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March 01, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-01

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CITY EDITOR,........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .... . ............ . . EIANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene. David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
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Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd. Bernard Levick, Fred W.
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Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred uesser, Rob-
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mond Goodmn, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
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derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
T.he Hospital
Keeps Abreast . .
B)Y THE ADDITION of a therapeutic
pool to its equipment, the Univer-
sity Hospital' is enabled to maintain its position
as one of the foremost institutions of its kind
in the country.
Already noted in the medical world for its work
in X-ray and the treatment of cancer, psycho-
pathic cases and neurology, surgery and theoretical
medicine, the hospital will now be btter able to
carry on its work in physiotherapy, for in addition
to the pool, further equipment is being installed
for this treatment.
As the treatment of disease has become more
and more complex with the development of medical
science, the hospital has been constantly striving
to keep abreast of the new developments. Now,
through the generosity of a friend of the Uni-
versity who wishes to remain anonymous, the hos-
pital takes its place among the few institutions
in the country similarly equipped for the treat-
ment of infantile'paralysis.
F STUART CHASE and Mark Sul-
livan, both of whom spoke on the
Oratorical Association lecture series this year, had
engaged in a debate on the "new order," using the
material presented in their respective lectures, their
arguments would have run something like this.
Mr. Chase - "Capitalism is doomed and the
Western world is in the throes of a new order . . .
We are entering a period of transition from private
capitalism to some new system more consistent
with the imperatives of a high 'energy culture."
Mr. Sullivan -"Our order at present cannot
properly be called capitalism. It is rather an indi-
vidualistic order and the capitalistic element is

only a part of the whole . . . Individualism is the
most natural expression of society as opposed to
collectivism and must be maintained in order to
encourage the college graduates or young "wish-
Mr. Chase -- "It does no good to register a blan-
kef protest against government invasion of eco-
nomic activity. As private capitalism relinquishes
responsibility for the employment of capital goods
workers, the community, through its agent, the
government, must assume responsibility."
Mr. Sullivan - "Under the present order in this
cnmtry we have been asked to assent to a com-


appreciate the forces which engender it, and third,
we must secure some idea of a new social frame-
work which will be consistent with these forces -
act with them rather than against them."
Mr. Sullivan -"I do not believe that we have a
new order because the recently enacted social leg-
islation, all leaning toward control of the state over
the individual, is merely temporary, in order to
meet an emergency. Fascism, Naziism, and Com-
munism are all new orders, but they a* perma-
nently established."
There you have it. The collectivistic viewpoint
versus the individualistic. Each speaker presented
many more arguments, but these serve to express
their conflicting thoughts on relatively parallel
All of which, ii you are wondering where you can
put your faith, leaves you just about where you
started at the beginning of the year.
To Be Viewed
With Alarm .
wondering why students of the Uni-
versity of Oregon voted definitely in favor of
joining the League of Nations in the recent Literary
Digest college poll, while those at Oregon State
college voted just as firmly to stay out. The Uni-
versity group voted 498 to 352 for entrance, the
State College students 497 to 350 against.
These two public institutions of higher learn-
ing are situated only 40 miles apart in the Willa-
mette Valley. Each draws students from outside
the state as well as all parts of the state, and
the fields of instruction covered are similar.
As Oregon weit, so went Michigan. The Univer-
sity gave the League a vote of confidence to the
tune of 1,n16 to 1,523. Michigan State College op-
posed entrance by 531 to 428. State is only 50
miles further from the sea and has no particular
reason for being that much more provincial than
the University.
These disconcerting discrepancies are difficult of
explanation, but the powers that be should not
neglect such a made-to-order opportunity for a
thorough-going investigation.



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Hearst's Six Million
To the Editor:
Six million people starving in the Soviet Union!
This is the most recent fabrication of Dirty Willie
Hearst about the U.S.S.R. So it was in 1934 and
before that in 1933. One would think that all the
Russians will have starved off by now! To the
chagrin of Mr. Hearst, however, the population of
Russia does not want to see them dead by his
imagination only; since his recent tete-a-tete with
Hitler, he has been doing all in his power to create
a world program against the Soviet Union which
would really obliterate the Russian people.
But, Mr. Editor, Dirty Willie Hearst lies about
the Soviet Union. According to him, millions were
dying off in Russia in 1933. The World Almanac
for 1935 says that in 1933, Russia had a bumper
crop. On Aug. 23, 1933 Walter Duranty, New York
Times correspondent in the Soviet Union, wrote,
"The excellent harvest about to be gathered shows
that any report of famine in Russia today is an
exaggeration of malignant propaganda. . ."'
This multi-millionaire war monger continues his
lies in 1934. Wholesale death stalked in Russia! A
Nazi friend of Hearst, Dr. Ewald Ammende, wrote!
in the New York Times last August that people
were dying in the streets of Kiev. "This state-
ment certainly has no foundation," cabled Harold!
Denny of the New York Times to his paper on'
Aug.23. "Your correspondent was in Kiev for sev-
eral days last July about the time people were
supposed to be dying there, and neither in the
city nor in the surrounding countryside was there
hunger." . . . Last year there was a draught in
some parts of the country; this gave impetus
to horrifying tales of six to 10 million dead of
famine. On Oct. 16, Denny wrote in the Times,
"A 3,000 mile journey, 1,500 miles of it through
important grain regions and as far as possible
through those affected by the draught, has brought
to light no justification for reports in the outside
world of a new famine in Russia ..."
Facts mean nothing to this spearhead of fascism
and reaction in America. Dirty Willie Hearst lies
about the Soviet Union in 1935. Six million dying
from want and starvation! The grain collection for
1934 was greater than the record breaking one of
1933 . . . The World Almanac for 1935, page 711,
states, "Owing to the high degree of socialization
in the Soviet Union the growth of the budget re-
flects the degree of economic progress." The budget
for 1913, under Tsarist Russia, was 3,655 million
iubles; under the Soviets in 1934 it was 49 million
rubles, for 1935 it is over 65 billion rubles. Where
is the basis for the starvation of six million people?
Louis Fischer, American author and an expert on
Soviet affairs, writing from Moscow on Dec. 1 and
reported in the Nation for Jan. 2, 1935 states, "In
concrete, undeniable form, there is proof of the
agricultural and industrial progress of the U.S.S.R.
Persons living in or visiting this country can see
with their own eyes the daily increase in the kinds
and the volume of city goods sold in stores, as
well as the daily rise in living standards."
William Randolph Hearst is a dangerous liar.
Of his recent and current anti-student activities,
a group of prominent American professors ask,
"Is this the beginning of a nation-wide fascist
campaign to destroy our basic American freedom?"
That and more. Hearst. . . wants to provoke a war
against the Soviet Union for his own personsal
benefit and that of his Wall Street colleagues, just
as he did in 1898 against Spain. He sent an artist
to Cuba to get pictures that could be used by Hearst

In mid-winter's icy howl,
She flirts with suicide;
While others freeze and growl,
Ifer coat is open wide.
But when the breezes blow
In spring she pulls that oid
Deceit, and whispers low,
"Please hold me tight-- I'm cold."
Further ingenious devices for accumulating suf-
ficient money to enjoy an evening with a member
of the opposite sex have been revealed by confes-
sions emanating from the campus of Indiana Uni-
versity. A certain upperelasman of the A.T.O. cla
had made a date with some person described as
the "blonde peril of the quad." Much to his con-
sternation he discovered on the eve of his engage-
ment that he was penniless. He conceived the idea
of charging his friends a nominal sum for the
privilege of taking a crack at him with a paddle.
His money making scheme proved highly suc-
cessful as far as customers were concerned. Never-
theless, his prices must have been rather low, as
he only obtained a grand total of 35 cents in ex-
uhange for a wonderful collection of purple bruises.
He kept the date, but it is not known what the
couple did with the meager sum, although the male
element spent the evening in a vertical pose.
Here is an answer taken from a Latin ex-
amination at the University of Maryland:
Dido was the woman who was ditched by the
Aeneas; so she burned Yup.
Students at Ohio State now have a state-con-
trolled liquor store adjacent to the campus. Much
criticism has been forthcoming because of the
belief that a store so close to the campus would
tend to increase student drinking. Now, of course,
we just don't know what conditions exist at Ohio
State, but judging from what we have observed
around this campus, it won't make a particle of
difference whether a store is a block or a mile away.
A store close to the campus merely means con-
venience to the temperate drinker and will save
walking and taxi fare to the heavy indulger.
We've heard of"Be Kind to Birds Week" and
"Don't Step on Worms Week," but out at the
Phi Psi house at the University of Kansas they
had a "Don't Speak to Jones Week," in special
honor of one of the fraters who griped about
the meals. Nice idea?
At the University of Oregon they are enforcing
the old customs of the campus. Some of the rules
1. There will be no smoking on the campus.
2. Only ,enior men shall wear mustaches.
3. Students must not tread on the Oregon
4. All freshmen will refrain from wearing
5. All frosh will wear frosh pants.
A Washington
T HERE is nothing stranger among New Deal
innovations than the way taken to put recal-
citrant Senate Democrats promptly on the spot
before the country for their bolt to the McCarran
"prevailing wage" amendment to the work-relief
Whoever suggested the step, it worked out to
be the most novel popular referendum imaginable.
It put Roosevelt prestige to the test; marked a
wide variation from previous presidential policy
of compromising rather than risking headon open
collisions with blocs or groups on the hill. Yet,

the President appeared eager to avoid going to
the people in person, his strongest weapon. Pre-
sumably he was reserving that for possible later
WHAT that anticipated emergency might be is
suggested by the House situation in prepara-
tion for debate on the security bill. Blocs of all
sorts appeared to be flourishing. Minority Leader
Snell believes the blocs in the present House are
stronger and more active than at any time in his
House experience. One way and another, they have
a common focal point which is inflation. The inter-
bloc log-rolling, unquestionably stimulated by the
Senate revolt over the "prevailing wage" matter,
may well have far more serious implications for the
White House than the McCarran amendment.
What could be made out of hints dropped by
administration insiders suggested that it was
hoped popular reaction throughout the country
due to the threat that the much advertised multi-
billion works program would be dropped, would
build a fire under senators of such proportions
as to influence other program matters as well.
T COULD not merely be the McCarran amend-
ment, carried by a single vote, that so disturbed
the administration. With more than a score of
Democrats in the Senate to work upon, reconsid-
eration of that vote ought not to be very diffi-
cult to accomplish. To recommit the resolution in
such manner as to make an informal appeal to
the country was like using a 12-inch gun to hunt
sparrows, unless much more lay behind the nom-
inal issue. Something else is at stake and it prob-
ably is the prospect of mandatory inflation in
one form or another.
That might account for the reluctance of the

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