ttI MICHIGXN DAITY ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 193 U Classifed Directory LOST AND FOUND CLASSIFIED LOST: One black and red eversharp pen on campus somewhere. Call ADVERTISING 23586. Frank Wilkinson. Place advertisements with Classified LOST: Light brown sweater Satur- _dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. day in section 24 of Stadium. Own- The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. er J. Ashmore, 1402 Washington Box numbers may be secured at no Heights. Phone 2-2076. ~xtra charge. Cash in advance lic per reading line (on basis of five average words to FOR SALE line) for one or two insertions. 1Oc per reading line for three or more FOR SALE: A beautiful leapord fur Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line coat, size 14-16. 720 Haven St. fer two or more insertions. 10%' discount if paid within ten days FOR RENT HOOVER PLANS TRIP day on his return trip to California, ford Fellow Alumni at a luncheon. NEW YORK, Oct. 12. - 1P) - For- planning a week-end stop in Phila- Later he planned to witness the Penn- mer President Herbert Hoover left to- deliphia to address the Leland Stan- sylvania-Yale football game. I NEW four-room unfurnished apart- ment. Refrigerator and electric stove furnished. Phone 3843. 612 Church. 52 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x LAUNDRY EXPERIENCED laundress, doing stu- dents' laundry. Will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863. 7x STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free' delivery. Phone 3006. 6x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. lx WATCH SPECIALISTS THE TIME SHOP 1121 So. University Ave. Today - Monday - Tuesday DICK POWELL in "BROADWAY GONDOLIER" FRANKIE THOMAS in "THE DOG OF FLANDERS" "FIRE BRIGADE" A MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon By WALT DISNEY N I 'Iil Oratorical fssn. Lecture Course .4 HON. HARRY L. HOPKINS Works Progress Administrator REV. BERNARD R. HUBBARD, S.J. "The Glacier Priest" HON. WILLIAM R. CASTLE Distinguished Diplomat Eight Outstanding nSOC $0.s SEASON TICKETS $3.50, $3.00, $2.75 SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE DOROTHY THOMPSON Noted Woman Journalist EDWARD PRICE BELL Famous Foreign Correspondent JOSEF ISREALS Authority On Ethiopia .:.~( :; .ti.. 6'.. i .. _. .' .. .:.. 11 C C