THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday Morning Quarterback . .. A Washington BYSTANDER Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the BigTen News Service. MEMBER sociatd (1l#egat rs 1934 (tal watie t 193s- ADVISA WiSCO$xNs MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representa ives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR .............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............JOHN. J. FLAHERTY SPORTS EDI0TOR :................. WILLIAM H. REED WOMEN'S EDITOR ..............JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDITORS,..... .....DOROTHY S. GIES, JOHN C. HEALEY EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS News Editor...........................Elsie A. Pierce EditoriatWriters: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul- man. Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich- ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and Bernard -Wessman. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman. WOMEN'S ASSISTANT& Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H. Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Hiden, Lois M. King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.; REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil- liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich- ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey, Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,, Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley, S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little, Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes Ernest L. McKenzie, Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick, Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E.Shackle- to, Richard Bidder, I. S. Siverman, William C. Spaller, Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks. Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas, Beatrice Fisher,' Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,E Jeanne Johnson, Rosale Kanners, Virginia Kenner, Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars, Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer Betty Strick-j root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit- ney.- BUSINESS STAFF1 Telephone 2-124 BUSINESS MANAGER.......GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDXflY MANAGER ............ JOSEPH . ROTHARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGERS................ ......MARGARET COWIE, ELIZABETH SIMONDS] DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, WilliamI Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-] tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Advertising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt- man. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.1 Barkdll, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bukeley, John C.f Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,t Morton iJacobs,Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry J. Klose, William C. Knecht, W. A. Kronenberger, Wil- liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,j Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star- sky, Norman B. Steinberg. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadinet Fiel, 'Betty Greve: Helen Shpland Grace Snyder, Besy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Poler.! , NIGHT EDITOR: BERNARD WEISSMANi The Warring Lovers Of Peace ... HE LEAGUE OF NATIONS has1 finally voted sanctions against1 Italy. By calling an act of war against one of its members an act of war against all League nations it has proved what many persons had begun to doubt: that it has the strength of its convictions. Since its inception the League has had more the aspect of a "do nothing" disarmament conference than an international body boldly following thet course of action laid down in the Covenant: The League has been offered other opportunities to act, but until the present African difficulty has done nothing but indulge in an international "bull session." It is more than possible that the self-interest of England is responsible for the present action. Even if this is so the other members of the League are to be congratulated for their nerve in following Britain's lead.c All of which leads to the paradox that the League members love peace so much they arec going to war for it. This may be the proper< solution, but it appears that the League is going to be the impressario of another world war. c We admire the League's sincerity but think it is pursuing a hopeless course.t The wisdom of the United States' Senators- unwitting wisdom - who killed the ratification; of the Treaty of Versailles is becoming more ap- parent every day. The people of the United States now wish to remain neutral, if the Senate had ratified that treaty we would now be involved ini whatever steps are to be taken against Italy. i We may be wrong. It is possible that the League can stop Italy without resorting to war. If thel opinion of the " entire world were against Italy, that in itself would suffice. However, world opin- ion is a quantity that cannot be counted on. If a clever publicity agent had the press and the radio of this country .put at his complete disposal for a period of three months, he could have the people of the United States demanding, and getting, a declaration of war against Ethiopia and an alli- ance with their present conception of the devil, Mussolini.l There are governments in the world today which MICHIGAN'S DEFEAT at the hands of State last Saturday seemed to prove two things. Michigan has a better team this year than it had last - so has State. There is no use in longer denying that State is something other than a "flash in the pan." Its team has taken a high place in mid-west and national football for the past two years. This year it will doubtless receive even greater honors. It would be foolish for Michigan to go on play- ing State so early in its schedule. In the "good old days" State was a practice game. Now it is a head- ache. This year Michigan pointed for the State game and will do likewise next year. The most important game of a schedule should not be the first one. It is unfair to both teams to fight such an important battle with practically untried strength. While the 25 to 6 whipping we received Saturday does not appear as any cause for optimism, it must not be forgotten we were up against a wonderful team. The concensus of opinion is that Michigan has a stronger team this year than last and that it is a team which will develop or, "come along fast," as the sports writers say. Three or four times in last Saturday's rout Michigan showed the snap and drive that one expects to find in a Michigan football team. If we do not score one or two upset victories this year, the guesses of sev- eral experts are wrong. Michigan is still a factor to be reckoned with in the Big Ten Conference. PO ETRY JAMES STEPHENS Opinions differed on Mr. James Stephens' poetry recital last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater under the auspices of the Hopwood Com- mittee. Herewith follow two reviews, from uniquely different points of view. Conventional James Stephens is most incredibly small, even for a poet, and he looked like nothing more than a truant schoolboy when he sat in a high-backed chair on the platform of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater last night. And when he talked, with a curious shifting and swaying from one foot to an- other, it was like a schoolboy reciting. He has been compared, with the extravagance reviewers usually display in personalizing poets, to everything from Pan and fauns to leprechauns. Even subtracting the sentimentality of adoring lit- erati, Stephens is quite satisfyingly unusual. Bright black eyes and a gnomish head, bald save for the tufts of curly black over each ear, he does pot quite fit into a society abounding in literary teas and ladies' afternoon book clubs. His recitation was often a rhythmical cadence, a cross between liturgical chanting and the kind of incantations one reads about in fairy tales. Being Irish, his wit is quite out of proportion to his size. He is going to Hollywood, he says, to offer his four feet eight inches to the great Garbo for her next hero. He divided his readings into two provinces, Woman and God, although Woman really got the edge, it seemed. Mr. Stephens explained, "Most of the women have nothing to do with me. I pinched them." In this group the poems ranged from the baldly comic to the delicately lovely, from a poet's anathema on an insulting barmaid, to the tale of a maiden "in whose heart there was a sun, Would warm the world for everyone." All of them abounded in that lyric quality which is the peculiar originality of Mr. Stephens' poetry. In the end little can be added to the summary given by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones in his in- troduction of the speaker: "Beauty is a kind of madness, though not all madness is beauty, and modern Irish writing is both beautiful and mad. It includes the finest prose and the most beautiful poetry now written, and of this prose and poetry Mr. Stephens has created some of the most haunt- ing and the loveliest." And Free Wheeling... With the unblushing candor of an illiterate newspaper man, this poetry reviewer must confess that before Mr. Stephens poked his bald head over the local literary horizon, neither of us meant anything to each other. However, from the moment when Mr. Stephens first began to speak, and his agile wit dispelled in a moment the motherly feeling engendered in one by his appearance, we found ourselves bound to him, and to his art, forever. The musician plays not for himself nor for other musicians; the bard sings not to appreciative poets but to those in whose lives he brings a per- ception of beauty not ordinarily present. Only as one of the latter does this unenlightened layman venture to present a few thoughts and impressions of Mr. Stephens and his poetry. Particularly impressive was the singular melodic chant with which Mr. Stephens made much of his poetry pierce the verse-hardened crania of his audience. It is suggestive too; for although the union of poetry with music - either through a di- rect synchronization of words with musical rhythms, or through a spiritual union in which the music builds mood and background, disregard- ing the literal synchronization - although this union is as ancient as the Celtic hills, it is in use by no major poet save Mr. Stephens. The application of music here, although emi- nently a natural device, did serve to enhance the effect of the poetry through the building of a tonal mood paralleling it. In the ordinary process of reading poetry to one's self, sans music, we tend to create for ourselves that mood, building cathedrals for majestic poems, desolate moors for loneliness. Therefore, the artist who would apply such an inordinately subjective aspect of our appreciation has a difficult task and a dangerous one. -Tigh snot of the evening for thi vnn feln By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. T IS a reasonable guess that in those tur- bulent days of midsummer, 1914, when the World War was in the making, President Woodrow Wilson was no less resolved upon keeping America aloof from that struggle than President Franklin Roosevelt is on keeping it out of whatever comes of the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. Mr. Wilson did not say so, publicly and as Pres- ident, as Mr. Roosevelt has now done, yet there was no more secret then about his views and hopes than there now is as to how Mr. Roosevelt translates his "good neighbor" doctrine in the light of today's crisis abroad. Mr. Wilson clung to his peacemaker ideal to the last. He had been reelected to the presidency in No- vember, 1916, on that much discussed slogan: "He kept us out of war." Official documents since published reveal in detail Wilsonian peace efforts as late as February or early March, 1917. Yet, in April of that year, came the American war declara- tion, Wilson's Motive ALL OF WHICH might give President Roosevelt cause for thought. He was close up on all that World War business in Washington as a "little cabineteer" under Wilson. He knows, even if out- siders may still doubt it, that the Wilson 1916 army and navy expansion program, a billion-dollar mat- ter, was not in Mr. Wilson's mind preparation for entry into the World War. It was to maintain abiding American policies in a post-war world. There still are only two such policies; no en- tangling alliances and the Monroe Doctrine. For all this, Assistant Secretary Roosevelt saw his peace-minded party leader driven into the strange position of a war President. * * * * Lloyd George's View J UST WHAT INFLUENCE that had on Mr. Wil- son, none can say definitely. Yet in February, 1917, just a few weeks before the American war declaration, Ambassador Page at London reported this as the prophetic substance of what Prime Minister Lloyd George had said to him in response to Wilson peace proposal feelers: "We want him (Wilson) to come into the war not so much for help with the war as to help with peace. . . . For America's sake, for our own sake, for the sake of free government, for the sake of democracy, military despotism must now be ended forever. The President's presence at the peace conference is necessary for the proper organiza- tion of the world which must follow peace. I mean that he himself must be there in person . . . He will exert the greatest influence any man has ever exerted in expressing the moral value of free gov- ernment." Was that where the Wilson decision to enter the war, to sit in the peace conference, was born? As Others See It TOASTED ROLLS MORE POTS WE VIEW WITH ALARM DEPT. Toasted Rolls views with alarm, in spite of its recent pointing with pride, the Class of 1939 and their pots. Not that we're going to renege on our statement that we're glad they're back; it's just that we're in favor of restoring a tradition right when it's restored. Whether the yearlings know it or not, the pot, flannel head-covering, gonfalon, or burgee, is NOT worn in University Buildings. It is worn TO the Stadium but not IN the Stadium. (By the way, it did old Jabber Wock's heart good to see the way the forces of forecoming freshmen, the armada of advancing, er, of advan - well, anyway, the way the freshmen poured over the opposing gate-keepers at the game Saturday and carried out their proposed snake-dance. But don't tell me there are only some 350-odd frosh in this here University). To continue with the saga of the froshapeau, it need not be worn on Sunday, but should be whenever out- doors at any other time, except as of above, see under "Stadium." As a special concession for seasonal cli- mates, earmuffs are considered to form a fashionable season ensemble. It shouldn't be necessary for Uncle Jabber to chide you so, kiddies, but he likes to see traditions tradited right. And while no one, as it was pointed out to you earlier, is going to make you wear the becoming bon- nets, (Who COULD make the mighty men of '39 wear pots????) it might be that you would at least police your own group on the subject if pots, and do it right. It's up to the fresh- men to make the freshmen wear pots! LOOKIE LOOKIE DEPT. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I Anchors Aweigh (From the Philadelphia Record)1 IT HAS BECOME so common that the Caribbean cruise lines are advertising: "See the Caribbean on Our Ships. Two days in Havana, one day in Jamaica, and two nights on a reef. Entire trip, including thrilling rescue at sea, for regular rate!" It costs money for these lines to give the cus- tomers a night or two on a reef, too, because most of the reefs down there are occupied, and there is such a demand on the others they have to be reserved in advance. If there were some way Mussolini could entice the British navy to the Caribbean region he wouldn't have to worry about it. The difference between a reef and an island is an island is a piece of land entirely surrounded by water, and a reef is a piece of land entirely covered by water. Like a Florida lot. President Roosevelt, coming through this region on his trip by boat from California, is going to learn something. Namely, that what the American merchant marine needs more than anything else is stilts. Ireland's Theatrical Storm (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) FOLLOWERS of the theater throughout the English-speaking world will be sorry to learn that the Abbey Theater is the center of a controversy which threatens that famous Dublin institution's very existence. The art of Shean O'Casey is the cause. After a long period during which Mr. O'Casey and the Abbey had no relations, their earlier contacts have agan been renewed. To cele- brate Mr. O'Casey's return, William Butler Yeats, director of the Abbey since its founding in 1904, proposed staging "Within the Gates," Mr. O'Cas- ey's latest play. One of the new members of the directorate, Brinsley MacNamara, balked at this. But Mr. Yeats insisted on an O'Casey play and so "The Silver Tassie" was presented, despite the continuing opposition of the newcomer to the board. However, certain cuts were not made as Mr. O'Casey's critic had stipulated, so as to remove so- called "blasphemous" passages. A crisis arose im- mediately, and after the second performance, a special meeting of the directorate ordered the elisions for future performances. But this did not prevent widespread condemnation of the Abbey as the producer of an objectionable play, since the reviews were based on the opening-night ver- sion. All Ireland is stirred and it seems probable that the controversy will leave the Irish stage with an official censor, whose duty it will be to nass onalli nlavs pnor eto nndio~nn A detachment of ushers at the State game seem to have been a group by the name of the Chelsea Sea Scouts. The Annapolis of the Swiss Navy, no doubt. ' * * * * DAILY POEM DEPT. We haven't had a Daily Poem for a VERY long time. We really must have several today. Can you take it? Pots were once chased from this campus; Freshmen brought 'em back this fall. I've had mine for eighteen years now, It's a great world after all! * * * * The guppy, too, Is never blue. He's macroscopic; How are YOU? Hence, loathed Melancholy! Of Cerberus and blackest midnight born In Stygian caves forlorn (To be continued). PHORECASTER DEPT. Phorecaster Jr. announces: Full Moon October 11. (Ed. Note: Hey, that'sFriday ,isn't it, Jabber? What's the number of Mosher-Jordan? WAR DEPT. By H. Selassie WITH THE ETHIOPIAN ARMIES IN THE FIELD Oct. 7. - (By Run- ner to Aaahddis Aahwahwah) Hello, everybody! Mussolini says he wants to sur- round me with his three-point drive. If he does, I predict he'll wind up behind the eight-ball. Yours, Haile. CAMPUS OPINION DEPT. To The Editor: A dire calamity has occurred. An insult has been dealt to a most un- deserving victim. (Hold on, now, we'd nevericall the freshman class undeserving, whatever it was they de- served). The meanest, vilest, most humiliating and disgusting deed ever enacted against living human beings has recently been committeed by The Michigan Daily against the 1939 freshman class. (So THAT'S where our Thesaurus went! Return to Stu- dent Publications Building. No Questions Asked). This unparagoned class has pub- licly been insulted, (Isn't there some rule about splitting up participles 'n' auxuiliaries 'n' things like that with adverbs?) it has been referred to as the class of '38. A supposedly fair, unbiased student publication has not merely inferred that the 39ers are men of '38, if there are any men of '38, but has printed this misrepresen- tation in 14 point bold headline. (14 point BODONI bold as a matter of fact! This disgrace is unbearably ab- ominable; (My, how he throws it!) it demands andhdeserves a formal apology. If this nefarious accusation was an unpremediated typegraphical (We spell it "typOgraphical") error, we believe it imperative that the crea- tor of the blunder be severely re- primanded. If not, we shall consider WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 7 Notices Notice to all Faculty Members and Officers: Arrangements have been made with the purpose of having in the General Library both for present purposes and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of mem- bers of the faculty and University of- ficials. It is highly desirable from the Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform size. Portraits will be made without cost to any faculty member or officer by Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to make appointments with Rentschler and Son for the purpose. Any special questions arising with respect to the matter may be asked either of the secretary of the Uni- versity, Shirley W. Smith, or the Li- brarian, William W. Bishop. Attention of All Concerned, and Particularly Those Having Offices in Haven Hall or the Western Portion of the Natural Science Building, is called to the fact that parking cars in the driveway between these two buildings is at all times inconvenient to other users of the drive and sometimes re- sults in positive danger to other driv- ers and to pedestrians on the diagon- al and other walks. You are respect- fully asked not to park there and if members of your family call for you, especially at noon when traffic both on wheels and on foot is heavy, it is especially urged that the car wait for you in the parking space adjacent to the north door of University Hall. Waiting in the driveway blocks traffic and involves confusion, inconven- ience, and actual danger just as much as when a person is sitting in a car as if the car is parked empty. University Senate Committee On Parking. To the Members of the University Council: The first meeting of the University Council for the year 1935- 1936 will be held Monday, October 14, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009 Angell Hall. Notice to Freshmen: Those stu- dents who have not yet taken the tests required of all entering fresh- men will be expected to make up these examinations on Wednesday and Friday, October 9 and 11, in. Room 205 Mason Hall. Those who missed the English ex- amination should report at three o'clock on Wednesday, October 9. Those who missed the Psychological examination should report at three o'clock Friday, October 11. These tests take precedence over all other appointments including class work. Be on time. Work will be completed in time for students to attend the five o'clock hygiene lectures. C. S. Yoakum. Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships should confer before October 24 either with the Secretary of the History Depart- ment, 119 Haven Hall, or with me during my office hours in 118 Haven Hall. Arthur Lyon Cross. Procedure in Case of Articles Stol- en or Missing: Notice should be given at the Business office, Room 3, Uni- versity Hall, with the utmost prompt- ness whenever any articles, whether owned privately or by the institution, disappear under circumstances which indicate theft. Students, College of Engineering: Sophomore, junior, and senior stu- dents who are working for degrees in any of the following departments are requested to report at the Sec- retary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building, unless they have recently done so. Five-year programs combined with Industry; Combinations of any two programs; Mathematics, or combinations of mathematical and technical pro- grams; Physics, or combinations; Astronomy, or combinations; Engineering-Law program; Engineering-Business Administra- tion program; Engineering-Forestry program. Concert Tickets: "Over the count- er" sale of Choral Union concert tick- ets will begin Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the office of the Uni- versity School of Music, Maynard Street, and will continue so long as tickets remain. Season tickets (ten concerts) with $3.00 May Festival coupon, $5.00, $7.00, $8.50 and $10.00. Iota Alpha: Will all members of the Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha, who are on campus this semester, please notify Geo. G. Brown, Secretary of the Chapter, 2028 East Engineering Building, of their correct address and telephone number so that the active personnel list may be brought up to date? R.O.T.C. All students to be meas- ured for uniforms report at Head- auarters today between 9:00 a.m. and in the future will be limited. It is suggested that you make your res- ervations early in the week for the dance this Saturday nightafter the football game. Registration in all Tournaments in Ping Pong Doubles, Straight-Rail and Three-Rail Billiards and Snooker; in the Union Billiard Room closes this week. Academic Notices Applicants for Ph.D. Degree in Economics: Preliminary examina- tions for the Ph.D. degree in Eco- nomics will be held the week begin- ning October 28. Students who are qualified to take these examinations, wishing to write them at this time, should get in touch at once with the Department office. English 293: This course will meet on Wednesdays from 4-6 o'clock in 2235 Angell Hall. W. G. Rice. English 197: The class will meet on Fridays, from 3-5 o'clock, in 3217 A. H. W. G. Rice. History Make-Up Examinations: Students who intend taking make- up examinations in History courses are requested to see their instructors as soon as possible. History 11, Lecture Group II, TTh at 10, will meet hereafter in Natural Science Auditorium instead of New- berry Auditorium. Sociology 259: Seminar in Juven- ile Delinquency. This class will not meet Wednesday as scheduled, but will meet at 2:00 p.m. next Tuesday. Orientation Lecture: The attention of all freshmen women and the up- perclass transfers is called to the fact that the first of a series of orienta- tion lectures on "How to Study" will be given Wednesday, October 9, 4:30 p.m., in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, by Professor Keeler. The lecture will be over by 5 o'clock to enable per- sons to attend formal rushing din- ners. Events Of Today Chemistry Colloquium meets 4:00 p.m., room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. Willard, Dr. Bates, and others will report informally on the San Francisco meeting of the American . Chemical Society. Chemical Engineering Seminar: The first meeting of the Seminar will be held at 4 o'clock, Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Professor E. M. Baker will discuss 'Counter Current Extrac- tion of Solids with Liquids" An in- vitation is extended to all graduate students in Chemical Engineering. Luncheon For Graduate Students at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Toom of the Michigan League Building. Cafeteria service. Carry tray across the hall. Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, Dean of the Graduate School will speak informally on "New Plans 'for the Graduate School." Varsity Debaters: There will be a preliminary meeting of all men and women students interested in inter- collegiate debating at 4 p.m., room 4203 Angell Hall. Freshmen Glee Club: Try-outs, re- hearsal, election of officers. Glee Club room, 3rd floor, Michigan Union, 4:30 to 5:30. All freshmen interested are urged to attend and register at once. Pi Lambda Theta meeting will be held in the Pi Lambda Theta room, U.E.S., 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Kappa Tau Alpha is having an im- portant business meeting at 8 p.m., room 213 Haven Hall. Alumni as well as active members are requested to attend this meeting. National Student League meets at the Union at 7:30 sharp. Professor Nelson ,of the English department, will talk on European aspects of the (Continued on Page 6) t Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of Oct. 9, 1925 From The Daily Files of Oct. 9, 1935. The Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Washington Senators, 3-2, in the sec- ond game of the World Series, even- ing the Series count at one game each. The University Administration .has offered a reward of $100 for anyone submitting information leading to the arrest and conviction of thieves of articles from campus buildings. Over- coats, in particular, have been stolen of late. Local merchants and bankers felt that the general morale of the stu- I II