The Weather Y it11igau l5Iaitj Editorials Generally fair and warmer today; moderate winds. The Hospital Keeps Abreast .. Oratorical Stalemate.. To Be Viewed With Alarm. VOL. XLV. No. 109 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Relief Bill ,Opposition Decreasing Administration May Win In Work Relief Issue, Indications Show President Confers With Congressmen Social Security Measure Being Revised By Ways And Means Committee WASHINGTON, Feb. 28- () - The accumulated grief of congres- sional leaders was depositedcat the White House today after President Roosevelt's return, but with the bad news there was word that the oppo- sition seemed to be weakening in the work relief scrap. If the White House wins the strug- gle centering about the MCarran prevailing wage amendment to the $4,880,000,000 work relief measure, it probably will not fret just now over troubles accumulating about the so- cial security program. There were persistent reports to- day that some of the 21 Democrats who voted against the President on the McCarran amendment were weak- ening. Senator Robinson of Arkan- sas, the majority leader, and the President reviewed the situation at a White House conference. Action Is Delayed Action, however, was impossible be- fore Monday, for the Senate recessed until then. The House ways and means com- mittee has been reshaping the social security measure and it has been changed radically from the original purpose for old age pensions and un- employment insurance drawn by the President's cabinet committee. The job of choosing between the two versions will be put up to the President, but Senator Lewis (Dem.- Ill.) believes neither measure should be adopted. He said he would have a substitute for the cabinet commit- tee's bill. Other developments in the capital included: Holmes Gravely Ill Oliver Wendell Holmes, former as- sociate justice of the supreme court, who will soon be 94, was reported gravely ill at his home. Attorney-general Cummings said the Administration would appeal Fed- eral court decisions affecting the coal code and holding section 7-a of the NIRA unconstitutional as applied to the Weirton Steel Co. Senator Norris (Rep.-Neb.) intro- duced a bill to require that persons seeking to enjoin the operation of the TVA be required to post bond to cover the loss due to delays. Representative Rankin (Dem.- Miss.) introduced a similar bill in the House. Repeal Move Collapses The joint Senate and House move, aimed at repeal of the income tax publicity provisions apparently col- lapsed. The Senate territories committee voted to authorize an inquiry into Gov. Paul M. Pearson's administra- tion of the Virgin Islands. Caney Creel Players Plan Program Here Kentucky Mountain Group To Present Plays And Original Folk-Songs The Caney Creek Players, a group from the "heart" of the Kentucky Mountains, will present a program of plays and original lays of the folk- lore and legends of the southern High- lands under the auspices of the Stu- dent Christian Association March 9 in Lane Hall. The Players are a missionary group who are trying to "regenerate and improve social conditions in the re- gion of Kentucky around Caney Creek." They have already made progress toward modernizing the re- gion and helping the people to im- prove homes in that region. According to Elizabeth Evans, '37, chairman of the committee in charge of sponsoring the group, the Caney Players "have been received enthus- iastically by Church and Sunday, Local Trades Council ReactsI To Court's Anti-Labor Rulings Local application of the recent ju-I dicial decisions setting aside the famed Section 7-A of the NRA guar- anteeing labor the right of collective bargaining, was found in the counter- acting action passed last night by the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council. The local labor organization passed the following resolutions: 1. To communicate with the West Virginia Federation of Labor, asking that they request the legislature in that state (in which the Weirton Steel Corporation is located) to enact legis- lation giving labor the right to col- lective bargaining. 2. To communicate with Congress- men requesting the introduction of a bill which will limit the power of ju- dicial review to the Supreme Court. 3. To present a bill to the State Leg-1 islature asking for an inquiry into theI courses of study of law students per- taining to labor, and demanding that some recognition of such training be included in the bar examination. "The action which will allow only the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional, will elim- inate delay and misunderstanding in such decisions," Harry Reifin, secre- tary of the labor council stated. The act which will require a knowl- edge of labor problems for admission to the bar, will give the working man better justice, Mr. Reifin explained, because judges will understand the viewpoint of labor. "Undoubtedly labor will be in a position to obtain fairer decisions from judges who understand its prob- lems, and their definite economic re- actions, than from those who have been schooled only in the field of profits," he said. i " Cooling Systems Minnesota Students S ect Of Hurl Verbal Eggs .A re Sub ec Of At The Professors Radio Address MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 28. - "My professor - can see things only Professor McCabe Points from one direction, his own . . . as a Out Need For Low-Cost lecturer, is dead on his feet . . . if he were able to lecture as well as he now Air-Conditioning stalls around .&. . is lousy . . . is the laughing stock of his college ... is an That air-conditioning is impracti- inane, muddle-headed numbskull . is a blight on the tree of knowl- cals ye edge . cause of the high cost of the system, Students are back-biting professors, was brought out by Prof. Warren L. which comes under the heading of McCabe of the engineering school in news. In response to a hearty invi- his alkove sttio WJ lat nghttat ion by the Minnesota Daily to tell his talk over station WJR last night wat was wrong with their instruc- broadcast from the campus radio tors, members of the student body of studios in Morris Hall. the student body of the University of "Although many excellent room Minnesota unscrewed their fountain coolers are on the market," Profes- pens, oiled up their typewriters, and sor McCabe said, "there is need for went to work. A small sample of the a small residence cooling unit that result is given above. is safe, simple, reliable, and inexpens- With criticisms pouring in, in dis- i to manufacture and operate. Low heartening numbers from the fac- initial cost is especially important ulty's point of view, 60 instructors because a cooling unit is needed for have been given the verbal "works." only about 1000 hours per year in a climate such as that of Detroit." Festival H onors Need Is Apparent According to Professor McCabe the Co outstanding applications of complete railroad cars, restaurants, some office y s I1ilUsician buildings, and other public and semi- public structures. "There will be," he said, "further development and strik- A young Michigan composer, Dor- ing improvements in the air-condi- othy James of Ypsilanti, will be hon- tioning of large buildings, and this ored at the 42nd Annual May Festival, branch of the industry is now defi- to be given May 15, 16, 17, and 18 in nitely established." Hill Auditorium, when the American Dr. David M. Cowie, professor of premiere of the "Jumbles" will be pedriatics and infectious diseases in given at the Friday afternoon concert. the mMiss Juva Higbee, supervisor of the medical school, who spoke before music in the Ann Arbor Public Professor McCabe on the program, Schools, will conduct the Young Peo- discussed sensitization diseases. ple's Festival Chorus of more than "Sensitization is present," Profes- 400 voices in a joint program with sor Cowie said, "when the skin, the the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in mucous membranes of the nose, the the performance of "Jumbles," which eyes and the bronchial tubes are was written by Miss James. highly sensitive to certain particles Miss James was born in Chicago in that come in contact with them, either 1r01 and received her general educa- lirectly, as through the air, or indi- tion in public and private schools of rectly, as through the blood stream." that city. She was a student under Defines Sensitization the late Adolf Weidig in musical According to Professor Cowie, peo- theory and composition, and there- Aece, hves, after for several years she was guided ple who complain of eczema, hives, by Dr. Howard Hanson, the dis- hay fever, or asthma are said to be tinguished composer and musical di- sensitized. He further pointed out rector of the Eastman School of that these diseases are mostly heredi- Music, Rochester, N.Y., and by Dr. tary. Edwin Stringham of New York City. Professor Cowie stated that there For several years Miss James has are hundreds of sensitization clinics, been a member of the faculty of the one of which is located in the Univer- Michigan State Normal College. Her sity Hospital, which makes various works have been performed by the tests to determine the substance to Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra which a person is sensitive. with Howard Hanson as conductor. Newspaper Heads Favor PeacePolicy College Editorial Group, Literary Digest Conduct Nation-Wide Poll Favor Entrance In League Of Nations Voice Strong Opposition To Large Air-F or c e, Navy Program The same strong sentiment against war that was expressed by college stu- dents all over the country, was like- wise expressed by college editors in a special poll of the editorial boards of campus dailies throughout the nation conducted by the Literary Digest and the Association of College Editors. On only one of the seven questions - whether or not the United States should enter the League of Nations - did the vote of the editors differ from that of the undergraduates in general. Forty-three of the eighty who re- turned ballots favored United States entry. In the student poll, the plan was opposed by a slim margin. "Can Avoid War" The ballots bore the same questions used in the poll of colleges, and also, the questions asked on the Peace Bal- lot being conducted in England by the British League of Nations Union. Asked whether they believed the United States could stay out of an- other great war, the editors voted 53 to 26 in the affirmative. They also voted by large majorities that they would bear arms in defense of their country if its borders were invaded, but that they would not bear arms for the United States "in the invasion of the borders of another country." Sixty-three editors opposed a na- tional policy of an American Navy and Air Force second to none as a sound method of insuring us against be drawn into another great war. Only 17 favored this plan. Support Disarmament The largest majority of the poll was expressed in favor of government con- trol of armament and munitions in- dustries. An almost equally large number of the collegiate editors ap- proved the principle of universal con- scription of all resources of capital and labor in order to control all prof- its in time of war. The vote on this issue was 67 to 9. On the first of the British League of Nations Union Peace Ballot questions, Are you in favor of an all-around reduction of armaments by interna- tional agreement?" the editors voted in the affirmative, 69 to 6. Fifty-four voted in favor of an all- round abolition of national military and naval aircraft by international agreement, and a large majority ap- proved the prohibition of the sale and manufacture of armaments for private profit by international agree- ment. Favor Forced Peace Every editor voting, except one, stated that he believed if a nation insists on attacking another that the other nations should combine to com- pel it to stop by economic and mili- tary measures. The editors were op- posed, however, 38 to 31, to a combi- nation of other nations using military measures to compel an agressor na- tion to stop attacking. These special ballots were mailed to the editorial boards of 644 college newspapers, and only 80 replys were received; only one editor out of every eight their filled out or returned the ballot. However, one student out of every three who received a ballot in the general college poll, filled out and returned his ballot. Engineering Group Sponsors Smoker The decision to sponsor a smoker at the Union around the time of spring vacation and to hold a large scale "open house" of the entire engi- neering college at spring homecoming were made by the Engineering Coun- cil at its meeting last night. An engineer 'of prominence" will be engaged to speak at the smoker, Allen Knuufi, '35E, president of the council, stated. It is not definitely known whether the affair will be held before or after spring vacation, which begins April 5. Refreshments will be served, the president said. The open house in the engineering college will be on the large scale of four years ago, Joseph Wagner, '35E; explained. The Council will furnist guides for students from high schoolz Doctors Fight To Save Life Of YounoBaby Coast Guard Rushes 16 Months-Old Child From Island Home Doctors fought last night to save the life of 16-months-old Francis Caron, Jr., who was rushed here from an island off the Leelanau Peninsula through heavy seas and over icy roads to have a bean removed from his lung. While the baby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Caron, of South Manitou Is- land, was in an extremely critical condition, University Hospital physi- cians still held hope for his life. The operation removing the bean was per- formed yesterday. Francis, Jr., was taken to the main- land Wednesday by the U.S. Coast Guard, who braved the stormy Lake Michigan waves to take the infant to Glen Arbor, where Dr. Fred Murphy rushed him to Munson Hospital in Traverse City. An X-ray examination showed that a bean which had been lodged in his left lung was the cause of his illness, and doctors hurried the youngster on to the University Hos- pital in an ambulance. "When the lad's O.K. again," Coast Guardsmen told the anxious parents "either the boys at Sleeping Bear Sta- tion will bring you across to the island or we'll come and get you." The par- ents, who waited in Traverse City a the life of their baby son hung in th balance, said the voyage to the main- iand was one of the roughest of th winter. Doctors here inferred that th fight for little Francis' complete re- covery will be a long one, and tha' if they succeed in saving his life, hc will be confined to the hospital fo a long period. Esperanto To Be Subject Of SpeechToday Professor Clarence L. Meader, mem- ber of the University general linguis- tics department, will deliver a talk at 4:15 this afternoon on "Esperanto - The International Language" in the Natural Science Auditorium. He wil be introduced by Dr. Francis S. On- derdonk, former member of the Uni- versity architectural college. Esperanto is an international aux- iliary language which is rapidly in- creasing in popularity in Europe and the Far East. Among the association using and recommending it are the League of Nations, International La- bor Office, International Red Cross. Rotarians, and the Boy Scouts. Prof. Meader, master of 100 dif- ferent languages, is an outstanding authority in his field and has had the distinction of mastering Dutch in three days. He will discuss the the- oretical possibility of an artificial language for universal use. Fraternity Survey Slight Majority Modification Shows Favors Pledges And Professors Present Complaints On Hell Week To Presi~dent --- --p Is Dangerously Ill Faculty Members Claim That Hell Week Has Bad Effect On Studies Hazing Results In Nervous Collapse OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES Anderson Calls For Freshman S.C.A. Tryouts Positions Will Be Open In Various Committees Of Organization A call to all freshmen interested n trying out for the positions in'the student organization of the Student Christian Association was issued yes- 'erday by Russell F. Anderson, '36, ,resident of the S.C.A. Anderson stated that all prospective tryouts were requested to call Lane Hall and make appointments with the secretary. Second semester, freshmen -nd first semester sophomores, who have met the scholastic requirements set up by the University Administra- tion, will be allowed to try out. A freshman must not have any grads below "C" and at least one mark of "B" or better. The tryouts will be assigned to various upper-class cabinet members for work in the respective fields of hese persons and will be placed on )ne of fourteen committees. Next fall hey, will be promoted to regular posi- -ions on these committees. Positions on the following commit- ees will be available. for tryouts: ,-ublicity, finance, social, extension, house, intercollegiate, sociology, cam- )us correlation, foreign students, freshmen, and camp. Activities of the 3.C.A. are open to both men and women. From the membership of these committees will be chosen the pres- ident, vice-president, and secretary of "he organization, who supervise the entire policy and'program of the Stu- dent Christian Association. It is cus- omary for a woman to be elected vice-president. The S.C.A. annually sponsors many projects of campus interest among which are the Freshman Handbook, Freshman Orientation Camp, the Fresh Air Camp, and lectures and forums. --_ Definite charges against Hell Week practices have been placed before President Alexander G. Ruthven in two forms, letters from pledges them- selves and complaints from faculty members. "I have received several letters and criticisms from pledges complaining of rough treatment during Hell Week, and professors have informed me that students undergoing this period come to classes unable to do their work," President Ruthven stated yesterday. I have not as yet made a thorough study of the conditions here and, therefore, would not wish to state my views on Hell Week at the pres- ent time." Student Suffers Collapse It was revealed last night that a student, after going through a four- day hazing in a local fraternity re- cently, suffered a temporary mental collapse. A physician was imme- diately called in for the boy who, after a short time, responded favor- ably to treatment. The attending physician was not a member of the Health Service staff and it is reported that he attributed the collapse di- rectly to the strain of the Hell Week program. The case was not reported to the Health Service and Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director, said last 'night that he had no knowledge of it. In an interview recently, however, Dr. Forsythe cited a case similar to the one which recently occurred. Poll Is Conducted In a preliminary poll of 44 houses conducted last night to determine general fraternity sentiment on Hell Week, it was revealed that 20 houses were in favor of modification, 16 de- sired the programs to be conducted as they now are, five voted for com- plete abolition of all activities, and three houses refused to commit them- selves. Senior fraternity officers, for the most part, were interviewed but in instances where they were not avail- able, seniors were questioned. They were asked to voice the general senti- ment of their respective houses on the question but in cases where the sentiment was not known, personal opinion was accepted. The greater majority of those who voted for a Hell Week as now con- ducted, specifically indicated that they meant "remain as it is now con- ducted in our house." Opinion Is Divided Diversity of opinion greeted the question "If you are in favor of mod- ification, do you believe that the In- terfraternity Council can adequately enact legislation toward this end and afterward control the situation?" The houses divided almost equally on the question, running the gamut from emphatic "No's" to equally emphatic "Yes's. " Some of the particular practices of Hell Week which should be mod- ified, according to the results of the poll, are paddling, duration of the period, errands which get the pledges into trouble, and long night trips. Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, secretary of the Interfraternity Council, said yes- terday that the meeting of the Coun- cil as a whole, which was originally scheduled to be held at :30 p.m. Tuesday, has been postponed to the same time Thursday. This change was necessitated, Schleifer explained, by a conflicting meeting of the Fra- ternity Buyers' Association. State Relief Load Less This Month Than Last State relief demands dropped four and one-half per cent during the first three weeks of February, it was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. William Haber, state emergency relief direc- tor. This report was based on re- Dr. Coller Gives Lecture On Recent Advances In Surgery Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Seriously Ill With Pneumonia By CLINTON B. CONGER, Modern methods of surgery and surgical diagnosis have been devel- oped almost entirely in the past half- century, Dr. Frederick A. Coller yes- terday told a capacity audience which heard' him speak in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture was the fifth by local faculty mmebers on the University Lecture Series. He opened his lecture on "The Progress of Surgery in Recent Years" by an outline of the history of surgery since its inception by the early Egypt- ians, and illustrated his remarks by pictures of early operations and pages from surgical textbooks. Under the Greeks, Dr. Coller said, external surgery and treatment of wounds rose to a remarkable effi- ciency, and the Roman armies in the field were accompanied by Greek surgeons. After the fall of the Rom- an empire, however, surgery remained alive in only three places: Constan- ly afterwards Andros Perez, a barber surgeon, rose from an army surgeon to be surgeon to the kings of France, and founded a college in Paris where- at the itinerant barbers might learn the fundamentals of surgery. The great dangets which now re- mained to surgery were in pain and shock, infection, and hemmorhage, Dr. Coller said. "Hemmorhage was brought more or less under control when William Harvey, English scien- tist, brought to light the principles of the circulation of blood." The great Pasteur first explored the field of bacteriology, and his find- ings were utilized by Lord Lister, founder of antiseptic surgery. Dr. Coller described the first antiseptic surgery as one in which the antisep- tic fluid was sprayed about the room with a pump, carbolic acid was sloshed in the wound with a sponge, and the surgeon wore rubber boots. The re- sults, however, were relatively success- WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 - (R) - Oliver Wendell Holmes, once the "great liberal" of the Supreme Court, was so gravely ill tonight that oxygen was being used in an effort to save his life. Three tanks filled with the gas were sent to his home, an old red brick town house at 1720 I St., N.W., shortly after 4 p.m. today. Several empty containers were taken away. Friends said that the venerable jurist had been ill since last Saturday with bronchial pneumonia. His physician, Dr. Thomas A. Clay- tor, merely said: "The justice is ill and at his age all illness is serious." Holmes, who served 29 years on the Supreme Court bench, will be 941 on March 8. He knew Lincoln and, was thrice wounded in the Civil War. His intimate friend, Felix Frank- furter, Harvard professor, left Boston today for his bedside and with Frank- furter wasThn G. Pifrev the neri pompous attorney and the fact that he detested personal publicity. Inevi- tably, the episode of the cigarets was recalled. A distinguished New York lawyer drove home a point with the thunderous statement that "nobody except fools and dudes smoke im- ported cigarets." "I am not so sure about that," blandly smiled Holmes. "Sometimes I smoke them and I know I am noti a dude." Holmes, whose dissenting opinions often were more famous than the majority ruling which prevailed, left the bench Jan. 12, 1932. Physical weakness had bowed him low even as hestepped down, his or- dinarily clear voice faltered. He left the courtroom after an opinion day, wrote his resignation and never re- turned to the little octagonal-shaped room where Chief Justice Hughes re- cently delivered the gold opinion. For years, Holmes chose his secre- tarv from the Harvard law graduat-