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October 17, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-17

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The Weather
Partly cloudy Thursday, pos-
sibly rain in north portion;
Friday cloudy.


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On Thumbing The Catalogue,.
Freedom Of The Press ...



Disk For
Devitrified Glass Found
In Big Reflector For
Mirror Given By
Anonymous Donor
$400,000 Is Needed For
Construction Of Base
Lake Observatory
Tests of the 86 inch disk, cast at
Corning, N. Y. for the University's
proposed new observatory, have re-
vealed that it is defective, Dr. Heber
D. Curtis, director of the observatory,
announced yesterday.
Corning experts found several
masses of devitrified glass-glass that
has changed into crystalline rock -
embedded in the huge Pyrex blank.
Although it is possible that a success-
ful reflector could be made from it,
officials of the glass works thought
it best to pour another disk. Work
on it will probably begin the first of
next year.
Dr. Curtis pointed out that the
casting of this new blank will not sub-
ject the University to any additional
Why the disk devitrified is some-
what of a mystery. It did not go
through the regular process, but was
cooled to room temperature and re-
heated before it was put through the
annealing treatment; it is thought
that this may have been the reason
for its failure. Usually a disk of thisi
sort is put in the annealing oven while:
it is still at a high temperature, and
then is cooled gradually over a period
of six months.1
The disk, gift of an anonymousI
donor, is intended for use in the,
proposed observatory to be construct-
ed near Base Lake, about 14 milest
Northwest of Ann Arbor. The Uni-t
versity has obtained the site for thec
observatory. They will have an ex-
cellent mirror and complete plans,r
drawn by Dr. Curtis, are awaiting ex-t
ecution, but money for constructiont
of a new telescope and observatory1
is still lacking. The amount neces-
sary is estimated at $400,000.t
Attorneys For'
Defense Call
Zenge Madman


A'A Head Pledges U.



Not Foster Economic Changes

(Special to The Daily)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. -Amer-
ican youth will not be regimented into
a new social order by the National
Youth Administration's parading new
theories under a philanthropic guise.
In a succinct statement which ef-
fectively presented the policy of the
NYA, Aubrey Williams, executive di-
rector, defended the Federal agency
in aiding the students "within the
framework of democracy." Williams
aimed a direct hit atcritics of the
NYA who claimed it is making way
for youth at the expense of elder
people. He stated it was the purpose
of the NYA to find for youth the jobs
that are rightfully theirs.
Williams' complete statement fol-
lows: "Our policy is not to shield
young people from hardships, but to
try to open up for them the oppor-
tunities they are entitled to. It is not
to give young people employment
in private industry by forcing older
people out at the top, but to find for
them the jobs that are rightfully

theirs. We do not propose to dupli-
cate the services now given to young
people but, insofar as possible, to
work with and aid the already exist-
ing organizations which provide these
services. We do not intend to regi-
ment young people, but to aid them
within the framework of govern-
As its share in the $2,790,000 which
will be distributed to colleges through-
out the United States in October the
University of Michigan will receive
$13,545. A tentative quota group of
903 students will receive the allot-
ment. Undergraduates will receive
aid under restrictions which set a 30-
hour week and an eight-hour day.
The NYA specifies $20 and $10 as the
maximum and minimum monthly sti-
Graduate students may avail them-
selves of the NYA which this year of-
fers aid to students with less than
one year's graduate credit in one
group and those with advanced grad-
uate standing in another group.

Pierson Says Michigan's
Unemployed Percentage
Is Largest In U. S.
Relief Is Discussed
At Open Meeting
Sociological Convention
Ends Program Friday;
Talks Featured


17 Blood

Counsel Says
Relatives Are

CHICAGO, Oct. 16. - (A') - Por-
traying the enigmatic defendant as a
madman at the time of the mutila-
tion slaying of Dr. Walter J. Bauer,
counsel for Mandeville Zenge began
a technical fight to save him from
the electric chair today.
Attorneys for the young Missour-
ian, accused of the emasculation of
l his successful rival for the hand of
beautiful Louise Bauer, attempted to
prove that 17 of his blood relatives
became insane.
Defense attorney Joseph Green told
the jurors he would picture Zenge as
a "maniac depressive" type. He
sought permission to introduce a five-
generation chart - five by 12 feet -
of the family tree. But Judge Cor-
nelius Harrington sustained prosecu-
tion objections and ruled the big
graph could not be used to illustrate
the testimony.
The trial headed for a protracted
battle of alienists after it had reached
a high point of drama in the witness
stand appearances of the defendant's
White-haired Mrs. Alice Zenge,
mother of the youthful central char-
acter in the sensational trial, col-
lapsed in a corridor after finishing
her testimony. A physician revived
She declined to join Mandeville's
three brothers and father in main-
taining her boy was deranged. Asked
if she believed he was insane, she
gave this soft-voiced reply:
"I could not say."
The father, J. Andy Zenge, told of
his son's great love for the girl who
jilted him.
"Louise," he said, "about three
years ago began calling me "dad.' "
"Have you an opinion as to his
mental condition?" Green inquired.


Law Students
To Hear Talk
ByDr. Carr
Famous British Jurist Is
Called Here To Assist
U. S. Government
Dr. Cecil Thomas Carr, noted Brit-
ish jurist who was entertained at a
luncheon by members of the Law
School and political science faculties
yesterday, will speak at 11 a.m. today
in Room 100, Hutchins Hall.
While Dr. Carr's address was ar-
ranged especially for political science
and law students, the public is in-
vited, those in charge said. Dr. Carr,
who was called from England by the
United States government to help
prepare a publication of executive
orders, is expected to explain his work
and give his views on the recent
trend in America of filling in skele-
ton legislation with presidential or-
Discussing his work informally with
members of the faculty yesterday in
the Union, Dr. Carr deplored the fact
that the United States has gone since
1864 without publishing its executive
and departmental orders. He traced
the history of the publication of pub-
lic documents, pointing out that two
centuries ago the practice was sup-
pressed by governments.
"It is a matter of great public con-
cern to know the contents of these
orders," he said. Under the present
act in this country, he explained, all
orders except those of the army and
navy will be published.
Dr. Carr, who has spoken at uni-
versities throughout the East and
comes here to see "a great state insti-
tution of learning," poked fun at the
American speed in attempting to rush
through the publication of all these
orders, unpublished since 60 years
ago, in a few months.
Q'Hara To Enter
Trial Date Set
MT. CLEMENS, Oct. 16.-UP)-
Elmer B. O'Hara, Wayne County
clerk and chairman of the Democratic
State Central Committee, stood mute
when arraigned Wednesday before
Circuit Judge Neil E. Reid on a charge
f perjury and bribery, in connection
with the Macomb County Drain Com-
nission investigation in 1931.
Judge Reid ordered a plea of not
Guilty entered for O'Hara, and on
the perjury charge set Oct. 28 as the
entative day for trial. Robert Plunk-
ett, attorney for O'Hara, said he had
business in Detroit that day but the
Court told him to be ready to proceed
with the O'Hara case.
O'Hara, among the more than 12
persons indicated in the recount
fraud cases in Wayne County, is
harged with having perjured him-
elf in giving testimony to the Grand
Jury conducted by Judge Herman
Dehnke, of Harrisville, and with hav-
.ng paid a $1,000 bribe to secure ap-
proval of a price for his own land
which has been condemned for drain
Elect Morris Greenhut
Editor Of Contemporary
The editorial board of the Con-
emporary, campus literary maga-

First Lecture
Of University
Series Is Given
'Circle Study Method' Of
Adult Education Subject
Of Dr. Olsson's Talk
Addressing a group of students
and faculty members yesterday in
the Natural Science Auditorium, in
the first of the University lecture
series, Dr. Lector O. Olsson dis-
cussed the "Circle Study Method"
of adult education.
Dr. Olsson has toured Europe and
America in the interests of the In-
ternational Adult Education Associa-
tion, and has written a number of
books on the subject. He is espe-
cially well-qualified to discuss the
subject of adult education, as he has
been prominently identified with this
movement in Sweden.
"The adult education movement
was founded in Sweden," said Dr.
Olsson, "before it gained momentum
in America -in 1900, to be exact."
Points Out Difference
The chief difference between the
two, he pointed out, is that whereas
in Sweden the goal of the movement
is education, in America it is knowl-
edge. He said that the adult edu-
cation movement really was pio-
neered by labour and temperate
movements, which opened the eyes
of the masses to the necessity of ed-
ucation of the people.
"The founders of the movement
quickly realized that books would not
completely fulfill their requirements,
and open forums and discussion
circles were opened," said Dr. Olsson.
He added that open forums in Amer-
ica have almost reached the level of
those in Sweden and other European
countries, but that they are still
hindered to some extent by strong po-
litical prejudices which prevent free
expression of opinion.
"In Sweden," he said, "radicals,
communists and the like are granted
absolute freedom of expression, as
long as they are educated radicals
and communists. The government
spends money not on propaganda, but
education, and so reaches all types
and classes."
Programs Utilized
Dr. Olsson also pointed out that
the Swedish government differs from
the American in that the different
parties recognize each other's value,
and, when they are in a position to
do so, utilize the programs of parties
out of power, instead of trying to tear
down what they have accomplished.
"It is for this reason, perhaps,"
he said, "that the Swedish govern-
ment is considered one of the most
mature and highly developed among
all nations. Dr. Olsson in closing,
expressed the opinion that the adult
education movement in America has
shown great advances in recent years,
and with the continued education of
the masses, a government compar-
able to that of Sweden as far as
stability and smoothness of operation
will be developed.
S.C.A. Installs New
Cabinet Members,
The Student Christian Association
held an installation service for the
newly elected members of the cabinet
Tuesday night. The service was pre-
ceded by a business meeting, which
was attended by Ira Smith, registrar,
and Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor

Eight round-table discussions on
sociological problems will feature the
second day's sessions of the annual
Michigan Conference of Social Work.
The discussions will be held at 2:30
p.m. in various rooms of the Union.
In addition speaking programs are
scheduled for the morning and eve-
ning sessions of the conference.
Relief and governmental projects
in Michigan were the subjects dis-
cussed at the afternoon meeting yes-
terday in the Union ballroom.
Harry L. Pierson, state administra-
tor of the Works Progress Adminis-
tration, declared that his organization
is "ready to start projects which will
absorb' the entire load of men and
women" on the state relief rolls,
"4when Washington makes this money
available to us."
Projects Submitted
"This state has submitted to Wash-
ington for approval 2,830 WPA proj-
ects, the total cost of which is in ex-
cess of $216,000,000," Pierson stated.
The percentage of unemployed in
Michigan is probably greater than in
any other state in the Union, Pier-
son declared.,
Pierson aliuded to the fact that
many relief clients have failed to re-
port for work on WPA jobs and said
that out of 409 cases investigated 176
had returned to private industry.
In the other talk at the afternoon
session of the conference, Dr. William
Haber, administrator of the State
Emergency Relief Administration and
deputy director of the State Works
Progress Administration, also dis-
cussed state relief problems.
Predicting that an organization
similar to the WPA will be necessary
for many years to come, Haber as-
cribed the lag in the decrease of re-
lief recipients behind industrial im-
provement to two causes.
Advances Made
First, he said, technological ad-
vances have continued through the
depression, lessening the need for hu-
man labor, and secondly, he went on,
industry has hired chiefly those work-
men who have not been out of work
so long and have not yet been forced
to go on the relief rolls.
Robert W. Kelso of Detroit, direct-
or of the University Institute of the
Health and Social Sciences, advanced
a five-point program of community
social work for smaller cities in a
talk at the luncheon opening the con-
ference. .
The five points advocated by Mr.
Kelso included a central council of
all the city's social agencies, an ade-
quate method of financing the pro-
gram's non-governmental costs, a
high degree of self-abnegation in the
executives and constituent agency
boards, an analysis of each branch
of the plan with a view to preventing
waste in time and money, and a con-
stant interpretation of the needs of
(Continued on Page 4)
Vandenberg To
Talk At .Press
Club -Sessions
Sen. A. H. Vandenberg will be the
principal speaker at the seventeenth
annual meeting of the University
Press Club of Michigan, to be held
here Nov. 14, 15 and 16, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. John L.
Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment. All meetings of the club will
be held at the Michigan Union.
Four general sessions of the club
will be held to which the general
public is invited, Brumm said. Two
banquets for members will also be
The complete list of speakers has
not been announced but will include
faculty members and distinguished
The club is conducted by the de-
partment of journalism of the Uni-
versity and its membershp includes
editors and publishers in Michigan.

The meetings of the club are widely
attended by prominent newspaper-

Pep Meeting
For Varsity
Is Scheduled
Railroad Depot Send-Off
To Mark Departure Of
Wolverine Team
Kipke And Renner
To Address Crowd
Student Football Rally Is
First Since '32; ROTC
Band Will Cheer Squad
Michigan students will give their
Varsity football team, primed to a
spirit and form which Coach Harry;
G. Kipke believes will beat Wiscon-
sin Saturday, a send-off at the Mich-
igan Central Depot at 4:45 p.m. to-
day, just before the 32 gridders em-
bark for Madison.
Kipke himself and Captain Renner
will speak,'and the entire squad will
be present.
The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band, march-
ing down State Street to the depot,
will send the strains of "The Victors"
after the train, and cheers and songs
will be lead by Robert Burns, '36, and
his staff of cheerleaders.
This will be the first time in three
years that a Michigan team has been
given a send-off before leaving for
an out-of-town football game. The
practice has been only sporadically
followed in recent years, having had
a decided let-down from the huge
mass meetings that were given to the
famous Point-A-Minute teams as
they left Ann Arbor to win Michigan
The special car which will be given
over to the Wolverine squad will pull
out at approximately 5:19 p.m., Coach
Kipke said yesterday. It is expected
that it will arrive in Madison early
Friday afternoon, giving the team a
chance for a short signal drill that
At the practice yesterday, the team
was full of pep and life, and Kipke
appeared pleased and satisfied. Given
new life by its victory over Indiana
last week, it is believed that triumph
over the lowly Badgers will add still
more to the team's morale, but on the
other hand that defeat might mean
disaster for the remainder of the sea-
son's games.
Abbott Gives

Talk. At First
Calls. Last Fifty Years A
Period Of 'Remarkable
A brief survey of 50 years of pro-
gress in the electric light and power
industry was presented last night by
William Abbott, chief operating engi-
neer of the Commonwealth Edison
Company of Chicago, before the op-
ening meeting of the student branch
of the American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers.
Mr. Abbott is chairman of the com-
mittee on relations with colleges of
the A.S.M.E., a former president of
the A.S.M.E. and recently honored
for his fiftieth year of service in the
Chicago electrical industry
Describing the last 50 years as a
period of "remarkable progress," Mr.
Abbott maintained that this progress
may be expected to continue at an
even more rapid pace in the future.
Prof. O. W. Boston, who directs
the activities of the student branch
as faculty representative, outlined the
advantages of joining the parent or-
ganization for the more than 100
students who were present at the
Concluding the program, Prof. H.
C. Anderson, head of the department
of mechanical engineering, spoke to
the students on his experience during
the summer.
Professor Anderson felt in particu-
lar that the student engineers should
recognize the economies and cheap
rates now prevailing in the public
utility field, and not join in the
common misconceptions as to utility
Students Must Get
Identification Cards

Fleet If Ii Duce


Will Cut

Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-
litical science department touched
the keynote of his lecture before the
Adult Education Institute, yesterday
which is meeting here this week
when he stated that "over-simplifi-
cation is the fallacy behind the usual
analysis of the causes of war."
His talk was concerned principally
with the part played by western na-
tions in the affairs of the Far East.
Speaking of the Philippine Islands.
Professor Reeves told of ex-President
McKinley's attitude toward the
islands. McKinley had called the Pa-
cific possessions a "thing in trust"
and Reeves maintained that this
policy had been continued until the
present time. He mentioned the
advantages which had accrued to the
Philippines under practical Ameri-
can domination, but pointed toward
the end of his speech, to the fact the
Islands are being granted indepen-
dence because under their former
status they exported sugar to the
United States free of any tariff.
However, with freedom, their prod-
uct would be barred from competition
with American products since a heavy
tax would be imposed on the incom-
ing goods.
Mrs. William D. Henderson, speak-
ing before the Institute yesterday,
gave her views on the outstanding
plays of Broadway which ran during
the past season.
In discussing "Tobacco Road," Mrs.
Henderson said, "It is ugly and sordid,
wallowing in dirt and filth, but it is
one of the plays that must be seen.
'Dodsworth,' adapted from Sinclaii
Lewis' novel of the same name is an-
other play held over from last season
(Continued on Page 2)
Attack Flays
Mlle. Lupescu
BUCHAREST, Oct. 16. - (P) -The
present fight to eliminate Madge Lu-
pescu, King Carol's intimate friend,
as a power in Roumanian affairs took
a strong anti-Semitic turn today.
A broadside of opposition leaflets
unloosed upon the city emphasizes
Madame Lupescu, described as the
"chief of staff of the Chemarialla (in-
atrigants)," as Jewish.
The pamphlets charged t h a t
through her influence a large num-
ber of Jews are obtaining soft jobs.
She is accused of getting her rela-
tives on the public payroll. Since her
brother, Jorgu Milctimeanu, became
head of the State Health and Insur-
ance organization the peasants
charged that Jewish doctors and
pharmacists have been favored.
King Carol's party, in celebration
of his 42nd birthday today, and which
was the signal for the start of the
"anti-Lupescu" campaign, took place
quietly at the summer palace at Si-

Get Out The Hair Dye;
Titians See Show Free
University red-heads are going to
have their day tomorrow, but it will
be a day in the theatre not court.
If you are lucky --or unlucky -
enough to have red hair, Rex Wil-
liams, acting manager of the Ma-
jestic Theatre, will admit you free of
charge to the 2 p.m. show tomorrow.
The reason: 'Red-heads on Parade,"
starring John Boles and Dixie Lee,
is one of two motion pictures being
The red-heads who wish to go to
the show must meet in front of An-
gell hall between 1 and 2 p.m. tomor-
row, be adjudged a real honest-to-
goodness red-head, and receive a
pass from William Barndt, '37, of the
Daily advertising staff.
Adult Education
Institute Hears
Reeves Speak
Mrs. Henderson, Barker
Lecture At Sessions Held
Yesterday At League



English Cabinet Hurls Defi
At Mussolini In Final
Italian Decision
League Sanctions
Backed By Geneva
Laval To Be Advised By
British Ambassador;
France Wants Peace
LONDON, Oct. 16. -(P) -Great
Britain's cabinet has in effect put
it up to Italy to take the initiative in
any reduction of armed forces in or
about the Ethiopian theater of war,
authoritative sources disclosed to-
That, these sources said, was the
answer of His Majesty's ministers to
suggestions that Great Britain act to
relieve tension in the Mediterranean
by reducing the size of the huge Ar-
mada which it has thrown about the
Suez Canal.
The cabinet, it was said, felt that
the reported dispatch this week of ad-
ditional Italian troops to Libya, on
the western border of Egypt, made it
impossible for this nation to consider
withdrawing any of her protective
men-of-war from the troubled area.
It was indicated, therefore, that
Premier Pierre Laval of France, now
engaged in new efforts to bring about
peace, would be advised by Sir George
Edward Clerk, the British ambas-
sador, of the necessity for maintain-
ing the British fleet precautions.
When - and if - the French Pre-
mier presents definite evidence that
Premier Mussolini is withdrawing in-
stead of increasing his Libya forces,
the matter will be considered in an-
other light, well-informed persons
Authoritative quarters here were
without details of M. Laval's report-
ed efforts to obtain a statement of
Il Duce's minimum demands in Ethi-
opia as the forerunner of new peace
moves. In fact, Whitehall officials
were pessimistic about the success of
the reported Laval overtures to Mus-
solini. They saw no indication that
11 Duce is yet willing to call off his
campaign to conquer Ethiopia.
Moreover, the British government
2ontinued to believe that the League
of Nations must ultimately solve the
dispute. Officials feel that Mussolini
is not likely to listen to any peace
terms until the pressure of League
sanctions has begun to wear down on
GENEVA, Oct. 16.-(P)--Geneva
out more weight behind League of
Nations sanctions against Italy, grate-
ful for new and powerful support from
American labor.
Officials greeted the American Fed-
eration of Labor's indictment of Italy
as an "outlaw nation" as a vital aid
toward effective application of those
They believed it opened a way for
effective American cooperation in the
enforcement of drastic measures
against Mussolini--avoiding at the
same time any departure from the
United States government's attitude
of strict'neutrality.
"The League itself closed its day
with adoption by its "general staff
of 52 nations of a resolution urging
member states quickly to fulfill their
"duty to take necessary steps to en-
able them to carry out" their sanc-
tions obligation.
Local Doctors
Will Examine
Mrs. Rowland
Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland of Harrison,

accused of participating in plotting
the death of her two small daughters,
will be brought to the University Hos-
pital for observation, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The examination was ordered by
Circuit Judge Thomas S. Dorsey, fol-
lowing submission of a report by two
doctors who examined Mrs. Rowland
in her cell. The report advised that
Mrs. Rowland be sent to the hospital
because "an examination is the only
substantial way of accurately deter-


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