TTEW________n_____TH-owl ElMJATU1DAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 Mrs. Rowland Admits Plot To Kill Two Girls Hangs Self After Confessed Drowning Of Girls Couple Planned De Wife's Father Bu Up Perpetrations ath Of t Gave PONTIAC, Oct. 11.-(/P)- Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland confes- sed '-ie Friay to Prosecutor TheoiTre G. Bowler, of Clare County, that she and her hus- ,: ,who hanged him- self in a Pontiac jail cell Friday morning, had plotted the deaths of her two children and her fath- er since July, 1934. The plan to kill her father, Herman Voss, 68 years old, was abandoned, Mrs. Rowland ex- plained, when the couple decided that he was so feeble that "he would not live through the winter anyhow, so what was the use?" Mrs. Rowland was not told of her husband's suicide. Mrs. Ferrins confession was made in the jail in Harrison, seat of Clare County, after several hours' questioning by Bowler and Sheriff George Bates. "We thought we would be hap- pier alone," she told Bowler. "We couldn't go places on account of the kids. He kept nagging at me. More than a month ago, I gave in. When I agreed he decided to act at once. I kissed them good- bye when he took them away, because I knew I would never see them again." . I -Associated Press Photo. Ferrin Rowland (right), after confessing to St. Louis police that he had drowned his two little step-daughters, Katherine Woodin, 6 (upper left), and Virginia, 2 (lower lcft), in a lake near Flint, hung himself in his jail cell yesterday. He fashioned a noose from the cover of his mattress. Early History Of University Featured InLibrary Exhibit PONTIAC, Oct. 11. - () - Ferrin lgWland, stolid, 36-year-old carpen-' ter-woodsman-farmer, who had con- fessed to the brutal slaying of his two small stepchildren, executed a self- inposed death sentence by hanging himself today in a jail cell. Left alone in a temporary cell for a few minutes afterahe had been photographed and fingerprinted, he ore the cover from the underside of the mattress on his cot, and twisted it into a noose. Then he tied the improvised hang- mans rope to an upper bar of the cell, and jumped to his death. Died Instantly His neck was broken by the fall and Dr. Burton Mitchell, who examined the body, said death was instantan- eous, although the, drop apparently had been little more than six inches. Rowland had been alone only 20 minutes when Deputy Sheriff Louis Burt, returning to take the prisoner into court for arraignment on a mur- der charge, found him dead. Attempted resuscitation with an jihalator was futile, and Coroner J. Lee Voorhees pronounced him dead tit 9:45 a.m. Rowland, who was to have been raigned on a murder charge this ,fternoon, acted swiftly during the few minutes he was alone. Left Two Death Notes Not only did he make the prepara- tions for ending his own life, but he wrote two notes, directing how his property should be divided. One, addressed to Elmer Rowland, his brother, who lives in Grand Blanc, l'4ich., included an unfinished sen- tence which said: "The $249 of my share of the estate is to be buried with-." That note also contained a request that he be buried in the Evergreen cemetery at Grand Blanc, and added: "I hope that the one-half of the lot has not been sold yet where father and mother are buried." The other note was unaddressed, but apparently was intended for his wife, Elizabeth, the mother of the two slain children by a former marriage. It stipulated that an item of $151 should go to his wife, then gave an inventory of his property with the preface: "Here is a list of a few things that may help you to know the value that you may ask for things." 'Bothered A Little' Rowland, who said in one of the two signed confessions he made that he had been "bothered a little" by thoughts of his deed, apparently had cpontemplated suicide during the week that he was sought. When officers, who had traced him through a letter to Elmer Rowland, entered his hotel room in St. Louis, Mgo., Wednesday, he attempted to shoot himself with a pistol that was under his pillow. The officers wrested the gun from him. Later, he said he had taken the pistol along for the purpose of killing himself. Students Resound With 'Beat Indiana' (Continued from Page 1) has gained tremendously in the past week. Tonight is another indication of that spirit. "Enthusiasm creates momentum. And momentum is what is needed to beat Indiana," he concluded. And when the great fire had died down just a little and the formal ceremonies were concluded, the stu- dents still kept up their howling. rl'hu 1narcal nn, crs - the didn't By . S. SILVERMAN "When Michigan Was Young" is the current exhibit in the cases lin- ing the main hall of the General Li-] brary. It commemorates the centen- nial of Michigan and the ratification of its constitution. It has been pre- pared by Ella M. Hymans, curator of.. Rare Books, and is of especial in- terest and importance to students and residents of Ann Arbor. The high point of the exhibit is the case showing the early records of the "University of Michigania," as it was once known. It contains let- ters hinging upon the dispute of lands between the University and the State of Ohio. A photostatic copy of Many Enrolled In Case Clubs Of Ljw School 95 Per Cent Of Freshmen Class Joins Groups For Argumentation Three hundred students ,including 95 per cent of the first-year class, will work in research and argumen- tation in five Law School case clubs when the School's major extra-cur- ricular activity begins within a few weeks. The cases that will be presented in case club trials are hypothetical ones written by the Law School professors. In each case argued there is a clash of definite issues, enabling each side to present a strong case. Two law students comprise the counsel on each side, presenting their cases before the case club tribunal. The public in gener&1 and pre-law students in particular are invited to attend the trials. Because of the large enrollment in case club activity this year, the fifth club, named in honor of Justice Cooley, Michigan's famous jurist and commentator, has been organized. Its membership is comprised entirely of freshmen, while the Holmes, Mar- shall, Kent, and Story clubs have both freshmen and juniors in their membership. All freshman law stu- dents, together with juniors who have distinguished themselves in their first year of case club activity, are eligible for one of the five clubs. Patrick J. Quealy, '36L, is chairman of the case clubs and chief justice of the court. Associate justices are Marion Yoder, Frank R. Barnako, Donald Quaife, and Erle A. Kighlin- er, all senior law students. Prof. John B. Waite, Prof. John E. Tracy, and Prof. William W. Blume are the faculty members serving on the ex- ecutive board of the clubs. The Henry M. Campbell case club prize is awarded each year to the two students who best present their case in the finals of competition on Founders Day. A leading jurist is asked to sit on the bench to judge the finals. To compete for this award a case club member must be com- pleting his second year of participa- tion. an old but carefully preserved diary of the Reverend John Montieth, the first president of "Michigania," ex- plains the bill establishing the Uni- versity, as does a rough draft of the official act, dated Aug. 26, 1817. Con- cerning this act it is noted, "The edu- cational scheme which the act out- lined was one of the first plans in America for a complete educational program to be supported by the peo- ple of a state." Other informative pieces in this case includes "First annual report of the University of Michigan, 1818," and the official document appointing 'Lucius Lyon as a regent in 1839. How Town Was Named Another case centers about the legend of the founding of the name of Ann Arbor. It has been common gossip that Ann Arbor was named fox the wives of its first two settlers, John Allen and Elisha Walker Rum- sey, both women being called Ann. Furthermore they lived for a time in an "arbor," hence the name Ann Arbor. The exhibit displays letters written by Ann Allen to her son Thomas in 1841, the contents of which is unfortunately familiar to every student. "I have been waiting for the last four months very pa- tiently to hear from you or John. What can be the cause of your long silence I cannot make out -I some- times think you are sick . . . in my last I wrote you, I mentioned I want- ed answer as soon as practicable." Of interest to law students would be the case containing volumes on the laws of the Territory of Mich- igan and the State of Michigan and the proceedings of the constitutional convention. Tell of Boundary Fight Letters and books relating to the Michigan-Ohio boundary controversy occupy another case while the Direc- tory of Detroit for 1837, an extremely thin volume, and letters and peti- tions relating to the establishment of a postal system in Detroit assume important positions in another dis- play. The anti-slavery movement took root in Michigan as early as 1835, in- fluenced by the settlers from western New York, and an entire case is de- voted to material on this subject which has been loaned to the library for this exhibit. Several copys of the "Signal of Liberty," the official organ of the Michigan Anti-Slavery Society, dominate this display. Risdon's map of the surveyed part of the Territory of Michigan in 1825 and money bills of 1, 2, 5, 10, and rare 3 denominations from the Bank of Washtenaw, dated 1835, are other important features of this enlighten- ing exhibit. Educators Try New Plan With Prison Inmates Professors Find Convicts Enjoy Own Writing Most In 3-Year Study Unique and interesting edu- cational problems have been met by University instructors in their three years' work with inmates of the Mich- igan State Prison, according to Prof. Louis W. Keeler of the School of Ed- ucation who, with Prof. Clifford Woody of the same school, has been teaching adult illiterates at Jackson. The work was begun at the re- quest of prison officials. "After it had become clear. that the material ordinarily used to teach desirous of citizenship was unsuit- able," Professor Keeler explained, "we discovered that prisoners are interested in themselves and their fellows, and that activity might bet- ter begin within the prison than with- out. "The final result," he continued, "was the decision that reading ma- terial should be created by the in- mates themselves. The stories writ- ten by these men for their own use are published in a series of small books." Each book is centered on the ac- tivities of the adult, Professor Woody explained. These activities provided the first criterion for the selection of the vocabulary, he said. "Vocabulary lists have been care- fully checked with the frequency of use in the Thorndike list of common- ly used words," Professor Woody stat- ed, "almost every new word is ac- companied by a pictorial representa- tion, and frequent repetitions and re- views are stressed. Call Night Session In Kidnaping Trial LOUISVILLE, Oct. 11.-(P)- After brief rebuttal testimony by the government, both sides rested finaly late today in the trial of Thomas H. Robinson, Sr., and Mrs. Frances A. Robinson on a charge of conspiracy in the $50,000 kidnaping of Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll. A night session was arranged, with arguments scheduled to start. Instructions of Judge Elwood Ham- ilton to the jury will follow closing arguments. Indications were that the ease will go to the jury early tomorrow afternoon. The government's rebuttal wit- nesses, C. C. Stoll, oil company pres- ident and father-in-law of the kid- naping victim; Bernard Fitsimons, W. A. Rorer and C. H. Carson. G- men testified briefly about certain details of the ransom negotiations. Council for the defendants, on trial for complicity in the kidnaping for which their son and husband, Tho- mas H. Robinson, Jr., is hunted, rested without putting in evidence character depositions taken in Nash- ville for Robinson, Sr. Hamilton Refuses Aid From N.Y.A. CLINTON, N. Y., Oct. 11.- ()- Fearing "close control of education by the Government," Hamilton Col- lege, through the current issue of the publication "Hamilton Life," let it be known today that it has declined to accept financial aid for its stu- dents, offered by the newly founded National Youth Administration. The publication said that "the feel- ing was expressed by Dr. Frederick C. Ferry (the college's president) that, since the Government has such a heavy financial burden, any means of lessening Federal expenditures would be appreciated." FIRE DAMAGES CHURCH REED CITY, Oct. 11.- (MP)-Fire, believed to have started in a defective chimney, caused damage estimated at $15,000 to the Congregational church here Thursday. The loss in- cluded a $3,000 pipe organ. Explorer Near Death -Associated Press Photo. Major General Adolphus W. Greely, 91-year-old former Arctic explorer and army officer, was re- ported near death in Washington, D. C. Mice 'f Many Colors Owned By University Rodents Housed Near The Coal Yards In Genetics Building (Continued from Page 1) ing carried on is not at all concerned with the preservation of the mouse clan. Hereditary characteristics carry over in mice as they do in humans and since mice are plentiful and in- expensive to maintain, they afford the observer an opportunity to watch phenomena which it would be impos- sible to observe in larger and more slowly developing animals. All this, Dr. Clark hopes, may lead to discov- eries which will benefit man. Yet mice do not occupy the com- plete attention of the laboratory. For outside the main building is a small wooden coop. It is unpainted and faded but one's spirits will rise upon entering it, for on a ledge which circles the room, one will see two very surprised owls. One will also leave immediately if one's acquaint- ance with owls has been limited, since the birds are unchained and they have a habit -of clacking their bills and looking unfed. But the geneti- cists maintain that they are harm- less, so one will probably leave any- way. These two play a part in Dr. Clark's work. For, he explained, it has been the theory that animal's colors tend to change to that of their environ- ments -green grasshoppers in grass, striped animals in the jungle. Dr. Clark is going to let some black and some white mice loose in a large cage on the bottom of which will be spread black soil. In another he will free the same species of mice but the soil will be very light in color. Then he is going to loose the two owls into the cages and see which color of mice suirvive on their respective soils. The object of the experiment is to show that animals of colors contrast- ing to their environments are most quickly eliminated and that because of this the blending animals survive. The place, on the whole, is not un- pleasant. It is a little quiet out there at times, but there are always the chirps of the white, the tan, and the pink mice to break the silence. i Classified. DI tor r t t Tn mTr+t C CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-214. The classified columns closeAt five Dclock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no .xtra charge. cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to- line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more Minimnum'3 lines er insertion. Telepihonemrate -- i5c per reading line for two or more insertions. 10'" discount if paid within ten days Minimum three lines per insertion. from the date of last insertion. By contract, per iine- 2 lines daily, one month ........................8c 4 lines E.O.D , 2 months..... 2 lines dAly, college er....' 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........8c 100 lines used as desired.........c 300 lines used as desired..........c 1,000 lines used asdesired.........7c 2.000 lines used as 'desired ...:....6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 3c per line to above rates for all caita letters. Add Oc per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to 'above rates for bold'face capital letters.- The above rates are for 7% point type. WANTED WANTED: Student brber. 617 E. Williams. Varsity Barber Shop Call 23552. 54 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black notebook and book of Shakespeare's pays Tuesday or Wednesday. Call Robert Cooper, 3590. Reward. 56 Giant Reflector Is Almost Completed A new reflector disk for the Ui- versity's Ann Arbor observatory is now in the final stages of 'comple- tion in the Corning Works, the as- tronomy department revealed recent- ly. It is constructed of pyrex, and is 87% inches in diameter and 16 inches thick. This innovation in astrpnoW- ical circles is expected to increase tie efficiency of the University telescope at least 100 per cent. Dr. Hebert D. Curtis, director of the observatory, will leave Ann Arbor sometime next week to inspect the disk, and pass on the reflector before it is installed here. Leading astron-' orners of the country who have viewed the disk are in unanimous agreement as to its symmetrical perfection, and efficiency of design. It has been in the process of cooling for over six months, and will be com- pletely polished in a month. It will be installed in the Observatory as soon as possible, for by its use, new fields of exploration will be opened to scientific research, according to Dr. Curtis and his associates in solar and astronomical study. ART CINEMA .LEAGUE presents "The Best Picture of Year" -Nat. Board of Review Man of Aran' Gaumont British Production "Awesome in grandeur, terrifying in beauty, fascinating in its real- ity. A cinematic epic" -Regina Crewe, NewYork American. Also TWO SHORT SUBJECTS: "TERRYTOON COMEDY" and "SPOTTED WINGS" A "Battle for Life" Series Short. LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Tonight and Satrday October 11-12 at 8:00 Tickets 35c-All seats reserved I ,1 3j onl111,y once!. WILL CONVINCE YOU ! FRATERNITIES and SORORITIES Try our ice cream for your Sunday dinner. With each quart purchased, you may obtain four cakes for only 10c each. Each cake serves eight persons. FLAVORS Vanilla Peppermint Stick Orange Sherbet French Vanilla Chocolate Chocolate Chip Michigan Theatre Bldg. Dial 3644 F F. - - -.._.... II',. ALL MUSICAL SUPPLIES FOR STUDENTS Pianos to Rent Repairing of All Musical Instruments Schaeberle Music House II New Location: 203 East Liberty St. 40 Years in Ann Arbor Phone 6011 A _ II Last Times Today "AFTER THE DANCE" "CHAMPAGtJE FOR BR EA!(FAST" W iT EY STARTS SUNDAY 5.1 FIRST ANN ARBOR SHOWING! A Mad, Me'ry Measure of Nonsern1t After the.Game, or anytime you feel the need of Light Refresh- ments, drop in at LA CA SA 302 South Main 'ne --.vL1.. 1 SHOWS TODAY PRICES 2:00 -- 3:30 ~ tir ii Matinee . 7:00-- 9:00 uru w WEIC Eve .alc : !- ~Eve. Main. NOW Child-en--. THE BIG PARADE OF MUSIC, SONG and LAUGHTER 25c 25c 35c loc 1 I Cart Laemmle presents ZAS PJTTS HUGH,# O'CONNEI4 L in Universal's Laugh Rot /u r 4r TED LEWIS and HIS ORCHESTRA VIRGINIA BRUCE I ( TED HEALY IL &: , ~ . I I . . a 1 I t7sa<\ I