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October 13, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-13

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"- Z
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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
A5ociated 9o11iate* rtss
-=I934 tou neXI i e1 I935
nwasoN wSCOt4SIN
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National:Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
News Editor ...............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Vigt Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, FredWarner Neal. and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhpuse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, 1. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arer, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
arndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
Barkdul, D. G. Bonson, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C.
Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert
D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,
Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, Wil-
liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
sky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder,
Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
The Death Of
Dr. Stoddard...
T HE DEATH of Dr. John Stoddard
made the swings of the pendulum
more audible.
As the oldest Michigan alumnus and the oldest
living graduate of any college in the nation, Dr.
Stoddard represented for us a link between our

University of today and the University as it was
when it struggled to maintain its frontier exist-
ence - frontier not in the sense of actual woods
and wilds, but as a light-bearing institution
on the edge of enlightenment.
His life in itself was an inspiration. Teaching
in Jackson, and becoming principal of a school
there soon after his graduation from Michigan,
he determined to become a physician in order
to serve his fellow men in the manner he believed
himself best able.
Thereafter, Dr. Stoddard practiced for a short
time in Albion, where, in his own words, "practice
was good, but collections were few," and later
practiced in Muskegon until 1919, when he retired.
After his retirement, he lived with friends in
Muskegon. His interests were varied and alive
until his death.
In the words of President Ruthven, "the death
of Dr. Stoddard is indeed a saddening shock to
the University and its alumni."
Two Kinds Of
Michigan Spirit. .
THERE ARE, it would seem, two va-
rieties of Michigan spirit.
First there is the enthusiastic support of Mich-
igan, the belief in the University and what it
stands for, that was evinced by the majority of
the gathering at the bonfire pep-meeting Friday
night, the spirit we are glad to see returning.
Secondly, there is a "Michigan spirit" which
seems to be founded on some sort of mob psychol-
ogy, vandalistic in nature and disorderly in fact.
That's the spirit that storms the Michigan The-
ater, demanding free admission for no other rea-

favorite spots to show off their pep and infect
others with like enthusiasm, are all regular parts
of campus life, but the mob aspects of student en-
thusiasm can not be condoned by any mature hu-
man being.
The Butterfield theaters have been kind enough
in the past to give free shows for all the students
whenever the Wolverines have won a major Big
Ten or National championship, incurring at the
same time no little risk of damage from the
mobs who forced their way into the theatres.
But there is absolutely no excuse for the atti-
tude the students seem to have acquired that the
management owes them a free show whenever
they gather in considerable numbers and work
off a little steam. Collective ownership hasn't
reached Ann Arbor, and the campus theaters
aren't part of the University buildings.
We are sure that this is not an integral part of
the Michigan spirit we are so proud of, but if it
is ... let's change Michigan spirit.
Continues.. .
scription sales drive this week the
magazine Contemporary has returned to the
campus to begin its second year of publication.
Many magazines have come to the campus in
the past few years and made promising beginnings,
but in Contemporary we find one of the first which
has successfully completed its first year as
planned. Starting from scratch, the magazine
finished its four scheduled issues with a profit,
and in the first year won recognition from the
University to the extent of being made an official
publication under the wing of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
This year, with plans for improving their prod-
uct, with intentions of observing last year's crit-
icisms 'and correcting last year's errors, Contem-
porary's staff is about to begin work on their
first issue of the second year, due some time in
early November.
' The University has a place and a need for such
a publication as Contemporary. None of the
other recognized publications deals with literary
material in the field Contemporary covers, a field
which should certainly be provided for in some
way by University publications.
The Daily extends to Contemporary its best
wishes and hopes for another year as highly suc-
cessful as the last.
[As Others See It
Greek Meets Greek
(From the Daily Northwestern)
EVERY YEAR an interesting discussion is raised
concerning the invariably higher scholastic
rating of the sororities above the fraternities.
This year is no exception. When the ratings
were published it was found that the averages
for the sororities were nearly one full grade point
higher than their male counterparts.
Various reasons are given for this discrepancy.
Probably the best idea advanced is that there is
a large percentage of fraternity men who have
jobs. While it is true that most of them are not
paying all their expenses while in school, neverthe-
less, fifty per cent of those .who actually live in
the houses have jobs that occupy a good deal of
their time. Naturally they have not the time to
spend on their studies that most of the sororities
Another argument - and this is particularly
popular in the men's quads - is that the fraternity
men are a bit more cynical than women. The
idea seems to be that the men are a shade more
sophisticated intellectually, if not socially, and
that they are inclined to gaze askance at a good
many of the dogmatic utterances of some of our
faculty. This lack of respect towards the matter
from which our grades are derived naturally does
not contribute towards raising the men's stand-
Some of the more worldly wise students would
say that perhaps a shapely limb exposed in the
front row of some classroom is worth a good deal
more than all the cramming in the world.


- .i

Off The Record

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


GOVERNOR GREEN of Rhode Island has found
that his training as a speaker in war days
still is a help. He came to Washington to cham-
pion some PWA projects. He wanted to see Secre-
tary Ickes personally, even if he could have only
five minutes.
He emerged from the conference grinning.
"How could you get anything done in that short
time?" he was asked.
"Easy," he said. "I was a 'four-minute speaker'
during the war, so we had an extra minute to
discuss the weather."
Just at the Time Oliver Cromwell ascended
to power in England some proud householder
set out a boxwood hedge in his English garden.
Today that hedge surrounds the Lincoln me-
TALL, thin Speaker Byrns smiled mischievously
as he stepped into the same elevator with
short, rotund, jovial Representative Florence "Ma"
Kahn of California.
"Mrs. Kahn," he said solemnly, "you grow
more beautiful every day."
"Mr. Speaker," Mrs. Kahn said just as solemnly
"you're a big story-teller. Why, didn't I meet
you 30 years ago?"
Representative Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
nois was asked if he had a favorite spectator
"Sure," he said, "eating peanuts."
It comes as a shock to many tourists to
discover the wealth of the exhibit in the Fol-
ger Shakespearean library here.
For eXample, there are cutant 200-odd
specimens of the 1623 first folio of Shake-
speare. The largest number possessed outside
Folger is owned by the British museum. It
has five copies. Folger has 79.
SECRETARY WALLACE was sitting on a lecture
platform with his aide, Chester C. Davis,
AAA administrator. Before them were several
thousand men.
"How old do you suppose the average man is in
that group?" whispered Davis.
"Well -about-" started Wallace uncertainly
just as a photographer in the back of the hall
shouted, "Everybody turn around." The two ag-
ricultural chiefs suddenly were faced with a
liberal sprinkling of bald spots. Wallace grinned
and finished:
"About 48 years old."
ETHIOPIA made its first gesture of friendship
to this country when Theodore Roosevelt was
President. Emperor Menelik sent T. R. several
lions, a baboon and an ostrich.
There were no railroads to transport an os-
trich to the coast, so the bird was walked several
hundred miles. He withstood the trip and was
a prize exhibit at the National Zoological park
here until 1930.
SEVERAL famous father-son combinations have
been known to Washington, such as the LaFol-
lettes and the Clarks.
Changing traditions have added four famous
father-daughter teams.
"The Great Commoner," William Jennings
Bryan, secretary of state under Wilson, was fol-
lowed here by Minister to Denmark Ruth Bryan
Katherine Lenroot, director of the children's
bureau, is the daughter of Judge Irvine L. Lenroot
of the court of customs and patent appeals.
Grace Roper was a recognized expert in the
internal revenue department long before her
father was named secretary of commerce.
Senator Marcus A. Hanna, the "president maker
from Ohio," was followed by Ruth Hanna Mc-
Cormick (Mrs. Albert G. Simms), who served a
term in the House.

VOL. XLVI No. 11c
To the Members of the University
Council: The first meeting of thee
University Council for the year 1935-f
1936 will be held Monday, October
14, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009 Angell Hall.
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Kindlyrcall at the Busi-
ness Office to approve payrolls for
October 31. This should be done not
later than October 18.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
Managers and Secretaries of Stu-
dent Organizations are requested to
file the names of members who are
participating in activities in order'
that their eligibility may be approved.
These lists should be submitted to the'
Office of the Dean of Students at1
once. Blanks may be obtained from
the Office of the Dean of Women or'
the Office of the Dean of Students.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Social Chairmen of Fraternities and
Sororities: All party requests, ac-
companied by letters of acceptance
from two sets of chaperons and a
letter of approval from the Financial
Adviser must be submitted to the
Office of the Dean of Women or the
Office of the Dean of Students on the
Monday preceding the date set for
the party.
J. A.Bursley, Dean of Students.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Attendance
report cards are being distributed
through the Departmental Offices.
Instructors are requested to report
absences to my office in accordance
with the rules printed on these cards.
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean
Students, College.. of Literature,
Science ,and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end
of the third week. Saturday, Oc-
tober 19, is therefore the last date
on which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an in-'
dividual instructor to admit a student
later would not affect the operation
of this rule.'
Women Students Attending the
Wisconsin-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Wisconsin - Michigan Football
game are required to register in the
Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in this office not
later than Thursday, October 17. If a
student wishes to go otherwise than
by train, special permission for such
mode of travel must be included in
the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to
register in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Single Concert Tickets: Tickets for
individual concerts in the Choral
Union Series, will be offered "over
the counter" beginning Monday
morning, October 14 at 8:30 a.m.
at the School of Music, at which time
all remaining season tickets will be
broken up at the following prices:
Main floor, $2.00, first balcony $1.50,
second balcony $1.00.
The sale of season tickets will also
continue so long as tickets remain.
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing applicants report to Room 206,
Tappan Hall, between 5:00 and 5:30
p.m. Tuesday, October 15, for usher
James Adams, Rene C. Adlong, El-
mer Akers, Felming Barbour, Melvin
Beaudette, Ralph S. Bell, Leslie Bo-
dor, Donald S. Brownlee, Sidney
Chapman, John O. Drake, Cecil Ellis,
Oleksy M. Frank, Kenneth E. Frank-
ford, Carl O. Grassal, John W. Hays,
Curtis Henderson, E. G. Hildner, Rob-
ert Hutchins, Charles Ingersol, Wil-

liam W. Jack.
Fred M. Jameson, Arthur R. Kook-
er, Koert Koster, Wilfred B. Krabek,
Michael Kuntzman, Nicholas Lentini,
Arthur Lundahl, George Luther, Roy
Lyon, Victor Mansour, Frederick R.
Matson, Robert C. May, Warren H.
Mayo, William E. McIntyre, A. T.
Miller, Jr., Jack Mitchell, Henry M.
Myers, R. H. Nichols, Jr., Louis Oliv-
Glen W. Phelps, Richard Pomeroy,
B. R. Schaefer, I. Zaka Slawsky, Mil-
ton Slawsky, Robert E. Speer, Eugene
W. Springer, Robert St. Clair, Millard.
Stein, Harlow D. Stevens, David Ste-
wart, Carl Swanson, Herbert Teeple,
Albert Tegge, Jr., G. W. Turner, Har-
ry Warner, William Watson, Jacob
Academic Notices
Botany I, Make-up Examination
will be held Saturday, October 26, at
9 o'clock in room 2003 Natural
Science Bldg.
English 149: The Course in Play-
writing, meets Monday night from 7
to 9 in Room 213 Haven Hall. Stu-
dents interested in the course should
consult with Professor Brumm.

Olsson, member of the upper house
of the Swedish parliament and a
leader in adult education in Scandi-
navia, will speak on the subject
"Modern Adult Education in Swed-
en" at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Octob-
er 16, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Dr. Gilbert
Bagnani, Director of Italian excava-
tions in Egypt, will give an illustrated
lecture on the subject "The Excava-
tions at Tebtunis," Tuesday, Novem-
ber 5, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Exhibition of Home Designs- Ar-
chitectural Building: Thirty prize de-
signs by American architects for
homes, selected from the nation-wide
competition recently conducted by
the General Electric Company, are
hung in the ground floor exhibition
cases of the Architectural Building.
Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m., October 14 to 28. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Of To'day
First Methodist Church: 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "Christ's Word to Youth.'
Stalker Hall: Student Guild meet-
ing at 6 p.m. Prof. Max Handman
will speak on "The Economic and So-
cial Aspects of War and Peace." This
begins a new series of meetings on
the subject of Peace. Fellowship
hour and supper at 7 p.m.
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing in Harirs Hall at 7 p.m. The
speaker is to be Bishop Schumck, of
Wyoming. All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; .9:30 a.m.
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon by The Right Reverend
E. N. Schmuck, D.D. of Wyoming.
First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m.'
R. Edward Sayles, minister, will begin
a series of sermons on the Prophets,
his topic being "Amos-Prophet of
Righteousness." Others to follow are,
"Hosea-Prophet of Spiritual In-
sight," Isiah-Most Majestic Prophet"
and "Mican-Spokesman for the
Roger Williams Guild (students).
12 M, Meets at Guild House. Rev.
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
Students, will speak on "Some Real-
isties of Personal Religion." W. E.
Umbach will lead in a discussion. 6:00
p.m. Students at Guild House. Mr.
Chapman will give an opening ad-
dress. Friendship Hour. "Eats." Stu-
dents welcome.
Congregational Church: Service at
10:30 a.m. with sermon by Mr. Heaps,
"Can One Live the Sermon on the
Lecture . by Professor Slosson on
"Francis and Dominic, Christian
Propagandists," second in series on
"Great Catholics."
6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship sup-
per to be followed by a talk by Mr.
Kermit Elby on "New Frontiers for
Modern Youth."
Trinity Lutheran Church. E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. 9:15 Church
School, 10:30 Sermon "Character or
Chaos" by the pastor, Rev. Henry O.
Yoder. 5:30 Lutheran Student Club
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. 6:30
Talk by Prof. R. P. Briggs on Student
and his finances.
Church of Christ (Disciples) 10:45
a.m. Church Service. Sermon by Rev.
Fred Cowin.
12:00 M. Students' Bible Class.
Leader, H. L. Pickerill.
5:00 p.m. If the weather permits
there will be an outdoor program at

the big fireplace near the Island.
Students will meet promptly at 5:00
p.m. at the Guild House, 438 Maynard
Street. Transportation will be pro-
vided. In case of rainy weather or
very cold weather -the program will be
held at Lane Hall. If in doubt be-
cause of weather phone 5838. 15c
supper will be served at either place.
The meeting will close by 7:30 a.m.
Lutheran Student Club. Prof R. P.
Briggs, of the economics department,
will speak to Lutheran Students on
"The Student and His Finances."
This is the first of a series of talks
relating the student to the University
lif e.
The social half hour will precede
supper at 6 o'clock.
All Lutheran students are invited
to join the members.
Unitarian Church: 5:30, Twilight
Devotional Service, "The Personal
Element in Living." 7:30, Liberal
Students' Union - "Students who do
not Cooperate."
Reception to Graduate Students in
Education: The annual reception of
the faculty of the School of Educa-
tion and their wives to graduate

ington cabin for soccer and hiking.
Supper will be served at an approxi-
mate cost at 30c.
Genesee Club will hold its first
meeting of the year at 4:30 p.m. at
the Union. All members are re-
quested to be present. All students
from the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y.
are cordially invited to meet with us.
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal today at 4:30 for all regular
members and tryouts. If unable to
attend excuse should be phoned to
the director (23639).
Coming Events
Research Club will meet in room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, October 16, 8 p.m. Election
of officers. Professor Robert Gesell
will present a paper on "The Pres-
ent Status of the Control of Breath-
The council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Economics Club: Members of the
staffs in Economics and Busines Ad-
ministration, and graduate students
in these departments, are invited to
a meeting of the Club Monday, Oc-
tober 14, 7:45, Room 302 of the
Union.Professor H. S. Ellis who has
recently returned from two years'
residence and study in Vienna will
speak on "Some European Econo-
mists; The Men and Their Theories."

day, October
Room, West
7:30 p.m.

Council meeting Tues-
15, M. E. Computing
Engineering Building,

Glider Club: First meeting Tues-
day, October 15, Room 348 West En-
gineering Building, 8:00 p.m. Plans
for the year to be outlined and brief
motion picture of activities shown.
Group assignments to be made. All
interested are urged to attend.
Phi Tau Alpha, societas honorifica
Latina Graecaque, die lunae, Octo-
bris quarto decimo, hora usitata, in
hospitium Mulierum Michiganensium
conveniet. Comites omnes adeste.
Contemporary: Meeting of the
business staff on Monday, October
14, 5:00 p.m., at Contemporary's of-
fice in the Student Publications
Contemporary: Meeting of all pro-
spective members of the editorial staff
at Contemporary's office in the Stu-
dent Publications Building on Tues-
day, at 7:15 p.m.
U. of M. Radio Club: First meeting
will be held Monday, 7:30 p.m., room
304 Union. An exhibition of radio
equipment will be shown. The pub-
lic is invited.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, October 16, at twelve
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Cafe-
teria Service. Carry tray across hall.
Professor Charles F. Remer, of the
Economics Department, who has re-
cently returned from an extended
visit in the Orient, will speak in-
formally on "Economic Conditions in
the Far East."
Druids will meet at 4:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
William Reed, Pres.

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 12, 1925

Bile Tells The Story Of Ethiopia

ETHIOPIA, land of strange contrasts, was one of
the first civilized nations on earth.
It was the first Christian country; developed
early a simple, legible and easily understand-
able language; and has successfully defended
itself against conquests for about 7,000 years, ac-
cording to Dr. John P. Harrington, ethnologist
of the Smithsonian institution.
Dr. Harrington has spent considerable time in
the little African empire studying its language,
habits and customs. His respect for it is matched
only by his admiration for the people and the
progress they have made.
The record of the beginning of Ethiopia's con-
version to Christianity is found in the Bible it-
self where the 27th verse of the eighth chapter
of Acts relates that the Ethiopian minister of
finance was converted by St. Phillip five years
after the crucifixion.
About 195 years later the entire country was
Christian with a large priesthood and the Bible
and other religious literature translated into
Ethiopian, a language much older than the He-
brew in which the Bible was written, Dr. Har-
rington says. It has remained Christian down
to the present.
Only once in its 30 centuries of existence has
Ethiopia been threatened as it now is. About 1600
A.D. the Mohammedans conquered Egypt, chang-
ing the language and religion of that country, but
their efforts to control Ethiopia were stopped.
About 1100 B.C. the country paid tribute to Egypt

"They reversed the order of writing to make
it read from left to right, as in English, and ma-
terially simplified it by designing vowels by ticks
in a definite order, a tick at one corner of a
consonant figure meaning "A," at another corner
"E" and so forth. In the old Hebrew, as in Arabic,
vowels were written as cluttering dots outside
the consonant letters."
Forms of the Ethiopian letters are also more
like the proto-Semitic than the Biblical Hebrew,
he explains. The present English "A" originally
meant ox in Semitic and was the picture of the
head of an ox. In Ethiopian it is "alf" but in the
Biblical Hebrew it already had been corrupted
into "aalef."
The original Ethiopian language, the most an-
cient branch of the Semitic tongues, gradually de-
veloped into seven modern dialects, in addition
to being preserved itself as the official, sacred
language of the Ethiopian church. These dialects
are: Amharic (the official language of the em-
peror), Tigre, Harari, Argobba, Cafat, Hambat,
and Gurague, according to the ethnologist.
Dr. Harrington points out that the motto of Em-
peror Haile Selassie has been mistranslated to
make him appear as the arrogant "Conquering
Lion of Judah." As a matter of fact the motto,
used at the head of all his public documents, is
merely a testimonial of his ancestry, being "The
Lion (An-be-sa) hath prevailed (Me-gha) from
the tribe (Za-'em-neged) of Judah (Yehuda).
Other interpretations than this Dr. Harrington
scores as "absurd distortions." The motto merely

A rift between the executive coun-
cil of the Union and the board of
directors, consisting of University
professors, developed as the board
censured the council for making ap-
pointments to committees and ban-
ning women from swimming in the
Union pool. The student group re-
taliated, contending they had com-
plete control when the expenditure of
money was not involved.
Prof. A. L. Cross of the history de-
partment received notification of his
election .as corresponding member of
the Massachusetts Historical Society.
He succeeded the famed historian, G.
B. Adams of Yale.
The University Committee on
Buildings found students being in-
jured by pranksters who dropped
things on them in the narrow space
between Angell and University Halls.
A huge screen was erected to protect
students. In its first day of existence,
the screen was filled with missiles.
A committee was formed to obtain
for Betsy Barbour House a new li-
brary "comprising the best fiction of
modern writers."
The Pittsburgh Pirates won the
fifth game of the World Series, 6-3,
but the Washington Senators still
held the lead in games, 3-2.
President Clarence Cook Little con-
tinued attending welcome luncheons,
today being greeted by the Cosmo-
politan Club.
NEWPORT, England, Oct. 12.- (p)
-One hundred and fifty miners on
hunger strike in a colliery today de-
clared they would remain under-

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