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October 09, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-09

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and
warmer, possible showers this
week end. Colder


Si ian


The Warring Lovers Of Peace..
Wednesday Morning
Quarterback .



Heart Failure
Causes Death
Of H. Wilgus
Prof. - Emeritus Of Law
School Is Stricken While
In Dr. Sink's Office
Funeral Services To
Be Held On Friday
Was Member Of Faculty
For More Than Quarter
Of Century
Professor-Emeritus Horace L. Wil-
gus, who had been a member of the
faculty of the Law School for more
than a quarter of a century, died
suddenlyofrheart failure yesterday
afternoon in the office of Charles E.
Sink, president of the Music School.
Professor Wilgus had been failing
in health for some time since his re-
tirement fromactive teaching six
years ago. Born near Conover, 0.,
April 2, 1859, he received his elemen-
taryeducation in private and country
schools and graduated from Ohio
State University in 1882 with the de-
gree of bachelor of science and seven
years later received his master's de-
Having previously studied civil en-
gineering at the National Normal
School in - Lebanon,n ., he became
deputy country surveyor of Miami
County, 0. From 1878 to 1881 Pro-
fessor Wilgus was instructor of math-
ematics at Ohio State and then be-
came chief clerk in the office of com-
missioner of railroads and telegraphs
of Ohio r in 1881 and served in that
capacity until 1884.
Read Law 1881-1884
Studying under his own direction,
Professor Wilgus read law from 1881
to 1884 when he was admitted to the
Ohio bar. From 1885 until 1886 he
served assprivate secretary and as-
sistant to the receiver and general
manager of the Cleveland and Mar-
iettay railroad at Cambridge, .
After having been admitted to the{
bar, Professor Wilgus opened his own
office in Troyr D0,akain 1887 moved-
to Columbus where heApracticed until
e took an important part in
the organization of the law depart-
ment of Ohio State University in 1891,
and held the post of faculty secretary
and professor of elementary law. In
1895 Professor Wilgus accepted a post
with the Michigan Law School, with
which he was affiliated until 1929, thea
year of his retirement.
Phi Beta Kappat
Professor Wigus was a member of
numerous associations and clubs, both
honorary and professional. He was
a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi
Delta Phi, professional law frater-
nity, the bar associations of Ohio,
Michigan, North Dakota, the Amer-
ican Political Science Association, and
International Law Association, and]
was an honorary member of the
Commercial Law League of America.
Besides having been 'a member of
nationally .known organizations, Pro-
fessor Wilgus was the author of many
books on Corporation Law as well as
several essays which were published
in the Michigan Law Review.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Wilgus; a son, Walter, an edi-
torial writer on the New York Eve-
ning Journal; a daughter, Caroline
Gay, of Ann Arbor; and a daughter-
-in-law, Mrs. Horace E. Wilgus of
Funeral services for Professor Wil-
gus will be held at the residence on
Washtenaw Avenue Friday afternoon.

Burial will be in Forest Hills Ceme-
Open Rebellion
Widens Breach
In Milk Strike
CHICAGO, Oct. 8.l-') - Open
rebellion by striking farmers against
the Pure Milk Association and a defy
by the strikers to Governor Henry
Horner tonight widened the breach
in a milk strike.
Farmers from 14 counties who met
in Elgin rejected the governor's plea
for a 30-day truce and began the es-
tablishment of a new bargaining
agency to supplant the Pure Milk As-
sociation, official agency for 18,000
dairy farmers in the Chicago milk
"We will not accept a truce at the
present, but instead will keep our milk
at home until demands of $2.50 per
hundredweight for all milk are met.

Heart Attack Fatal

Professor-emeritus Horace L.
Wilgus, member of the Law School
faculty for more than 25 years had
been failing in health for some time.
since his retirement from active
teaching si xyears ago.
12 Elected As
Neww Members
Of SCA Cabinet
Wilsuack Directs Student
Activity; Committee Will
Attend YMCAMeeting
The Student Christian Association,
meeting last night in Lane Hall, elect-
ed the following persons to its cab-
inet: Dorothy Shapland, Grad., mes-
sage and purpose, Miriam Hall, Grad.,
social study and action, William Wil-
snack, '37, Student Christian move-
ment, Wilbur Mindel, '38, worship and
devotional, Justin Cline, '36, fresh-
man work, Richard Clark, '37, pub-
licity, Edgar Porsche, '38, library and
literature, Rose Perrin '36, speakers
and discussion, Robert Johnson, '38,
cooperation with religious groups, Ev-
elyn Maloy, '36, specialized women's
activities, Frances Burgess, '38, re-
cording secretary, William Warner,
Grad., Patricia Woodward, Grad., and
Eldon Hamm '38, ambassadors at
Four representatives were also ap-
pointed to represent the SCA at the
meeting of the state Y.M.C.A. to be
held Sunday at East Lansing; they
are William Wilsnack, Richard Clark,
George Abernethy and Mr. F. N. Men-
Ruth White and Arnold Price were
appointed to the provisional commit-
tee of the Lane Federation.
The following were elected to a
special committee organized to coor-
dinate the activities of the S.C.A. and
the Rendezvous Club: Justin Cline,
Neal Ball, Larry Quinn and Edgar
Porsche. As a special feature, a poem-
dedicated to the association, and first
read at a meeting in 1857, was read
at the beginning of the meeting last
Yoder Named New
Head Of Law Club
In a special election meeting last
night at the Lawyers Club, Marion H.
Yoder, '36L, was chosen as the new
president, succeeding John Damm,
Albert K. Gilliom '37L, was selected
as the junior member of the Board
of Governors. Cyral Hetsko, '35L,
the retiring member of the Board was
replaced by Robert Ackerberg, '36L,
the former junior member.

Lynn Schoolboy Is
Ousted For Refusal
To Salute U.S. Flag
LYNN, Mass., Oct. 8.- () - Eight-
year-old Carleton B. Nichols, Jr., who
has steadfastly refused to salute the
Stars and Stripes because of religious
scruples, was expelled from school
tonight by a unanimous vote of the
Lynn school committee.
City Solicitor Patrick F. Shana-
han said the school board was within
its rights, in making regulations and
predicted it would be upheld by the
courts, in expelling the boy. Shana-
han said the flag was a symbol of the
nation and the school children must
be taught respect for it.
"My religion and your religion does
not enter into it," he said.
Young Carleton refused several
days ago to salute the, flag because,
he said, it was an "emblem of the
Protection For
Americans In
War Is Asked
Hull Reiterates Faith In
Peace, But Demands That
Citizens Be Sheltered
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. - ) -
The Government reaffirmed its faith
in the peaceful settlement of inter-
national disputes today, but sought
special protection for Americans from
actualities of the Italo-Ethiopian war.
"International disputes can and
must be settled by pacific means,"
Secretary of State Cordell Hull told
a delegation of the National Federa-
tion of Business and Professional
Women's Clubs.
Only shortly before, the State De-
partment chief disclosed that the
United States had made special rep-
resentations to Italy, aimed at hav-
ing the neutrality of the American
flag respected if Addis Ababa isbom-
barded by Mussolini's aerialsquad-
Bombing Prevention Sought
Although Breckingridge Long,
American ambassador to Rome, made
no specificirequest that the Italians
refrain from bombing any building
protected by the American flag, Hull -
told newsmen that was the purpose of
the representations.
The Italian Foreign Office has been
given the location of American estab-
lishments in Ethiopia's capital. Cor-
nelius H. Van Engert, charge d'af-
faires at Addis Ababa, has requested,
that flags be raised over or painted on
the roofs of all buildings housingI n
United States citizens.
The American Legation is at the
opposite end of the city from other
foreign legations, Engert reported,
and, With a large flag flying, is easily
distinguishable from the air.]
All other buildings occupied by
Americans are also readily picked out
on maps.
Must Support Neutrality
Hull told the women's delegation
that "when the nations of the world.
are faced with the actualities of war
on the African continent," it is the
duty of all to accord wholehearted
support to President Roosevelt's neu-
trality policies "in order that the
American people may continue to en-
joy the blessing of peace."
"Your organization," Hull said,
"representing 60,000 business and
professional women, is and can con-
tinue to be an influential factor in
the development of a public opinion
among our people dedicated to the

preservation of peace and the promo-
tion of international understanding
and goodwill."

Italians Consolidate


Offensive Against City Of Aduwa-
~Leeanction Stff Is Formed



Sets Up Group To Apply
Economic Pressure As
Experts Are Summoned
Munitions Ban Is
Cutting Off Credit Also
Seen As Possibility For
League Action
GENEVA, Oct. 8. --UP) --A League
"General Staff" for encircling Italy
with economic pressure was already
informally in action tonight on the
eve of a vital meeting of the As-
sembly to discuss sanctions.
Technical experts who may help the
staff in its complicated and huge task
are beginning to arrive and held a
conference on home problems in-
volved in sanctions.
Although not yet oflicially consti-
tuted, it was learned that the "Gen-
eral Staff" will include in its mem-
bership all members of the Council
except Italy. This is a total of 13
nations, Great Britain and Fance
among them.
Experts' Report Awaited
A basis for the application of sanc-
tions, League officials said, probably
will be found in the report of experts
appointed to consider what measures
of restraint could be imposed upon
countries endangering peace through
treaty violation.
The committee reported that mu-
nitions and products required for the
manufacture of munitions could be
shut off from the offending country.
To bring about financial pressure,
the committee suggested: A ban by-
member nations on the opening of
credits in fdv~or'of Trr' cotntry b
punished, on the public issue of loans
abroad, and on short-term credit
Among problems being discussed
was whether application of sanctions
automatically cancels all trade trea-
ties which League states have with
Italy. A strict application of the non-
intercourse provisions of ArticleXVI
would involve even the abrogation
of international postal agreements
with Rome.,
To Report Next Mondaywi
The "General Staff," or co-ordi-
nation committee, to be created by the
Assembly, was not expected to re-
prt back with a definite plan of sanc-
tions before next Monday. Between
now and then technical difficulties
may be ironed out.
Even after its plan of campaign
has been approved and the actual
date set for the beginning of sanc-
tions, the League staff will have to
persuade the nations - there are 54
in the Assembly - to carry out the
scheme. It cannot command them.
This was carefully pointed out to-
day by spokesmen of leading delega-
tions. It is therefore imperative that
whatever plan of operation is brought
forward, it must be of a kind which
a big majority of the League states
and possibly some non-members are
likely to be willing to actually put into
Tomorrow tne steering committee
of the Assembly will discuss prob-
lems of procedure and at 7 p.m. there
will be a public session at which An-
thony Eden of Great Britain and
probably Premier Pierre Laval of
France will speak. Representatives of
other nations also will be given oppor-
tunity to express their views.
There has been talk of requesting
Britain to assume the leadership in
sanctions enforcement.
Nation May Act Individually
While there is always the possibility
of obstructive tactics and a resultant
long delay in reaching a decision on

a plan of collective sanctions ap-
plicable on a really worldwide scale,
one fact sets the limit on such at-
tempts to apply brakes. That is the
fact that any one member or group
has the legal right under Article XVI
of the Covenant to launch its own
sanctions whenever it sees fit.
Recruiting Posters Are
Taboo To Iowa Artists
AMES. Ia.. Oct. 8. -(P) - Iowa ar-

Map Indicating Main Route Of Italian Attack
...:.............. .................. ...............:.
N '4.
...... . .
-Associated Press Map
The principal Italian route of attack into Ethiopia are shown.
Askum (1), Maibaria (2), Aduwa (3), and Adigrat (4), have fallen into
Italy's hands. sakota (6) has suffered severely from Italian air raids-

Mussolini's Men Planning
Attack On Holy City As
Envoy Is Ordered Out
Ethiopians Trying
To Regain Aduwa

Gargoyle Issue Is
Postponed One Day
Contrary to a previous announce-
ment by the Gargoyle staff, the first
issue of that publication will not ap-
pear today but will be on sale tomor-
The first Gargoyle will carry the
same quality of humor in reporting
campus activities that has character-
ized it in the past, said Norman Wil-
liamson, '36, business manager. The
cover will give the coaching staff a
small jolt and the football team is
lampooned elsewhere in the maga-
zine, said Williamson.
The popular "Preposterous People"
feature has been continued in - the
Gargoyle and this installment is de-
voted to The Daily. Besides these
features there will be articles and il-
lustrations on correct campus attire
for both men and women, and, Wil-
liamson concluded, a generous sup-
ply of humor will be sprinkled
Dr. Bishop Will Speak
In Cleveland Tomorrow
Dr. William W. Bishop, University
Librarian, will speak tomorrow af-
ternoon in Cleveland before the Ohio
Library Association. The meeting
will commemorate the fortieth anni-
versary of the foundation of the as-
Dr. Bishop's topic will be "On Re-
cent European Developments on Co-
operation Between Libraries."


Murderer Of
Student Plans
Insanity Plea
Zenge Depends Upon New
Strategy On Eve Of Trial
For Love Murder
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. - (P) -A T-
fense strategy based on a plea of in-
sanity was mapped for Mandeville W.
Zenge tonight on the eve of his trial
for the emasculation slaying of his
love rival, Dr. Walter J. Bauer last
summer. Bauer was a post graduate
student at the University of Michi-
Defense attorney Joseph E. Green,
pointing out that his client already
has entered a "not guilty" response
to the charge, said that the insanity
defense likely would be raised after
the prosecution's evidence was com-
Toward that end, he added, pros-
pective jurors will be questioned at
the opening of the Canton, Mo., farm-
er's trial for murder tomorrow as to
whether they are prejudiced against
such a defense. The State will ask
for the death penalty.
The defense said that Mrs. Bauer
would not be asked to testify for the
twenty-six-year-old defendant, who
was her fiance before her sudden
marriage to Dr. Bauer.

Haile Selassie Forbids His
Army To Advance Till
LONDON, Oct. 8. - (P) -Premier
Mussolini's invading armies consoli-
dated their positions for a new offen-
sive in the vicinity of the holy city
of Aksum tonight and the Ethiopian
government ordered the Italian.min-
ister to leave the country.
These developments came as the
world awaited action by the assembly
of the League of Nations tomorrow
on sanctions against Italy.
If not already taken, the holy city
of Aksum, once capital of an Ethi-
opian kingdom, apparently was the
next objective of the Italian army on
the right flank. This was confirmed
by officials in Rome. The Reuters
correspondent at Addis Ababa re-
ported that Aksum had been occupied
early Tuesday, but this was denied
officially both in Rome and Addis
On the left flank, the capture of
Edagahamus, a village 10 miles south
of Adigrat on the road into the in-
terior,was reported by the Exchange
Telegraph correpondent with the
Italian army. These dispatches made
no mention of Ethiopian resistance.
Attacks On Aduwa.Reported
But from several sources came re-
ports that Ethiopian warriors of un-
known strength had launched fierce
attacks on Aduwa, most important
of the captured cities, in the center
of the line. One unconfirmed rumor
persisteduthat the Ethiopians actually
had regained Aduwa and had taken
thousands of Italians prisoners.
A report reaching the' Exchange
Telegraph correspondent at Addis
Ababa said that Selassie's warriors
had attacked Aduwa Tuesday from
three sides and had fought a fierce
battle with the Italians.
At Rome, an official Italian spokes-
man admitted that the Ethiopians
several times had tried to recapture
Aduwa, but maintained that they had
consistently been driven off.
A Reuters dispatch said the Ital-
ians used gas for the first time in
operations around Aduwa.
A thick screen of Italian censor-
ship at the front and poor communi-
cations made it difficult to sift
through the flood of rumors coming
from all directions to determine the
exact situatiomn.
Counter Offensive Launched
But observers doubted that the
mainforce of the Ethiopian army
would counter-attack Aduwa. Har-
assing operations by small detach-
ments were considered likely. There
was little likelihood that the main
forces would deviate from their an-
nounced plan of lying in wait for the
Italian advance in strategic mountain
points south of Adigrat, where thou-
sands of warriors are massing.
In fact, Emperor Selassie Tuesday
issued a general order to all his armies
to make no advance. Selassie told
the Associated Press that he was wait-
ing the verdict Wednesday of the
League of Nations assembly.
Increasing credence, however, was
given to reports that small Ethiopian
forces have invaded Eritrea to harass
the flanks of the Italian armies.
Encircling Movement
It appeared Tuesday that this
flanking movement was in the form
of an encircling drive on both sides
of the advancing Italian columns.
From Addis Ababa came the re-
port that Ras Seyoum, commander-
in-chief of the northern Ethiopian
forces, while falling back into the
mountains with his main army, had
ordered a large detachment on the
east to penetrate the boundary north-
ward into Eritrea.
At the same time, it was said, Ded-
jarmatch Ayaleu and 15,000 warriors
have penetrated 50 miles into the
enemy country on the west, although

they were reported to have suffered
some reverses.
This method of warfare - harrass-
(Continued on Page 2)

Harry Newman Takes Day Off
To Watch Varsity In Workout

Women Will Set Friday Hours,
Decrees Pan hellenic Council

Michigan's famous All-American
quarterback, Harry Newman, took an
afternoon off from the beer business
yesterday to watch Coach Harry G.
Kipke'sydowntrodden football team
struggle for form which will "lick
Newman was one of the few to
watch the first scrimmage after the
Spartan triumph Saturday. Chat-
ting with players and coaches, the
man who in 1932 generated the Var-
sity to what now looks like unreach-
able heights, took considerable in-
terest in the practice. When the
Wally Webber's peppy freshman
squad held the regulars, Newman
called Coach Cappon's attention to a

bacle, but indicated that he might be
here for the Indiana game Saturday,
"If they continue to go like that."
Newman, his hat pushed back, ex-
posing his dark, curly hair, looked in
as good condition as he did in 1933
and last year when he starred at
quarterback for the professional New
York Giants, and apparently had lost
none of his keen interest in the
"smash 'em and smear 'em" tech-
nique of the gridiron.
The Varsity rallied yesterday under
Kipke's demand that "We've got to
lick Indiana," and as the scrimmage
got underway showed pep and en-
Indications that just because Mich-
igan was defeated student enthusi-
asm. which soared to a boiling noint

Question: Can University of Mich-
igan women stay out till 1:30 a.m.
and still make their Saturday eight
In not quite so many words but
meaning much the same thing, that
question will be put to the sorority
houses and independent women on
the campus, it was decided by the
undergraduate council of the League
Monday night.
Last night the Panhellenic board,
meeting in the League, referred the
question to the houses, and it is soon
expected to be presented to the As-
sembly of independent women soon.
Women's closing hours for the sev-

Now, the League's Undergraduatet
Council wants to know, how do the
women feel about it? Do they think
they can stay awake in Saturday
eight o'clocks - and later classes?
Or do they think they can't take
Dean Alice Lloyd is noncommittal,
and it's up to the women. If they
think the strain of having to attend
classes on the "morning after the'
night before" is too great, it is theirs
to say so, and to say, furthermore,
what time they think they should go
to bed Friday nights.
But, apparently, if they have faith
in themselves and think they can

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