The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; somewhat warmer to-
-A -dd&
Ohio's Football College...
America's Madness..
Fraternities End,
Rushing Season;
458 Men Pledged
620 Register For Rushing;
Nine Houses Get Less
Than FivePledges
No Violations Have
Been Reported Yet
3 Houses Less Rush This
Year; Each Closed For
Financial Reasons
Thevnames of the men pledged to
the various fraternities will be
found on page five of this issue.
An intensive two-week rushing
period came to en end last night as
458 men, nearly 40 less than last year,
were formally pledged to 45 frater-
The size of the pledge classes var-
ied from one to 25, the average be-
ing 10. Noticeable was the fact that
nine houses received less than five
pledges. Five houses received more
than 15.
It was significant, some observed,
that 100 less registered for rushing
this year than last, when 720 regis-
tered, while at the same time the en-]
rollment of entering students re-
mained approximately the same. Al-
though this remained unexplainable1
to many, others who were close to the
situation believed that the decrease
was due to fewer upper classmen reg-
istering. This belief, however, re-
mains unverified as figures showing
the number of upper classmen regis-
tering have not yet been compiled.1
Also significant, observers felt, wasi
that nearly 40 less men pledged this
year than last. This was generallyi
attributed to finances and to the de-f
sire on the part of many rushees to
defer pledging until the second se-
The number pledged this year is
exceeded by both last year and 1933,
but surpasses the number of 1932
when only 400 were pledged.1
While last year there were 48 fra-
ternities which received pledge class-
es, this year there were 45. Two gen-
eral fraternities, Phi Kappa, and Tau
Delta Phi, were closed by the Uni-
versity Committee on Fraternity Fi-
nancial Standard Exceptions this
summer, and Delta Phi, according to
Intefraternity Council officials, failed
to open this year.
No violations of the council rules
either during rushng proper or dur-
ing the silence period have yet been'
reported, council officials say.
Remains Above
Previous Year
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. -- P) -
The American Federation of Labor
says "industrial unemployment still
exceeds 11,000,000 and is above last
This statement was made by the
federation in its monthly business
survey in which it forecast continued
business improvement. It added, how-
"This fall's business pick-up indi-
cates a reversion to the pre-depres-
sion type of business expansion when
business men increased production
because they saw a chance for good
profits, without considering whether
a.firm foundation of workers' buying
power had been built to sustain it.
Such expansion, when it greatly ex-
ceeds buying power, can only end in1
collapse, even if the downfall is post-
poned for several years."
The federation said "unless we have
some such catastrophe as a generalf
war in Europe, business f-orecasters
are expecting business improvement
with a gradual upward trend during
the next six months. Increasing farmt
income and further increases in cor-
poration profits are expected."
Identification Cards
Available This Week
Student identification cards will be
available this week in Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall, it was announced yes-
terdlav hv the Dean of Students Of-
uthven Opens
Conference Of
Women's Clubs
University President Gives
Opening Address Before
Joint Meeting
President Ruthven gave the open-
ing address of the fourth annual In-
stitute of Adult Education yesterday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Institute is being held in con-
junction with the State Federation of
Women's Clubs.
Quoting Dorothy Canfield to the
effect that "The single essential of
education is ability to live together,"
President Ruthven went on to explain
what he regarded as the true aim
and function of the University. The
two teaching functions, he said, are
to teach one to do particular work
well, and to live as thoroughly and
completely as possible.
Prof. O. J. Campbell, of the English
department ,opened the first after-
noon session of the Institute, speak-
ing on "The Relation of Dramatic
Literature to Dramatic Art." He
was followed by Prof. James K. Pol-
lock, of the political science depart-
ment who led a forum on "The Spoils
System in Government."
Importance Stressed
The importance of this year's In-
stitute is being more than ordinarily
stressed, since it marks the opening
of a period of greater cooperation,
particularly between tax-supported
institutions of higher learning.
The high point of this meeting will
be the address to be given Mrs. Gif-
ford Pinchot, wife of the ex-governor
Af Pennsylvania. Mrs. Pinchot will
speak at 3 p.m. Friday on "The
Woman's Place in the Solution of
Modern Economic, Social and Edu-
cational Problems."
The schedule of events is so ar-
ranged that -the meetings of the In-
stitute will be held during the two-
day sessions, while the business meet-
ings will be held in the evenings. The
evening sessions are all presided over
ay Mrs. Sears R. McClean, president
of the Michigan State Federation of
Women's Clubs. All sessions of the
Institute and Federation are held in
the Michigan League.
Barker To Talk
Prof. Ernest Barker of the physics
iepartment will open this mornings
session with a talk on "The Modern
-onception of the Atom" at 9:30.
Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the Sociology
lepartment will then conduct a for-
am on "Juvenile Delinquency in
The afternoon sessions will be pre-
ided over by Prof. Howard Jones, of
he English department, who will
peak on "The University and the In-
ellectual Life." Prof. Laurence
Preuss of the Political Science de-
partment will deliver a lecture on
'The Neutrality Policy of the United
States," following Professor Jones.
Three Co-Eds
Dismissed For
Poor Behavior
Punish Three Others For
Smoking; Holds Actions
As Duty To Baylor
WACO, Tex., Oct. 14.--(A)--
President Pat M. Neff of Baylor Uni-
versity, who recently disciplined three
co-eds for smoking, dismissed three
others outright today for what he
termed "the good of the University"
and "unbecoming conduct."
The former governor of Texas -
now in his fourth year as head of
this Baptist institution - read the
young women's names at chapel.
They were not present. The three
co-eds are Vera L. Gorin of Waco,
Ennie Lilly DeWitt of Ballinger, and
Eleanor Louise Winkler of Moody.
President Neff did not enlarge upon
the reasons for the dismissals.
"Taking an action like this saps
every ounce of my energy and na-
turally, I regret to have to take it,"
he said later, "but my loyalty to Bay-
Hour Change
By Sororities
Earlier Time Abandoned
For Friday Night Ruling
In Poll Of Sororities
Friday Rules Stay
As But One Objects
Voting Is Not Completed;
Further Action Waits
Until Others Have Votedl
In a preliminary vote held last
night, 19 campus sororities voted un-
animously against any changes in
women's hours for Friday nights,
while only one, Zeta Tau Alpha, vot-
ed in favor of a ruling granting 12:30
a.m. permission.
The proposed change, which was
suggested by the League Council and
sent to all sororities represented in
the Panhellenic Association for dis-
cussion and vote, was to make Friday
night a 12:30 a.m. permission night
instead of a 1:30 night, as it has been
previously. Because of the new Uni-
versity ruling this year, making Sat-
urday classes compulsory for all stu-
dents it was felt that many women
would favor an earlier ruling for
Saturday nights.
Earlier Plan Not Feasible
An earlier plan to make Friday a
12:30 night, and to grant a later per-
mission on Saturdays, changing the
present ruling of 12:30 to 1:30 was+
termed unfeasible because of the loc-
al ruling prohibiting dancing after
12 midnight on Saturdays.
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority was the
only group to favor making this
change, although they, voted for a
reservation granting 1:30 permission
for seniors on Friday nights.
However ,the consensus among the1
sororities, as expressed by Jane
Brucker, '36, president of Delta Delta
Delta, is "that the matter shouldc
be left up to the individual women.E
They are the best judges of whether<
or not they should stay out until 1:30+
on Fridays, and if they have an early1
class on Saturdays, or have studying1
to do it is up to them to come in."
'Should Affect Freshmen Women'7
According to Jean Laitner, '36,1
president of the Kappa Alpha Thetac
house, one of the 19 which voted
against the change, "we feel that1
the 'Friday hours should be left as
they are. However, if any change is}
to be made, they should affect onlyc
the freshmen women."t
The proposal has not yet been vot-1
ed upon by the zones of the Assembly,1
organization for non-affiliated wom-1
en ,nor by the dormitories, and no
further action will be taken until
these groups have voted, it was stat-
ed last night by Jean Seeley, '36,I
president of the League, although al
discussion of the matter will be held.
The sororities which voted against
the change were Alpha Chi Omega,
Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Phi,
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma
Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chic
Omega, Collegiate Sorosi, Delta
Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Deltah
Zeta, Gamma Phi bgeta, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma,t
Phi Sigma Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Thetat
Phi Alpha, and Kappa Delta.,
Careless Drivers
Take Weekly Tll
Of Dogs Saturdays
Each football game costs the lives'
of at least five dogs.
Two fraternities were among those
whose dogs were run over by careless
drivers after Michigan's victory Sun-
day. Faculty members and their
wives are a part of a Humane Society
committee asked to curb this weekly
An appeal to students and their
friends who visit them for the game
to drive more sanely has been issued
by the committee, which is headed
by Mrs. Guy Mullison, president of
the Humane Society of Ann Arbor.
Other members of the committee
are: Mrs. Edward H. Krause, Mrs.
Arthur H. Dunham, Prof. Wesley A.
Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment, Mrs. Raleigh Schorling, Mrs.
A. S. Whitney, and Miss Winifred
I Tr% ar lfin1 fn flies tlAie-f ,anne l
Delegates Meet At Union
To Discuss Problems;
Confer TillSaturday
Harriet Comstock
Heads Conference
Harry Pierson, Dr. Win.
Haber To Discuss Works
And Relief Projects
Plans were being completed yester-
day for the four-day Michigan Con-
ference of Social Work which is open-
ing tomorrow with headquarters at
the Union.
With approximately 1,000 delegates
coming to the conference from all
parts of the state, the local arrange-
ments committee has provided for
housing facilities in the Union, the
Y.W.C.A., the Allenel Hotel, the Hu-
ron Hotel in Ypsilanti, and private
homes in Ann Arbor.
The program of the conference will
begin with a luncheon Wednesday
noon in Room 319 of the Union, at
which Miss Harriet J. Comstock, sis-
ter of ex-Governor William A. Com-
stock, and president of the confer-
ence, will preside.
At the afternoon session in the
Union ballroom, Fred R. Johnson, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Michigan
Children's Aid Society, will be in
charge. Harry Lynn Pierson, state
administrator of the Works Progress
Administration, will speak on "The;
Works Progress Administration as it
Applies to Michigan," and Dr. Wil-
Liam Haber, administrator of the
State Emergency Relief Administra-
tion and deputy director of the State
Works Progress Administration, will
discuss "The Present Relief Situa-
tion in Michigan."
Wood Will Preside
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the soci-1
ology department will preside at the;
evening session of the conference,
also to be held in the Union ball-
room. Dr. E. B. Swartz, consulting
psychiatrist at the Children's Center
in Detroit, will be the speaker.
The Thursday morning session, in;
Room 319 of the Union, will be led(
by Miss Claire M. Sanders of Detroit,
on the subject of "Public and Private
Social Work - Allies or Competi-f
The talk on "The Private Field"
will be given by Mrs. Blythe Frances,
of the Family Service Association of,
Grand Rapids, while Mr. Francis Me-
Broom, of the Detroit Department of;
Public Welfare, will speak on "The
Public Field."
William G. Robinson, field repre-;
sentative of the National Recreation,
Association, will preside at the noon
luncheon Thursday, and Eugene T.
Lies, also of the National Recrea-
tion Association, will talk on "Leisure
in a Changed World."
Round Tables Thursday
The subjects for round tables
Thursday afternoon and the leaders,
of each, are as follows: "Training ofI
Social Workers," Mrs. Cecile Whalen,
of the Old Age Assistance Bureau;,
"Interpretation of Social Work,"
George B. Kirkendall, director of the
Community Welfare Fund, Inc. in
Lansing; "The Unmarried Mother
and Her Child," Miss Dorothy Ketch-
. m, director of the social service
department in the University Hos-
pital; "The United States Indian
service in Michigan," Mrs. Mabel
Sewell, chairman of the D. A. Blod-
gett Home for Children and the
Michigan Children's Aid Society of
Grand Rapids; and "Homeless Men,"
Philip Schafer, of the State Emer-
gency Relief Administration.
J. C. Armstrong, commissioner of
pardons and paroles, will preside at
the afternoon session. "The Federal
Government Combats Crime," which
will be the subject of a speech by
Sanford Bates of the Federal Bu-
reau of Prisons at this meeting, will
be one of the highlights of the con-
At the evening session, with Leon
Frost of the Michigan Children's Aid
Society of Detroit presiding, Cheney
Jones, director of the Little Wanderer
Association of Boston, will speak on
"The Eqi iipnent of the Social
Three talk; dealing with the gen-
eral subject- of "Social Action in
(Continued on Page 6)
Heavy WarfareBegins
As Aksum Is Captured;
Vote Financial Sanctions
Anthony Eden Announces
Britain Policy In Regard
To Aggressor
England Lifts Ban
On Ethiopian Arms
Nations Adopt Stringent
Measures To Stop War
By Restricting I Duce
GENEVA, Oct. 14. - (P) --Finan-
cial sanctions designed to strangle,
Italy in money matters and force
Preniier Mussolini to halt his war in,
Ethiopia were approved tonight by
half a hundred nations.j
Tomorrow an affensive on the eco-
nomic front will begin. Despite res-
ervations and explanations from
some countries events moved swiftly.
At the close of one of the most
hectic days which Geneva has seen
since the beginning of the war in
Africa, Anthony Eden of Great Brit-,
ain" took the time to inform the
League that Britain has officially lift-I
ed an arms embargo against Ethi-
He thus created the impression
that the sending of weapons to per-1
mit Haile Selassie to wage a real
fight against Italy has already begun
in considerable proportions.o
Belgium also announced lifting of
its embargo against Ethiopia.
Italian Embargo Stays
Simultaneously Eden announced
that Britain's embargo of arms to
Italy would be maintained. These
steps were the first recommended
by the League when it began to apply
The official summary of the finan-
cial blockade program calls upon
League states to make the follow-
ing transactions impossible:
All direct and indirect loans, sub-
scriptions to loans, bankers' or othert
credits, issues of shares or other ap-
peals for money for the purpose of
obtaining funds for the Italian gov-
ernment or for Italian public bodies
or for persons and corporations in
Italian territory.-
The day disclosed formidable diffi-
culties and perhaps delays in organ-~
izing a worldwide economic and fi-
nancial boycott against a warring
nation already well supplied with
munitions. The League discovered
among other things that its member1
states have constitutions which can-
not idly be ignored.
Two Make Reservations
Financial isolation of Italy was in
effect approved by the League's plen-
ipotentiary committee of 52 nations
which adopted recommendations of
the financial sanctions committee.
Austria and Hungary made reserva-
Exemptions in the financial sanc-
tions are made as to religious and hu-
manitarian projects. Thus Red Cross
funds and those of religious organiza-
tions will not be shut off from Italy.
Men's Council
To Hold Year's
Will Discuss Class Games,
Elections, Homecoming
Date, Pep Meetings
The first, meeting of the Men's
Council for the current school year
will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Union, it was announced yesterday b
William Dixon, '36, president of the
Matters to come under discussion
are the class games, class elections,
plans and the date for Homecoming
this fall, and plans for further pep-
Dixon announced that he had been
petitioned by the senior class of the
Law School to conduct its elections,
and said that the election would be
held from 4 to 5:50 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 120 Hutchins Hall.
The Men's Council, he added, will
conduct elections for any class in any
other school or college not already
under the jurisdiction of the Men's
Council, upon receipt of a petition
$50 Reward, Or 500
Beers To You, For
FindingA Picture
For the best amateur detective in
town there are 500glasses of beer
waiting, providing he can locate a
picture. Thepicture is one of the
many that decorate the walls of the
Pretzel Bell tavern on Liberty Street
and is that of the 1935 track team.
It was in its usual place until very
recently when it was discovered that
some over-zealous collector hadex-
ercised his questionable talent at the
expense of the decorations. Inas-
much as the pictures are rather dif-
ficult to obtain, and because they
feel justly incensed at such a de-
parture from the straight and nar-
row, the Neelands brothers, propriet-
ors, have offered a reward of $50 for
its return, or information leading tot
its recovery.
The 500 beers haven't really any-
thing to do with it, except that $50i
would line that many up on the table
in front of you. And the finder had
better bring along a number of hist
The reward will be paid, however,
only if you find out who hooked the,
Supreme Court
Will Test New
Deal Program'
Georgia's Governor Asks1
To Contest Bankhead a
Cotton Control Act
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14.-(P)x
- The Supreme Court agreed tod'ay
to measure the New Deal's farm and
Tennessee Valley programs by the
yardstick of the Constitution, which
already has ruled out NRA.
In mapping a heavy schedule for1
a potentially historic term, the tri-
bunal received simultaneously the
unprecedented action of a state at-
tacking a Roosevelt Administration
law. Georgia, whose Governor, Eu-
gene Talmadge, is a Roosevelt foe,
asked permission to challenge con-4
stitutionality of the Bankhead Cotton1
Control Act.1
Processing Tax At Stake
Chief Justice Charles Evans
Hughes said that the court would
consider Georgia's request. The tri-
bunal agreed last spring to review a
Texas case involving the Bankhead
cotton ginning tax.s
But of more immediate importance
to the Administration was the high
court's formaltconsentto pass on the
constitutionality of the AAA's legally
harried processing taxes. Should,
these taxes be outlawed, Congress1
may be asked to levy new taxes to
supply the $500,000,000 estimated
necessary to fulfill existing benefit
payment contracts.
Power Sale Involved
Involved in the TVAcase was gov-
ernmental sale of surplus power--a
keystone of the New Deal's policy of
setting up a government standard.
Both the AAA and TVA laws were
amended at the last session of Con-
gress with the intention of bolstering
the' statutes against constitutional
Special note was taken of the AAA
Amendments in a motion filed today
by the Washburn Crosby Co., of
Kansas City, which had obtained a
District Court judgment for recover-
ing processing taxes paid prior to the
enactment last August 24.
Rohinsons Freed
Of Kidnap Charge
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 14. - (/P) -
Their year-long fight to win vindi-
cation in the kidnaping of Mrs. Alice
Speed Stoll successfully terminated,
Mrs. Frances Robinson and her
father-in-law, Thomas H. Robinson,
Sr., of Nashville, had returned to
Tennessee today.
After a jury in Federal court had
deliberated seven hours and thirty-
five minutes, the Robinsons were ac-
quitted of conspiracy charges yester-
day in connection with the abduc-
Mussolini Forces Fighting
Desperately In Attempt
To Take Water Wells
Gorei Operations
Resumed By Italy
Selassie's Son-In-Law Will
Lead Attack On Flank Of
Somaliland Invaders
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 14.- (") -
The first rumblings of a terrific battle
on the Ethiopian southern front
reached the outside world Monday.
Exchange Telegraph reported heavy
fighting around Ualual, scene of
last December's border incident. A
strong concentration of Italian troops
was said to be trying to push through
the Ethiopian outposts, with much
hand-to-hand fighting.
The Italians, it was said, were try-
ing to gain possession of important
water wells, but the Ethiopians were
holding up their advance by guerilla
At the same time, the United Press
correspondent at Harar reported that
the Italians had resumed extensive
bombing operations against Ethiopian
concentrations at Gorei, southeast of
Harar, near the British Somaliland
The bombing was believed to her-
ald an imminent attack by Italian
tanks, artillery and infantry, but the
Ethiopians expressed determination
to hold Gorei at all costs, and were
sending up large quantities of guns,
munitions and supplies. Dedjazmatch
Nassibu sent an additional 5,000 men
from Ethiopian headquarters at Ji-
jiga, north of Gorei.
These skirmishes were viewed as
only preliminary to a major clash
between an Ethiopian army of 220,-
000 and the Italian southern forces
of some 60,000.
The Ethiopian column, 160,000
strong, was hurrying southward in
forced marches to join 60,000 irreg-
ulars under the Boer Col. Siwiank,
private landowner, who is throwing
his lot with Selassie.
This huge army, commanded by
Selassie's son-in-law, Ras Desta
Demtu, had as its objective a furious
attack on the left flank of the Ital-
ian Somaliland invaders, led by Gen.
Rudolfo Graziani.
(Copyrighted 1935 by The Associated Press)
ADUWA, Sunday, Oct. 13. (4 p.m.)
-- (A') - Aksum, holy city of ancient
Ethiopia, fell into the hands of Italy's
armies today without so much as a
single gunshot.
All the warriors of Emperor Haile
Selassie had evacuated the city and
the entire civil population manifest-
ed its submission to the Italian au-
thorities. The natives number about
(Occupation of Aksum, for many
days reported as taken or about to
be taken, gave the advancing Roman
legions a front approximately 70
miles long in northern Ethiopia, from
Aksum to Aduwa to Adigrat.)
General De Bono earlier in the day
had formally proclaimed annexation
of Italy's newly occupied land in
northern Ethiopia. He, took posses-
sion of the territory about Aduwa in
the name of Victor Emanuel, king of
Italy. The Abuna (Bishop) of Adu-
wa, welcomed the high commander,
with General Marabigna and Italian
consul Franca who for a time was im-
prisoned by the Ethiopian defenders.
(Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press)
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 14.--(P)-
Emperor Haile Selassie wept today
when he heard that the holy city of
Aksum had fallen into the hands of
the Italian army, and summoning
his bishop, he told him a holy war
must be proclaimed to retrieve it.
He declared the greatest army ever
organized in Ethiopia must be raised
to recapture the sacred city, which to
his people is like Mecca to the Mo-
Deeply moved, the. Bishop joined
in the emperor's tears and promised
to flash the news of Aksum's capture
throughout the land, urging the
churches to arouse the nation to a
supreme effort to regain the empire's
ancient capital.
In add1Itin to the direcv appeal,
the Humane Society is asking the $ oma Rho Tau
cooperation of organized groups.
Otto Haisley, superintendent of WelcmeNew
Ann Arbor public schools, Miss Coraj
Haas, director of Washtenaw County
rural schools. and Walter MacPeek. The local branch of Sig
ma Rho