TEN Ti HE MICHIGAN DALY SEPTEMBER 24, 1935 eaers Are Fnounce or A.A.U.W. Series International Relations Dinner Will Be First Program Of Year Prof. Remer To Talk H bs To Give Lecture At November Meeting Of Women's Group An interesting program of speak- ers has been announced for the monthly meetings of the American A,ciation of University Women, by Xrs. Albert Reeves, president of the Ann Arbor branch. The year's series will open Sunday night with international relations supper in the ballroom of.the Leagle. Prof. Charles F. Remer of the ec- ocnmis department will be guest speaker for the occasion. Professor Remer wil base his lecture on the re- #lts of the American economic mis- sipn which visited Japan, China and the Philipines from March to July. W. Cameron Forbes, one time gov- ernor-general of the islands and for- mer American ambassador to Japan, headed the expedition, on which Pro fessor Remer served as economist, fibbs To Speak Professor Emeritus William H. HoQbs, of the geology department, will give an illustrated lecture in No- vember on "Some Arctic Explorers I Have Known." The December meet- jpgwil tapke the form of a Christmas arty, with the junior group of the A. A. U. W. presenting a program for the major group. Isle Royale, the picturesque and wild island in Lake Superior, will be ,he sb4ject of a talk by Dr. Dean W. Myers at the January meeting. Dr. Myers will show slides with his lecture. The all-city benefit card party of last spring will be repeated on Feb. 14, the procedes from the function going toward the scholarship and fplowship funds of the association. The March meeting will be devoted to sme current issue, of particular interest at that time. In April an ex- cursion has been planned to the art museum in Toledo, where the mem- bers will hear a talk by Blakemore Godkin on the colection of ancient glass. Convention To Be Held The Michigan division of the A. A. U. W. will meet on Oct. 4 and 5 in Lansing. Any member who is able to attend the sessions is asked to notify Mrs. Reeeves before Wednes- day. The convention will be held at the Hotel Olds, registration beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 4. The local meeting Oct. 26 will be a "convention jubilee," with reports from the biennial convention in Los Angeles, which Mrs. Reeves attend- ed, and of the state conference in L4 sing. The other officers of the Ann Arbor krnVh include Dean Lydia I. Jones of Ypsilanti, vice-president; Mrs. ILpslie J. Rittershofer, treasurer; Mrs. Karl D. Malcolm, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Edward M. Bragg, secretary; *iss Anna Steele, Mrs. Alfred 0. Lee, *s. Wells L. Bennett and Miss Wave Culver, board members. Cmmittee chairmen include Miss Maud Ha1,gle, program, who has asked Mrs. Mae Winkler and Mrs. Edward dams to assist her; Mrs. Edgar G. Jphnston, hospitality; Miss Frances Florer, legislation; Mrs. D. W. My- ers, education; Mrs. -John F. Shep- ard, Mrs. Walter Pillsbury and Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, co-chairmen of hostesses, and Miss Dorothy Culver and Miss redericka Gillette, fellow- ship and emergency fund committee. Heads Panhzellenic Jane Arnold, '36, announces the rushing rules for women which are to be followel by both the rushees and the sorortiies. Ann Arbor situated as it is in a rainbelt era, makes umbrellas and raii]5hOc5 an important item in the student's wardrobe. The rubber coat that fits over your fall suit or sweater and skirt is the most prac- tical for the ever increasing cool days. Rubberized silk materials are very good ,also thicker rubberized cottons. Suede cloth in the deeper shades is popular and such costumes are us- ually trimmed( with enough brass but- tons to mnake a drum major look slightly ill. The cape style is something of an innovation this spring and even the tailored coat styles sometimes have detachable capes buttoned on at the shoulders. Checked materials are just as pop- ular as ever for the stormy weather ensemble and the other day we saw a very clever addition to the outfit. It was an umbrella made of the same checked fabric with a pair of rub- bers curled snugly around the handle in a little leather case. Program For Opening Week Is Arrano-ed Orientation Period Offers Numerous Activities For Incoming Women (Continued from Page 9) continued as long as the freshmen wish. Dean Wilbur M. Humphreys of the Literary College will give the third lecture of the series, speaking on "Your University Highlights," Wed- nesday, Oct. 18. Following this a group of lectures on the arts will be given on the next three Wednesdays. This group will include a lecture by Prof. Glenn McGeoch of the music school on "Music," one by Prof. John G. Winter of the Latin departmentl on "Arta," and a lecture on "Drama." A second lecture by Dean Lloyd will be given on Nov. 13. Her topic will be "Personality and Values." The closing lecture will be given by Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English de- partment, who will speak on "The Integration of Intellectual, Social, and Cultural Values.' The orientation committee is com- posed of Miss Elizabeth Lowry, Vice- president Clarence Yoakum, Mrs. Emma M. Dawson, Prof. H. C. An- derson, Prof. C. F. Remer, Miss Ger- trude Muxen, Miss Ethel McCormick, Miss Seeley, and Miss Hiscock. 1 i F u yThey returned by way of New York Duffendack, who is a member of the England, France, Sweden and Den- City and Boston. physics department, visited many of mark. ISauM ty EnjoyMany members of the faculty circle the well-known physics laboratories Dean Alice Lloyd spent her vaca- S ummnier Trips~ choe;o;vaation nerergathodme in in France, Germany, and England. tion in the east, at her summer home Michigan resorts. President and Mrs. >a e unmvrhrr Alexander G. Ruthven summered at He also represented the University at in the Adirondacks and visiting ILere iAbroad their home in Frankfort. Dr. and the tercentennial of the National friends at Nantucket, Mass. Miss Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg and Dr. and Natural History museum in Paris in Ethel McCormick , returned Sunday Mrs. James B. Bruce also spent the June. After sailing for Naples in after spending the month between r January, he and his family toured semesters at her cottage at Leaming- Prof essors Will Resume season at their cottages there. Mr.cotg and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith left im- the continent, visiting Germany, ton, Ont. Work After Vacations mediately after summer school for a Of Study And Travel holiday at their island home in-'. Georgian Bay. Prof. and Mrs. E. (Continued from Page 9) W. Dow spent the summer at their _______ - -cottage at Charlevoix. sor del Toro taught at Tulane Uni- A motor trip took the T. Hawley versity during the Summer Session. Tappings to Frankfort for the an- Mrs. del Toro, president of the Wash- nual banquet of the University of tenaw County Federation of Women's Michigan club there in August. From Clubs, spokeat a luncheon given inh th oceedd tothe Ui their hionor by the New Orleans fed- vrstybiloicl1am aRDuga oration. Lake, then to Indian River and to Dr. and Mrs. Howard Ross motored Escanaba, for the alumni meeting through the South to Florida, and there. They also visited alumni returned by way of Asheville, N. C., groups at various points in Wiscon- FOR CLASSROOM White Sulphur Springs, Va., and New Sid at Chicago, Ill., and RO- York City. The interval between sessions Prof. AND CA VU .. Mrs. Guy Maier returned from Louis A. hopkins, Director of the Germany in June and spent the sum- Summer Session, spent with his fai- mer in New York City, where MV. ily at their cottage on Sugar Island Being Smartly dressed at school is not Maier taught at the Juillard School in Northern Michigan. Prof. Louis a matter of how much you spend. It's M. Eich, secretary of the session, andaou of Music for the sumer term. Prof. Eich went to the Tiagani for i catching the informal air and cam- and Mrs. Henry A. Sanders spent last est reserve in Ontario and then to araderie of the campus. Avoiding the month in Maine. Other visitors in Camp Wigwasati. clothes that look stiffly smart. aetting Asheville, N. -C., were Prof. and Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. O. S. Duffendack Edson R. Sunderland, the former and their family have returned fromst delivering a paper before the Coun- a more extended trip, an eight ication. We've captured this campus cil of Federal Judges of six districts. months' sojourn abroad. Professor spirit for you in our new collection. -_-And we have everything that you want. . t New sweater-n-skirt classics and shirt- waist frocks. Ensembles that you mix Announcing the Opening of the yourself. IEAT R ICE EA UTY H OPPE Date dresses that insure "returns ... Evening gowns that break the stag line ... . Priced SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME modestly enough for any Co-ed's budget. Shampoo and Finger Wave Mon.-Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. C.he z bDilon 25c 35c PERMANENT WAVE GpOWN SHOP $1.50 to $5.00 EAST WILLIAM-ONE BLOCK OFF STATE $1.50 o $5.- Join Our HOSIERY CLUB! Last semester Club cards still in force. 9c to $1.00 2, 3 or 4-thread sheer hose. NEWEST FALL SHADES! Smartest Hosiery SHOPPE State Street at Liberty _ {. . , ' ~W 0 9 e leaves of Turkis/ to- bacco are strung one by one like beads (see how it is done in the picture). zfter the leaves are strung they are packed in bales (seepicture) we have We take great Pleasure in Wishing the Women of 1939 along with our old friends the best of a coming year ... Dresses that are al- ways in good taste! In The Millinery Deparhment are HATS for all occasions for CHESTERFIELD of Turkish tobacco.. . ......... 0r ;Iy The pleasing aroma and flavor of Turk- ish tobacco is almost necessary if you want a good cigarette. Turkish tobacco is more costly when you take into account that you have to pay 35c a pound duty, but we have to have it to blend with our mild ripe home- _ .. ~rrnuI finnrrtn ,n , y