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October 12, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-12

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The Weather
Gcneraily fair, rising tem-
peraturo today; tomorrow, ra in
and warmer.


A& Atv
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The S.C.A. Comes Back .. .
Case Club Trials...



Dr. John
Sto ddard
100 Years Old February
22; Graduated From
UniversityIn 1859
Michigan Alumnus
Stricken Tuesday
Oldest Living Graduate Of
Any University Dies In
Muskegon Home
Dr. John Parker Stoddard, the
oldest University alumnus and the
oldest college graduate in the United
States, died at the age of 100 yester-
day at his home in Muskegon.
Dr. Stoddard was the last living
member of the class of 1859, and
also the oldest graduate of Albion
College. He observed his one hun-
dredth anniversary Feb. 22.
He was always keenly interested in
the University, and took pride in
watching it grow from the 430 stu-
dents of whom he was one to its
present size. He was noted as a
physician, being a frequent contribu-
tor to medical journals.
Stricken Tuesday
Dr. Stoddard Was stricken with a
paralytic stroke Tuesday and never
regained consciousness. He had been
in ill health since his last birthday,
when he managed to attend a ban-
quet given in Muskegon in his honor.
University officials united yesterday
to pay tribute to memory of the cen-
tury-old graduate. "The death of
Dr. Stoddard is a saddening shock to
the University of Michigan and its
alumni, of whom he was our oldest
representative and our only centen-
arian," said President Ruthven. "He
had lived a long and useful life and
well deserved the honors which were
paid to him in his old age by this
institution and its graduates. His
passing marks the breaking of one of
the few links still remaining between,
the University of Michigan of Presi-
dent Tappan's day and the institu-
tion of the twentieth century."
'Lovable Character'
"He was a very fine and lovable
character," declared T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the Alumni
Association, of Dr. Stoddard. "He
was a man of whom Michigan could
be proud because of the wonderful life
he lived."
And Emory J. Hyde, president of
the Alumni Association, termed Dr.
Stoddard's death "a great loss to the
University. He was a man of great
character," he said. "Michigan was
proud of him as alumnus, for he con-
nected the past with the present. His
death comes as a great loss to the
University and the alumni body."
Dr. Stoddard was born at Jackson
in 1835. After studying at Albion and
the University, he became a school
teacher and was principal of the East
Side Union School of Jackson for four
months. Later he taught rural
Began Medical Career
In 1864 he entered Bellevue Medi-
cal College, determined to become a
physician. He began his career as a
doctor in Albion ,where "Practice
was good but collections were only
fair." Because of that, he moved to
the then bustling lumbering town of
Frank M. Stoddard, the aged doc-
tor's only son, died here in 1889, and

two years later Dr. Stoddard moved
to Florida. After returning to Mus-
kegon, from where the family moved
to Missoula, Mont., Mrs. Stoddard,
the former Harriet E. Mills of Ypsi-
lanti, died in 1916. Their only daugh-
ter, Grace, died in 1919.
Thus left alone, retired from his
practice, Dr. Stoddard moved again
to Muskegon, where he lived among
his "dearest friends" and reflected
on the world in which he had lived
so long.
Group Meets
Here Monday
More than 500 people will come to
Ann Arbor next Monday for the
fourth annual Adult Education In-
stitute to be held October 14-18. The
Institute will be held in conjunction
with the State Federation of Wom-

Oldest Alumnus Dies

'Witness Says
Zenge Babbled

Cab Driver Tells
Zenge Admitted
After Murder


Defense To Offer
Plea Of Insanity

Crime Done In
Physician At


Greek. Monarch
Learns Throne
Is Restored
King George May Return
To Native Country After
LONDON, Oct. 11. - (A') - Former
King George II of Greece was in-
formed officially today of the over-
throw of the Greek republic and the
vote of the national assembly for
restoration of the monarchy, but his
aide-de-camp said the former king's,
future course was uncertain.
Questioned about reports in Athens
that George was ready to return the
first week in November, Maj. Lovides,
his aide, said:
"Well, I don't know. That might
be true. I am afraid I can't con-
firm it just the same. Fverything
is Uncertain and depends on what
they do in Athens."
ATHENS, Oct. 11.- (P) - Greece's
new Royalist Government issued a
proclamation to the people today
calling former King George, for 12
years in exile, "the father and pro-
tector of all Greeks."
The statement was signed by Gen.
George Kondylis, "the Little Cor-
poral" and minister of war who seized
the reins of the Government in a
sudden coup d'etat yesterday which
dealt a death blow to the Republic.
Athens newspapers issued special
editions this afternoon asserting that
George would return to Greece the
first week in November and already,
has his baggage packed. The Greek
minister to Great Britain, the news-,
papers asserted, called upon the for-
mer monarch to congratulate him.,
In his message Kondylis made a
warm bid for the support of Crete,
old stronghold of former Premier
Euletherios Venizelos, who led a re-i
volt from there last March. Ven-
izelos is now in exile under sentence
of death.
Prenident Alexander Zaimis, whose
resignation is expected shortly, had;
made no formal move in that direc-
tion today.
The Cabinet passed a decree re-
storing citizenship to all Greek1
princes who were disenfranchised
when the monarchy was abolished in1
1923. Royal emblems replaced those:
of the twelve-year-old Republic on
uniforms of soldiers.

CHICAGO, Oct. 11. - (P)-Wil-
liam Leinnert, a breezy taxi driver,
claimed the spotlight today of the
trial of Mandeville W. Zenge for' the
mutilation slaying of Dr. Walter J.
Bauer with his story of hearing the
defendant admit the crime.
Under questioning by Prosecutor
Charles S. Dougherty, Leinnert re-
lated that he made the acquaintance
of the young Missouri farmer five
days before the emasculation of his
love rival and was told by him a few
hours after the crime:
"I didn't mean to kill him. It's
the fault of the doctors over at the
hospital. If they had given him three
quarts of blood he wouldn't have
The main points of Leinnert's story
-announced in advance as the cli-
mactic testimony in the State's effort
to send Zenge to the electric chair-
went unchallenged in cross question-
May Plead Insane
But defense counsel, who had in-
sisted on a jury not adverse to an in-
sanity defense, again indicated their
intention of raising such a plea for
their client, when Joseph Roach, of
the Zenge defense, asked Leinnert:
"You told Zenge, 'Boy, you must
be crazy." (This was after Leinnert
said that he had read of the crime
in the papers and at once suspected
his new-found pal and erstwhile pas-
"You must have thought a man
who would do that would have to be
insane?" suggested Roach.
"It was just slang," was Leinnert's
answer. "I often use that expression."
Met Before Slaying
The cab driver said that he first
met Zenge in Chicago five days be-
fore the slaying and that Zenge in-
quired then about places to hide out
as he said "he was hot" because he
had amputated a man in St. Louis
such as the State charged he subse-
quently did to cause Bauer's death.
On the night following Dr. Bauer's
death Leinnert, who had again met
Zenge, said he arranged with police
to trap him.
Earlier testimony had been aimed
at a question which the defense was
expected to raise - that the crime
might not have been committeed in
Cook County (Chicago).
Dr. Davis Kaneko, resident physi-
cian at Jackson Park Hospital, where
the dying doctor was taken, and
members of the hospital staff, testi-
fied that Bauer had been brought to
them within a few minutes after the
crime was committed.
BATTLE CREEK, Oct. 11.-(AP:)-
Sixty-five per cent of the young men
enrolled in the Civilian Conservation
Corps at Camp Custer atttended one
or more of the 183 classes offered by
the camp's educational department,
a September survey which has just
been completed, discloses. The en-
rollment for the month was 7,486.
Each of the 44 companies in th',
district read an average of 278 books.

Report Says
Addis Ababa Told Ethiopia
Has Recaptured Epochal
Battle Site
Mussolini Refutes
League, Continues
Italy Forced To Carry On
Economic Battle At Home
Because Of Sanctions
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 11. (A) - Un-
verified reports that Ethiopian war-
riors had swept down on Aduwa under
cover of darkness, recapturing that
epochal battle site and seizing Ital-
ian cannon, arms, and ammunition,
reached this capital today.
(A Reuters-British news agency re-
port cited as unconfirmed, said the
Ethiopians had massacred Aduwa's
2,500 defenders).
The Ethiopians suffered heavy loss-
es, the rumors said, but managed to
take back the village, scene of an
Italian military rout 39 years ago and
captured by Mussolini's men only last
Government officials, their crude
communication lines to the north
broken, said they had heard no such
(The Reuters report stated more
than 50,000 men of Ras Seyoum, Eth-
iopian commander in the north, last
night surrounded Aduwa and "killed
every one" of its defenders).
This was flatly denied by officials
in Rome.
(At the same time an Exchange
telegraph dispatch from Italian head-'
quarters in Eritrea said General Em-
ilio DeBono, commander of all co-
lonial troops ,had motored into Adu-
wa with his staff today).
ROME, Oct. 11.-- (A) -Premier
Mussolini plans to alter the com-
mercial map of Europe if League of
Nations' powers interfere with his
changes in the map of Africa, it was
learned tonight from an authoritative
His army will go ahead with the
war in Africa, officials said, but in
the meantime Italy at home will fight
an economic battle.
Countries that refuse to sell Italy
goods in the application of their sanc-
tions, they claimed, "will cut off theirl
noses to spite their face. Italy will
remember her friends and her ene-
mies,".the officials said, and will buy
where she is a welcome customer.
At the same time a source close to
the government asserted Italy would,
remain a member of the League un-
less military sanctions are adopted.
This source, however, said the League1
was too much under British domina-
tion and was being used as a "tool"
of Britain's hostility to Italy.
Mine. Hammer
To Bring Cast
Here Oct. 24-51
Norwegian Actress Famed1
For Interpreting Henrik
Ibsen's Characters
Madame Borgny Hammer, distin-
guished Norwegian actress, and an
all-star cast will be brought to the

campus directly from New York by
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater to
stage a special performance of Ibsen
here Oct. 24 and 25, it was announced
by Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, director,
last night.
Made famous by her interpreta-
tion of Hedda Gabler, Mrs. Alving,
Nora, and many other memorable
Ibsen roles, Madame Hammer will
produce here Ibsen's "When We Dead
Awaken." As a special feature of her
appearance here, she will also play
the role of Irene in a famous Nor-
wegian drama, Peter Egge's "Love
and Friendship," which has never be-
fore been produced in English.
Many of the members of the fac-
ulty who witnessed her appearance
on the campus 12 years ago remem-
ber vividly her performance in
"Ghosts," "Hedda Gabler," and "The
Master Builder."
"She gleaned from Ibsen the spark
that comes from the perfect under-
standing between creator and per-
former," remarked Prof. William H.
Egly of the engineering English de-

*,tudents Cheer Wolverines
To Victory At Gigantic
Pep Meeting
'Beat Indiana!' Is
ChantedBy 5,000
Coach Franklin C. Cappon
Sees Traditional Spirit
Of MichiganReturning
(City Editor)
"Michigan spirit" has returned to
the campus.
More than 5,000 frenzied students
proved it was more than a legend last
night as they shouted an exuberant
chorus "Beat Indiana!" at a gigantic
testimonial bonfire, the first outdoor
pep rally in football history.
A huge crowd of students and
townspeople, seated on a hillside
overlooking the South Ferry Field
bonfire, had forgotten the over-
whelming defeat suffered at the
hands of Michigan State last week.
They thought only in terms of to-
day's gridiron battle with Indiana.
Michigan Spirit Not Dead
Answering the half-jeering com-
ment of Coach Franklin C. Cappon,
the student body proved unquestion-
ably that "college spirit" is not dead,
that it is no threadbare legend at
Michigan fans last night harked
back to the days of "Hurry UJp" Yost's
far famed "point-a-minute" teams.
They issued a stentorian challenge
to "come back" to a team which dope-
sters already have trounced.
Within a short distance of the grid-
iron made famous by such "Chain-
Freshman leaders last night
announced plans for another
snake-dance on the field between
halves of the game today, but
asked their classmates to use the
side-lines and stay off the field
itself so as not to interfere with
the maneuvering band.
pions of the West" as Willie Heston,
Neal Snow, "Boss" Weeks, and "Ger-
many" Schultz, these 5,000 fans
joined in a chorus which spelled only
"Beat Indiana!"
If the spirit of this rally is carried
to the Maize and Blue team, today's
game can have but one result. Coach
Cappon left the rally with a message,
to carry to the squad, a message so
full of inspiration as to help push
the ball over from the Indiana 10-
yard line and to hold the opposition
in a stirring goal-line stand.
Snake Dance Rcalls Champions
After the "Fighting Hundred" and
the Varsity cheerleaders had led the
victory-mad throng in songs and
cheers, the crowd zig-zagged up State
Street in a snake dance which re-
called the National Championship
gridiron warriors of 1933 and 1934.
"Spirit is more than noise," Coach
Cappon told his audience. "Teams of
the 'good old days' could not have
beaten present day teams. But stu-
dent spirit in those days could beat
student spirit now.
"Our team last year lacked spirit,"
the assistant athletic director de-
clared. "They lacked spirit and the
student body lacked spirit. Last
week you saw us get a trimming. But
every man on that team was in there
Enthusiasm Coming Back
"But student enthusiasm is com-
ing back," the coach contnued. "It
(Continued on Page 2)

Football Team Prepares





T's 'Forgotten

Man' Is In There
With Drum Today
Heroes are made, not born. But
it's not so much fun when all you
get out of it is an awful pain in the
back. Just ask Tink Hill, the unsung
hero of the campus. He knows all
about it. He carries the bass drum
in the Michigan -band.
The drum major gets columns of
publicity. Everybody can see the
director. And even the insignificant
piccolo player is conspicuous by his
squeak. But poor Tink, the Band's
Forgotten Man, doesnt get any. He
can't even be seen for the drum.
And it's a shame, for Tink has de-
voted his life to his art. In his own
words "he has studied under the best
masters of drum-carrying in Europe."
He has mastered the deft art of bal-
ancing while stepping high, so he ad-
mits. He can twist and twirl and
pivot on a dime without causing the
drummer to miss an eighth of a beat.
He is the very picture of rythmn as
he waddles under his load down the
field. The very drum seems to blend
into his back.
But despite all of his perfection,
Tink had to resort to stealth to get
his job. Last year the band was
given the opportunity of attending
a free show, so Tink, crept into the
band house, picked up some instru-
ments, and stealthily followed the
band to the show.
From that day he was the logical
man for the drum-carrying job. Tink,
whose full name is Warren E. Hill,
hopes "to be able to balance the
drum with one hand and blow a pic-
colo (for recognition) with the other
this year."
New Broadcast
Programs Will
Begin Sunday
University's Educational
Radio Series Over WJR
To Start Tomorrow
The first of an extensive program
of educational broadcasts sponsored
by the University will go on the air
at 12:45 p.m. Sunday over station
WJR, Detrit.
Musical instruction in stringed and
wind instruments and in elementary
singing, directed by Prof. Joseph E.
Maddy of the School of Music, will
again reach thousands of Michigan
school children this year.
"Facing Up to the Problems of
Juvenile Delinquency," will be the
subject of Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
sociology department, director of the
Michigan Juvenile Delinquency In-
formation Service on the first broad-
cast Sunday.
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration; Prof
Verner W. Crane of the history de-
partment; Prof. Kenneth C. Mc-
Murry of the geography department;
Prof. Sanford B. Meech of the English
department; and Prof. F. G. Gustaf-
son of the botany department will al-
so speak next week.
Programs of the students in the
broadcasting courses in the speech
department will be heard at 9:15 a.m.
every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.

Gridsters Possess 'Grim
Determination To Justify
Support'_Of School
Hoosiers Arriving
Here ThisMorning
Wright To Start At Center,
Sobsey At Guard, Valpey
At End Position
(Sports Editor)
With a student body behind it as
never before in more than a decade,
Michigan's football team will seek
its first Conference victory since it
won National and Big Ten honors in
1933, this afternoon in the Stadium,
meeting Indiana University in the
opening Big Ten engagement for both
Showing a spirit, the absence of
which was the key to a 1934 season
of six Big Ten defeats, Coach Harry
Kipke's team went through its last
drill yesterday reflecting' a grim de-
termination to justify the support
which an aroused student body has
extended during the week following
the 25-6 loss to Michigan State last
The Wolverines left last night for
their overnight quarters and will re-
turn to Ann Arbor at game time to-
day while the Hoosiers, traveling by
train from Indianapolis, after a work-
out at home yesterday will go to the
Stadium just before the game from
their headquarters at Ypsilanti.
Four Changes In Lineup
Four alterations in the lineup
which met State last Saturday were
announced yesterday afternoon by
Coach Kipke, with Harry Wright be-
Ray Fiske,,Varsity manager in
1933, expects to bring the team
victory in tomorrow's game. In,
five years he has never seen
Michigan lose. Last year he saw
only the win over Georgia Tech.
ing assigned to center, Sol Sobsey
at right guard, Art Valpey to right
end and Chris Everhardus to left
Wright replaces Bob Amrine, Sob-
sey replaces Fred Ziem, injured last
Saturday, Valpey replaces Mike Sav-
age, and Everhardus will start in
place of Stark Ritchie, whose speed
has been curtailed as the result of an
ankle injury.
Neither Joe Rinaldi, sophomore
center who is recovering from a se-
vere cold, or Bob Cooper, sophomore
back who suffered a wrenched knee
more than two weeks ago, will be in
Of the new starters only Everhar-
dus is a letter-winner, Sobsey and
Valpey being sophomores. Sobsey, an
end until last week, was converted
to guard to give speed as well as
ruggedness in the middle of the line.
With Wright starting as offensive
center Sobsey will back up the center
of the line on defense, the 240-pound
junior moving to guard.
Injuries Hit Hoosiers
Indiana claims the loss by injury
of one of its star halfbacks, Roy
Eads, and Coach Bo McMillin has an-
nounced that he will delay the selec-
tion of bus strting lineup until
game time.
Michigan again will enter the game
depending on the passing of Captain
Bill Renner and has devised plays
throughout the week to insure the
blocking which Renner lacked in get-
ting his throws away against State.
Everhardus, the only consistent
ground gainer for the Wolverines
against Michigan State, will be called
upon to carry the burden of the run-

ning attack.
Practice throughout the week has
been devoted to improving the ragged
play in every department which was
emphasized by a fast Spartan team.
Feature 'Five-Man Backfield'
Indiana, playing its second year
under Coach Bo McMillin, who won
national fame in 1919 as all-Amer-
ican quarterback of the Praying Col-
onels of Centre College, will depend
upon a tricky offense which includes
the "five-man backfield" and asso-
ciated formations, and uppn the
ruggedness of a line which is led by
Captain Reed Kelso, who will start at
either center or guard.
Probable starting lineups:
[ndiana Pas. Michiran

Tan, Blue, Brown Mice? Sure,
The University Owns Hundreds.

White mice, tan mice, pink, brown,
and jumping mice, even blue mice,
hundreds of them living side by side
in a rather new building that looks
like an ice cube and which you can
hardly notice from a distance of 25
No, it isn't an hallucination. It is
a hard brick building called the Lab-
oratory of Vertebrate Genetics and
it stands in a clearing near the Uni-
versity coal yard.
There are probably less than 100
people on campus who have heard
of it and still fewer who have ever
been inside.
Dr. Frank H. Clark, who conducts
research in heredity there, says that
hafnv,- cinft' hi-agn n o 1 Pt F A

tells, for one, of a peculiar charac-!
teristic of a certain type of field
mouse. He says that "If you cage a
field mouse of this type, and rattle
a bunch of keys in front of it or1
jingle a bellnear it, it develops epi-
leptic fits immediately. Tobacco
smoke or incense burning near it
will have the same effect and as soon
as the stimulus is applied the animals,
run about in their cages, hitting the
walls with their heads and after a
while just turn over and are over-'
come with convulsions."
Mice are the sole and special prov-
ince of the people in the Genetics
Laboratory. But from the outside of
the building one could easily take it
for a bank building, with its modern-
istic architecture and itse e caso-

Wolverine Squad Full Of Fight
And Ready For Indiana Contest

"Get a Hoosier!" "Hoosier meat!"
Those were the cries that made
Head Coach Harry G. Kipke smile;
yesterday as they resounded Ferry
Field -cries that were shouted lusti-
ly from the throats of a peppy, full-
of-life Varsity eleven, on their toes
to "lick Indiana."
"They've got lots of pep," remarked
Kipke, a broad grin on his face.
"They sure have," someone re-
plied. "Are you satisfied?"
Coach Kipke only grinned.
But the cries of "Get a Hoosier"

Mass Meeting. They had shown their
"go-get-em' spirit in the afternoon.
And it was just as full of pep as any
shown by the hilarious mob of sing-
ing, shouting students that heard
Coach Cappon speak of a "genuine
Michigan spirit" at the bonfire.
As Varsity kickers were spiralling
long, 50 yard punts down the field,
Benny Oosterbaan, who knows what
it means to fight on a Michigan elev-
en, came running across the field. He
was leaving to scout the Minnesota-
Nebraska game in Lincoln.
"Ya gonna take 'em tomorrow,

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