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October 11, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-11

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Published every morning except Monday during the
Universty year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
$soociated Solletiatt ress
-194 Ci IC 935-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR....................WILLIAM H. REED
News Editor..............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Bight Editors: Robert B. Brwn, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel,
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S., Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
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to, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.;
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Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,I
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root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William'
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J. Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, Wil-
liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
sky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine1
Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder,
BetsyrBaxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
President Ctten ... .
HE LEARNED George Cutten, pres-
ident of Colgate University, has]
told his students this: "The greatest sinners are
probably the philanthropists and the doctors.
They have done everything they could to keep
the unfit. Nature provides immunity to certain
diseases by eliminating all those who contract
the diseases. NoW we have a protected race rather
than a resistant race."
Then turning to social legislation, "Nothing
could. threaten the race as seriously as this. It is
begging the unfit to be more unfit and inviting
the fit to join the ranks of the unfit."
One must first ask the learned President Cut-
ten, "Who is unfit?" He apparently means by
unfit those who are diseased.' One would also like
to know what is fitness. Fitness, as any elemen-
tary student of sociology knows, is adaptation
to environment. The fit are those best adapted
to their environment.
But let us take a dank, dark swamp filled with
impure water and vegetation. Here gad-flies will

breed and become exceeding numerous. They
will thrive because they are well suited to the
enyironment of the swamp. But let us take the
Archbishop of Canterbury and put him in this
swamnpwith the gad-flies. The Archbishop would
certainly perish. But if we drained this swamp,
cut down the unwholesome vegetation, and built a
warm and sanitary house for the Archbishop he
would thrive and prosper and it would be the gad-
flies who perished. Who, indeed, is President Cut-
ten to say whe is fit and who unfit?
The Spartans once decided that the diseased
and maimed must go if the city-state was to build
up a "resistant" race. Spartans became a race
of physically super-men and warriors. Yet a
breed which was "protected" and not "resistant"
subdued them - the Athenian breed.
Further, is fitness, as the learned President
Cutten definies it, the product of heredity or en-
vironment? He apparently thinks it is the product
of. environment, for he says society "encourages
the fit to become unfit."
How palpably absurd this is! Does President
Cutten nrnnone to rear his children withnt edu-

turn to the law of the jungle and the degradation
of the human race to barbarism.
President Cutten, steeped in and spreading
harmful absurdities, is little less than an enemy
of society.
Footprints On
The Sands Of Time...
to build memorials.
We have expressed in a previous editorial our
sincere appreciation to those who have remem-
bered Michigan with gifts that will add to the
beauty and meaningful tradition of the campus.
The new carillon will be a distinct addition to the
buildings of the campus, lending beauty and dig-
nity. And so let what shall follow not be con-
strued as being written in a spirit of ungrate-
Nevertheless, coming as it does when the eco-
nomic exigency is causing deterioration within,
weakening the internal structure of the University,
it would appear somewhat ill-advised to apply re-
sources to the less immediate external needs.
A university consists not only of buildings, but of
men. The rich tradition of a university, in fact, is
not carried through its buildings, although these'
appear to be the permanent and material aspects,
but remain rather through the qualities of human
tradition with which time has endowed it -
through the warming association with the inspir-
ing personalities who have passed like shining
lights through its halls, through the inspiration
derived from the service to humanity by men
who devote their lives to the unswerving pursuit
of academic truth. These are the qualities that
make a university rich.
In April this year, President Rutrven declared:
"Five of the best men on the faculty have told me
within the last two weeks that they will be forced
to consider other offers."
"Other institutions and enterprises, reflecting
a general upward trend and enjoying an in-
crease in net revenue, have restored salary reduc-
tions in whole or part," he said, deploring, at the
same time, the fact that not one salary of a teacher
or administrator at the University had, up to
that time, been increased.
Since that time, the University has continued
to suffer from its inability to pay distinguished
men the salary they deserve. Other institutions,
better endowed, financially more secure, have
steadily been draining many of the best faculty
men Michigan has produced.
The increase in enrollment this year is an en-
couraging indication. And yet it is still true that
there are many in the University who merit assist-
ance now required to spend their time largely in
self-support, and that there are more who are
not in the University who should be, and could
be, with the cooperation of the University's bene-
Thus we build for the future, not with bricks
but with a more lasting material: human beings
-men to learn and men to teach. If one would
leave his imprint upon the future, it would better
be done through the more direct application of
assistance to the insurance of the fulfillment of
its immediate functions.
IAsOthers See It
Good-By, Baseball
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THANK GOODNESS, this raccoon-coated world
series is ended at last. Detroit won, and
Mickey Cochrane, manager of the Tigers, is a big-
ger man in the Michigan metropolis than Henry,
Edsel and all the Fords. Chicago is, of course,
Does baseball linger too long? Certainly Oc-
tober is not baseball weather -not when the
post-season war is waged in Detroit and Chicago.
Icy blasts. Frozen fans. Frozen players. The
one bit of warmth in the latest classic was sup-
plied by an umpire, a fellow named Moriarty who
talks like Mussolini. What was it he called the
Chicago team? Ethiopians or something like that.
He would like to massacre the whole bunch, he
said, and was quite prepared to do it.
We want to be fair to Detroit and Chicago.

They are pretty good towns. But as regards base-
ball, they are, climatically, on the edge. Even on
a balmy afternoon in June, Chicago is a trying
place for a citizen of the temperate zone. The
sun may be shining for all it's worth at 3 o'clock,
say, when the game starts. But one presently
feels the lake's chill breath on the back of his
neck, and in the latter innings, though the hardy
natives seem comfortable enough, the visitor "from
God's country" is a shivering wretch. As for De-
troit, it ought to stick to the robust sports of the
Arctic circle.
Anyhow, October belongs to football. But so
long as the world's baseball championship hangs
in the balance, the gridiron's affairs of pith
and moment are neglected, and many of us
couldn't even find time to read all the terrible.
things Mr. Hoover said about the Roosevelt ad-
ministration and What an egregious blunder the
country made in 1932.
And So To Bed
(From the Pitt News)
NOW THAT the university social program has
swung- into high gear, it might not be amiss
to suggest a few words of caution in regard to
students missing out on sleep. A hundred and
fifty years ago, Benjamin Franklin declared that
sleep makes us healthy, wealthy, and wise. After
a century and a half, it is still evident that Mr.
Franklin had something on the ball when he made
that declaration.
Particularly at this time of the year, when
changing weather brings a certain susceptibility
to colds, there is need for a sufficient amount of
sleep. Every notive about the common cold that
has come out of the University Student Health
services is headlined by the suggestion: "Get at

A Washington

EVEN A CASUAL review of President Roosevelt's
speeches across the country and at San Diego
reveals a "we stand on the record" theme surely
destined to mark the '36 Roosevelt reelection
campaign. Mr. Roosevelt said it in different ways
and words; but its central thread was no less
blunt than "Big Jim" Farley's stand-on-the-
record radio declaration.
The President appeared to become more and
more convinced as he traveled westward that
loud Republican chortles and hushed Democratic
whispers of widespread and significant waning of
his popularity, were somewhat unfounded.
The San Diego speech climaxed his effort to
explain and expound the interweaving of recovery
and reform in New Deal policy. Yet, after con-
tinuous train conferences along the way he felt so
encouraged as to assert that his reform measures,
by far more controversial in the legislative mak-
ing than his recovery projects, were now all but
unanimously accepted.
* * * *
WHETHER the San Diego speech was subjected
to last moment revision in view of Mr. Roose-
velt's surprise reception in Los Angeles, which so
impressed the newswriters accompanying him,
does not appear. It certainly reflected in general
tone, however, even more confidence of western
support for his candidacy next year than did his
Fremont farm speech.
Be he right or wrong about it, there is good
reason to believe Mr. Roosevelt sailed on his
deepsea fishing trip with mind unvexed by '36
political worries. He all but defied the opposition
to make a case to the voters next year on the
constitutional, the government spending, the dic-
tator, the government interference with business,
or any other of the "issues" yet projected for '36
by Republican spokesmen.
ROOSEVELT political luck in the past has been
a byword among his followers. It so hap-
pened that far-away events conspired to give
him at San Diego an opportunity to reassert his
"good neighbor" foreign relations doctrine in cir-
cumstances that hardly could have framed to
better advantage what he said for American
voter contemplation.
As he spoke, no doubt, the news boys were cry-
ing extras in the streets of San Diego with
screaming "WAR" headlines. That very day the
cables were sizzling with rumors that Italo-Ethi-
opian hostilities had actually begun.
In all likelihood, Mr. Roosevelt intended all
along to make his declaration that "despite what
happens in continents overseas, the United States
shall and must remain . . . unentangled and free."
It represented not the slightest departure from
his well-known policy.
Yet, the chance news of the day from abroad
afforded him opportunity.to send his peace pledge
winging over the nation on the heels of the head-
lined war rumours.
That is one Roosevelt advance commitment
against which no opposition cry likely is to be
raised unless and until the mood of the nation
undergoes a revolutionary change.
through their early morning classes, the Univer-
sity of Texas has adopted courses for teaching stu-
dents how to sleep. Classes of more than 200
have been materially benefited, it is reported.
Experiments in sleep laboratories show that
manual workers might miss sleep for a time
without ill effect, but that business and profes-
sional workers still needed their regulation eight
hours of sleep in order to be healthy, happy, and
Students are urged to mingle in as many social
functions as possible because of the accepted
values derived. They are also urged to find eight
hours a night for sleeping purposes. It might be
wise to look around before lighting the candle at
both ends.
Italo-Americaun Trade
(From the De.roit News)
EFFECTIVE application of sanctions terminat-
ing trade with Italy would cost American bus-
iness about $5,000,000 a month. The estimate is
made on Department of Commerce figures which
indicate that since the beginning of 1933 Amer-

ican exports to Italy have averaged approximately
$60,000,000 a year.
Experience warns, however, that when nations
go on a war rampage, whether they win or lose,
they cease to. be good risks in trade. Uncle Sam
got his European pet name of "Uncle Shylock" not
by running a pawnshop in Europe but by selling
legitimate goods on credit. And the credit didn't
prcve to be so good. Among the proud sovereign-
ties that stuck Uncle Sam was this same Italy
that now is waging "defensive" warfare in the
heart of another nation's territory.
So maybe this country loses by shutting off
trade and maybe it would lose by continuing
trade. At any rate, a little less cotton and scrap
iron sent to Europe may lessen the supply of ex-
plosives and shrapnel.'
Stop And Think
(From the Daily Illini)
A SURVEY of 100 students showed that a large
majority of them expressed a decided favor-
itism towards Ethiopia in the fighting now con-
fronting the world.
These students have a right to have an opinion.
But it would almost appear as though they were
making the same mistakes that lead the United
States into the war in 1917.
The Daily Illini does not seek to defend or con-
demn either of the' belligerents. But it does wish
fin maikQ P1aa,the daanere of totinL +he war

Faculty Directory, 1935-36: The
combined Faculty and Campus Tele-
phone Directory for 1935-36 will go
to press early next week. Although
the Faculty Directory cards already
received have been checked with the
payrolls, members of the Faculty and
University staff are urged to report
any new appointees, for whom cards
have not already been turned in, to
the Editorial Office, 108 Mason Hall,
so as to avoid, if possible, the omis-
sion of names from the Directory.
To Deans ,Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Kindly call at the Busi-
ness Office to approve payrolls for
October 31. This should be done not
later than October 18.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
To the Members of the University
Council: The first meeting of the
University Council for the year 1935-
1936 will be held Monday, October
14, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009 Angell Hall.
Notice to Freshmen. Those students
who have not yet taken the Psy-
chological examination required of all
entering freshmen will be expected to
attend the make-up examination at 3
p.m. Friday, October 11, in Room
205 Mason Hall.
This test takes precedence over all
other appointments including class
work. Be one time.
Work will be completed in time for
students to attend the five o'clock
hygiene lectures. C. S. Yoakum.
Managers and Secretaries of Stu-
dent Organizations are requested to
file the names of members who are
participating in activities in order
that their eligibility may be approved.
These lists should be submitted to the
Office of the Dean of Students at
once. Blanks may be obtained from
the Office of the Dean of Women or
the Office of the Dean of Students.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates
for the Rhodes Scholarships should
confer before October 24 either with
the Secretary of the History Depart-
ment, 119 Haven Hall, or with me
during my office hours in 118 Haven
Hall. Arthur Lyon Cross.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Friday, Octob-
er 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 348,
West Engineering Building. The
special order will be the election of
a University Council Representative.
Students College of Engineering:
Sophomore, junior and senior stu-
dents who are working for degrees
in any of the following departments
are requested to report at the Sec-
retary's Office, 263 West Engineering
Building, unless they have recently
done so.
Five-year programs combined with
-Combinations of any two programs;
Mathematics, or combinations of
mathematical and technical pro-
Physics, or combinations;
Astronomy, or combinations;
Engineering-Law program;
Engineering-Business Administra-
tion program;
Engineering-Forestry program.
Reception to Graduate Students in
Education: The annual reception of
the faculty of the School of Educa-
tion and their wives to graduate
students will be held Sunday after-
noon, October 13, from 4:00 to 6:00
p.m. in the Librariesof the University
Elementary School. All students
taking graduate courses in Education
are cordially invited.

Pharmacy: Any student desiring to
make inspection trip to Eli Lilly and
Company, November 7-9, please call
at the Pharmacy Office at once, 250
Chemistry Building.
English For Foreign Students: The
two-hour non-credit course in Eng-
lish for Foreign Students will meet
regularly in Room 201, University
Hall, Wednesdays and Fridays. There
is still opportunity for enrollment in
this class.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students.
Concert Tickets: "Over thecount-
ter" sale of Choral Union concert
tickets will begin Vriday at 8:30 a.m.
at the office of the University School
of Music, Maynard Street, and will
continue so long as tickets remain.
Season tickets (ten concerts) with
3.00 May Festival coupon, $5.00, $7.00,
$8.50 and $10.00.
Women Students Attending the
Wisconsin-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Wisconsin-Michigan football
game are requried to regster in the
Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from par-
ents must be received in this office
not later than Thursday, October 17.
If a student wishes to go otherwise
than by train ,special permission for
such mode of travel must be included
in the parent's letter.
Graduatehwomen are invited to
register in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean Of Women.
Academic Notices
English 149, The Course in Play-
writing, meets Monday night from 7
to 9 in Room 213 Haven Hall. Stu-
dents interested in the course should
consult with Professor Brumm.
R. W. Cowden.
Geography 115: This class will not
meet today.
Geography 151: This class will not
meet today.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination by the German Depart-
For the first semester this exami-
nation will be given on Wednesday,
Oct. 23, at 2 p.m. in Room 203 U.H.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
ter their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination at
the office of the German Department,
204 University Hall, where detailed
information with regard to examina-
tion requirements will be given.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: The Hill Auditorium box of-
fice will be open today from ten to
twelve and from two to four for the
sale of season tickets.
Events Of Today

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

in Memoriam
Toaster Jabber Wock died
early this morning of softening
of the brain. Too bad. Fren-
zied search is expected to pro-
duce another toaster early next
Two Roosevelt
Brothers Have
Narrow Eseape
John, James Miss Death
in Crash With Electric
Train In Boston
BOSTON, Oct. 10. - (P) - Quick
action by John Roosevelt, the Presi-
dent's youngest son, prevented serious
injury to him and his brother, James,
when his car crashed through a cross-
ing gate and collided with an electric
train last night.
James was unhurt, John's left
shoulder was bruised; his roadster
was severely damaged.
The two sons of the President were
riding in John's roadster en route
to the East Boston airport. James
intended to take a plane to New York
after visiting here. John was driv-
ing, police said.
As the car neared a crossing of
the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn
railroad, the gates were dropped for
a Boston-bound train.
The Roosevelt car splintered one
gate but John swerved to the right,
bringing his car parallel to the train
and heading in the same direction.
Simultaneously, William J. Norton,
operator of the train, jammed on the
brakes. As the train and car collided
the front steps of the first railroad
car' were torn off.
The train, continuing in motion,
caught the car on the rear steps.
When the train stopped, the roadster
was wedged between it and a post.
The car's engine was smashed; the
left side was a mass of wrinkled steel.
Both brothers said they were going
about 15 to 20 miles and hour when
the accident occurred and witnesses
corroborated their statements.
Find Body Of Flier
On Shore Of Lake
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 10. - (')
- second body, believed to be that
of a second member of the crew of a
missing Standard Oil Co. air liner,
was seen this forenoon, lying on the
east shore of Stansbury island at the
southern end of Great Salt Lake.
When an amphibian plane flew
today over the spot where its oc-
cupants yesterday afternoon saw a
body lying on the shore of the island,
they found it was still there. A body
discovered on the island yesterday
by a ground party meanwhile had
been removed to a Tooele, Utah, un-
dertaking establishment.
Efforts were being made to com-
plete its identification as that of
Charles O. Anderson, mechanic of the
missing air liner, last reported ap-
proaching the Salt Lake airport early
last Sunday morning.

Yost Says Varsity
Needs Enthusiasm
(Continued from Page 1)
then being drilled in defense against
Indiana's plays. "They're a good
bunch of boys. There's some real
football material out there. But in-
diana's hard to beat. It's going to
take something more than a knowl-
edge of how to play football. It's go-
ing to take some of the old "go-get-
em" Michigan spirit."
And the Old Man's smile of remin-
iscence turned to one of grim de-
termination; as if he knew the Men
of Michigan of 1935 would not let
their football team down.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10..-()-The
board of directors of the Junior
League voted today that league mem-
bers be urged to participate actively
"as individuals" in political and civic
affairs of their communities. The
action was interpreted at the League's
national office as "qualifying their
ban that the Junior Leagues cannot
participate in legislative action.'
Students are cordially invited to at-
tend. Popular local orchestra Will
play for the dance. Games and re-
freshments. Cost $.15.
Lutheran Student Club: Sunday,
October.13, Prof. R. P. Briggs, of the

League Merit
meeting at 4:00
graduate Office.

System Committee
p.m. in the Under-

Attention Students in College


Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 11, 1925
Michigan's football team defeated
Indiana by the score of 63-0, the
largest score a Wolverine team had
amassed against a Big Ten opponent
since the days of Yost's "point-a-
minute" teams. The two Bennies,
Oosterbaan anO, Friedman, whose
deeds are now legend, starred with
their brilliant passing combination.
Ann Arbor was making plans to
welcome Clarence Cook Little, the
new president of the University.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell was se-
lected to deliver the address of wel-
Anthracite coal became scarce in
Ann Arbor as the effects of the na-
tional strike in the mining industry
were felt here. Local coal dealers
urged Ann Arbor residents to accept
anthracite substitutes during the
coming winter.

Contemporary will hold its first
luncheon today, noon, at the Lantern
Shop, opposite University High
Greek Students on the Campus:'
A meeting of the Delta Epsilon Pi
will be held at the Michigan Union
at eight-thirty p.m. sharp. All Greek
students are urged to attend. Re-
freshments will be served and new
students welcomed. All old mem-
bers must be present. The future
plansdof the fraternity will be dis-
Succoth Services: Services will be
held Friday evening at 7:30 at the
Hillel Foundation in the Chapel. Rab-
bi Heller will speak on the meaning
of the festival.
Sunday evening, October 13 at 8
p.m. a preliminary organization
meeting of the Michigan Hillel In-
dependents will be held at the Foun-
Coming Events
Economics Club: Members of the
staffs in Economics and Business Ad-
ministration, and graduate students
in these departments, are invited to
a meeting of the Club Monday, Oc-
tober 14, 7:45, Room 302 of the
Union. Professor H. S. Ellis who has
recently returned from two years'
residence and study in Vienna will
speak on "Some European Econo-
mists; The Men and Their Theories."
Presbyterian Guild announces as its
program for Sunday evening at 6:30
at the Masonic Temple "A Conducted
World Tour." There will be music
and short talks by Filipino students.
A Social and Fellowship hour with a
plate luncheon will be held at 5:30.
The Student Forum considering cur-
rent social, economic, and political

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