The Weather
Partly cloudy today, some-
what warmer; tomorrow in-
creasing cloudiness, cooler.
A6F 4tv
i aiti
The Death Of Stoddard..
Two Kinds Of Miphigan Spirit
Contemporary Continues ....
7-0 In First Big
Ten Game
League Of Nations
All Loans To Italy
Fumbled Punt Recovered For Michigan Touchdown
Patanell Downs
Action On Proposals Of
Subcommittee Expected
Formal Annexation
Of Aduwa Is Today
Ethiopian Chieftain, With
15,000 Men, Reported
Joining Italian Forces
GENEVA, Oct. 12. - () -The
League of Nations moved to strike
at Italy's pocketbooks today by with-
holding all loans and bank credits to
the Fascist government.
A financial subcommittee of the
League's general staff for sanctions
recommended this, action, which is
expected to be taken without delay.
The League, with 50 nations on rec-
ord for sanctions, already has placed
an arms embargo upon Italy and lift--
ed it from Ethiopia.
A sanctions committee of 17 ad-'
journed until Monday without hav-
ing reached a decision upon an eco-
nomic boycott, which League leaders'
favor imposing upon Italy.
The general tenor of the discus-
sion was that the problems are ex-
ceedingly complicated and require
further examination. Anythony Eden
of Great Britain advanced the chief
proposal for an embargo upon pur-
chases from Italy along with an em-
bargo on sales to Italy of products
which might be used for the man-
ufacture of armaments.
A resolution adopted by the finan-
cial subcommittee would forbid the
following by members favoring sanc-
1. The opening of credits to Italy
in any foreign country.
2. Authorization of a public issue
by Italy in any foreign country.
3. Authorization of a public issue
by an additional or legal entity na-
tional of Italy or of either acting
as an intermediary in one of the
League's states.
4. Opening of bank credits in fa-
vor of Italy in any League country.
5. Opening of bank credits without
any commercial character in favor of
any individual or legal entity na-
tional of Italy or of either of them
ating as Italy's intermediary in one
o, the League states.
6. Opening of credits similar t
those referred to in paragraph 5 but
having the appearance of a commer-
cial credit.
7. Opening of normal commercial i
credits, details of which will be
worked out by the committee.
ADUWA, Ethiopia, Oct. 12. - (P) -
Gen. Emilio de Bono, commander of
the Italian armies in this sector will
formally annex Aduwa, capital of the
valuable Tigre Province, tomorrow in
the name of Italy.
The town appeared entirely sub-
missive to Italian control today. Ital-
ian officers predicted that Italy soon
would rule the whole province, fol-
lowing the surrender of Degiac Haile
Selassie Gugsa and Degiac Kassa
Araia, prominent Ethiopian chief-
tains. Degiac Gugsa said he and his
15,000 riflemen would join the Italian
forces, while 15,000 more men at
Makale also would go over to the
Italian side.
Italians Hail Surrender
Italians claim that the surrender of
the two Ethiopian leaders indicates
collapse of Ethiopian resistance and
clears the path to Makale.
Replying to my question in an in-
terview today, Degiac Gugsa told me
he came over to the Italian side "be-
cause I have always been friendly to
"I wanted development and mod-
ernization of my province of Makale,"
he said.
President Of
Alma College
Dr. Crooks Will Talk At
Local Church; Prophet
Discussions Begin,
Dr. Harry Crooks, president of
Alma College, will deliver the reg-
ular Sunday morning sermon of the
Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m.
today at the Masonic Temple. The1
subject of Dr. Crook's sermon will be
"Adequate Faith."
Also featuring an outside speaker
for its Sunday service, the St. An-
drew's Episcopal church will present
the Right Rev. E. N. Schmuck, D.D.,
of Wyoming. In addition to his
morning sermon, Rev. Schmuck will
address the student meeting at 7 p.m.
at Harris Hall.
Rev. R. E. Sayles will begin a series
of addresses on the Prophets at the
regular morning service today of
the First Baptist Church, with a
discussion of "Amos, Prophet of
Righteousness." The student group
will meet at 12 a.m. in the Guild
House to hear Rev. Howard R. Chap-
man, student minister, discuss the
question "Some Realities of Personal
Religion." Students will also meet
at' 6 p.m. at the Guild House_ for a
general fellowship gathering.
A twilight devotional service is
scheduled for 5:30 p.m. at the Uni-
tarian Church. Mr. H. P. Marley in-
tends to talk on "The Personal Ele-
ment in Living." "Students who do
not Cooperate" will be the object
of attack by the Liberal Students
CAMDEN, N. J., Oct. 12.-()-
Mrs. Ethel Kohler complained that
her husband's idea of keeping the
household budget down was to turn
off the water, gas and electricity.
Chancery Master William J. Kraft
recommended a divorce.
j Matt Patanelli, (lying prone at referee's feet, is shown scoring in the second quarter of the Michigan-
Indiana game to give the Wolverines their marginof victory. On Sweet's quick kick, the ball bounced and
struck Huffman (44) (standing at the extreme right) and bounded into the end zone, where Patanelli fell on it.
Hilarity, Jubilance, Confidence
Rule In Michigan Locker Room
"Well, we're 100 per cent in the
conference now. They can't take
that away from us."
Thus did Harry Kipke, his face
beaming with pleasure, sum up the
hilarious joy in the Michigan locker
room following the Varsity's second
Big Ten victory since 1933.
"I guess we can go back to Elkhart
now, eh?" thechead coach said jubi-
lantly to Johnny Smithers, halfback
who hails from that city in Indiana.
"Sure can Coach," was the reply,
and Smither's begrimed and sweaty
face shone with the joy of victory.
And so it was all over the looker
room as the tired but happy Wol-
verines relaxed their weary bodies on
the benches, laughing, crying over
each others shoulders.
"Boy, did we show 'em." shouted
the irrepressible Wally Weber and
the more said Franklin C. Cappon re-
turned: "We sure did."
It was Patanelli, who as he was en-
tering the shower room, shouted back
over his shoulder to Captain Bill
Renner: "Let's go, Bill. We got an-
other ball game on our hands next
It was a triumph for Michigan
spirit, reborn at the mass meeting
Friday night, that was exemplified
among the team members, as much
as it was by the joyous, shouting
throng that followed the stirring
strains of "The Victors" up State
Street, a "Victors" that had not
sounded so thrilling for two years.
The "Get a Hoosier" cry that came
from the throats of the Varsity at its
last practice before the game was
put into practice. As one of the
coaches remarked, "Michigan got the
breaks all right today. But it was
not pure luck. Those boys were on
their toes, full of life, looking for
the breaks."
And Bud Hanshue, forced to leave
on the arms of two managers, sighed,
"I can't let 'em down now."
And Kipke, shaking hands with
everybody in sight, opened the win-
dows and looked out. He grinned.
Two Girls Hurt
In Auto Crash
Late Last Night
Two girls were injured in an auto-
mobile accident late last night as the
result of a collision between two cars
driven by Burt K. Lutz, Jr., 15, 270
Crest Ave., and Frank Dow, 29, 616
W. Madison Street.
The girls are Dorothy Hoppe, 16,
416 N. Fifth Street, and Julia Ross,
3, 616 W. Madison Street.
Miss Hoppe, who was riding with
Lutz; was taken to St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital, while Julia, who was riding
with Dow, was taken to the University
Hospital. Their condition was re-
ported as not serious.
BATTLE CREEK, Oct. 12.---(R) -
Sen. Gerald P. Nye, of South Dakota,
declared in an interview here today
that the "Republicans can defeat
Roosevelt in 1936 if they nominate a
liberal like Borah. Otherwise they
will take a terrific lacing."
Choral Unio
Concerts O
Here Satui
Metropolitan Opera
Offer Program Of
Duets And Quarte
Four of the best-known st
Metropolitan Opera compa
augurate the fifty-sevent]
Choral Union concert seri
day in Hill Auditorium in a
of solos, duets, and quartet
in the presentation are
Martinelli, tenor; Queena N
prano; Doris Doe, contralto;
Pinza, bass-baritone.
The program, recently a
is as follows:
Thy Sweet Singing ......1
Sleep, My Laddie Sleep ...]
Miss Doe
Alma mia.............
Nel cor piu -non mi sento .
Untima Canzone .........
Mr. Pinza
Ah! love but a
day .......... Mrs. H. H.
Oh! quand je dors.......
Aria, "Waltz" from
"Ro'neo et Juliette"....
Miss Mario
La Cara Rimembranza ...
Mattinata .............Le
Musica proibita...n.. ...
Mr. Martinelli
Goodnight Quartet from
"Martha" ...........y.vo
The Quartet
Duet: la ci darem la man
from "Don Giovanni"
Miss Mario and Mr. P
Duet: Ai nostri monti from
"Il Trovatore". .........
Mr. Martinelli and Mis
Duet from "Madame
Butterly"' .............
Miss Doe and Miss M
Duet: I Mulattieri ........
Mr. Martinelli and Mr.
Bella figlia dell'amore
from "Rigoletto" ......
The Quartet
Adult Educa
Institute P
Fourth Mee
Registration Com
Monday; Women'
To Meet Coneurre
The fourth annual Adult:
Institute, held under the a
the Extension Division of
versity of Michigan, will sw
way tomorrow with regist
the Michigan League, headci
the Institute. The Institu
held this year in conjunc
the State Convention of the
Federation of Women's Cl
Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wi
ex-governor of Pennslyvania
of the foremost social work
country today, will be one o
standing speakers feature
five day program. Mrs. P
deliver the concluding addr
Institute Friday afternoon
Woman's Place in the S
Modern, Economic, Social
cational Problems."
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthve
liver the opening talk of th
at 11 a.m. tomorow. Speak
afternoon session at 2 p.m
J. Campbell of the Englis
ment will conduct a forum
Relation of Dramatic Lit
Dramatic Art" Prof. Jam(
lock, of the Political Scien
ment, will follow this forum
on "The Spoils System ir
n iSweet Averages 37 Yards
'In Punting, Picks Up
pen 150 Yards In Game
rday Indiana Outpoints
Michigan On Downs
a Stars
f Solos, Indiana Withstands Three
ts Wolverine Advances To
20 Yard Line
ars of the
y will in- By WILLIAM,R. REED
h annual (Sports Editor)
es Satur- Playing for the breaks and getting
. program one big one, Michigan's football team
s. Joined
Giovanni opened the 1935 Conference season
Mario, so- yesterday in the Stadium with a 7
and Ezio to 0 win over Indiana. It was the
first Michigan victory in Big Ten
nnounced, football competition since the Wol-
verines defeated Northwestern Nov.
Olmstead 26, 1933, to clinch National and Big
Browning Ten Honors.
t Charles The big break of the game came
midway in the second quarter when
.Handel Vernon Huffman, Hoosier safety,
Paisiello touched a Michigan punt as it bound-
.Tosti ed over his head into the end zone,
where Matt Patanelli fell on it. John
Viergever converted for the extra
A. Beach point.
.....Liszt Outgained from scrimmage and
. Gounod able to score only on a break, Michi-
gan dominated the play by resort-
. Donaudy ing to the most fundamental point in
onaudy othe traditional Wolverine -system,
oncavallo punting. The kicking of Cedric
Gastaldon Sweet, held to an average of 37 yards
by two poor kicks, kept the Hoosiers
n Flotow in their own territory for practically
all of the first half and kept the play
o divided in both sectors during the
..Mozart second half.
Pinza Lose Three Scoring Opportunities
The Hoosiers outgained Michigan
.... Verdi 12 first downs to eight, but Sweet's
s Doe kicking picked up 150 yards for the
.. Puccini Michigan got within the Hoosier
ario 20-yard line three times during the
.. Masini game, going to the 6-yard line mid-
Pinza way in the first quarter and to with-
in two yards of the goal another
.... Verdi time, but could not score. Indiana,
although threatening continually on
long passes, was able to get within
* the scoring zone only twice, and was
tion stopped both times.
Indiana Advances To 15-Yard Line
lans Indiana's only serious threat, de
spite flurries of long passes, came
Ain early in the third quarter after a,
ting series of passes, Filchock to Fowler
and Norton, had taken the ball to the
Michigan 15. Passing incomplete
mences three times in four plays, the Hoos-
sClubs iers gave the ball up on downs there
and Everhardus ran and Sweet kicked
ntly out of danger.
The touchdown followed a long
Education kick by Sweet from his 37-yard line
uspices of which landed in front of Huffman on
the Uni- his 17 and bounded high over his
ing under head. Trying for an overhead catch,
ration at Huffman touched the ball before it
,uarters of bounded into the end zone, where he
te will be and Mike Savage both tried for the
tion with loose ball. Patanelli, down under the
Michigan punt, fell on the ball for the score as
ubs. it rolled away from both.
Lfe of the Play Is Weak In Spots
a, and one
ers in the Although strictly an "eleven-man
f the out- victory" the play of Frank Bissell at
d on the guard, Matt Patanelli at end, and
nchot will Everhardus as a ground gainer stood
ess of the out for the Wolverines. Bissell was
on "The beneath every line play and down
olution of under punts, while Patanelli played
and Edu- the most brilliant game of his career.
Everhardus accounted for five of
n will de- Michigan's six first downs by rushing.
ie sessions Looking better against a team lack-
ing at the ing the speed of the Michigan State
., Prof. 0. outfit which outclassed Michigan last
h depart- week, the Wolverines displayed spot-
, on "The ty, though improved, blocking and
erature to tackling. It was particularly the
es K. Pol- improved blocking in punt protection
ce depart- which was responsible for Sweet's
n with one showing. Sweet was hurried only
n Govern- once during the game while kicking,
every other time being given a per-
To Score
Curious Farm-Hand Uncovers Ancient Indian
Village Now Puzzling University Archaeologists
When a young farm-hand with
curiosity found that his plow every
now and then turned up bits of stone
that seemed to have been sharpened,
he began an investigation which has
brought from the ground under his
feet almost 100 skeletons and a puz-
zling mystery that is fascinating
members of the staff of the Uni-
versity Museums.
Apparently on that same spot,
anywhere from 250 to 800 years ago,
a tribe of Algonquian Indians lived,
setting their tents, building their
fires and burying their dead. Here
too they had their religious dances,
with the skeletons of their dead
friends dancing on strings beside
them. And here perhaps they in-
itiated the young braves into the
rituals of a lodge similar to our Ma-
sonic Lodge by a mysterious process
not unlike our fraternity initiation.
But this is all conjecture - just
a vivid picture in the minds of ar-
chaeologists who are at a loss to
explain certain contradictions, as,
for example, the puzzling absence of
implements of any sort which might
reasonably be expected if this were
once an Indian village.
It began last year, when a letter
from Carman Baggerly, the farm
hand who is also an enthusiastic
naturalist, came to Dr. Carl E. Guthe,
director of the Museum of Anthro-
pology, and to Dr. Wilbur B. Hins-
dale, director of the Great Lakes di-
rt- - ,, .- -
/ - _
1 /s j
bones undecomposed for as long as
a century, thus setting our maximum
date at about 850 years ago."
How did we learn that these In-
dians had religious dances with the
skeletons of their friends, or that
they had mysterious lodge rites? "We
find that several of the skulls are
perforated at the vertex with coun-
ter-sunk holes," Dr. Hinsdale tells
us, "and in several other bones of1
bodies we find other mysterious
holes. Skulls with these perfora-
tions have been unearthed through-1
out Ohio and in other parts of Mich-1
igan. Sometimes we find these skele-
tons buried in "bundle burials,"
where three or four skeletons are
buried together in a sort of a bundle.
Many of these skeletons are not ar-
ticulated (that is, the bones are not
joined together at the joints) and
so we conclude that they were -buried
after the flesh had been removed.
"We may believe, therefore, that
these Indians were not buried di-
rectly after death in many cases.
This may have been because they
died in the winter, and, without
shovels or suitable implements,
could not be buried until the next
thaw, and were kept in trees until
then. We understand, from research
into the period, that the Indians were
accustomed to attach considerable
reverence to the bodies or skeletons
of their dead tribesmen, and some-
times suspended them on strings dur-
ing their religious dances. It is con-
ceivable then that these mysterious
holes were merely for the purpose
This week, an important find was made when the University
expedition uncovered a skeleton buried apparently between two logs,
or else with a tree bark wrapped around him. The teeth indicate that
the Indian was fairly young at the time of his death. His right knee
is flexed, and he was apparently lying on his left side. The photograph
shows Baggerly, discoverer of the location, brushing the sand off the
new find, and the sketch, made by Carleton W. Angell, University
artist, for The Daily, indicates the detail and position of the skeleton.
tinued to unearth bits of decayed
wood laid in a symmetrical order,
the spot, and the sort of life they