The Weather Increasing cloudiness and warmer today; tomorrow cooler and probably showers. Y 4ialt tl Editorials The Series Was Honest .. . Italy's Defensive War .. VOL. XLVI. No. 8. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS League Sanctions Against Mussolini Voted By Council Duce Named Aggressor; Arraigned For Violation Of Covenant Issue Goes Before AssemblyMeeting Penalty Is Severance Of All Trade And Financial Relations With Italy GENEVA, Oct. 7. -- (P) - The councl of the League of Nations sol- emnly pronounced Italy's war against Ethiopia "an act of war against all other members of the League" today and thus made sanctions against the Fascist state compulsory. It was the first time in League his- tory that a great power thus ar- raigned was found guilty of war in violation of the covenant. The Council approved a report of a committee of six holding that Italy disregarded Article XII of the cove- nant by proceeding to war against Ethiopia without waiting three months for arbitration by the League. Article XVI of the League provides that members shall undertake to subject a violator of the covenant to "the severance of all trade or finan- cial relations and the prohibition of all intercourse between their nation- als and the nationals of the covenant- breaking state." There also is an optional provision for the employment of armed forces against a violator of the covenant. There was little likelihood that this would be applied except as a last re- sort. Issue Goes To Assembly The whole issue now goes to the as- sembly, which meets in "urgent" ses- sion Wednesday. It is expected a coordinating committee consisting of ' °pes ntativs of theAssembly and the Council will be formed to draw up a plan of economic sanctions against Italy and to fix the date when they should apply. The decision-taken as Emperor Haile Selassie massed thousands of tribal warriors in the north and south of Ethiopia for counterattacks against Il Duce's Roman legion -op- ened the way for the imposition of sanctions against the Italians. The committee of 13, which is the full council with the exception of Italy, held Rome "resorted to war in disregard of its covenants under Ar- ticle XII" of the covenant of the League. Earlier, a committee of six mem- bers of the council reported similarly to the council. With the discussion of sancions the next step at Geneva, attention for the moment was centered on the declaration of the directors of the Suez Canal Company, meeting in Paris, that the "gateway to the Or- ient" must remain open to all coun- tries. Haile May Lead Troops (Copyright, by Associated Press, 19351 ADDIS ABABA. - Ethiopian sources disclosed today that Emperor Haile Selassie plans to lead an army of 120,000 fighters into the field against Italy within two weeks. This disclosure was made as rumor circulated in the capital that Italy has proposed peace terms to the em- peror. One of the imperial advisers called the rumors "almost" true, but declined further comment. In Rome, Italian officials said peace terms were farthest from their thoughts. Luigi Vinci-Gigliuci, the Italian minister, said he was not informed of such a proposal. Deadline For NYA Work Is Announced The fourth Saturday of every month - Oct. 26 for this month - will be the deadline for - National Youth Administration work, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, director of the Unib versity committee on NYA, an- nounced yesterday. Professor Gram emphasized that with 6 p.m. of every fourth Saturday being the deadline for work, time slips "absolutely and without fail" must be in by 5 p.m. the following Monday. The time slips are collected by a buildings and grounds depart- ment employe from the various de- Gargoyle Coming With Old Features And A New Price With rushing and football holding the spotlight, the Gargoyle makes its reappearance on the campus tomor- row. Many of the old features will be back, and there will be one new one, according to Norman William- son, '36, business manager.I "Going Places," a department that is reputed to "ring the bell" will make its debut, but the cover, depicting re- viving campus spirit, and the popular candid and trick photography of last year will share in attention, Gar- goyle officials hope. "Sophisticated Lady," after a brief absence, will be back, together with the jokes and cartoons, Williamson said. Tryouts for the Gargoyle business staff are asked by Williamson to re- port at 4 p.m. today at the Student Publications Building. The price of the Gargoyle this year will be ten cents, Wililamson an- nounced. The fifty cent subscription offer is still open, he added. Sanders Names Instructors For Speech Jobs Drs. Halstead, Bloomer Will Fill Vacancies In LinguisticDepartment Two appointments to instructor- ships were announced yesterday by Prof. Henry A. Sanders, head of the speech department. Harlan H. Bloom- er and William P. Halstead were named instructors to fill the vacancies created by the absence of Dr. James H. McBurney, who has been granted a leave of absence to allow him to work on a $3,000 scholarship at Co- lumbia University, and Prof. James M. O'Neill, who has been called to Brooklyn College. Dr. Bloomer took his Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan last year, and wrote his thesis on phon- etics and general linguistics. Dr. Halstead, a graduate fellow, took his Ph.D. degree here last year, and was appointed to aagraduatenfel- lowship. His thesis was on general linguistics and dramatics. He has been prominent in the latter field, having both directed and acted in Michigan dramatic organizations during the last summer session. Be- fore coming here to take his degree, Dr. Halstead taught for a number of years in Berkely, California. The appointment on half time of Arthur A. Secord was also announced by Professor Sanders. Secord is study- ing for his Ph.D. Two new appointments made nec- essary by the creation of two sections to make room for the unusually large registration in Speech 31 will be an- nounced within a week by Dr. San- ders. Irish Author' To Speak At LeagueToday Hopwood Awards Group Sponsors Recital By James Stephens Is Author Of Many Noted Anthologies Was Awarded Polignac Prize For Outstanding Novel, 'Crock Of Gold' James Stellhens, famous Irish poet and novelist, will give readings from his poetry at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Mr. Stephens' appearance here i being sponsored by the Hopwood Awards commitee, said Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English department, director of the Hopwood Awards, who is chiefly responsible for bringing him here. Mr. Stephens, who is author of several noted novels, is, expected to give readings from his poetry, al- though his program is not definitely known, according to Carleton Wells of the English department. It is be- lieved that the Irish poet will be in- troduced by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the English department. Immediately following his lecture, Mr. Stephens will meet with mem- bers of the Hopwood committee and senior and graduate students in the Hopwood library, on the third floor of Angell Hall, for a brief discussion. Mr. Stephens, who comes here from the East, will spend the night at the Union and will leave tomorrow for Carleton College at Northfield, Minn. The famous literary figure, born in 1882 at Dublin, has led a various and active career. His works of prose include "Deirde," which won him the Tailltean gold medal; the "Irish Fairytales"; and his most famous novel, "Crock of Gold," for which he was awarded the coveted Polig- nac Prize. The last of his many poetic works is "Strict Joy." Members of the Englishedep art- ment were unanimous in their praise of Stephens and urged all students to attend the program. Stephens is an ardent Irish nation- alist, and his poem, "The Insurrec- tion in Dublin," is a description of the "Easter Rising" revolt. Tickets, 50 cents each, are on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater box office, at Wahr's Book Store, and will be sold in the theater tonight. Hours Are Announced For Union Registration Students wishing to register for membership in the Union, men's student organization, may do so from 7 to 9 p.m. at the student offices of the Union tonight and tomorrow. Union officials said that it will also be possible to register during the usual hours of 3 to 5 p.m. everyday in the student offices, but that the extra time was provided to enable students with afternoon classes to register. Students should get their membership cards as soon as possible because the pres- entation of such cards will be necessary very often, officials stated. Cubs Lose Story)-BookGame, Bridges And Goslin Lead Tigers To Their First World Title When 4-3 Cochrane Scores Initial Run In Final Game Of World Series This Associated Press picture shows Manager Mickey Cochrane scoring the Tigers' first run in the sixth game of the World Series. Cochrane singled, advanced on Gehringer's single, and scored on Fox's double while Walker waited to take his turn at bat. Also in the picture are Catcher Hartnett, of the Cubs, and Umpire Quigley. Terrific Blast Rocks Chicago PaintFactory 8 Killed, Scores Injured; Others Feared Buried In Wreckage CHICAGO, Oct. 7. - (P) -A ter- rific explosion, which witnesses said hoisted a six-story paint factory as a giant firecracker raises a tin can,1 killed at least eight workers, injured 50 others, and sent a shower of de- bris over a block square area today. Fire officials directing the razing of the debris by crews of pickaxe men and others equipped with lifting jacks and acetylene torches to cut the rough, twisted girders, expressed fear the total fatalities might reach a score. They estimated it would take a week to complete a search of the wreckage. Fire marshal Michael Carrigan said the loss would be at least $500,000. The blast which was heard for miles on the northwest side occurred shortly before the noon hour in the Glidden Soya Products Co., located in the 1800 block of North Laramie Ave. Four employes of the plant were missing and fire authorities said it might be hours before it could be de- termined if other bodies were buried in the wreckage. The known dead George Harger, general superinten- dent of the plant. Max Sperry, German engineer who supervised the installation of the ma- chinery in the plant. Arthur Peters, an employe. Sam Van Gelder, Arlington Heights, Ill., whose body was found in front of the plant. Jack Satoskey, Lakewood, O., a chemist. Merrill, another chemist. Marks, believed to be an em- ployee. The Glidden property was the scene of another explosion and fire July 24 in which 11 persons were in- jured. The plant was built a year ago at a reported cost of $1,000,000. It was reopened today after having been closed three months while workers awaited the arrival of the 1935 soya beans. Detroiters Go Wild With Joy As Tigers Take World Series DETROIT, Oct. 7. -(P) -The Tiger let loose a roar of victory to- night - a roar that started as the winning run crossed the plate for a world championship. No sooner had that last run scored than a surge for the downtown area began. Police estimated at least 500,000 screaming, jubilant fans were parading the streets, on foot and in automobiles, in a celebration that for good natured exuberance was an armistice, a mardi gras and an Amer- ican Legion convention all rolled into one. Loud speaker trucks, sound appa- ratus pitched to maximum, blared a triumphant parody of "Hold That Tiger." Traffic packed itself into a jam that outdid the wildest nightmares ever dreamed by the oldest traffic cop on the force. Firemen with chemical tanks squelched victory bonfires built on downtown streets. Michigan's band, the Fighting Hundred, was an integral part of the hilarious celebration, marching at the head of a parade from the Court House around Campus Martius and up Woodward Ave. One clarinet was reported stolen, but the members sang "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here." Twelve Killed As Transport Plane Crashes Passengers And Crew Die As United Airliner Hits Knoll InWyoming CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. 7. - (P) - Twelve persons - nine passengers and a crew of three - were crushed to death early today as a United Air Lines transport plane crashed on a knoll on the rolling plains 15 miles west of here. The ship was flying from Oakland, Calif., to New York. The veteran pilot, H. A. Collison, apparently had started down from high altitudes in ideal weather with his twin-motored Boeing liner, prep- aratory to a scheduled stop here, when he struck the top of one hill, lost, his propellor and plummeted against another hillside. The plane smashed into the ground about 2:15 a.m., Mountain Standard Time. It was torn and twisted but did not catch fire. After a regular stop at Salt Lake City just before last midnight, the cross-country liner (U.A.L. Trip No. 4), had reported its progress by radio and asked wind information just five minutes flying time west of Cheyenne. Cochrane Races Across Plate With The Winning Run On Goose's Wallop Bridges' Courage Displayed In Ninth Ovation Acclaims Him As He Bowls Over 3 Men With Hack On Third By FRED BUESSER NAVIN FIELD, DETROIT, Oct. 7. -(Special)-Because Tommy Bridges ias the courageous heart of a truly reat pitcher and because Goose Gos- in hit in the most important "pinch" f his life, the Detroit Tigers took the sixth game of their title battle with she Chicago Cubs today by a score >f 4-3, and with it their first World Series in 48 years. The deciding clash of the Series was >ne of the most exciting ball games ver played as each team pounded ut 12 hits. Every inning was packed with thrills as resounding base hits :ept potential winning runs on the tacks throughout the entire game. When in the ninth inning, with the ;core tied at three all, Stanley Hack, pub third baseman, caught hold of Pommy Bridges' fast ball and lined a errific drive over Walker's head and ast the flag pole in deep center, the whole crowd of rabid Tiger fans mitted a great groan. Hack, his ;pikes flashing in the sunlight as he iurned up the base paths, pulled up it third as the throw from Walker ame into the infield. The ninth in- aing of the sixth game of the World Series, the score tied at three runs, Iaclk on third base and nobody out. Bridges On The Spot Slim Tommy Bridges stood on the mound confronting Bill Jurges, al- ways a dangerous batter and a defi- ite "money" player. Through his nind must have run the memory of ast year's series when the Tigers re- urned to Detroit with the same 3-2 ame lead on the St. Louis Cardinals, hat they had held on the Cubs at the start of today's battle, and then ropped both games and the series. And now, after eight hectic innings of hurling against a band of fight- ing Cubs who were playing a great ball game in a desperate effort to tie up the series and send it into the sev- enth game, Bridges found himself in as tough a situation as any pitcher has ever been called upon to face. A. man on third, nobody out. An easy fly, a slow roller, any kind of a pitch- ing misplay and Hack would gallop home with the run that would put the Cubs out in front. The Tigers would have only one more chance at bat, they would be pressing, and in all probability, it would be the deciding run of the game. The Crowd Roars Tommy faced Jurges and proceeded to curve him to death. Bill let the first one break over the plate; tried to knock the second one out of the park and chopped hopelessly at the third strike as it skidded into Coch- rane's glove. The crowd was standig to a man, roaring their approval a every pitch, pulling .for Tommy to prevent that run from scoring. Larry French came to the plate. Strike one, strike two, the crowd. giving Bridges a huge, swelling, entreating cheer as he loosed every pitch. Another curve to French which he barely topped. Tommy calmly picked it up, bluffed Hack back to third and threw to Owen for the out. Two away, the crowd breathed more easily. The infield moved back off the grass. Tommy pitched one ball to that ever dangerous Augie Galan, then two strikes. The crowd was screaming with approval, and then Galan hoist- ed a short fly which Goslin easily gathered up in short left field. Never has Navin Fieldheard such an ova- tion as when the crowd of both Cub and Tiger rooters joined together in acclaiming one of the greatest pitching feats of all time. Old women pounded drunks on the back, tired business men's voices cracked with emotion as they continued to acclaim Tommy Bridges' heroism. Goose Does It The Tigers wasted little time in their half of the ninth getting Larry French in the hole. Flea Clifton wruedt thecont to tn hree and two. Italo-Ethiopian Crisis Recalls World War Days In Ann Arbor 'Man Of Aran' To Be Shown By Art Cinema League Friday By JOSEPH S. MATTES Improbable as the Italo-Ethiopian war becoming world-wide might seem, the possibility recalled an Ann Arbor far from its usual placid self to those who were here in the World War; days of nearly 20 years ago. The Union, in the process of coiV- struction then, and the Mimes The- ater, now the Laboratory Theater, were used as mess halls; President Ruthven's home was made head- quarters for the Red Cross surgical supplies; the majority of fraternity houses were turned into barracks; rooming houses were made to accom- modate twice as many as they were capable of under ordinary circum- stances; and the floor of Barbour Gymnasium once broke down under the weight of marching students. It was general turmoil for every- body. The University was unable to was "you're in the army now, so forget your studies." Prof. Edward S. Everett of the English depart- ment, recalling the many students who fell asleep in class, believes that advice was accepted by a good many. Dr. Louis P. Hall, professor-emeri- tus of the School of Dentistry who was then in charge of the local di- vision of the Red Cross, and Mrs. Hall, who was chairman of the supply com- mittee of the Red Cross, remember of doing nothing but "packing things and sending them off to the training camps." Their son Richard was the first American soldier killed in the war, and their son-in-law fired the last shot of the war at 10:59 a.m., one half minute before the Armistice was signed. That last shot did a lot of harm, ruining a railroad station and a railroad train, and the fuse of the shell is now in the Smithsonian In- "Man of Aran," selected as the best picture of the year by the National Board of Review, comes to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre next Friday un- der the auspices of the Art Cinema' League. Since its release it has earned the unanimous acclaim of critics. But even more convincing is the approval it has gained from Professor H. T. Price of the English department. In his estimate of "Man of Aran," Professor Price calls it: "One of the most wonderful pictures I have ever seen. It is a great work of art. "In photography of natural scenery it is the very greatest thing which has ever been done. Most surprising is the photography of the action of "The work is a landmark in the history of the film." But the novelty of "Man of Aran" does not rest solely in the picture it- self. It was as difficult a job to get the natives of Aran to act as it was to get cameras and equipment close enough to the 500-feet waves which pound the ragged coast. For inhabitants are an inconsistent group and only when they felt in- clined would they add themselves to the payroll of the director, Robert Flaherty. In fact it took 2 months before the movie crew could gain the confidence of the natives sufficiently to broach the matter of appearing in films. The saga of "Tiger" king, Maggie Dirane and Michael Dillane, princi-