The Weather Fair today and tomorrow. Warmer today and somewhat cooler tomorrow. ddf Ar tit an :43 l at Editorials Handbill Passing Vs. A College Education ... The Philanthropies Of Carnegie ... VOL. XLVI No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Powers Act o Prevent World War France, Italy And England Agree To Pact Designed To Localize Conflict Britain Withdraws Part Of Naval Fleet Geographer Fails To See What Mussolini Can Gain In Ethiopia Peaceful Settlement Of Italo-Ethiopian Fight Is Yet Possible ROME, Oct. 18. - W) - Faced with the growing threat of a disastrous European war breaking out at any1 moment, the three great powers of Europe - England, France and Italy - got together here today and, it was reliably reported, reached an agree- ment designed to prevent the Italo- Ethiopian conflict from spreading. The agreement, informed sources said, included these points: 1. Britain will withdraw part of her fleet from the Mediterranean. 2. France will substitute French naval units for those withdrawn by Britain. 3. Italy will reduce her forces in Libya. While officially only. a bare an- nouncement of visits to Il Duce by the British and French ambassadors was made, diplomatic circles attrib- uted great importance to them. This impression was strengthened by is- suance of an official communique say- ing that the doors to a peaceful set- tlement of the Anglo-Italian differ- ences in the Ethiopian affair "are not shut." Atmosphere Improved The atmosphere here was notice- ably improved and great hope was held that war in Europe could be averted. At the same time, it was pointed out in semi-official circles that the agreement between Britain, France and Italy, it confirmed, would permit continuation of conversations aiming at terminating the war in Ethiopia. Danger of a Franco-British mis- understanding was at the same time removed by official announcement by the French Government that it had replied affirmatively to the British demand for assurance of French mil- itary assistance in case her fleet were attacked in the Mediterranean while carrying out sanctions imposed upon Italy by the League of Nations. Paris Announces Reply France's "favorable" reply to Great Britain was announced officially in Paris tonight. It was dispatched to London, French officals said, after Premier Laval had been appeased by an as- surance that Great Britain has no present intention of taking military sanctions of erecting a blockade against Italy. Paris officials declined to comment on a report that Premier Mussolini has indicated a willingness to submit terms for peace with Ethopia. The French note to London was reported reliably to have interpret- ed Paragraph 3, Article XVI, of the League Covenant as making mutual support imperative for any member of the League which might be the object of reprisals by an aggressor nation. This was regarded in informed circles as meaning that France will expect Great Britain's instant aid if she ever is attacked by Germany while taking League sanctions in the future. Italian Planes Bomb Northern Ethiopian City' ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 18. - () - Ethiopia's war embroiled government claimed tonight that a fleet of low- flying Italian airplanes had raked the strategic northern village of Ma- kale with machine guns. Forsaking more expensive bombs, the government said, the Fascist fly- ers sprayed the natives with bullets. Casualties were not announced. (An exchange telegraph dispatch said that 60 were killed at Makale by both ma- chine guns and bombs). Makale is 60 miles southeast of Aduwa, Ethiopia's "Verdun," which was taken by the Italian armies in their first big push in the north. Ras Seyoum, the Ethi pian com- mnander in the north was said offi- By FRED WARNER NEAL What can Italy gain in Ethiopia? Probably very little, declared Dr. Henry M. Kendall of the geography department in an interview yester- day. After describing the geography of Ethiopia, Dr. Kendall said, 'All in all, I don't see what Italy has to gain. As far as wealth is concerned, it ap- pears that Mussolini is barking up the wrong tree." Ethiopian imports - chiefly cotton cloth, arms and munitions - are rela- tively small, he said, and "the climate and conditions of the country are such that not much of anything can be gained in the line of actual coloniza- tion." Dr. Kendall doubted the wild tales of Ethiopian wealth, which date back to Biblical stories of the vast riches of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, but admitted that "there is a possibility that they are true." Coal, petroleum, copper and diamond de- posits have been found in the country of Haile Selassie, he said. "But the consensus is," he held, "that the conquest of Ethiopia will hardly pay for all the capital and; energy that is put into it." The main difficulty of the Italians will be to maintain their communica- tions, Dr. Kendall said because there7 are hardly any roads in Ethiopia. The contour of the country itself, while it is generally either very rough or arid, does not present unconquer- able difficulties, he explained. Trouble on that score will come from the fact that the rivers-such as the Blue Nile in the northwest cut deep can- yons in the country, which are dif- ficult to cross. In the east, around Aussa; he point- ed out, the country is very dry and barren, the temperatures very high and there are some active volcanoes. In the southeast, the rivers Juba and Uebi are the sole water sources, cut- ting across the great desert between British and Italian Somalilands, and any fighting will be done for the water holes, he said. In the northeastern mountains of Ethiopia, where the fighting is now the heaviest, the land rises sharply as high as 7,000 feet, Dr. Kendall as- serted. The west side of the land is a series of abruptly separated terraces, he continued, at different average levels of from 1,500 to 8,000 feet. It is in the north, according to Dr. Kendall, that the highest mountains are found. Ras Dashan, the highest peak, just . southwest, of Aduwa, reaches 15,000 feet. The land in this area is volcanic and roughly cut up, he said. "In the midst of this great rugged- ness, lying in a deep basin in the north central part of the country, is Lake Tana, the natural reservoir of (Continued on Page 2) Zenge Guilty; Life Sentence Recommended Defense Attorney Says Appeal To Be Taken; Jury Out 4 Hours CHICAGO, Oct. 18.-WP)-Mande- ville Zenge was convicted tonight of the emasculation murder of Dr. Wal- ter J. Bauer, his rival in love, and heard a criminal court jury recom- mend a sentence of life imprison- ment. The 26-year-old Missourian, cen-' tral figure in oneof the most sensa- tional criminal cases here in recent years, mantained the impassivity that characterized him throughout the trial as the verdict was delivered. His counsel, Attorney Joseph Green, announced immediately that an appeal would be taken. The jury deliberated four - hours and twenty-five minutes before reaching its decision which disregard- ed entirely the defense's contention that Dr. Bauer was attacked during a fit of temporary madness. Under Illinois statues, Zenge would be eligible for parole in 20 years, with time off for good behavior while a prisoner. The prisoner's father and brother, with other relatives, heard the verdict and left to inform his mother, Mrs. Alice Zenge, who was awaiting the report at the home of a relative. Mrs. Louise Schaffer Bauer, who1 jilted Zenge, her childhood sweet- heart to marry the Kirksville, Mo., osteopath, was not in the courtroom. Judge Corneilius J. Harrington set Oct. 25 to hear defense motions for a new trial. Three bailiffs brought the defendant into the packed court- room, when word came that the jury was ready to report. Though Zenge was calm his face was pale. MI.S.C Gets Power To Expel Students The governing body of Michigan State College, the State Board of Ag- riculture, voted itself the power yes- terday to dismiss students "not of good moral character or whose con- duct is subversive of authority," Lan- sing dispatches said. In the past the college has had the power to ask undesirable students to leave school. Recently, however, the right to enforce the demand if stu- dents defy the college has been ques- tioned. The Board of Agriculture legally has the right to vote itself the au- thority, according to Harry S. Toy, attorney general. The full text of the Board's resolu- tion follows: "The State Board of Agriculture shall have the authority to dismiss from the Michigan State College stu- dents, who, in the judgment of the administration, are not of good moral character or whose conduct is sub- versive of authority." HIT-RUN DRIVER ESCAPES F.P.A. To Be Regular Feature In The Daily Franklin P. Adams' daily col- umn, "The Conning Tower," starts today on the editorial page of The Daily and will be a regular fea- ture. F.P.A., one of the country's fore- most columnists, attended the University in 1899 and 1900. He is the author of several well- known books and plays, once col- laborating with O'Henry on a musical comedy. He has worked on some of the best newspapers of the United States and at pres- ent writes for the New York Her- ald-Tribune. Churches Will Sponsor Talks For Students Prof. Slosson Continues Series On Joan Of Arc; To Conduct Forums According to local ministers, most of the churches have scheduled pro- grams and meetings which are espe- cially intended for students and which are designed to promote stu- dent interest in church activity. The Presbyterian Church is con- ducting Student. Forums at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, and the topic of the present discussions is "The Destructive and the Constructive Forces in Modern Life." The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will give a sermon on "Does God Speak to Men?" and Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, will continue his series of lectures with 'Joan of Arc, Christian Patriot' at the morning service of the First Congregational Church, which startsf at 10:30 a.m. In the evening the Roger Williams Guild will have as their speaker Col. H. W. Miller. Col. Miller's subject is to be "The Possibilities of Peace." The regular student meeting is to be held Sunday evening at Harris Hall. The guest speaker will be Mr. John J. Ryan,Warden of the United States Detention Farm at Milan, who will give a talk on "Our Prisons." The sermon at the Trinity Luther- an Church tomorrow morning will be "What Makes a Christian Home," and will be delivered by the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder, pastor of the church. In the afternoon the Lutheran Student Club will meet at the Zion Luther- an Parish Hall for an outing at the Saline Valley Farms. Transporta- tion will be provided for all those desirous of going. Medical School To Vote For Officers Elections of class officers in the Medical School for the current year will be conducted next week by the Men's Council. Senior medics will go to the polls from 12 to 1 p. m. on Saturday, Oct. 92 in the Pathnnov Amnhitheatro Af Social Work Conference Elects Head State Sociologists Name Elroy Guckert President; To Succeed Comstock Business Meeting Will Close Today Training Prisoners For Useful Work In Society Urged ByBates Elroy S. Guckert, a director of the Flint Community Fund, was elected president of the Michigan Confer- ence of Social Work at the annual business meeting of the conference yesterday n the Union. He will suc- ceed Miss Harriet J. Comstock, sister of former governor William A. Com- stock. Mrs. Kathleen J. Lowrie, chief pro- bation officer of the Detroit Record- ers Court, Dr. Ernest B. Harper, Kala- mazoo regional director of the Fed- eral Emergency Relief Administra- ton, and Fred R. Johnson, Detroit, director of the Michigan Children's Aid Society, were elected first, sec- ond, and third vice-presidents, re- spectively. The executive committee will in- clude J. J. Miller, Lansing, Miss Elba Morris, Marquette, Dr. William Haber, Lansing, Mrs. C. F. Remer, Ann Arbor, and Miss Comstock. Parker Is Treasurer Earl H. Parker, director of the De- troit Council of Social Agencies, was elected treasurer and C. R. Hoffer, professor of sociology at Michigan State College, was chosen secretary. At the- afternoon session of the conference, Sanford Bates, director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, speaking on "The Federal Govern- ment Looks at Crime," asserted that "our prisons and reformatories should not be conducted in the interest of the prisoner, but soley with the thought in mind of protecting our communities." Declaring that "all those who go to prison must someday return to society except those who die in the electric chair or the prison hospital," Mr. Bates urged that prisoners be adequately trained during their terms in jail for a useful social career after their release. "In the pursuit of this program, no one need fear that the prisons of the country are becoming places of pleasant sojourn. The deprivation of liberty is the greatest penalty," he. said. Lurie Speaks In a "Rank and Filers" meeting held at 4:30 p.m. in therUnion, the problems of the social workers them- selves were discussed. The speakers at this session were Harry Lurie, contributing editor of "Special Work Today," and Joseph H. Levy, western vice-president of the National Coordinating Commit- tee of Rank and File Groups in So- cial Work. The conference will close today with a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. at which Mr. Guckert will preside. The closing speaker will be Dr. Hugo Freund of Detroit, who will discuss "Illness as a Challenge." At the morning session of the con- ference, beginning at 9 p.m., a panel of three speakers will consider "So- cial Action in Michigan." The talks will be "The Future of Mothers' Pen- si6ns in Michigan," by Judge Ruth Thompson, president of the Probate Judges of Michigan; "Needed Action (Continued on Page 2)1 Wolverines Against Wisconsin Today Adult Education Speaker Defines Woman's Status Sex Discrimination Scored By Mrs. Pinchot In Final Lecture Of Conference In the final lecture of a series sponsored by the Adult Education In- stitute of Michigan at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theater yesterday, Mrs. Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, wife of Gif- ford Pinchot, ex-governor of Penn- sylvania stated that she believed wom- an's place in the solution of modern, economic, social and educational problems was clearly defined and as- sumed a definite meaning. There is too much sex discrimina- tion in the political world today, ac- cording to Mrs. Pinchot, and women must lose their femininity in regard] to intelligent matters of national im- portance. "Sentimentality must be ruled out. As long as women continue1 to function politically as they have in the past, men like Mussolini will be able to attack their interpretationsi of the term 'peace,' and their dis-] torted views of economic situations," the speaker added. Talks Of Own State Mrs. Pinchot further stated that her native state of Pennsylvania was perhaps as hard hit as any by the depression, because of its almost total dependence upon the production of industrial construction materials, namely steel and other capital com- modities. It is an interesting fact that sta- tistics show that 25 per cent of the people in the state of Pennsylvania wereunepinloyed after the depression had been in existence but one year, although conditions have improved greatly in the past two years with the increase in the buying power of the populace, she added.1 Mrs. Pinchot blames the conserva- tives of the Hoover period for the widespread influence of the American depression. Such men stated that "relief is entirely a local question," and refused to ask the federal govern- ment for aid in controlling the spread of the recent depression, she de- clared. Refutes Arguments "Their chief argument against federal relief is the request to 'see what the dole has done to England' and to act accordingly. Rather," said Mrs. Pinchot in refutation of the con- servatives' argument, "rather should expenditures be stabilized to a large extent, eliminating cycles of pros- perity and depression." Mrs. Pinchot believes that the re- cent period of economic insecurity is the fault of Wall Street bankers, who, in assuming receivership of business firms demanded large wage cuts or loans would not be made to the cor- porations. "Albert Henry Wiggin, of the Chase National Bank of New York," Mrs. Pinchot alleged, "raised his own salary of $83,000 annually while on the other hand he was mak- ing necessary huge cuts in the wages of common laborers." Mrs. Pinchot described her visits (Continued on Page 2) Brain Work Held As Income Basis Of Manual Laborer The theory that manual laborers depend mostly upon their brawn and comparatively little upon their brain for the basis of their income is due to be exploded soon, if the figures of a mathematically inclined lecturer in Physics 35 are generally accepted at their surface value. According to the lecturer's compu- tations it would seem that the net daily worth of the work done by a mason's assistant, for example, would be a mere one-third cent if measured on the same basis as electrically powered work. In other words one- third cent's worth of electricity could have done as much shovel-lifting, cement dumping, and wheelbarrow pushing as one man could do in a working day. And since apparently the princi- pal difference between electric pow- er and man power lies in the lat- ter's possession of a brain, it seems that the great excess in his prevail- ing rate of payment must be account-; ed for by this difference. And that is how it happens that the manual laborer gets paid chiefly for his brain] work. Famed Singers Will Begin New Concert Series, Quartet Of Metropolitan' Company To Appear In First Concert Tonight Giovanni Martinelli, tenor; Ezio Pinza, baritone; Queena Mario, so-] prano; and Dors Doe, contralto, mem- bers of the Metropolitan Opera Quar- tet, will inaugurate the fifty-seventh, Choral Union series at 8:15p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Presenting a program of favorite operatic solos, duets, and quartets, the four singers, each a luminary of the Metropolitan Opera Company and interpreter of major operatic roles, will appear before one of the largest crowds to attend a Choral Union Concert since 1929. In spite of an exceptionally heavy advance sale of tickets for both this concert and the entire series, Pres. Charles A. Sink of the School of Mu- sic reported yesterday that there are still a number of desirable seats available in all sections. They may be secured at the offices of the School of Music on Maynard Street until 4 p.m. and will again go on sale at the box office in Hill Auditorium at 7 p.m. Tonight's concert will mark the eighth appearance of Martinelli be- fore a local audience, and the Ann Ar- bor debut of the other three mem- bers of the quartet. All are nationally renowned and have scored repeatedly in numerous familiar operatic roles. As in past years, the doors to the auditorium will be closed on time and there will be no seating of patrons during numbers. . In view of this President Sink has requested that all partons arrive early enough that they may be seated in time for the first number. Mr. Sink also stated that a new driveway has been built on the east side of the building which will enable those attending to leave their cars on either side of the auditorium. (Continued on Page 2) Rural Libraries Needed In State ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 18. - (P) - Twenty-five per cent of the citizens of Michigan are without public li- brary service. Miss Ruth Rutcen of Detroit, told the 45th annual con- vention of the Michigan Library As- sociation tonight. "The largest part of the unserved 25 per cent are in villages under 2500 and in counties having less than 25 residents per square mile," said Miss Rutcen, who is chairman of the as- sociation planning committee and chief of circulation of the Detroit Public Library. Injuries Of Joe Rinaldi, John Viergever, And Art Valpey Weaken Line Renner Out-Kicks Sweet In Practice Badger Squad Polishes Off With Offensive Drill And Pass Defense Workout By WILLIAM R. REED (Sports Editor) MADISON, Wis., Oct. 18.- Al- though weakened by injuries, Mich- igan's thirty-two man football squad showed in its workout at RandalliField here that despite these handicaps it was ready to win its second consecu- tive conference tilt against the Wis- consin eleven tomorrow. Johnny Viergever, star left tackle, though included in the starting line- up is not expected to play any great length of time because of an injury which he suffered in the Michigan State game. Ernie Johnson may get his big chance if Mike Savage does not show better form than he has ex- hibited so far this season. Art Valpey will not be able to replace Savage because of an old injury. Still very weak from the cold that kept him out of uniform for three weeks, it is also doubtful if Joe Rin- aldi will see much if any action against the Badgers. Chris Ever- hardus is in better shape than before the Indiana game although should he weaken Kipke will have Stark Ritchie, sophomore halfback, to replace him. Ritchie is almost completely recovered from his knee injury that has slowed him down so much the last few weeks. Hold Light Workout In the light workout this afternoon Capt. Bill Renner surprised everyone by outkicking Cedric Sweet, Wolverine fullback whose punting was an out- standing factor in the Varsity's win over the Hoosiers last week. Wisconsin polished off with an of- fensive drill and a pass defense work- out, which failed to impress specta- tors. The Badger eleven failed to show any real confidence of winning their Conference opener and the Michigan eleven is conceded to be a slight favorite. Coach Harry Kipke was the main speaker at a great Wisconsin pep meeting tonight. Despite the fact that the game is not of major na- tional importance the Badger fans have worked up great enthusiasm and still have high hopes of upsetting the dope. The Wisconsin eleven is at full strength for the first time this sea- son. The return of Ed Christianson and Paul Jenson, regular tackles, and Len Loveshin, end, should make the Badgers a vastly improved team over the squad that lost to Notre Dame last week by a 27 to 0 score. To Play For Breaks The home team will be playing for a break, much as the Wolverines did last week, and if they get it will play stubbcirn defensive ball that will necessitate a real show of power on the part of the Varsity. Even if the Badgers fail to score early in the contest they still will be a tough team in the opinion of Coach Bennie Oos- terbaan, who scouted them last week. Michigan's hope for victory lies in the right arm of Captain Bill Ren- ner, acknowledged by fans here as the premier passer in the Conference. Doc Spears, Wisconsin mentor, has been working on a defense against Michigan's air attack all week, and the game may resolve itself into an aerial battle between Renner and the Badger backfield. The probable line-ups are as fol- lows: Michigan P os Wisconsin Patanelli ....... LE...... ....Null Viergever.......IT......... Jensen Bissell .......... LG .......Hovland Wright ........C .........Glauss Sobsey ......... RG......... Nellen Kramer ........ RT .... Golemgeske Savage .........RE........ Lovshin Renner .........QB........ Parrott Everhardus ......LH ........ Mortell Smithers........RH.... Tommerson Sweet ..........FB...... Jankowski To Try3 Second Conference For W in I w Mrs. Pinchot Advises Women Who Are Engaged In Politics- By JOHN P. HINCKLEY1 Women in politics need to forget ; that they're women, and in a class by] themselves, the attractively-gowned Mrs. Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, wife of the former governor of Pennsylvania, declared in an interview after her lec- ture at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday. "They must act and vote exactly as if they were without femininity, be- cause they're face to face with prob- lems which require serious considera- tion. The sooner women realize that, the sooner national problems will be adjusted to the satisfaction of every- body," she said. Mrs. Pinchot, a granddaughter of Horace Greeley, returned a few weeks ago from a tour of the South Seas, with her husband. Both are active in nnlitico circeps and were in need tian-hared type, who enthusiastically applauded at the conclusion of her lecture, and was presented with bou- quets from the admiring audience. She graciously accepted these and left to attend a tea given in her hon- or by the Adult Education Institute. She was enthusiastic about Mich- igan in general and praised the Uni- versity in no uncertain terms. Of her own schooling she remarked, "I really had no right to talk to a group of educators - I never went to school in my life, as my family didn't believe that girls should attend schools. "I am afraid I missed a great deal of enjoyment through my strange schooling, which was conducted by governesses who, I'm inclined to be- lieve, didn't know very much anyway. The freedom of women at the present time is in my opinion a great help