PART TWO L Bit ii6a Daiti WOMEN'S SECTION VOL. XVI. No. 1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1935 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Plans For IF 1 I Panhellenic Rushing Rules AnnouncedI 11 1! F , Ii Fr........eshmen Completed Program To Be Presented To Incoming Women At Meeting Tomorrow League Committee Chairmen To Speak Lecture Series Planned, To Continue Through Entire Year Orientation activities for freshman women under the direction of the Orientation committee of the League, headed by Margaret Hiscock, '36, will open with a mass meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The meeting will be held to in- troduce members of the League coun- cil to incoming women students, and League activities for the year will be explained. Jean Seeley, '36, presi- dent of the League, will introduce the Council members, who will sit on the stage. Other talks will be given by Jane Arnold, '36, president of the Panhellenic Association, who will ex- plain rushing rules; Maureen Kava- naugh, '36, president of Assembly, organization for independent wom- en, who will explain activities of the group; and Miss Hiscock, who will discuss orientation. To Explain Work Other Council members who will explain therwork of their groups will be Marjorie Morrison, '36, chairman of the publicity committee; Julie Kane, '36, chairman of the house- reception committee; Ruth Sonnan- stine, '36, chairman of the merit sys- tem committee; Winifred Bell, '36, chairman of the judiciary council; Martha Steen, '36, chairman of the social committee; Brenda Parkin- son, '36, president of the Women's Athletic Association; andLois King, '37, chairman of the theatre and arts c,,ommitteer ..-. The climax of the week's activities for the freshmen will be a dinner and treasure hunt to be held Friday at the League, to be followed by a dance. Special guests will be Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean Alice Lloyd, regent Esther Cram, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bach- er, Mrs. Philip E. Bursley, and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley. Special Meeting Held A special meeting for the faculty and student advisors of the freshmen groups was held yesterday. Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven welcomed the group. Other speakers were Prof. Philip Bursley, chairman of Orien- tation, who explained the week's pro- gram, Miss Seeley, and Miss Hiscock. Other guests were the heads of the dormitories and Alumnae and Adelia Cheever Houses. Following the plan inaugurated last year, orientation activities for the new women will not close with the end of Freshman Week, but will be con- tinued throughout the year, with a series of lectures. Dean Lloyd will open the lecture series at 5 .m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. She will speak on "College Conduct." The second lecture will be given by Prof. Francis Curtis of the School of Ed- ucation, who will speak on "How to Study," Wednesday, Oct. 9. In con- nection with this lecture a clinic study hour will be conducted the following Tuesday night, and will be (Continued on Page 10) Stanley Chorus Plans Program For This Year Concerts ranging from the typi- cally classical to the more modern programs are given each year by the Stanley Chorus Undergraduate Wom- en's Glee Club, in both local as well as out-of-town apearances. One of the highlights of the sea- son is reached when the Glee Club presents its traditional Christmas song festival. This affair is invita- tional, and is presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program usually includes well-known Christ- mas compositions. The Stanley Chorus was incor- porated into the League last year. It will continue as a League unit, work- ing undear the merit system. Activity The entire list of sorority rushing rules for this fall have been an- nounced by Jane Arnold, '36, presi- dent of the Panhellenic Association. "It is important that these rules be strictly adhered to by both the soror- ity and the freshman women," Miss Arnold stated. The rules were adopted last spring after they had been accepted by the majority of sorority women. They are as follows: 1. Invitations to initial teas will be delivered to the mailboxes of girls who have been recommended to sor- orities starting at 9 a.m. Friday, Sept. 27. 2. Go to all the Saturday and Sunday teas to which you are asked. Stay not longer than three-quarters of an hour at each house. 3. With its invitation to tea a sor- ority may enclose a card asking you to a party at the beginning of the following week; you may be given a choice of more than one party. 4. You must accept or refuse any enclosed invitation either while you are at tea at that house, or by tele- phone before 11 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29. The telephone number of a sorority will be written on any small card it may enclose for you. Remember that it is up to you to call. Give your message to the rushing chair- man or to her assistant, for they will be waiting for your reply. If you cannot reach a sorority be- fore 11 p.m. Sunday, it is better to let them know early the next day than not at all. 5. Initial teas last from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. The following week each sorority gives one party a day -- dinner - on- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday they may have two parties, breakfast, luncheon, or dinner, and on Sunday there is to be absolutely no rushing in any form. On Monday1 and Tuesday of the second week they may have dinner. 6. Dinners shall last from 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; breakfasts from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the luncheon from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 7. Never go to more than one sorority during the course of any of these parties except the initial teas on Saturday and Sunday. Remember to watch the time, for you are break- ing Panhellenic rules if you stay longer than the times specified above. 8. Further invitations will be ex- tended during parties, or by telephone or on Panhellenic forms. Phone a sorority member when- ever you are not sure about an en- gagement. They are allowed to call you only three times during the rush- ing period, but you may call them as often as you find necessary. 9. On Wednesday and Thursday of the second week, sororities give formal dinners which last from 6:15 p.m. until 10 p.m. They are allowed to call for you before these parties and take you home afterward. 10. Accept the invitations of those groups in which you are most inter- ested for the two formal dinners. Your acceptance of the last -party does not indicate your choice of a group, however, nor do their invi- tations to formals necessarily indi- cate that they have decided to invite you to membership. Rushing ends with the last party on Thursday, Oc- tober 10 at 10 p.m. 11. A period of absolute silence between sororities and rushees com- mences at this time, and extends until 9 a.m. Monday, October 14. 12. Each rushee who has been in- vited to join a sorority will receive a preference list on Friday evening, October 11, which she should fill out and return to the office of the Dean of Women before 12 Saturday, Oct. 12. :.. Advisors For Freshmen Will Meet Groups 75 Faculty And Student Advisors To Assist Inf Orientation Week More than 75 women students and faculty advisors will assist freshman women as their group advisors throughout the program for Fresh- men week, which will climax with registration' and classification. The list of faculty advisors in- cludes Dr. Dorothy G. Hard, Mrs. Ava Comin Case, Mrs. S. Beach Conger, Prof. Laurie E. Campbell, A. L. Bader of the English depart- ment, B. E. Boothe of the English department, Mrs. Wilma T. Donahue, Lafayette Dow of the romance lan- guage department, Miss Hazel M. Losh of the astronomy department, Miss Nelda Dover, Miss Ada L. Ol- son, H. M. Sewell and Abraham Her- man, both of the romance languages department. Others Listed Others will be Miss Genevieve A. Sproat, George M. Stanley of the geology department, Prof. A. K. Stev- ens, Miss Mildred Valentine, Mrs. M. C. VanTuyl, Miss A. E. Woodward, Prof. C. F. Meyer, Miss Gertrude Muxen, Robert R. Horner of the economics department, H. M. Kendall of the geography department, and D. C. Long of the history depart- ment. The women students who will act as freshmen advisors are Jane Ar- nold, Mary Margaret Barnes, Ellen Brown, Katherine Buckley, Dorothy Carr, Josephine Cavanaugh, Betty Chapman, Maryanna Chockley, Mar- garet Curry, Dorothy Cowles, Marion Donaldson, Jane Fletcher, Betty Fur- beck, Stella Glass, Jane Haber, Helen Hanley, Florence Harper, Gertrude Jean, Rebecca Lotridge, Jean Mac- Gregor, Catherine McInterney, Bar- bara Miller, Betty Griffith, Betty Sichol, Mary Jean Pardee, and Betty Roura. Faculty To Assist The list continues with Ruth Rich, Dorothy Roth, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder, Ronnie Stillson, Ann Timmons, Mary Louise Willoughby, Doris Wisner, Jewel Wuerfel, Eleanor Young, Mary Maclvor, Edith Zerbe, Marjorie Kress, Rose Perrin, Mary Johnson, Gertrude Penhale, Dorothy Geldart, Mary Ellen Heitsch, Betty Anne Beebe, Kay Bishop, Mary Louise Mann, Jean Shaw and Winifred Trebilcock. Still others who will assist the freshmen are Maxine Hutchins, Thelma Buelow, Kitty Jane Miller, Sally Thompson, Mary Andrew, Martha Wise, Betty Green, Virginia Attractiveness In' Room Decorations Shows Personality With hundreds of dormitory rooms all alike, the freshman is faced with the problem of displaying her per- sonality in furnishing her own par- ticular abode for the year. The essen- tial pieces are all the same, the fin- ishing touches of drapes, bed spreads, wall decorations and numerous nick- nacks make the difference between just a place to sleep and room of in- dividuality and charm. A delightful room uses red and white as the keynote. Curtains of a heavy grade of very highly glazed chintz combine the two colors. On one side of the window is a white cur- tain bordered in red and on the. other one in red bordered in the white. A red, white and black plaid rug covers the floor and red and white pillows are in abundance . on the white candlewick bedspreads accented with red designs. Another interesting combination uses light, green, cream and gold, cream net curtains and green drapes at the windows, and a green spread of sateen bordered with stripes of gold cloth. As accessories to the room, flower pots painted gold con- flains a variety of cactus plants is added. Another touch is the book- ends. They are charming ducks with bright yellow beaks in cream porcelain standing on a green base bordered with gold. An unusual element seen in a room was the Egyptian fiezes of hand- woven linen decorating the walls. The crude figures in wierd positions riding impossible donkeys of un- (Continued on Page 14) New Library To Be Opened For Women A new library will be opened in the Michigan League for the use of women students this year, it was an- nounced by Jean Seeley, president of the League, recently. The library is to be located on the third floor of the Michigan League, and will be run by undergraduates entirely. Funds for a complete stock of reference books have been raised by the various class projects. A tentative schedule of hours when the room will be open is 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day of the week. This new project was voted on at the last meeting of the Undergraduate Coun- cil. Women working in the library will receive activity points. W. A. A. RECEPTION In case of rain tomorrow, the Personnel Of Dean's Office Is Changed New Dormitory, Sorority Heads Are Announced By Dean Lloyd Former Editor To Act As Chaperone Prominent Graduates Will Occupy Positions in Dormitories Twelve new women have been se- lected to fill positions connected with the office of the dean of women as so- cial directors and assistants at the women's dormitories, or as chaper- ones in the sorority houses. Mrs. E. L. Allen, Ann Arbor, will serve as the chaperone for the Alpha Xi Delta sorority house occupying the position formerly filled by Mrs. Wen- dell P. Moore. Mrs. Moore will take a permanent residence in Mayo, Va. Mrs. Elsie M. Hauswald, now Mrs. A. E. White, has resigned her posi- tion as chaperone of the Pi Beta Phi sorority house which is to be filled by Mrs. Marguerite D. Turner. For the past few years Mrs. Turner has served as the associate editor of the Michigan Alumnus. Miss Jeanette Yonkman, Grand Rapids, a graduate of Michigan, will take her place as chaperone of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She will re- place Mrs. Thomas H. Reed who re- signed to fill her new position as the regent of the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as work with the Consumers' League. Last year she, delivered a number of talks on legislation associated with the League's purpose in various places throughout the country. The Chi Omega chapter house has selected Mrs. Hazel Mitchell, Jack- son, for their new chaperone. She will fill the position occupied by Mrs. Blanche Harley who is to be the new chaperone temporarily at the Alpha GammanDelta sorority house. Mrs. Frieda K. Loeb, Columbia, Mo., will be the new chaperone at the Alpha Epsilon Phi house while Mrs. William E. Bowen, Grand Rapids, will be at the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Several new changes are to be made in the personnel of the dormitories bringing junior social directors at Mosher and Jordan halls. Miss Kath- leen Carpenter, '35, is to be in Mosher Hall, and Miss Ruth Barrett, Co- lumbus, O., will be in Jordan Hall. Miss Barrett is a graduate of Ober- lin College and spent a year in Eng- land before taking up her graduate work at Michigan last year. Miss Carpenter, a member of Delta Gam- ma sorority, replaces Miss Katherine Koch. Mrs. Frederick G. Ray will also be at Mosher Hall, and Miss Isabel Dudley will be at Jordan Hall. The remainder of the personnel in the dean of Women's office will be the same as last year. Church (Gro up Will 110o(d First Mectini The Presbyterian Student Group is to hold its opening meeting of the fall season Friday night in the tem- porary headquarters of the church in the Masonic Temple, it was an- nounced yesterday. The meeting is planned to serve as an informal gathering which will en- able all new Presbyterian students to get acquainted, and will be in the form of an open discussion. This is to be followed by refreshments. Sunday will mark the first regular meeting of the group, and will also be held at the Temple. Supper is to be served at 5:30 p.m., followed by a discussion period at 6:30 p.m. Brinkmans Arrive Visit At Schnabel At Lake Como After Villa From European trips and from every corner of this country, faculty families have been returning to Ann Arbor after summers of traveling, study, and resorting. Prof. and Mrs. Frederick W. Pet- erson arrived recently after a sum- mer in the British Isles and northern Europe. Dr. and Mrs. Max Peet also spent several weeks in Great Britain and France. Dr. Peet was invested as president of the Society of Neu- rological Suregons at its interna- tional congress in England. Prof. Joseph Brinkman, of the School of Music, and Mrs. Brinkman will arrive in New York on Oct. 3 after several weeks in Italy. Pro- fessor Brinkman has been studying with Artur Schnabel, the eminent pianist, at the latter's summer home on Lake Como. Many Go Abroad Prof. and Mrs. Campbell Bonner are also vacationing abroad, while Professor Campbell attends an in- ternational conference on historical religion in Brussels, returning after- ward to London for research work. Prof. Arthur L. Cross took a motor trip of six weeks through England. Another visitor in England is Prof. Stephen S. Attwood. A number of faculty members mo- tored to the West Coast during the summer, several combining business with pleasure by studing or attend- ing conferences during their stay. Prof. Ralph Aigler represented the Law School at the annual conven- tion of the American Bar Associa- tion in Los Angeles. Dean James B. Edmonson spentsome time in Lar- amie, Wyo., where he gave a series of lectures at the University of Wyo- ming. Mrs. Albert Reeves, president of the Ann Arbor branch of the A. A. U. W., represented that group at the association's biennial convention in California early in the summer. Mrs. John L. Brumm, president of the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan, motored to California by the nor- thern Pacific route. Visiting sons in California were Dr. and Mrs. Fred- erick G. Novy and Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Diack. Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis spent some time in Oregon with her family. West Coast Popular Prof. and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks visited Salt Lake City for several weeks, spending some time in Seattle, also Prof. and Mrs. C. C. Glover took a motor trip to the Northwest, while Professor Glover attended the annual convention of the American Phar- maceutical Association in Portland, Ore. Prof. and Mrs. Roy Cowden have returned to their home on Olivia Avenue after a six months' stay in California, while Professor Cowden did research work at the Hunting- ton Library. Prof. and Mrs. O. J. Campbell are also back from the Coast, where Professor Campbell spent his sabbatical leave. Two or three families motored south, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley stopping in Asheville, N. C., to visit the Herman Kleenes. Prof. and Mrs. Julio del Toro summered in New Orleans, driving from there to Florida and thence home. Profes- (Continued on Pa 10) BRENDA PARKINSON The newly elected president of WAA has planned the reception where the incoming women will rfceive their first official introduction to Michigan sports programs. Religion Plays Important Part In Campus Life Census Shows Methodist, Presbyterian Churches Are First Choices - Religious activities c e n t e r i n g around the Student Christian As- sociation play an important part in campus life, a survey taken of student beliefs last year disclosed that 35 different denominations are rere- sented on the campus and arc cen- tered in this organization. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Coun- selor of Religious Education, will continue in his office as religious ad- visor to students. This will be his third year. Methodist Leads From the census of approximately 8,060 students, 6,262 signified that they were either members of some denomination or have a preference for it. Of these the Methodist church had the greatest student represen- tation with a total of 1,233 student members. The Presbyterian group was second with 959 members. Student representation in other churches are as follows: Episcopal 746; Jewish 719, Catholic 649, Congre- gational 567, Lutheran 328, Baptist 268, and Christian Science 184. Some denominations had as few as two student members. Other denominations on the cam- pus are African Methodist Episcopal, Moravian, Ethical Culture, Gospel Hall, Mennonite, Moslem, and Swen- denborgian churches. Social Service Important Important among the projects sponsored by the Student Christian Association are those of its social ser- vice department, which was inaug- urated last year. This organization sponsors the Fresh Air Camp held every summer for approximately 5,- 000 underprivileged boys, the Fresh- man Rendezvous Camp for 125 meh of the incoming class, and round table discussion groups every Sunday morning of the year. During the year a series of open forums and a lecture series are held. The second semester is opened with a Spring Parley, lasting for three days. A panel of faculty members answers any student questions at this parley. In addition to the activities of this organization, each Ann Arbor church has student groups, which function throughout the year. TRANSFERRING STUDENTS All new women students who are transferring to the University with advanced credits are asked Return From Varied Tirips Professors And Families Enjoy Summer Of Study And Travel Petersons Travel In British Isles Sport Exhibition Will Be Given For Incomiing Women W. A. A. President Fashion Parade, Reception Will Be Featured In Tomorrow's Program Winners To Be In Tennis Tournament Hockey, Riding, Archery Demonstration To Be Held At Palmer Field Final arrangements have been completed for the reception and sport program to be given at 4 p.m. tomor- row in the Women's Athletic Build- ing for the purpose of acquainting freshmen women with the sports of- fered at Michigan, Miss Marie Hart- wig, director of the program, an- nounced yesterday. Exhibitions of golf, badminton, riding, tennis, hockey, and archery, as well as a style show of sport cos- tumes, are to be held on Palmer Field after the women have been re- ceived in the Field House. Hostesses will receive the- freshmen, attending in orientation groups, and are to conduct them on a tour of the building. Following this, refreshments will be served in the lounge. To Hold Putting Demonstration The sport exhibition will begin at 4:15 p.m. A putting demonstration is to be held on the green nearest the field house, Brenda Parkinson, '36 president of the Women's Athletic Association, announced. Both singles and doubles will be played on the badminton courts at the same time. A tennis demonstra- tion is to be held on the clay courts, and a hockey game will be played. On the farthest track. Riding and ar- chery exhibitionsare to be held. All sports' wilL be nJaed at the same time, enabling the freshmen to watch those in which they are most interested. Managers of the various sports will be on hand to advise the freshmen in ther choice of some one fall Fashion Parade Featured Betty Greve, '36, in charge of the style show, has announced that every type of sports will be included in the fashion parade to be held at 4:45 p.m. on the terrace of the Field house. The models will start from the locker room and will walk down the cinder path. A loud speaker is to be set up, and will be used to introduce the various mannequins. Louise Mack, '37, will be in charge of the golf exhibition with Dorothy Shapell, '36, and Elizabeth Roe, '36, assisting her. Tennis is to be handled by Merida Hobart, '38, winner of several tournaments. Others taking part in the tennis demonstration are Jane Quirk, '38, Nancy Quirk, '37, Josephine McLean, '36, Jean Seeley, '36, Jane Arnold, '36, Prof. Robert Angell and Harry Kasabach. Badminton Stars To Play The winners of last year's bad- minton doubles tournament, Hope Hartwig, '38, and Jean Bonisteel, '38, will head the badminton squad for the demonstration. Louise Paine, '36, winner of the singles, Margo Good- rich, '37, Prof. Boak, and Earl Riskey are other members of the badminton group. Taking part in the hockey exhibi- tion will be Louise Lockeman, '37, manager, Mary Potter, '37, Janet Al- lington, '38, Angie King, '36, Jane O'Ferrall, '37, Mary Redden, '38,.Mar- gerite Merkel, '37, Betty Bertoli, '38, Malene Tuttle, '37, Eileen Lay, '27, Betty -Chapman, '36, Adele Gardner, '36, Betty Whitney, '38, Kate Lan- drum, '37, Edith Frederick, '37, Mary Johnson, '38, Virginia Hunt, '38, Mar- jorie Coe, '38, Saxon Finch, '37, Betty Anne Beebe, '37, and Florence Muy- skens, '37. Archers To Shoot Eva Goldman, '38, and Anna Thom- son, '38, winners of last year's campus tournament, will head the archery group with Martha Bragg, '37, Lil- lian Scott, '37, champion of the ad- vanced archery contest, and Zada Stevens, '38, completing the list. Betty Greve, '36, will give the riding dem- onstration. Models in the style show include Josephine Hadley, '36, showing a rubber bathing suit, Louise Mack, '37, golf costume, Hope Hartwig, '38, and Grimness Of Rushinr Season Relieved By Funny Incidents Rushing at best is a pretty grim business, but even it has its amusing aspects. The humor is at the expense of the rushee, however, for the more hilarious his faux-pas, the more black-balls he receives. A State Street fraternity is still chuckling over the remark an ogling eyed frosh made upon entering. His eyes following the vertical line of the chintz drapes to the vaulted ceiling, polished during the rushing season. Pie tossing and salt and pepper fights are deferred until the rushees wear the fraternity emblem. Hence, the men in a neighboring State Street fraternity were eating their steaks with their forks and knives-that is, until one of the rushees (who didn't believe in affectation) proceeded to use his hands. The women come in for their share of the unexpected as well as the men.