Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY S State Council Plans League To Fight Reds 15 Non-Partisan Members On State Constitutional Protective Group LANSING, Oct. 14. - (P) - A sev- en-member steering committee chos- en at a Saturday night rally of bus- iness, and civic leaders began organ- ization today of a state constitutional protective league. Dr. Ferris Smith, of Grand Rapids who called the Saturday night meet- ing at the Hotel Olds, was chosen -chairman of the organization com- mittee. He declared the league will be non-partisan in nature and de- signed to combat forces attacking the constitution. IServing with Dr. Smith are: Charles F. Stickney, of Traverse City, &ajor E. C. Fleming, of Grosse Pdinte; Lester O. Moody, of Port Huron, former state commander of the American Legion; H. H. Ridley, of Grand Rapids, an insurance broker; Louis Burridge, of Cadillac, a forrer state highway department engineer, Colonel William B. Rose- wear, of Birmingham, a reserve offi- cr. Dr. Smith said the state organi- zation should consist of a state coun- cil of 15 members, a president, vice .president, and executive secretary, county administration units, and chapters in each county. The Mich- igan organization will be subordinate to the national organization of the same name and the eighth state unit to be formed. Is Non-Partisan No one who is in public office or seeing office may be a member of the organization, Dr. Smith ex- plained. He declared that the league will be neither Republican nor Demo- cratic, and asserted that he him- self was without political affiliations and would "not vote for Hoover or Roosevelt." No prominent Democrats attended the rally Saturday night. Former Gv .Wilber M. Brucker, widely men- tioned as Republican material for the United States Senate, gave one of the keynote talks. Brucker confined himself to urging immediate organization of the league and outlining the dangers of Com- munism in Michigan. Hllflel .Series n.et0 To Start OnThursday "School Of Religion' To Hear Rabbi Heller, Dr. Blakeman, Dr. Issas On Thursday night of this week the Hillel Foundation will hold its first meeting of the "School of Religion" series which met with much success last year, according to Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the Foundation. For the current season several prominent religious leaders have been procured to lead the classes, includ- ing Dr. E. W. Blakeman, University religious councilor, Dr. Hirsch Hoot- kins of the romance language de- partment and Professor Raphael Isaacs, assistant director of Simpson Memorial Institute. Prof. Isaacs will deliver the main address of the eve- ning after which there will be a{ meeting democratically planned to allow the students to decide the most convenient hours for the classes. These discussion sections are not re- stricted to Jewish students alone but are open to all students on the camp- us regardless of religious preferences, stressed Dr. Heller. This week Dr. Heller will be visited{ by Dr. Abraham Sacher, Hillel di- rector at the University of Illinois and national director of the Hillel' Foundation, who is expected to speak. before' a group at the Foundation. His subject as yet has not been an- nounced. Officers Of S.C.A. InstalledTonight An installation service for the new- ly-elected officers of the Student Christian Association will be at 9 p.m. tonight in the League Chapel. Canning Young, '36A, and a grad- uate of the Shanghai Baptist College will be a guest at the meeting. Young was formerly president of the na- tional S.C.A. of China. Halem Forms Committee To Aid Ethiopia -Associated Press Photo. The preparation of mcdical supplies is an indication of the en- thusiasm with which the New York Negro section regards Ethiopia. Ulysses Stephens (left) and Capt. Alfred King are here shown in this Associated Press picture supervising the work of Harlem's Medical Committee for Defense of Ethiopia. Harlem has taken an extreme interest in the Italo-Ethiopian war. Membersf Zoology Musetum Have Publishfed Three Papers By WILLIAM C. SPALLER Work performed by University scientists in the researches being conducted by the Smithsonian Insti- tution of Washington, has recently been put into printed form with the publication of three papers by mem- bers of the zoology museum of the University Museum. The publications are the result of an expedition to British Honduras and Guatemala in the winter and spring of 1933. The authors of the papers are Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, cur- ator of fish of the zoology museum,, Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, curator of birds; and Dr. L. C. Stuart; research associate in the division of herpet- ology of the Museums. The work is part of a 20-year pro- ject being carried on by the Smith- sonian Institution. The University's share in the research covers the field of biology and is under the direc- tion of F. M. Gaige, director of the zoology museum. The papers cov- er part of the third year of work that the University has spent on the project. Several new forms of fish are re- ported on in Dr. Hubb's paper, "Fresh-Water Fishes Collected in British Honduras and Guatemala." Included in the report is a collection made by C. L. Lundell of the Uni- versity Herbarium. Dr. Stuart's paper, "A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Herpetology of a Portion of the Savanna Region of Central Peten, Guatemala," is the report of the comparative studies Fire Des-troys Whitmore Lake Summer Hotel Fire starting from undetermined origin completely destroyed the old Red Horse Tavern Sunday night at Whitmore Lake. William A. Zemke, Ann Arbor, owner of the building, estimated his loss at $20,000. No one was in the building when the fire broke out. Clarence (Mike) Fingerle operated the taern throughout the summer and closed for the season a week ago. He estimated his loss in per- sonal effects and furnishings at $3,- 060. The fire started in a coal shed at the rear of the building and soon spread rapidly to the frame struc- ture, used as a beer tavern and hotel for tourists. Firemen fought the blaze for two hours. Hundreds of persons were attracted to the fire by the high flames and glare. It started at 10 p.m. and by midnight the building was completely leveled. made during three trips to the high bush areas to the north and south of the Savannas. Mr. Lundell was his companion on the expedition. Their work was hampered by extreme drought which caused extensive fires to sweep through the Savannas and high bush. Nevertheless, several species new to science were found. In his paper, "The Birds of North- ern Peten, Guatemala," Dr. Van Tyne includes 21 birds that for the first time areadefinitely recorded from Guatemala. Petin is the northernmost depart- ment of Guatemala, extending from Yucatan and Campeche on the north to the mountains of Alta Vera Cruz on the south. The northern portion is low and often swampy and con- tain5 hundreds of lakes, according to University scientists. Because it is largely covered with water during the wet season, inves- tigation must be confined to the dry spring months. Three papers covering the work of the second expedition have already been published. They are a report on birds of the Peten district by Dr. Van Tyne, a paper on fish found in that district by Dr. Hubbs, and a re- port on mammals by Dr. Adolph Murie, formerly assistant curator of mamology of the zoology museum. A fifth party will be sent out this winter as soon as the wet season ends, Mr. Gaige said. Prsbyterians Mee T ' lh To Start Synod The one-hundred and first annual meeting of the Michigan Synod of the Presbyterian Church will convene At 7:30 p.m. today in the Masonic Temple, with more than 150 min- isters and lay members present. A report on the program of campus Presbyterian activities will be given by Dr. William P. Lemon, pastor of the local church, and the Rev. Nor- man Kunkle, associate minister. Outstanding members of the church throughout the nation and state will speak during the conven- tion, which will come to a close Thursday afternoon. The Rev. Shan- non A. Griffin, Jackson, moderator of the synod, will deliver the opening sermon tonight. HALLER'S Jewelry ,f State and Liberty .cR .i Watch Repairng! ousing oPlans Exhibited Now With Winners A 'New American Exhibit' Displays Prize Plans Of Three . Of M. Students Prominent among 30 drawings now on display in the basement show- cases of the architectural building are three prize-winners submitted by former University students. The drawings were entries in a $21,000 contest which attracted 2,040 entries from 9,000 architects. John E. Dinwiddie, '25A, who won second prize of $1,250 in the compe- tition in Class B; Richard C. Hoyt, '26Spec., who collaborated with two others to win second prize in class A and Leroy E. Kiefer, '26A, who won $100 and honorable mention in Class C, are the former students whose drawings are in the display. Hoyt's individual drawing, which won honorable mention in Class B, is also included. The contest, which was conducted by the General Electric Company, at- tracted some of the most eminent architects in the country because of the large cash awards. A total of $2,- 800, more than 13% of the total, was awarded to Michigan men. Verne H. Sidman, '33A, won honorable men- tion in class C. B. E. Laidaw, in at- tendance at the University in 1923, and Harry L. Smith, '30A, who won honorable mention in class A, are the other former students winning $100 in the contest. Their designs are not on display. The "New American" demonstra- tion, as the exhibit is known, features economical planning and design combined with the most modern me- chani:al and electrical equipment. Small houses care the exclusive sub- ject of the planners and the results show a simplicity and compactness of design heretofore unrealized by the average layman, officials said. S. (Ark '37, IsTN eState MCA ffieer Richard S. Claik, '37, secretary of the Michigan Student Christian As- sociation, was elected student treas- urer of t he state executive commit- tee of the Y.M.C.A. at a meeting held Sunday at Michigan State College. Lansing. Clark was editor of this year's freshnan handbook, and was publicity director of the S.C.A. last year. The meeting was attendd by four representatives of the University, William Wilsnack, president of the S.C.A.; Richard Clark, Goerhe Aber- nethy, student advisor of the S.C.A.; and Prof.. F. N. Menefee of the en- gineering college. It was announced at the meeting that Grin Magill, Central Field Sec- retary of the student Y.M.C.A., will be present at Lane Hall this after- noon for conferences. It was also announced that the Tri-State meet- ing of the Ohio, Indiana and Mich- igan Student Christian Associations will be held November 8, 9, and 10 at Bluffton College, Bluffton, 0. Request For Increased Traffic Force Granted Answering the requests of parents and teachers that children going to and from school be given greater protection against the hazards of traffic, seven police officers will begin their duties at seven elementary schools Monday morning. W FA funds to be obtained through the county relief commission have been applied for to finance the work. Classified Direetory CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. *'Cock previous to day of insertion. The classified columns close at five Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance lic per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one oritwo insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate- 1esper reading line for two or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days Minimum three lines per insertion. from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month ...........................8c' 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........c 2 lines daily, college year ........7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..........8c 100 lines used as desired........9c 300 lines used as desired..........8c 1,000 lines used as desired .........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ........ 6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add Sc per line to aboverates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7z point type. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Wallet with $35 cash, valuable papers in Union taproom, Monday noon. Reward. Call David S. Shetter, University Museums, 4121 or 6943. 60 LOST: Light brown sweater Satur- day in section 24 of Stadium. Own- er J. Ashmore, 1402 Washington Heights. Phone 2-2076. To Inaugurate New President Of O0mS.U. Soon Announcement of November 15 as the date for the inauguration of Dr. Herman Gerlach James as the twelfth president of Ohio University was received at the University today along with an invitation for Presi- dent Ruthven to attend the program. Harry Woodburn Chase, chancel- lor of New York University will de- liver the principal address of the inaugral occasion while the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, under the di- rection ofVictor Kolar, will conclude the program with an evening con- cert. President Ruthven will be unable to attend, but has designated Dr. George Starr Lasher, formerly of the rhetoric department of the Univer- sity of Michigan, to represent him. Man Kills Himself In State St. Offlee Lee A. Allen, 50 years old, com- mitted suicide Sunday night in the office of Dr. W. W. Sylvester, chirop- odist, 304 S. State St., where he was employed. Dr. Sylvester found Allen's body in the office where he slept, when he returned at about 11 p.m. Coroner Edward C. Ganzhorn, when sum- moned by police, declared the case one of suicide. Ill health was ad- vanced as the motive. I.. NOTICES STATIONERY: Printed with your name and address. 100 sheets, 100 envelopes, $1.00. Manyhstyles. Craft Press. 305 Maynard. 9x TEACHER of popular and classical piano music. Helen Louise Barnes. Call 8469. 2x FOR SALE FOR SALE: a beautiful leopard fur coat, size 14-16. 720 Haven St. LAUNDRY STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 6x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 1x PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VOICE BUILDING and singing. Pri- vate and class lessons for juniors and advance students. Grace Johnson Konold, 1908 Austin. Phone 4855. Formerly voice in- structor in School of Music. 5x 4 FOR RENT ROOM for men, single $3.50; or double, $2.25. Nicely furnished. 1608 Geddes. Phone 9096. 61 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x 9 Instructo0-rs Are Added To Enlish Staff Nine men, two of whom have taught here before and all are grad- uates of the University, have been added to the staff in the English de- partment as teaching fellows; it was announced yesterday. Alan Seger, one of the new instruc- tors, was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford from Michigan in 1932. Last year he was on the staff of Vanity Fair. Daniel Aaron and Louis Wagner were both honor students in the English department of this University. Mr. Aaron held this honor in 1932 and Mr. Warner in 1933. Mr. Aaron has spent the two years doing graduate work at Harvard. Lewis F. Haines another of the new faculty has been teaching in the Boy's Technical High School of Mil- waukee since receiving his master's degree here in 1932. Charles 'Wal- cutt has been teaching at North- western University in Evanston, Il- linois, and Mr. Thomas Ford has been on the staff of the University high school. Paul Leedy and Roy Curtis taught Service. Combined with quality makes our shop an ideal place to bring your printing. YOUR job, whether large or small, will receive the care and precision that has earned us the reputation- "'Lowery does good work" LOWERY 'Printing Company 611 E. William St. Ph. 8758 _ LAST TIMES TODAY "BROADWAY GON DOLE ER" "DOG OF FLANDERS" and MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon "FIRE BRIGADE" Wednesday - Thursday "SHANGHAI" and "OLD MAN RHYTHM" U -7 OWN -,.. MICHIGAN ATINETS .. 25c NIGHTS 25C - 35C . " I - . I . " ' I " f - - I I ilift, q nwcMSc h eb e r le M u sic - H o u se 203 East Liberty Phone 6011 WE CARRY A COMPLETE SCHIRMER LIBRARY See us about rental pianos. All Musical Instruments repaired. DROP IN AND BROWSE AROUND WILL CONVINCE YOU ! TODAY WE OFFER PEPPERMINT STICK WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCE . 11c accompanied by a delicious piece of our own cake. OTHER FLAVORS: Buttered Almond French Vanilla Orange Sherbet Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chip Frozen Fruit Rum Flavored Michigan Theatre Bldg. Dial 3644 SHiOWS TODAY PRICES 9 2 :00- 13( Matinee 25c S 1 s 0 ATEve. BaEcT 25c Eve. Main35c NOW - - -Children i...loc Th E BIG PARADE OF MUSIC, SONG and LAUGHTER ! I mo n-. DAILY 15c to 6 P.M. Now ZASU PITTS "She Gets DON'T TRUST YOUR LUCK TOO FAR! Maybe you've always been lucky- That's fine. But you don't have to trust to luck with a sav- ings account in this band. I I a a aA .us. -ss- caa - za. -v ------------7 --- -1 r m :- r U