SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1935s THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGE NINE - f Lecture Series Draws Heavy Advance Sale Talks By Richard E. Byrd, Emil Ludwig Feature Oratorical Season A heavy advance sale in season tickets for the 1935-36 lecture course of the University of Michigan Ora- torical Association was reported yes- terday by Carl G. Brandt of the speech department, manager of the Association. Large blocks of seats in the central sections at Hill Audito- rium already have been filled, he stated. The most popular of the speakers on the lecture series, the advance sale indicates, are Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, famous aviator ex- plorer, and Emil Ludwig, noted biog- rapher. Emil Ludwig, although a native of Germany, has lived for the last few years in Switzerland, where he took refuge from an anti-Nazi purge of the German government. Several of his books have been confiscated and burned by the Nazis. His lecture in Hill Auditorium will attempt to solve the 'difficult question of the "Fate of Europe, 1914-1940." Probably the most timely of the lectures to be presented on the lec- ture course, in the light of the present crisis in Europe and Africa, will be delivered by Josef Israels. Mr. Is- raels has made a personal study of the situation in Ethiopia, over a num-. ber of years, and will return from that country shortly before his ap- pearance in Hill Auditorium. His analysis of conditions in Ethiopia was presented in an article featured in the magazine section of the New York Times in a recent edition, and will form the basis of his lecture here on "Clouds Over Ethiopia." Other speakers on the lecture series will include Harry L. Hopkins, PWA administrator, and Edward Price Bell, former London correspondent of the Chicago Daily News, who has just returned from a 38,000-mile trip through Europe and Asia. ]AILY OFFICIAL BULLETN (Continued from Page 4) for a hike through nearby woods. A baseball game is scheduled for late afternoon. Refreshments will be served. Academic Notices Ch.E. 29. There will be a meeting of all sections of Ch.E. 29 on Monday, October 7, at 1 o'clock in Roam 3215 E. Eng. Bldg. Economics 53: Students who indi- cated wilngness to change, will at- tend lecture Tuesday at 8, Room 101 Ec. Bldg. Geography 221. Seminar: This course will meet Thursdays at 3:00 in Room 21 Angell Hall, instead of Tuesday evening. 11fIathematics 301 an 370. These seminars of Professors Hildebrandt and Rainich will meet Tuesday and Thursday at 3 p.m. in room 3001 A.H. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1935-36, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 19$, Romance Language Build- ing, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morn- Ad Now Women Take Arms School of Music auditorium on May- nard Street. All members of the School are invited to attend. The general public will also be admitted. English Journal Club Lecture: The Second Annual English Journal Club lecture will be delivered Friday af- ternoon, October 11, at 4:15 in the League by Professor John R. Rein- hard, the subject being: "Murder and Shipwreck in Old Irish Law." The public is cordially invited. _ .. E held in the Pi Lambda Theta room, U. E. S., October 9, 7:30 p.m. All mem- bers are urged to attend. Quadrangle Club: Will meet Wed- nesday, October 9, 8:15 p.m. Profes- sor C. F. Remer will speak on "With an American Economic Commission to the Far East." Mathematics Club. Regular meet- ing on Tuesday, October 8, at 8:00 p.m., 3201 A. H. Professor R. V. Churchill will speak on "The So- lution of a Heat Conduction Prob- lem by the method of Laplace Trans- formations." Luncheon For Graduate Students on Wednesday, October 9, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea ,Room of the Michigan League Building. Cafe- teria service. Carry tray across the hall. Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, Dean of the Graduate School. will speak informally on "New Plans for the Graduate School." Book Section of the Michigan Dames will meet at the League, Wed- nesday evening, October 9, 8 o'clock. Wives of students and internes are invited.' Please call 8772 if you plan to come. Varsity Debaters: There will be a preliminary meeting of all men and women students interested in in- tercollegiate debating on Wednesda, October 9, 4 p.m. room 4203 Angell Hall. The first business meeting of Sigma Rho Tau will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Imperative that all members be present. Geo. W. Malone, V.P. is the time to make a lawn There's a best time for everything and it's fall for new lawn making. Now there is less trouble with weeds; mois- ture conditions favor quick germination; and cool weather is ideal for the growth of grass. Make that new lawn now! It's sure to be a suc- cess if you use Swift's Vigoro. Vigoro is the complete plant food that supplies grass with all of the nourishing elements it requires from the soil. Ask us about it. I ,, - I