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October 12, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-12

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service..
Associtd Soll2egat 'dress
-x1934 Queowel I1935-E
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street,.New York, N.Y. -400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR ...................WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor...........................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive . Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfe.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr, Wil-
iam A. Bles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca,rHerbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, VirginiasKenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS -ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
Barkdul, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C.
Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert
DFallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,
Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Krnenberger, Wil-
liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, LawrenceA. Star-
sky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder,
Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
col-- -
Spirit is more than noise.
Enthusiasm creates momentum.
-Coach Franklin C. Cappon
The S.C.A. -
Comes Back...
WENTY-FIVE years ago the Stu-
dent Christian Association was per-
haps the m st influential student organization on
the campus. Its activities were legion, and they
were directed with such efficiency and effectiveness
that the organization was called upon to perform
many functions outside of its own sphere. It has
seen many of its ideas taken over and enlarged
by the University, the Union, and the League.
Formerly, as soon as a freshman came to Ann
Arbor, he made his way to S.C.A. headquarters.
A list of approved rooming houses was kept; and
an employment bureau for students was main-
tained. It was a place where he met friends.
Numerous forums and discussions' helped him
to become actuainted. with Michigan traditions

and to orient himself in his new surroundings.
Thus the idea for orientation week was begun,
and the University a few years ago took over
this worthy and extensive activity. Only the
freshman Handbook and the Rendezvous camp
are the remnants of a once extensive freshman
week program sponsored by the S.C.A.
In the old days student religious activities
centered around the Student Christian Associa-
tion. Now the student guilds of the different de-
nominations have been organized. Its only role
in this regar. now is that of coordinator and pro-
moter of frkendly cooperation among the. guilds.
Its work with foreign students was one of its
largest activities and two years ago the Univer-
sity by the appointment of a Counsellor to Foreign
Students took over a large part of the activity of
the S.C.A. in this field.
After steadily losing prestige for a number of
years rejuvenation of the organziation was begun
last year. A program more along the line of
social service was inaugurated, for fully the S.C.A.

feel some pride in knowing that it first inaugurat-
ed them. And the rejuvenation which was begun
last year again shows that the S.C.A. is of pro-
found benefit to the campus. Even though it is
one of the oldest organizations on the Michigan
campus, it is one that can meet changing condi-
tions and one that will ever be of big value to
Michigan students.
Case Club
Trials .
the University who are preparing
for the study of law will find it to their advan-
tage to attend the Law School's case club trials
which will begin within a few weeks. By so do-
ing, they will be able to acquaint themselves with
court procedure and some facts of substantive
law; or, they may be able to find out early that
their personalities are incompatible with legal
work, and thus be able to change their under-
graduate study courses before proceeding too far
in the pre-legal curriculum.
The aim of the case clubs -of which there
are five, with an aggregate membership of nearly
300 student lawyers -is to teach the students
to analyze legal problems in a way that will allow
them to prepare properly their arguments for
presentation in court. Senior students with two
years' experience in case club research and argu-
mentation take small groups of new case club
members through the Cook Legal Research Li-
brary, and acquaint them with the intricacies of
"digging up legal precedents" upon which they
may' best predicate their arguments. The stu-
dents are given instruction in how to prepare
"briefs" before the court.
Because this activity teaches law students to do
the same work on hypothetical =cases that they
will later have to do on actual cases in their pro-
fession, case club participation is considered of the
utmost importance by the Law School faculty.
In recognition of the value of case club research,
the faculty excuses those students who partici-
pate in this activity for two years from preparing
their final "briefs" in practice court, a required
law subject,
In view of the excellent training these case
clubs afford the student lawyers, it is well that
undergraduates doing pre-legal work should fa-
miliarize themselves with their future profession
by attending case club trials soon to be held at the
Law School.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
The recent refusal of the University of Mich-
igan to readmit certain students active in radical
propaganda has opened up some very fundamental
questions as to the duties and responsibilities of
a liberal institution; questions that have nothing
to do with the merits of communism or pacifism
as such. It is obvious that freedom for "correct"
views in politics, economics, philosophy or any
other controversial field is no freedom at all; it is
like the examination remark of one of my stu-
dents: "In that country everybody was tolerated
except heretics!" If we are to be liberal or tol-
erant at all, it must mean that we are ready to
permit other people to express their views by
speech, by print, by peaceful mass meeting or in
any other way that does not involve violence, even
if we think those opinions in themselves both nox-
ious and absurd. The real question is, does the
college student deserve this measure of freedom?
I think he does, and I would go even further and
hold that it is wholesomer and in the long run
safer for students to think even erroneously and
express their opinions even crudely than to avoid
thinking of fundamental issues at all or to stifle
their thoughts from a fear of coercive action of any
sort. Unsound arguments die most quickly in the

open air of free controversy. This ought to be a
platitude, but unhappily it seems that truisms
have to be restated from time to time.
-Preston W. Slosson.

A Washington
ONE WONDERS whether it was by accident or
design that Herbert Hoover, speaking to young
Republicans in California, blossomed out as the
first studied party responder to President Roose-
velt's series of western expositions of the New
Did National Chairman Fletcher or the Repub-
lican national organization have any hand in it?
Or was it mere accident, due to plans laid before
the President's speaking itinerary was known,
that brought these two titular heads of their
respective parties into . action so close together
geographically and in point of time?
At a guess, it was pure accident. The atmo-
sphere of the Republican executive committee
gathering in Washington, just before Mr. Roose-
velt headed west, does not invite the idea that
Mr. Hoover's role as party spokesman in answer-
ing Roosevelt was due to national committee
strategy. Those executive committeemen would
not touch the Republican '36 nomination matter
officially with a 10-foot pole. Most of them would
not touch it even privately in a way to be quoted,
There is too much dynamite in it.
* * * *
NEVERTHELESS, Mr. Hoover's appearance be-
fore the California Young Republicans in the
circumstances was certain to be hailed as a bid for
nomination by more than "Big Jim" Farley.
There is not much doubt that wings of his own
party so construed it. The demands from certain
Republican groups that Mr. Hoover eliminate
himself at once and completely from the '36 race
were of too recent date - and went too pointedly
unanswered-- for it to be otherwise.
The former President could have met that dif-
ficulty by including language definitely renounc-
ing '36 aspirations in his talk. You can find in
Washington men formerly close in Hoover con-
fidence who are vehement in asserting that he has
no such aspirations and will, in due course, dis-
close that by declaring for someone else. They
even tell you, mysteriously, that they know who
that somebody else is, that he already has been
picked by Mr. Hoover. Some will whisper a name;
coupled with warnings that its publication as the
Hoover choice almost certainly would be denied
at Palo Alto.
* * * *
VERY NATURALLY, the Hoover Young Repub-
lican speaking date appealed strongly to Far-
ley. He had a young Democrat speaking date
of his own simultaneously in Kentucky. He also
had a difficult, intra-party clash fto try to iron
out in the Blue Grass state, emphasized by the
open snub to the President by the party wing de-
feated in the recent gubernatorial primaries.
The most outspoken for a Hoover-for-president
Republican ticket in '36 has been Farley, Demo-
cratic chairman. His obvious desire is to rub as
much salt as possible into Republican '32 and
'34 wounds. And ",by talking much about Hoover
in Kentucky and not at all about Democratic
party strife there, "Big Jim" Farley could let him-
self go regardless. He was on safe ground.

VOL. XLVI No. 10
Faculty Directory, 1935-36: The
combined Faculty and Campus Tele-
phone Directory for 1935-36 will go
to press early next week. Although
the Faculty Directory cards already
recevied have been checked with the
payrolls, members of the Faculty and
University staff are urgedhto report
any new appointees, for whom cards.
have not already beenrturned in, to
the Editorial Office, 108 Mason Hall,
so as to avoid, if possible, the omis-
sion of names from the Directory.
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls:Kindly call at the Busi-
ness Office to approve payrolls for
October 31. This should be done not
later than October 18.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
Social Chairmen of Fraternities and
Sororities: All party requests, ac-
companied by letters of acceptance
from two sets of chaperons and a
letter of approval from the Financial
Adviser must be submitted to the
Office of the Dean of Women or the
Office of the Dean of Students on the
Monday preceding the date set for
the party.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Women Students Attending the
Wisconsin-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Wisconsin-Michigan Football
game are required to register in the
Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from-parents
must be received in this office not
later than Thursday, October 17. If a
student wishes to go otherwise than
by train, special permission for such
mode of travel must be included in
the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to
register in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Single Concert Tickets: Tickets for
individual concerts in the Choral
Union Series, will be offered "over
the counter" beginning* Monday
morning, October 14 at 8:30 o'clock
at the School of Music, at which time
all remaining season tickets will be
broken up at the following prices:
Main floor, $2.00, first balcony $1.50,
second balcony $1.00.
The sale of season tickets will also
continue so long as tickets remain.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: The Hill Auditorium box of-
fice will be open today from ten to
twelve for the sale of season tick-
Academic Notices
English 149: The Course in Play-
writing, meets Monday night from 7
to 9 in Room 213 Haven Hall. Stu-
dents interested in the course should
consult with Professor Brumm.
R. W. Cowden.
Events Of Today
Presbyterian Students: There will
be a party at the Masonic Temple
(4th and Williams Sts.) 9:00 p.m.
Presbyterian Students are cordially
invited to attend. Popular local or-
chestra will play for the dance. Games
and refreshments. Cost $.15.
Coming Events
Congregational Church, Sunday.
Service at 10:30 a.m. with sermon by
Mr. Heaps, "Can One Live the Ser-
mon on the Mount?"
Lecture by Professor Slosson on
"Francis and Dominic, Christian
Propagandists," second in series on
"Great Catholics."
6:00 Student Fellowship supper to
be followed by a talk by Mr. Kermit
Eby on "New Frontiers for Modern

First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m.
Sunday R. Edward Sayles, minister,
will begin a series of sermons on the
Prophets, his topic being, "Amos -
Prophet of Righteousness." Others to
follow are, "Hosea - Prophet of
Spiritual Insight," Isiah - Most Ma-
jestic Prophet" and "Mican-Spokes-
man forthe Poor."
Roger Williams wGuild (students).
12 M, Meets at Guild House. Rev.
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
Students, will speak on "Some Real-
isties of Personal Religion.' W. E.
Umbach will lead in a discussion. 6:00
p.m. Students at Guild House. Mr.
Chapman will give an opening ad-
dress. Friendship Hour. "Eats.' Stu-
dents welcome students.
Trinity Lutheran Church. E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. 9:15, Church
School. 10:30 Sermon "Character or
Chaos" by the pastor, Rev. Henry O.
Yoder. 5:30 Lutheran Student Club
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. 6:30
Talk by Prof. R. P. Briggs on Student
and his finances.
Zion Lutheran Church, Washing-
ton St. and Fifth Ave., E. C. Stell-
horn, Pastor. 9:00 a.m. Sunday
School; lesson topic, "Jeremiah the

by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00 M. Stu-
dents' Bible Class. Leader, H. L.
Pickerill. 5:00 p.m. If the weather
permits there will be an outdoor pro-
gram at the fire placenear the Island.
Students will meet promptly at
5:00 p.m. at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street, Transportation will
be provided. In case of rainy or very
cold weather the program will be held
at Lane Hall. If in doubt because of
the weather phone 5838, a fifteen
cent supper will be served at either
place. The meeting will close at 7:30
Harris. Hall: The regular student
meeting will:be held Sunday evening
in Harris Hall at seven o'clock. The
speaker for the evening will be The
Right Reverend E. N. Schmuck, D.D.
of Wyoming.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon by the Right Reverend
E. N. Schmuck, D.D. of Wyoming.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Third
and West Liberty Sts. 9:30 a.m. Sun-
day school; 10:45 a.m. Sermon by
Rev. Fr. A. Sattelmeier, Freedom,
Mich. 3:00 p.m., (Service in Ger-
man). Sermon by Rev. Paul Waschi-
lewsky, Inkster, Mich.
6 p.m. Student Supper, followed by
the meeting which will be conducted
by the several visiting ministers.
7:30 p.m. Sermon by the Rev. H. A.
Burandt, Toledo, Ohio.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South Fourth Avenue, Theodore
Schmale, pastor. 9:00 a.m. Sunday,
Early Service (Conducted in Ger-
man). 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:30
a.m. Morning Worship with sermon
by Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in
Religious Education at the U. of M.
Sermon topic, The Service of the
German and English Bible Transla-
tions to the Cause of Religion. 7:00
p.m. Junior League meeting. Miss
Esther Carstens will lead.
Unitarian Church, Sunday, 5:30
Twilight Devotional Service, "The
Personal Element in Living." 7:30,
Liberal Students' Union, "Students
Who do Not Cooperate."
Engineering Council Meeting Tues-
day, October 15, M. E. Computing
Room, West Engineering Building,
7:30 p.m. -
Kappa Tau Alpha announces an
important business meeting to be held
Monday, October 14, 4 o'clock, room
213, Haven Hall.
Glider Club: First meeting Tues-
day, October 15, Room 348 West En-
gineering Building, 8:00 p.m. Plans
for the year to be outlined and brief
motion picture of activities shown.
Group assignments to be made. All
interested are urged to attend.
All Graduate Students are cordially
invited to attend the Graduate Out-
ing Club trip scheduled to leave Lane
Hall at three Sunday afternoon. The
club plans to go to the George Wash-
ington cabin for soccer and hiking.
Supper will be served at an approxi-
mate cost of 30c.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 12, 1925
President Clarence Cook Little and
Mrs. Little were welcomed by the Ann
Arbor Chamber of Commerce in the
Union ballroom. Mayor Robert A.
Campbell welcomed the new Presi-
dent in behalf of the townspeople and
Roscoe Bonisteel in behalf of the

The University Women's Club
elected 27, all juniors and seniors, to
Michigan's Varsity golf team suf-
fered defeat, 29-7, at the hands of
the Detroit Country Club team on
Barton Hills course.
Opposition to the proposed con-
struction of the stadium was ad-
vanced with the publication of the
Sunday Chimes. The Daily met the
opposition with a barrage of editor-
ials. The foundation for criticism
was a desire to do away with in-
tercollegiate football entirely.
Weber To Discuss
Game NIlext Monday
A record gathering of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor
will hear Wally Weber "re-hash" the
Indiana game when the club holds its
first football clinic of the year at
noon Monday in the Michigan Union.
Dean W. Myers, president of the
club, announced yesterday that more

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Repair Keeps
Caretakers Of
Grounds Busy
Several Buildings Receive
FiberCoatings On Roofs
For Protection
The task of repairing and improv-
ing the plant of the University is
keeping the Buildings and Grounds
department occupied in several di-
rections at present.
Perhaps the most noticeable ac-
tivity is the work of paving the curb
sidewalks along East University Ave.,
and the laying of new plazas in front
of the East Engineering and Medical
Buildings. Paving is also being start-
ed on E. Catherine St. behind the
Hospital. This work has been under-
taken as a PWA project.
Better protection from the fury of
the Ann Arbor rains and snows will
be furnished the Economics and
Pharmacology Buildings, Waterman
Gymnasium, Tappan Hall, East Hall
and the University Storehouses by
fiber coating for their roofs. The
West Physics Building and University
Elementary School will also receive
fresh coatings of paint in preparation
for winter.
In order to afford the Bureau of
Appointments two new offices, Room
207 University Hall has been parti-
tioned; and in Haven Hall, Room B,
a partition has been removed to
double the classroom space, a move
necessitated by an overcrowded his-
tory lecture section:
Alongside the R.O.T.C. Headquar-
ters there is a pile of 18-inch pipe and
a frequent recurrence of a tarry odor.
These are occasoned by the installa-
tion of a new steam tunnel there-
As the neat step in their current
program of improvements, the de-
partment plans the air conditioning
of the operating rooms in the Uni-
versity Hospital.
Of LHauptmann
To Be Printed
Prison Warden Releases
Manuscript To Lawyers
Of LindbergKidnaper
TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 11.-- W) -
Col. Mark O. Kimberling, prison war-
den today released to Bruno Richard
Hauptmann's attorneys a 218-page
autobiography written by Haupt-
mann in the death house.
The attorneys for months have
sought release of the autobiography
to permit its sale to obtain funds to
finance Hauptmann's appeals.
The colonel issued the following
"On May 4, 1935, Bruno Richard
Hauptmann completed his autobi-
ography and made a request to the
principal keeper that his story be
released to his wife and counsel.
"The autobiography was translated
into English, carefully read by the
principal keeper, who discussed the
possibilities of release with Gov. Hoff-
man, Commissioner Ellis and the
prison board of governors.
"It was felt that no permission
shouldnbengranted for the release of
this manuscript while Hauptmann's
case was on appeal to the court of
errors and appeals. There appeared
to be little or no basis for objections
to its release following the decision of
the court."

Extension Of
Year Granted
}Detroit Banks
Prolong Receivership Of
Group, Inc.
DETROIT, Oct. 11.- (P)- Circuit
Judge Adolph F. Marschner extended
today for one year the receivership
of the Guardian - Detroit - Union
Group, Inc., holding company for the
Union Trust Co., Guardian National
Bank of Commerce and a number of
other Michigan financial institutions.
Alex J. Groesbeck, receiver for 'the
group, told the court it probably
would take two years to terminate
the receivership.
Groesbeck said there are 18 cases
pending involving the group and that
it would be unwise to dispose of
the groups' interest in certain stocks
and bonds at this time.
The report commented on the sat-
isfactory progress during the year in
four institutions owned by the group,
including the.First National Bark &
Trust Co., of Kalamazoo. It Men-
tioned specifically the increase in
deposits in the Kalamazoo institution.
It was revealed by A. W. Semp-
liner, attorney for Groesbeck, that so










A British Gaumont picture directed by Robert
Flaherty and being presented by the Art Cinema
League at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
It is probably first necessary to explain the
headline appearing directly above this review. It
does not mean that "Man of Aran" is necessarily
best compared to a symphony, though that com-
parison is a very good one, but it is rather to de-
stroy the notion that this is another movie.
Whether you call it music, poetry or painting,
"Man of Aran" is a real work of art. It is an ap-
plication of cinematographic technic that has
been awaited for years by a great many theater-
The subject is simple: the story of a people
wresting life from rock and ocean. Flaherty was
fortunate in two respects: he had the roar of
the sea for his dialogue and he found no actors
to do the acting. Peasants of the island played
the parts, their parts, and as the story is the story
of their life, better actors could not be found.
Inasmuch as adjectives seem a little weak at
present, it will sLAffice to say that the photography
was good. How the shots of the sea were obtained,
it is impossible to say, and does not matter. But
the sea and the life of the "Man of Aran" is more
real than its original.
The reaction of some of the audience was this:

Very often pictures that are intended to be
farces turn out to be so over-done as to be ludic-
rous, but "The Gay Deception" is the real thing
- a farce that is a farce. The two Franc (i)es,
Lederer and Dee, are the two reasons why this
show is far above the ordinary and achieves the
success which belongs to it. Lederer as the count
and bellboy is extremely good and Miss Dee goes
along with him as the unsophisticated girl from
the tall corn country in a way that is little short
of sensational. The former has a spontaneity and
a contagious good-humor that one cannot help
but catch, and the latter has the ability and charm
for which she has been famed for many a pic-
The story concerns the winning of a $5,000
sweepstakes prize by Mirabel (Miss Dee) which
she resolves to use for one grand fling in New
York, having lived in a place called Greenville all
her life. As soon as she gets there she runs into
a count .who is masquerading as a bellboy in order
to discover how American hotels are run, and the
rest of the action concerns his carrying the de-
ception. However, they go to a party in the-latter
sequences of the show and Lederer is then in his
real character of a count, in spite of the fact
that she still won't believe that he is more than a
servant in the hotel.
High honors in this show go to both Miss Dee
and Lederer, who contribute excellent perform-
ances and make what might have been a dull
story into an entertaining tale. The surrounding
cast, though not exceptional, is good.
In the rest of the program you will see a short
which contains some of the best scenery ever
filmed, and the companies which try to get trav-
elers "out west" should really take it over for pub-
licity. There are also some shots of the two boys
who delighted at station WHY in "The Big Broad-
cast of 1936" doing their dances, and as a final
touch you can see Goose Goslin driving in the
winning run of the World's Series.
We have the inside on Red Grange being held for
leaving the scene of a collision. He thougtht it was
-the interference blocking out a tackler.
-The Detroit News : -
Casualty figures pouring in from the Eritrean

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