way or the other, getting the man-in-the-street "het up" over it will take a lot of spellbinding. To catch mass voter attention, any campaign issue has to be susceptible to dramatization. How can you dramatize a billion dollars, let alone 10 or 30 billions? How can any con- ception of such sums be brought home to folks to whom a thousand dollars or less represents the gross return for a year's hard work? It would be just about as easy to get them excited over a dispute between astronomers over the distance to a remote star. Mr. Hoover never showed much gift as a dramatist in speech. Presi- dent Roosevelt has a distinct flair that way. One of the evidences of that is the Roosevelt refusal to let any public address run to statistics. He has not even let his budgetary communications to Congress get crowded with ranked masses of fig- ures which mean so little to the aver- age man. To drive home the "new deal" spending issue and lead up to the specter of inflation must by necessity be a statistical business, whether pre- sented by a Hoover, a Mills or a Knox. Can the Democrats, then, dramatize in some way their answer? The Robinson reply to Hoover sug- gests that they think they can. * * * * Here is how it is likely to be done; About half that "bookkeeping error" Robinson charged to Hoover-the difference between five and nine bil- lions is in what the Senator termed "recoverable assets" held by the gov- ernment against loans. Robinson put the actual total of these securi- ties at $4,527,000,000. They are in tangible understandable forms. The man-in-the-street can understand bank stock, municipal bonds and the like. Sooner or later you are going to hear much more about those "re- coverable assets" and the substantial profit to the government realized in some cases.on liquidation. There is a half-billion-dollar silver lining to the recovery cost deficit cloud right there of which Democratic orators will make a great' deal. To that ex- tent, at least, theywill argue, "new deal" spending has been thriftily done, Mr. Hoover's own reconstruc- tion finance corporation being the chief agency used. THE SCREEN AT THEMICHIGAN 4.. "HERE'S TO ROMANCE" A Fox film with Nino Martini, Gen- evieve Tobin, Anita Louise. Reginald Denn'y, Maria mbsarlime. Schu- mann-Heink, and Escudero. It's too bad for the stars of the stage, opera or radio that when they have come to Hollywood for their screen debut they have to take part in such insipid screen fare as this. The very weak story concerns the adventures of a man and wife (Reg- inald Denny and Miss Tobin) as they spend their ample fortune in sponsor- ing talented young artists. Denny has an apparent weakness for blondes that dance so his wife takes to brunet singers, the only one in the picture being Martini. As things go she becomes enamored with him and causes no end of trouble between Martini and his fiancee, Miss Louise. In the end he reaches the Metropolitan, as they always do in the movies, and all is well for the patrons of the arts. There are but two people who de- serve any credit for keeping this pic- ture out of the deepest morass, and they are Miss Louise and Martini. The former brings a world of charm to the screen and if she did nothing but stand in view she would still be fulfilling a great need. Martini has one of the best voices that we have ever heard in the "talk- ies" and it seems to be a desecration to allow him to sing in a show that has so little else to offer. He makes things pleasant at the start and after a very slow period again in the final scenes of the picture Nino thrills the audience with his incomparable voice. We wish for him that he may remain SATURDAY, OCT. 19, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 16E Notices SocialChairmen of Fraternities and1 Sororities: All party requests, ac- companied by letters of acceptance from two sets of chaperons and a letter of approval from the Financial' Adviser must be submitted to the office of the Dean of Women or the Office of the Dean of Students on the Monday preceding the date set for1 the party. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students., Sorority Social Committee Chair- men: are requested to (1) place on file in the office of the Dean of Wom- en at once a list of party chaperons for the year; (2) turn in the writtenl acceptances of two couples on the party chaperons list at least three days before each party; (3) see that1 a written statement from the sorority financial adviser accompanies the ac- ceptances of the chaperons. School of Education, Changes of1 Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, October 19. Students enrolled ni this School1 must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. . Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with instructors only are not official changes.t Women Students Attending the Co-I lumbia-Michigan Football Game: Women students wishing to attendt the Columbia-Michigan football game} are required to register in the Officef of the Dean of Women.q A letter of permission from parents7 must be received in this office not later than Thursday, October 24. If a student wishes to go otherwise than by train, special permission for such mode of travel must be included in the parent's letter.7 Graduate women are invited to( register in the. office.t Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant} Dean of Women.c Reception for Foreign Students:9 The Counselors' Office has made every effort to see that a personal invita- tion go to every foreign student in the University to the reception att Dean and Mrs. Bursley's Sunday af- ternoon from four to six. It is dif- ficult so early in the year to be sure our lists are complete, that the Coun- selor to Foreign Students wishes to ask any who may have been uninten- tionally missed to accept this general' invitation. New students especially are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to meet their deans and' advisors in a social way. Cars will be provided at the dormitories and at the Michigan League promptly at 4' o'clock to take foreign women stu- dents to the place of meeting. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Academic Notices Candidates for the Ph.D. Degree in English: The preliminary examina- tions will be given in the following order: American Literature, October 19. Nineteenth Century, October 26. Eighteenth Century, November 2. Renaissance, November 9. Criticism, November 16. Middle Ages, November 23. Linguistics, November 30. Anyone desiring to take these ex- aminations should register in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by Friday, October 18, at 4:30 p.m. H. M} Jones. Zoology 32 (Heredity): An exami- nation for those who were absent from the June Final will be held in Room 3089 N.S. on Saturday, Octob- er 26, beginning at 8 a.m. Economics 171: Room assignments for hour examination Monday, Oct. 21, 1 p.m.: A-F-25 A.H. G-O--1025 A. H. P-Z-N. S. Aud. Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Homer Ad- kins, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on the topic, "Reactions of Hydrogen with Organic Com- pounds" at 4:15 p m., Monday, Oc- tober 21, Room 303 of the Chemistry Building. The lecture is under the auspices of the American Chemical Society and is open to the public. Concert Choral Union Concert Program. Gi- ovanni Martinelli, tenor; Queena Mario, soprano; Doris Doe, contralto; and Ezio Binza, bass-baritone, will give the first concert in the Choral Union Series, Saturday evening, Oc- tober 19, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi- torium. To avoid confusion and embarrass- ment, concertgoers are respectfully invited to give careful consideration to the following obvious regulations: The concert will begin on time, and doors will be closed during numbers. Please detach from season ticket cou- Thy Sweet Singing Sleep, My Laddie Sleep Parting Miss Doe Alma mia Nel cor piu non mi sento Ultima Canzone Mr. Pinza Ah! love but a day Oh! quand je dors Olmstead Browning Charles Handel Paisiello Tosti Beach Liszt DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ollice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. SATUDAYOCT 19,193 Aria, "Waltz" from "Romeo et Juliette" Gounod Miss Mario La Cara Rimembranza Donaudy Mattinata Leonayallo Musica Probita Gastaldon Mr. Martinelli Goodnight Quartet from "Martha"~ von Flotow The Quartet Duet: la ci darem la mano from "Don Giovanni" Mozart Miss Mario and Mr. Pinza Duet: Ai nostri monti from "Il Trova- D O B -TWO.............tom Duet: Ai nostri moiti from "Il Trova- tore" Verdi Mr. Martinelli and Miss Doe Duet from "Madame Butterfly" Puccini Miss Doe and Miss Mario Duet: I Mulattieri Masini Mr. Martinelh and Mr. Pinza Bella figlia dell'amore from "Rigol etto" Verdi The Quartet Exhibitions Exhibition of Home Designs-Ar- chitectural Building. Thirty prize de- signs by American architects for homes, selected from the nation-wide competition recently conducted by the General Electric Company, are hung in the ground floor exhibition cases of the Architectural Building. Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., to October 28. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall at 2:30 for a hike down the river where games will be played. Supper will be served at an ap- proximate cost of 25c followed by election of officers. The return trip to Ann Arbor will be made in time for the concert. Art Cinema League: Special meet- ing of members at 1:30 p.m., Michi- gan League. Coming Events Psychology Journal Club: Dr. Mary Van Tuyl will review Carr's "Spae Perception," Tuesday, October 22, 8:15 p.m. Alpha Epsilon Mu meeting onSu- day, October 20, Russian Tea Room,, Michigan League. Members please attend. Plans for the coming year will be discussed. Phi Eta- Sigma, freshman honoray fraternity will hold its first supper Sunday evening at 6:30 in the Union. All members must make reservations at the Union before Sunday noon. The cost of the supper is 35c. Some very important business will be trans- acted at the meeting including ar- rangements for the coming freshmen smoker. Dean Bursley will be pres- ent to lead the discussion. Deutscher Zirkel meeting on Tues- day, October 22, 8 p.m., Michigan League. Officers will be elected. Everybody interested and especially old members are urged to attend. Genesee Club will meet at 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the Union. All me- bers will please be present. We invite all students from Rochester, New York and vicinity to meet with us. Jewish Students: There will be a meeting of Michigan Chapter of Hill- el Independents Sunday, Oct. 20, 8:30, Hillel Foundation. All unaffited Jewish students are invited to attend. A social will follow the meeting. The First Presbyterian Church at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue, Sunday. 9:45, Student Forum Subject: "Con structive Forces in Modern 4fe." 10:45, Dr. Lemon will preach on the subject, "God's Other Bible." 5:30, Student Fellowship and, 5o- cial hour with a 15c plate luncheon at the Temple. 6:30, Dr. Lemon will give reading to the young peoples group on the theme, "Human Moods in Great Lit- erature." The group will hold a party at the Sylvan Estates on next Saturday, leaving the church house, 1432 Wash- tenaw at 1:30 in the afternoon. It will be necessary to sign up for this in advance. Congregational Church, Sunday. Service at 10:30 a.m. with sermop by Mr. Heaps on "Questions Asked Today." Lecture by Prof. Slosson, "Joan of Arc, Christian Patriot." 6:00 p.m. Congregational students and Young People meet in parlors of the church. Following the supper and special music by the Little Sym- phony Orchestra, a Panel Discussion