SEPTEMBER 24, 1935 GE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY U Peace Hopes Fade At Geneva Ital R m"d Mn Tedeffect automatically last midnight es e Up when the Appalachian wage contract - extended five times -expired. Ready To Quit In 26 St ates Both sides were repored to be in an unyielding mood when they met League Sthis afternoon, but Edward F. Mc- By Coal Strike Grady, assistant secretary of Labor, .,;A 1,- L~n~rht th }rp w p I - I t 11 Duce Offers Counter Plan Demanding Slice Of Ethiopia GENEVA, Sept. 23-W)-The Italo- Ethiopian crisis hurtled toward a cli- max tonight in an atmosphere of deepening pessimism -shot through with rumors of an imminent Italian break with the League of Nations. Benito Mussolini's delegates still were in Geneva, but their spokesman, asked -if they would remain if the League Council decides to deal with the quarrel under Article 15 of the League covenant, replied: "I cannot answer that question now." The s p o k e s m a n characterized Italy's counter-proposals to the League committee'snrejected peace plan as definite and official, and the considered ;opinion of Il Duce's government. Wants Slice Of Ethiopia WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-(P)- The paralyzing touch of a soft coal strike was felt tonight in the bitum- inous fields of 26 states as union spokesmen and operators struggled wearily and without immediate suc- cess for a solution. A battle over wages was the dead- locking issue. Hours of negotiating, however, narrowed the differene be- tween the two sides to 11/2 cents a ton on the proposed contract pay for miners on the amount of coal they dig and load. The strike, claimed by the United Mine Workers, to affect 400,000, took Blue Bird Book Nook Rental Library Students Watch for Ads in the Weekly Book Section. 14 Nickels Arcade said ne tnougnt thatmere were "good prospects for a settlement." McGrady called upon members of the full Appalachian joint wage con- ference to remain in Washington. FIRST WITI-I PROGRESSIVE SERVICE AND QUALITY rI THE QUARRY Renews Its Pledge of I QUALITY When quality and Price both are to be considered The Quarry always will be guided by quality only. v These counter-proposals, reported to include demands for a belt of Ethiopian territory connecting Italy's Fir African colonies of Eritrea and So- maliland, total disarmament of Ethi- Epis opia and the placing of that nation's armed forces under Italian control, State a were characterized in British sources Ministers as removing all hope of conciliation and - if official. Music: The strip of territory which Mus- solini wants would curve through 10:45 Mo the western half of Ethiopia west of Addis Ababa, cutting off the nation "WH from the British Sudan and including the Lake Tsana region in which Brit-I ain is vitally interested. The British announced they were 6:00 We, "very unwilling' to accept anything al Serv so definitely unsatisfactory" as an Cor. E. official reply from Italy. ThereN But it was reported in Rome that freshmE Mussolini and Sir Eric Drummond, the British ambassador, talked for al- _ most an hour tonight, and informed Italian and British observers were quick to suggest the possibility of di- rect negotiations between the two na- tions to settle the Ethiopian problem, at least in so far as it affects Europe. Brings Message 0 Sir Eric, it was learned, presented Il Duce with a personal message from Sir Samuel Hoare, the British foreign secretary. Italian opinion, as expressed by the L press, has been turning away from the League of Nations as a means of solving the Ethiopian question, and many informed observers now believe Italy would prefer to have the whole matter withdrawn from the League and settled directly with Great Brit- ain. This would involve the probability of France entering into the nego- tiations, they asserted. In Geneva, Anthony Eden, of Great Britain, and Premier Pierre Laval of France, conferred earnestly. The committee of Five, after officially pub- lishing its plan for peace, prepared to meet again tomorrow before finally reporting to the League Council that it has been rejected by Italy and ac- cepted by Ethiopia. Meanwhile, in London, Great Brit- ain cleared the conference table to- night for a full dress meeting of her cabinet, and some thought the Em- pire might be on the brink of new and important military thrusts in the area troubled by Italy's row with ,Ethiopia. 6 Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin twice summoned Cabinet leaders and members of the Imperial Defense Council to Downing Street. Other ministers confered. in London for to- morrow's full cabinet meeting. st Methodist copal Church nd Washington Sts. : Chas. W. Bashares L. LaVerne Finch Achilles Taliaferro rning Worship Service O ARE YOU?" Dr. Brashares sleyan Guild Devotion- ice at Stalker Hall on Huron and State Sts. will be a program, re- ents and fellowship. That you may better under- stand what we have been planning for your improved health and service we wish you to inspect our prescrip- tion department while you are also noting the many items we are displaying for your use. I Incorporated 317 South State Street Phone 7611-7616 " Laun dry Service Our rough dry(semi-finish) bundle service for students is economically priced. This service: gives you fin- ished laundry on skirts, handker- chiefs and socks. Underwear and pajamas ready to wear. You can- not afford to send your laundry out of the city at these low rates. Price peri1b, 0 0 00 .I 1C Minimum Bundle 50c I """"' BLUE RIBBON COAL CO. "There Is No Substitute For Quality." SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR DELUXE SMOKELESS POCAHONTAS COAL. PHONE 6332 C K E I AS FOR FOOD, '39 it's lI E TAVERN Maynard Street opp. Arcade Skirts Extra 4 ..loc CAFETERIA STYLE SAMPLE BUNDLE 3 Sh irts 2 Suits of Underwear 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 92c (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) Sox Extra, per pair .. 2c Handkerchiefs, Extra.. Ic 0 .@.0. he Finest Meals for the Most Reasonable Prices" 2w N O LONGER is it economical to send your laundry home. Our ROUGH DRY (semi-finish) BUNDLE makes CLASSROOM and STUDY SUPPLIES it possible to have your Laundry done cheaper in Ann Arbor. This service gives you FINISHED LAUNDRY on SHIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, and SOCKS. UNDER- WEAR and PAJAMAS are washed and folded ready for wear. TRY this New, Economical Laundry Service. I You'll find KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4185 "Fair Prices" and "Friendly Service" at VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 2-3123 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Co. Phone 4117 CzI ATIIYZ TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 I I 1 li