The Weather Generally fair Friday and Saturday; cooler Friday. LL Aranf 4:aiti Editorials Clean Campus Elections ... The Professor In Government . . VOL. XLVI No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Europeant Pact Hangs .in Balance Reported Fight Between Italian And Native British Troops Denied League Committee Plans 'New Deal' Selassie Will Not Discuss Peace Until Mussolini Leaves Africa LONDON-- The long Anglo- French European alliance hangs in balance as London awaits France's reply. ZEILA, British Somaliland - Unconfirmed reports say British native soldiers suffeired casualties in fighting with Italian troops; Rome denies report, and London and Addis Ababa are skeptical. ADDIS ABABA-Haile Selas- sie says he'll never discuss peace while Fascist troops remain in Ethiopia; thousands of fierce warriors pledge loyalty before de- parting for the front. ROME - Haile Selassie Gugsa, who deserted to Italy, is made chidf of Tigre province by Itali- ans; major battle near Makale expected soon. GENEVA - A League commit- tee plans a "new deal" program to meet the situation created through application of sanctions against Italy. PARIS, Oct. 17. - W) -Premier Pierre Laval, informed sources said tonight, has told the British ambas- sador that France would be "more willing" to give assurance of aid in case of an Italian attack if Great Britain took her home fleet out of the Mediterranean. While French officials confirmed the likelihood of a favorable reply with reservations to Great Britain on Monday, after that nation's warn- ing that France must choose "be- tween Italy and the League," France also sought a statement from Great Britain as to what she intends to do with her fleet. Laval, it was reported, expressed to Sir George Russell Clerk the hope that Great Britain would move to calm "the uneasiness" caused in France by the possibility of what might arise from "brutal coercive measures" against Italy. The British cabinet already has refused to remove the warships from the Mediterranean, but the French believed it would be willing to with- draw some of them if it received the requested iron-clad guarantee of -French navy support for the remain- ing ships of the regular Mediterran- ean fleet in the case of an Italian at- tack. France, it was indicated, has made it plain she has relinquished any idea of military sanctions, a blockade of Italy, exercise of the right of search of the high seas, closing of the Suez canal or rupture of diplomatic rela- tions with Italy. M. Laval, informed observers be- lieve, would call his cabinet into ses- sion Monday to deal with the British demand for a showdown on the Med- iterranean aid question. GENOA, Oct. 17. - () -- Gugliemo Marconi, distinguished Italian inven- tor, and his micro-wave, which he be- lieves will be a new and extremely use- ful weapon of war, will soon be on the African front. The inventor of the wireless ar- rived today from Brazil and an- nounced he would confer with Premier Mussolini immediately about a mil- itary assignment in Eritrea. He is reported to have carried on experiments with the short wave radio beams designed to stop the engines of enemy airplanes in flight. Marconi last year, demonstrating before a group of naval officers, used micro-wave beams and two so-called 1 "floating radio light houses" anchored in the bay to bring a ship safely into harbor near Genoa. Since these acknowledged successes with the cherished "tiny waves" Mar- coni is reported to have made forward strides in their development. Before sailing for Brazil it was be- lieved he was experimenting with the use of the wave to stall the ignition Nocturnal Visitor Drives Fraternity To Cons ternation Have you a skunk in yourbase- ment? Well, Phi Rho Sigma frater- nity had! The creature was first discovered Tuesday night by the cook, who was awakened during the night by a scratching at one of the basement windows. She investigated but, after discovering the cause of the disturb- ance, decided to leave well enough alone. Theli following day, not desiring a disturbing element in thir midst be- cause of the complications skunks are capable of affording, the members of Phi Rho Sigma called for help from the police department, the humane society, and several other organiza- tions. The zoology department finally came to the rescue and the fraternity was rid of the menace yesterday, be- fore any drastic measures had been taken by its guest. Government Of Austria Comes To Sudden End Schuschnigg To Remain In Chancellor's Post As Cabinet Resigns VIENNA, Oct. 17.-(/P)-Austria suddenly revamped its Government in an atmosphere of bristling bay- onets tonight, putting to an end its system of competing private armies. As heavily-armed police guarded public buildings, Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg and his cabinet re- signed; President Miklas ordered Schuschnigg to form a new Govern- ment and, within a few minutes, changes of far-reaching character were effected. Schuschnigg Still Chancellor Schuschnigg remains as chancel- lor, and the militant Prince Ernest von Starhemberg, leader of the Heim- wehr and fatherland front, retains the post of vice chancellor. But Major Emil Fey, staunch aide of the slain Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, was ushered out of the cab- inet with the minister of agriculture, Josef Reither, a Catholic monarchist leader, revered by thousands of peas- ants. The powerful Starhemberg was given vastly increased authority. He was made head of a new Austrian militia, to be formed of the private armies which heretofore have been a powerful factor in Austrian military organization. This militia will include Starhem- berg's old heimwehr of nearly 100,000 men, approximately 6,000 Catholic storm troops and 15,000 men of the freiheitsbund. New Mi'nisters Named The new cabinet members are, in addition to Schuschnigg and Star- hemberg, Egon Berger-Waldenegg, retained as minister of foreign af- fairs; Eduard Saar-Barensel, inter- nal affairs and secruity; Prof. Dob- retsberger, official administration; Ludwig Draxler, finance; Fritz Stock- inger, commerce; Robert Winterstein, justice; Ludwig Strobl, agriculture; and Karl Buresth, minister Without portfolio. Fey's successor, Baar-Barensels, was provincial governor and Heim- wehr leader in Lower Austria. The Heimwehr also captured the import- ant finance ministry and eliminated from the cabinet its chief foe in the removal of Reither. Fraternities Show Deficit For 1934-35 Composite Loss Of More Than $19,000 Revealed By Committee Report 39 Enjoyed Profits During Last Year Twenty-Nine Suffer Loss Of $21,127.52, Reports Finance Committee By JOSEPH S. MATTES Michigan's 68 fraternities showed a composite loss of $19,878.84 for the school year 1934-35, according to the report of the Committee on Frater- nity Financial Standard Exceptions receivedby 'dean Joseph A. Bursley yesterday. The total income of fraternities, the report reads, was $573,032.74 while the total expenses were $592,- 911.58. The composite loss of $19,878.84, the committee explained, ignores in- itiation fees which totalled $23,- 058.95. From this sum, $8,983.08 was paid to national organizations, the remainder being appropriated to the fraternities. In consideration of' these fees, the composite loss was de- creased to $5,802.97. 39 Fraternities Gain Although fraternities as a group were financially deficient, 39 frater- nities enjoyed a composite gain of $15,324.55 as compared to 29 suffer- ing a composite loss of $21,127.52. Four fraternities which operated during the 1934-35 school year did not receive permission to operate dur- ing this school year, the committee reported. Two of these, Phi Alpha1 Delta and Psi Omega, voluntarily withdrew. Phi Kappa, the report re- veals, made no reply to the conditions submitted by the committee, and Tau Delta Phi had its charter withdrawn. The committee listed the most com- mon causes of financial difficulty as follows: Excessive interest-bearing indebtedness on houses; large obli-1 gations incurred in previous years for current operating expenses and not paid when due; and poor financialt management during 1934-35.1 It was not uncommon, the commit-7 tee reports, to find the interest-bear- ing obligations calling for annual payments from $2,000 to $3,000 or an average of approximately $100 per active member of the fraternity. The total of unpaid old indebtedness often was a mtter of several thousands of dollars, the report says. Interest Burden Heavy Poor financial management was inj many cases brought about by the ag- gravation of a heavy interest burden,j the committee indicated. . Throughout the summer, the com- mittee examined the filed reports of1 the fraternities and advised those which were in sound fiancial condi- tion of their exemption immediately. Several houses which were in good financial condition but which did not1 meet the financial standards, the re- port reveals, were granted exemptions4 without formal hearing. To the 12 houses which did not meet the financial standards satis- factorily the committee gave formal hearings, urging the actives, the al- umni and the national representa- tives to be present at each hearing. The usual procedure was to urge the three interested parties to aid finan- cially in placing the fraternity in a sound condition, the report said.- Fred Cain,Jr., On Probation For 5 Years Son Of Ypsilanti Assistant Postmaster Is Sentenced After 10 Months Delay Killed Two Persons In Auto Accident Must Help Support Five Children fie Orphaned In Accident Frederick Cain, Jr., 22 years old, son of the assistant postmaster of Ypsilanti, was placed on five years probation yesterday in the circuit court of Judge George W. Sample, 18 months after he killed Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stockade in an automobile ac- cident in downtown Ypsilanti and ten months after he had pleaded guilty to a charge of negligent homicide in the same court. Included in the probationary con- tract were stipulations that the de- fendant is not to drive a car or drink intoxicants during the period of his probation, that he shall pay $10 week- ly toward the support of the five chil- dren he orphaned. Tried In December Cain was originally brought to trial in the December term of Circuit Court on the negligent homicide charge, and after his attorney, John P. Kirk, had waived hearing and entered a plea of guilty on December 27, Judge Sample remarked: "I want a chance to study your1 case before I sentence you, and I am going to continue the matter for a time . . . you will be allowed at liberty on your own recognizance until the court calls you back for sentence. That may be a short time and it might be several weeks." Then followed an interval of ten months, during which the case was apparently forgotten by both judge and prosecutor, and when a Detroit paper's reporter recently reminded Judge Sample of the case, following discovery of a bitter sentiment on the matter in Ypsilanti, he was threatened with contempt of court proceedings. Disclaim Responsibility After both Sample and Prosecuting Attorney Albert J. Rapp disclaimed responsibility in the case, Rapp finally agreed to move that the case be placed on the docket, and yesterday morning Cain at last appeared for sentence. Sample today cited a previous ad- monition to the defendant that evi- dence of abstinence from liquor and help in the support of the children might aid toward leniency in his case and today the argument was advanced that since the time of the accident he had given them $97 and had rarely broken his abstinence from intoxi- cants. In the sentence it was stipulated that the sum fixed for the support of the children may be raised, low- ered, or cancelled at the discretion of the court. # Ask For Leniency The prosecutor joined Cain's attor. ney in a plea for leniency, saying "He should not be placed among hardened criminals in prison." "If I sentence this young man to prison, the chance of salvaging him is gone, together with the chance of getting help from him for the five children," Judge Sample said in or- dering the probation. At"Cain's examination it was tes- tified that he had been drinking be- fore the accident, and he is known to be especially short-sighted. Stan- ley Durham of Ypsilanti lost the sight of one eye in the same accident,.and his wife was seriously injured at the time. In 1928 Cain was involved in an- other fatal accident but was exon- erated without criminal action being taken. As Cain, then only 15 years old, backed his car from a driveway, seven-year-old Peter Steimle, son of the registrar of Michigan State Nor- mal College, ran in back of it and was killed. Sunday To Be Deadline For Pledge Permission All freshmen desiring special permission to pledge a fraternity must petition the executive com- mittee of the Interfraternity ',,nnail in ritino n or hfnre Two Students Suspended For Violating University Rule On Passing Leaflets '1, ates To Speak At Conference Of Social Work J. C. Armstrong And Leon Frost Will Preside At Round Tables By BERNARD E. WEISSMAN A talk by Sanford Bates, director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, con- tinuation of the round-table dis- cussions begun yesterday, and the annual business meeting will fea- ture today's sessions of the Michigan Conference of Social Work. Mr. Bates will speak on "The Fed- eral Government Combats Crime," at 2:30 p.m. in Room 316 of the Union. Presiding at this meeting will be J. C. Armstrong, Michigan Commission- er of Pardons and Paroles. Four of the round-tables will be continuations of discussions begun yesterday, and five will consider new topics. All the round tables will be- gin at 9 a.m. and will be held in vari- ous rooms in the Union. At 4:30 p.m. a meeting of "rank and filers" of the social workers of the State will be held in the Union ballroom. Frost To Preside Cheney Jones, director of the Little Wanderer Association of Boston, will speak on "The Equipment of the So- cial Worker" at 7:30 p.m., and Leon Frost, of the Michigan Children's Aid Society of Detroit, will preside. County social work agents will hold a meeting with their supervisors at 10:30 a.m. on the second floor ter- race of the Union.: Eight round-table discussions and four individual speeches composed the conference program yesterday. Miss Lea Taylor, head resident of the Chicago Commons and member of President Roosevelt's Committee on Economic Security, discussed "Im- plications of Social Security Legis- lation" at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Afler briefly outlining the pro- visions of the new social security leg- islation, Miss Taylor declared it con- stituted one of the greatest steps for- ward in the history of the nation, and urged the delegates to exhort state legislators to cooperation with the program of the federal government. Mrs. Francis Speaks At the morning session of the con- ference, Mrs. Blythe Francis, of the Grand Rapids Family Service As- sociation, and Francis McBroom, of the Detroit Department of Public Welfare, discussed the private and public aspects of the subject, "Private and Public Social Work-Allies or Competitors." Mrs. Francis, after enumerating five periods of development in private social work, declared that case work has been found inadequate in solv- ing the "tremendous economic forces which are pressing upon us." Eugene T. Lies of the National Recreation Association, discussing "Leisure in a Changed World" at the noon luncheon meeting, asserted that free time is more plentiful now than (Continued on Page 4) Suspended Student Ascher Opler, '38, right, is shown passing out handbills of the Na- tional' Student League during the registration period in September. It was for such an action that Op- ler and another student, Miss Edith Folkoff, '38, were suspended from the University yesterday. Necessity For. Education Of Adults Cited Ponitz Tells Convention Federal Aid Is Needed For Program At the second morning session of the Adult Education Institute Thurs- day Mr. H. J. Ponitz, director of emer- gency education in Michigan, stressed 'the necessity for adult education in the face of conditions similar to "ma- chine power replacing man power." Mr. Ponitz's lecture dealt with adult education in the Works Progress Ad- ministration. He presented federal reports showing that 13 per cent of all people in Michigan were on the relief roles, and over 200,000 people between the ages of 18 and 25 were derelicts "not participating in normal functions.". Mr. Ponitz stressed the necessity of federal aid in this period of crisis. He pointed to specific programs which have already been authorized or have chances for federal authorization in the near future. The first program cited was aid for children of relief families to complete their high school education. Another program affecting many on this campus offers to college and jun- ior college students approximately $55,000 dollars each month to aid them in continuing their education. "It is hoped," remarked Mr. Ponitz, "that freshman colleges will absorb students in their respective commu- nities who are absolutely destitute in the near future." Edith Folkoff And Ascher Opler Found Guilty Of 'WilfullyViolating' Rule Nature Of Handbills Termed Immaterial N.S.L. Pair Must Promise To Refrain From Rule Infractions In Future By THOMAS H. KLEENE Two sophomore literary college stu- dents were indefinitely suspended from the University yesterday for wilfull and inexcusable violation" of a rule prohibiting distribution of printed matter on the campus with- out proper authorization. The suspended students are: EDITH FOLKOFF, of New York city, and ASCHER OPLER, of West- brook, Conn. The action was taken yesterday, fol- lowing approval by the University Committee on Student Conduct of the recommendations of its sub-commit- tee on discipline. The committee ordered that Miss Folkoff and Opler "be suspended from the University until such time as they give reasonable guaranty in writing to the Dean of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts, and to the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women respectively, that in the fu- ture they will refrain from willful vio- lation of the rules of the University. Students Fou'nd Guilty Both students were found guilty by the subcommittee of having distrib- uted various circulars on the campus, after they were instructed by the Sec- retary of the University, Shirley W. Smith, "that such distribution was not permitted." The leaflets were prepared by the Committee on Academic Freedom of the National Student League. Both Miss Folkoff and Opler are members of the National Student League. In response to a question regarding the subcommittee's proceedings, Pro- fessor Stason stated: "The nature, -ontent, and source of the leaflets were not regarded as relevant by the Subcommittee on discipline. The de- ision was based only on the ques- tion of whether there has been a will- ful violation of a University rule. He quoted the rule of the Board of Regents (adopted on Sept. 28, 1934) concerning student conduct, as fol- lows: Regents' Rule Quoted "Students should realize that their 3nrollment in the University carries with it obligations in regard to con- duct, not only inside but also outside the classroom, and they are expected 'o conduct themselves so as to be a ,redit both to themselves and to the University. They are amenable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the University and University officials, and are expected to observe the stand- ards of conduct approved by the Uni- versity. "Whenever a student, group of stu- :ents, society, fraternity or other stu- dent organization fails to observe the principles of conduct as above out- ined, or conducts himself or itself .n such a manner as to make it ap- parent that he or it is not a desirable member of the University he or it shall beliable to disciplinary action." The complete report of the sub- ,ommittee on student discipline is as follows: Committee's Report Given The Subcommittee on Discipline of the University Committee on Stu- dent Conduct met to consider the cases of Ascher Opler, '38, Edith Folkoff, '38, charged with willful vio- lation of the rule of the University prohibiting the distribution of hand- bills and other printed matter on the campus without authorization by the Secretary of the University. Mr. Op- ler, Miss Folkoff, and Secretary S. W. Smith appeared before the commit- tee. "The following facts were estab- lished - That both Mr. Opler and Miss Folkoff had been advised of the above-mentioned rule; that on Mon- day, October 7, they applied to the Secretary of the University for infor- mation concerning the distribution of Old Resident Of Ann Arbor Recalls University's History Cecil Carr Addresses Law School And Political Science Students By WILLIAM D. SHAOKLETON More than a half-century of growth by the University has been woven into the life of George D. Lutz, resi- dent of Ann' Arbor for 77 years. He personally has talked with its leg- endary figures and seen it take on its present appearance. Recently Prof. L. M. Gram, director of plant extension, suggested to Mr. Lutz, now head painter in the build- ings and grounds department, that he write down his recollections and rem- iniscences. The result was a 16-page booklet into which was condensed the story of the University from the 1880's to the 1930's. When Mr. Lutz entered the em- ploy of the University in 1888, his an- nual stipend was $500 and his nom- inal position was that of painter. Building, Old General Library, Engi- neering Shops (West Engineering An- nex), Old Medical Building, Chem- ical Building (Economics and Phar- macology), Museum (Romance Lan- guages Building), and two small frame hospitals on North University Ave. Another fornaer fixture on the campus, a memorial statue of Ben- jamin Franklin located about 75 feet southwest of Haven Hall, forms the subject of an amusing incident in Mr. Lutz's recollections. It happened that one day, 42 years ago, Mr. Lutz no- ticed that someone had thrown an empty beer bottle at the statue of Franklin with such success that the bottle stuck in his pocket. When in- formed of this mishap, the superin- tendent of buildings told Mr. Lutz to renair the hole in Franklin's nocet. Executive and departmental orders filling in gaps in skeleton legislation were upheld as necessary to efficient government, by Dr. Cecil Thomas Carr, British jurist and editor of England's Revised Statutes and Sta- tutory Rules, who explained his work to political science and Law School students yesterday. "We don't bother in England as to who made the law," he said. "Our interest is in whether or not it is a decent law." Interviewed after his talk at 11 a.m. in Hutchins Hall, Dr. Carr said he approves of the trend, given impetus by President Roosevelt, of issuing ex- ecutive orders having the force of law. The danger of bureaucracy, he de- clared, "is greatly exaggerated. Bu- reaucracy is not dangerous. It is "Our problems in the delegation of power is different from yours," the noted Briton pointed out. "It seems to us that we are remarkably free in not having a written constitution. Parliament can ask a department to do anything without fear of being overridden by a supreme court.' ' He denied that the civil service was "trying to clip the wings of Parlia- ment, because Parliament hands out the scissors." He quoted the dissent of Justice Nathaniel Cardoza in the hot oil case that "without the power] of delegation the business of gov- ernment could not go on." He answered criticisms of a com- mittee which investigated civil serv- ice "evils" in England by declaring: "It is necessary at times for the de-