TIhe Weather FPartly cloudy, continued cool Friday; Saturday showers, slowly rising temperature. L Sit igan iIaitij Editorials Introducing President Cutten . Footprints On The Sands Of Time ... VOL. XLVI. No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gigantic Bonfire Will Feature Pep U.S. Chamber Holds Survey Of New Deal, Meeting Tonight Greece Votes Restoration Of Ex -King President Zaimis About To Resign As Martial Law Rules Athens King George Will Return From Exile Il Duce Says That Naval Blockade Will Mean War; EthiopiansLose Ground Commerce Body Ballots To Its Organizations To Send Member First Outdoor Rally More Than Ten Years' Be At FerryField In1 Pep Meeting Speaker Cappon Will Speak On Brief Program Cheerleaders And Band To Lead Student Songs And Cheers By THOMAS H. KLEENE With campus spirit at a low ebb on the eve of a football contest which once would have been considered lit- tle more than a "breather," a gi- gantic bonfire rally has been sched- uled for 8 p.m. today, South Ferry Field. This pep meeting, the first outdoor rally to be held for more than a de- cade, was announced last night by student leaders as a means of rally- ing "a lackadaisical student body" to the support of Michigan's football team. Franklin C. Cappon, assistant di- rector of athletics and a member of the football coaching staff, will be the only speaker on the brief pro- gram. Cheerleaders and the Varsity Band will be present to arouse the enthus- iasm and support of the assembled students. Michigan's "Fighting Hundred" will lead a line of march down South State Street to the site of the gigantic rally, beginning at Morris Hall at Franklin C. Cappon, assisitant director of athletics and football line coach, who will be the prin- cipal speaker at tonight's bonfire pep meeting, to be held at South Ferry Field beginning at 8 p.m. Court Action P 2 - T onfront Polygamists BAND TO MEET Members of the Varsity R. O. T. C. Band are requested to meet at Morris Hall at 7 p.m. today to prepare for their march down State Street to the bonfire. Should it be raining at that time, the pep meeting will be called off. 7:30 p.m. Immediately following the conclusion of the meeting, the band will. head t a snake-dance up State Street. Originally planned as an indoor meeting at Hill Auditorium, the rally was moved to South Ferry Field be- cause of the lack of "true Michigan spirit" shown at last Friday night's indoor session, officials in charge of the rally stated. It is planned to place the huge bonfire near the hillside overlooking the field, so that students and towns- people may sit on the bank during the speeches and songs. The rally will be short, the entire program lasting about 30 minutes. In addition to Coach Cappon's speech, the band will lead the students in Michigan songs, while the cheerlead- ers will lead the crowd in the var- ious yells. Officials also announced last night that the pep meeting will be can- celled if weather conditions are not favorable. If rain is falling at 7 p.m., there will be no rally, it was stated. Utility Ship Is Purchased By Glider.Club Members of the University of Michigan Glider Club, beginning their seventh consecutive year of practical flying work, have purchased a new Franklin utility glider to re- place their old championship-win- ning Franklin which has been in op- eration since 1930. The first business meeting of the school year has been called for 8 p.m. Tuesday, in Room 348 W. Eng. Bldg., according to an announcement by Nelson N. Shapter, '36E, president. Motion pictures on the general theme, "Fun in Gliding," will be shown by Wesley E. Goodale, Grad. All stu- dents interested in gliding are in- vited to attend the meeting, said Shapter. Competing during the summer at Elmira, N.Y., a squad of flyers from the club captured second place in the group duration event, and placed third in the group distance event, with a flight of more than 15 miles. In addition to the new Franklin glider, the club will use two pri- mary Waco planes for elementary training. A new Gull wing sailplane, Arzona Opens Attack On Strange New Colony In Grand Canyon Region KINGMAN, Ariz., Oct. 10.- (R) - Arizona opens a new court attack tomorrow uoon a strange colony of assorted polygamists high in the bleak stretches north of the Grand Canyon. Members of the cult toiled tonight over 400 miles of mountain trail and rutted road for preliminary proceed- ings here. Three - a woman and two men- are charged with "open and notorious cohabitation." Short Creek, their picturesque little settlement, is scarcely 100 miles from Kingman as the crow flies. The journey by road is four times that because of the steep mountain sides beyond which the colonists have iso- lated themselves. The accused are J. C. Spencer, Sylvia Allred and Price Johnson. On the outcome of the case hangs the future of the settlement. Col- onists say 500 families in Utah are planning to join them in case the prosecution fails. County Attorney E. Elmo Bollinger made four trips to Short Creek in proceeding against the accused. He was defeated at every turn. Six persons including the three now facing trial, originally were charged. Justice of the Peace J. M. Lauritzen of Short Creek promptly dismissed these charges on a techni- cality. Bollinger then swore out new warrants for Spencer, Johnson and the Allred woman - but they fled to the mountains before they could be taken into custody again. Takes Neutral Stand On O'Leary Report Both Report And Alternate Arguments Are Present In Questionnaire WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. - (P) - Seeking a general "yes" or "no" stand by business on New Deal leg- islation, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States today mailed ballots to its 1,500 member organiza- tions across the nation. Its carefully-prepared question- naire, posing four questions to the membership, was based on a sharply- critical report by a committee which recently surveyed Federal legislative trends. Directors of the chamberhneither approved nor disapproved the anti- New Deal report when it was present- ed at a recent meeting by John W. O'Leary, of Chicago, chairman of the committee. A statement by the board of direc- tors accompanying the referendum said that the purpose of the survey "was to have consideration of all the (administration) legislation, rather than concentration upon particular measures, respecting many of which the chamber had been given specific positions. Will Provide Record Thus, while the chamber previous- ly has taken a stand on specific laws, this will be its first opportunity to go on record for or against theories which the report contends are em- bodied generally in legislation en- acted at the last session of Congress. In an effort toward impartiality, the questionnaire not only contains the full committee report, but prints it on alternate pages with what are called "arguments in the negative" prepared by the chamber's legal staff. The report takes up 13/ pages; the "arguments in the negative" 14 pages of finer print. The questions, based on the re- port: 1 -Should there be extension of Federal jurisdiction into matters of state and local concern? 2-Should the Federal govern- ment at the present time exercise Federal spending power without rela- tion to revenue? 3- Should there be government competition with private enterprise for regulatory or other purposes? 4 - Should all grants of authority by Congress to the executive depart- ment of the Federal government be within clearly defined limits? Will Prove Zenge Admitted Killing CHICAGO, Oct. 10. -UP)- Pros- ecutors promised today to prove that Mandeville W. Zenge young Mis- souri farmer, had admitteduperform- ing the mutilation operation which cost the life of his rival in love, Dr. Walter John Bauer. Zenge's parents were in the court- rooms. They have stood by their son throughout the case. Greek Republic C( To End After El Years Of Existence omes even ATHENS. Oct. 10. - t4P) - The Na- tional Assembly, following a Royalist coup d'etat, tonight voted restora- tion of the monarchy. The assembly ordered 11 years of Greek republicanism to end with the return of the exiled King George. It acted after a swift and bloodless coup by Gen. George Kondylis, min- ister of war, who seized the helm of the government and forced the resig- nation of Premier Panagiotis Tsal- daris, setting the stage for the king's return. President Alexander Zaimis, whose office has hung in the balance for weeks, is preparing his resignation in readiness to step down at the op- portune moment. Martial law was proclaimed and troops occupied public buildings in Athens. Quiet prevailed throughout the country, however. Kondylis President Of Council Kondylis - "he little corporal" to his intimates who are familiar with his adoration of Alexander the Great and Napoleon - who has been open- ly charged by his oppcnents with de- siring to emulate the dictatorship of Mussolini in Italy, took-the portfolios of president of the council and the minister of economics. He appointed ardent Royalist as- sociates to the other cabinet posts. John Theotokis, former minister of' agriculture, was named foreign min- ister, replacing Demetrios Maximos. M. Schina, former air minister, be- comes minister of interior. Dousmanis continues as minister of navy and Chloros assumes the portfolio of the ministry of justice. Kondylis named Tharveris, like the others, an out-and-out Royalist, as his assistant in the ministry of eco- nomics. Government Will Be Regency Present plans call for the mainten- ance of the Kondylis government as a regency serving under King George when, and if he reclaims the throne. planned to ask the assembly to rush through legislation junking the re-, public and recalling George to the' throne he abandoned Dec. 18, 1923, to make way for the establishment of the republic. Kondylis won his first spurs fight- ing the Turks in 1897 and enhanced his reputation by overthrowing the dictatorship of Gen. Pangalos in 1926. He has been in the thick of the Roy- alist-Republican fight since his re- turn to politics after the March re- volt. His triumph over Venizelos brought1 him the twin titles of "strong man" and "savior of his country." Eldest son of the late King Con- stantine, George was barred from the throne by the Allies because of his reputed pro-German sympathies. His younger brother Alexander came to the throne when Constantine was deposed in 1917. Constantine was restored in 1920, to be deposed again in 1922. George succeeded him but was himself de- posed by army and navy officers the next year. He left Greece in Decem- ber, 1923. In 1924 the assembly exiled members of the dynasty. Former Queen Elizabeth, daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Rumania, obtained a secret di- vorce from George in July 1935, at Bucharest. Robinsons Disclaim Part In Kidnaping LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 10. -W) - Testifying in their own defense at the $50,000 Soll kidnaping trial, both Thomas H. Robinson, Sr., and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frances A. Robinson, denied today any part in the abduction plot for which his son and her husband, Thomas H. Rob- inson, Jr., is hunted by G-men. After relating his efforts to re- habilitate his eccentric son, who was a mental hospital patient, Robinson, Sr., denied that Robinson, Jr., ever told him that he had rented the apartment in Indianapolis where the Ethiopian Soldiers Swarm To Throw Defense Wall Around Aduwa Aksum Is Reported Taken By Invaders Chieftains Of Tigre And Adira Regions Listed Among Ethiopian Dead ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 10.- UP)- Hordes of savage warriors marched out of the mountains and deserts of Ethiopia tonight to throw a vast wall of fighting men about this proud capital. They marched by tens of thousandsr under the command of Emperor Haile Selassie's most trusted generals, as their government announced a new rain of Italian bombs in the south had killed many of their countrymen. The fall of Aksum, ancient capital of the Queen of Sheba and storied shrine of the holy Ark of the Coven- ant, was announced by the Italian minister, Luigi. WITH THE ITALIAN ARMIES ON THE NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN FRONT, 1 p.m. Oct. 9.- (Wednes- day) - (Delayed in transmission).- Italian troops pushed well beyond oc- cupied towns today into highlands which would give them commanding starting points for further advances. Sporadic attacks by bands of Ethi- opians kept Italian garrisons busy, but did not offer a serious menace. One goal of the Fascist armies was Aksum, religious capital of Ethiopia, and former political capital. (The Italian minister announced in Addis Ababa today - Thursday - that Ak- sum had been captured). White flags flew throughout a 60- mile district occupied by the Italians as a symbol of the complete sub- mission of the population to the mi4 itary occupation. Italians said that among the dead Ethiopian chieftains were Caynas Macabera and Chief Machilgi-Mer of Tigre Province and Sahale Ailenchiel, chieftain of the Adira region near Adua and fierce foe of Italy. Sell-Out Of Gargoyle In Campus Sales Reported Hoover Says Colleges Are 'Endangered' U. S. Government Fiscal Policies Attacked By Former President NEW YORK, Oct. 10. - (A) - Former President Herbert Hoover to- night asserted that currei~t national fiscal and currency policies as pur- sued at Washington "endangered" the existence and development of en- dowed institutions of higher learning in the United'" States. Speaking at a dinner of alumni of Stanford University, Hoover declared that the "undermining" effect of na- tional fiscal policies had caused con- cern on "every board of trustees in the country." The alternatives facing colleges and universities with depreciated endow- ments, he said, were curtailing activ-" ties, resorting to the state for sup- port, or more and larger gifts. "If our independent institutions shall become dependent upon tax- ation and therefore on political gov- ernment," he added, "a large share of their independence will have gone." "Somehow, someway," he con- cluded, "we cannot allow these insti- tutions to suffer loss of strength." Chinese Class Is Conducted, By Dr. Stanton Fifteen regularly enrolled students and several other interested listeners have been attending the sessions of Dr. John W. Stanton's new class in the Chinese language, the first of its kind in the Middle West. The course will be continued through the year, and next year a higher course will be offered. Except f or a few universities on the east and west coasts, Michigan is the only American school teaching Chinese language. Doctor Stanton studied Chinese for three years in the United States and China. v i F A sell-out of the Gargoyle in the campus sale yesterday was reported by Norman Williamson, '36. business manager of the magazine. Students who have not as yet secured copies and hold subscription coupons may obtainthem from the business office of the Gargoyle in the Student Pub- lications Building on Maynard Street. A few additional copies will be placed on newstands, and subscrip- tions are still on sale at the business office, Williamson stated. British Refuse To Relay Radio Speech By Aloisi To United States League Moves For Quick Punishment Voting Of Sanctions Will Not Change Fascist Plans In Ethiopia GENEVA, Oct. 11.- (Friday)--(P) - An Italian spokesman today de- clared that any naval blockade against Italy would mean war. The spokesman said the Italian delega- tion probably would leave Geneva Friday, although it still was awaiting orders. GENEVA, Oct. 11. - (Friday) -- Great Britain, supported by the ver- dict of half a hundred nations in placing the war guilt in Italo-Ethiop- ian hostilities against Iatly, began ap- plying sanctions against Mussolini's government today, commencing on the radio front. The British government acted swiftly after an historic Assembly meeting, to choke off a broadcast to the United States by Baron Pompeo Aloisi, Il Duce's representative at Geneva. The United Kingdom post office, at the last minute, refused to relay his words from Geneva via an English station to the United States. In his radio speech, Aloisi asserted he wished merely to explain Italy's case in the Ethiopian" situation, and desired to give the American people a realistic conception of Premier Mus- solini's East African campaign. Rushees Not Bound By Their Pledge Promises No agreement between a fra- ternity and a rushee in regard to pledging shall be considered bind- ing to the rushee, George R. Wil- liams, president of the Interfra- ternity Council stated last night. He also urged both parties to strictly adhere to the silence pe- riod rule, that no contact what- soever will be allowed between the rushee and the fraternity. The Interfraternity Council of- fices, Room 306, the Union, will be open from 10 a.m. until noon today, the last opportunity for rushees to register. G (Copyrighted 1935 by The Associated Press) GENEVA, Oct. 10. - The League of Nations, with at least 50 of its 59 members definitely on record as ap- proving the punishment of Italy for its invasion of Ethiopia, moved today for a quick application of that pun- ishment. The steering committee of the League assembly decided that repre- sentatives of every member of the League except Italy and Ethiopia should serve on a committee to co- ordinate the work of the council and the assembly in instituting sanctions against Italy. Since Germany will leave the League Oct. 21, the decision means that the co-ordination commission will be made up 56 nations. At a morning meeting the assembly 7 ave its overwhelrming approval to the .;ouncils' condemnation of Italy. Only Italy, Austria and Hungary announced non-acceptance, of the council's report against Italy, al- though in League circles it was sug- gested that Albania probably would at least make reservations to the general vote of condemnation. In an afternoon session of the as- sembly, Tecle Hawariate, the Ethio- pian delegate, charged anew that his nation was the victim of atrocious ag- gression. Hesdeclared: "It is not war, but massacre, because of the superiority of the Italian armament." He said that he would accept, in the name of the Ethiopian govern- ment, all procedure which the League decides on with a view toward ending the hostilities but that he would ac- cept nothing which would place a premium on aggression. Representatives of 54 nations at- tended the morning session, with Germany and four others not par- ticipating. "The League is now faced by its second task," asserted Anthony Eden, of Great Britain. "Action must be taken. I declare our full willingness to participate in that action." Premier Pierre Laval, of France; also declared his nation's intention to meet its obligations under the cove- nant, but pledged himself to pursue at the same time a search for con- ciliation and a peaceful settlement. ROME, Oct. 10. - UP) - The action of the Assembly of the League of Nations in voting sanctions against Italy "has changed nothing," an of- ficial Italian spokesman said to- night. Italy is following her same pro- gram in Africa, he asserted, the one 'Enthusiasm What They Need,' Survey Shows Increase In Jobs For Graduate Engineers Says Yost Of Students, Team "Enthusiasm is what they need," said the Old Man, as he watched Coach Kipke put the Varsity through its paces yesterday. "And enthusiasm is contagious. If the student body has it, the team'll have it." Perhaps Mr. Yost was thinking of the pep meeting that will be held down on old South Ferry Field to- night, the student's answer to Kipke's demand that "We've got to lick In- diana." More probably, however, he was thinking of the Good Old Days, 25 or 30 years ago. No doubt he was thinking how student spirit, which backed his great teams whether they were on the up or on the down,, gave to his own Point Minuters the enthusiasm that made them the great teams they were. No doubt, as he stood there, watch- would push Ann Arbor's tiny trolley1 cars from their tracks and roll them all over the town - when they would1 build huge bonfires in the basement' of the Octagonal house, which was on the site of what is now Hill Audi- torium. But if the Grand Old Man of Michigan's football did think of those' things, he quickly returned to face the present." "They're all right," he drawled.. "They've got plenty of fight. But' they'll have to have more to lick In- diana. And they'll get it too," he, continued. "They'll get it if only the rest of the students does." "Enthusiasm is a contagious thing," remarked the man who brought grid- iron fame to Michigan. "These boys,". and he pointed to the Kipkemen, "live in the group. If there's any en- By RALPH W. HURD Cheering news for students in the College of Engineering who are wor- rying about the possibilities of em- ployment after graduation is revealed in a survey made yesterday of the number of jobs secured by students graduating from the college last year. The four largest departments of the engineering college were selected as representing an accurate crossection of the general opportunities for em- ployment available to graduating students. Included in the survey were the departments of electrical, chemical, mechanical and civil en- gineering. The electrical engineering depart- ment reported that conditions this year were approximately twice as fa- vorable as last year. In October, 1934, only one-third of the students graduating in the previous spring had secured jobs. This year over two- thirds of the graduating class have placements are made in a wide va- riety of research, sales and produc- tion fields. A corresponding increase in the percentage of students securing em- ployment was reported by the de- partment of mechanical engineering. Sixty of the eighty students gradu- ating in June either have secured employment or have not registered with the department as needing work. The trend of employment in the mechanical engineering field during the last year has shown a decided swing back to the larger companies, the department records reveal. Whereas during the last five years a large part of the graduating classes has gone into concerns employing only a few men, the class of 1935 found positions in such corporations as Ingersoll-Rand and General Elec- tric, the former of which have not hired graduate engineering students from this college since 1930.