Alp V 'RUARY 12, 1935 THE -M1IThIGAN. DAILY PAGE SEVEN _____________________________- F - ~ -~ .--~ .-- --.-~--ivy.-.~ maim 9 MlatmenReady To Uderke0P Eastern T rip Grapplers To. Meet West Virginia, Washington & Lee Teams Captain, Jewell Is 'Doing Welh'i4e Receitt Operattion eel With Brifsh b'rpi'ons WOMEN'SI SPORTS nexi. summoner. Opruiyto ps both Senior and Eaie tests wl be given. IThe Intramnural swimming mecet will be held in March. House manana- Bigd Ten Standings I Captain Johnny Jewell, ace goalie of the Michigan hockey team, was re- ported yesterday as, "resting comfort- ably, and doing as, well: as is to be expected" after an appendectomy which he underwent last Friday at University Hospital. The Varsity wrestling team began Although the hockey team did not preparations for its Eastern invasion suffer from the annual bugaboo. of against West Virginia and Washing- scholastic ineligibility~, th~e, loss of ton nd ee extSatrda an Mo- 'Jewell, perhaps merely temporarily, tonandLeenex Saurdy ad Mn-leavesa gap in the line-up which day by going through a long work- will b~e difficult toQ fill. Jewell has tend- out at the Intramural Building. edi the. Michigan, lie unassisteo fqr Coach Keen was disappointed with two years and a half, ever since he the Wolverines' showing again Mich- became eligible as a sophomore. igan State last Saturday, but attrib- At present it is hoped that he will to resume his position in front uted the defeat in a great measure o f, the Maize and Blue goal before to the strain of the final examina- j.the season is over, although it is as tions, which worked havoc with the I yet uncertain as to how soon he can matmiens' condition.I return, The meet reached its final stage It is with the two-game series with with the outcome depending on the! 11 iipnC5ATta, schaeduledl forthe 22nd; result of the heavyweight event be- and 23-rd of this Imont~h that Jewell tween Captain Gordon Reavely of. Iis nmost concerned. For the first time the Spartans and Ha; f y Wright. in i fve years, Michigan ha's a chance Reavely managed to pin the Mich- to wrest the Conferene hockey title igan heavyweight early in the matcr from the Gophers. and the Spartans won, 18-12. Jewell1 hi~nmslf~ played nopmni part Abe Levine, Wally Heavenrich, in the recent~ series at M\inneapolis, Harold Ross and Captain Jack Har- in w hick the sextet won one gam~e and rod came through for Michigan, win- tied one. Andx it~ was not of the games ning their matches by time advan-. against Michigan College of ines tages. This was the fourth straight at the endl of the season that he win for both Harrod and Heaven- spoke whn he said he wanted to be rich, while Levine won his second is cop4ition to pla.y "in, two games match out of three starts. It was, this semester, anyway." the first victory for Ross. Chuck Brooks and Bill Slocum lost by 1h1;. by falls to their opponents, while Frank Bissell dropped his first match I1~Ws1 ToQ although. he wrestled in the 155- pound class which is a notch- lower i W YQR1K, Feb. 11-('/[')-The than' that at which he has been mo t stailkipag evelpent .f the in- wrestling. This was, Wright's second door trade~ season thus far 1has been~ loss in four starts, Reavely having in thae shift in pi e ic nterest from~ pinned him before at Lansing in an the lnilrs to ?he startling accom~- overtime period. plishinents of l.les (Chuck) Coach Keen expects a hard struggle Hornbo~stel, ~riap's~ great half- against Washington and Lee and miler. West Virginia, Saturday and Mon- Wh-re the eigY-furloiig duaelts of day. Washington and Lee tied a Glen p, unningham and Bill Bon- Navy mat team which turned in a thron packed Madisop Sqziare Gar- 30-0 win against Chicago Saturday den and other indoo: r reas a year night. The Wolverines nosed out ago Hlornbostel 's r1ecord - breaking the Maroons two weeks ago at Chi- speed over the shorter distances has cago when Wright pinned his oppon- l caught hold of popular imagination ent in two minutes, hlijs; season. Bat k frown a victorious tour of the igan tankinen mrovedi over to Toronto l gers are reminded to get their teamstF e'ster} states and Canada and at full and took a 47-39 decision from the out for practice.I scnhfollowing the first semester, Canadian All-Star's, the same outfit The beginning of the new semen- The Dance Club is preparing for a: iian'Zs championship swimming that will appear here Saturday night.j ter, marks the opening of the inter recital to, be held early in May. Any-j< 'teac ean preparations yesterday The Wolveriues set two Canadian 1class basketball tournam~ent. Those; one interested in doing this sort of;P tfor the biggest home meet of the sea- rccords against the All-Stars. The con against the Canadian All-Stars medley relay trio of Cody. Kasley, who distinguis:hed themselves during work should get in touch with Miss next S atut day night at the Intra- and Bob Mowerson established a new I intramural competition will receive Emily White r Julia Wilson, '36.r mu} al pool. I standard with the time of 3:05.4,I special invitations to play. Anyone;Ameigfralhuetltcjt Co-Captain Taylor Drysdale, na- coming within 0.2 of a siecond ofitrse'n lyn hul eot maes il forhaldouathlti ticulbe-tolecapo, akYl' National Collegiate record for practice at 4 p.m., Feb. 19, at lagrswllbielnt ~. at? Kasley, brilliant sophomore breast made at Columbus last March. I Bar'bour Gym. Elizabeth Oberdier,! the W.A.A. Building. -trolker. and Ned Diefendorf, formrer Ka~sley Smashes Record '37. is in charge. jurair rINational A.A.U. diving champ_ Kasley clipped almost six secondsi The Red Cross Life Saving class GOT LATE STI\RT ion, ail returned to eligibility with from the Canadian record in the will hold its first meeting at 8:'30 uscofrad fth the new semester. Diefendorf will' breast-stroke, negotiating the 100- p.m. tonight in the Union Pool. The Roy GuIcofrado h not comipete Saturday, however, due yard event in 1:07.2. Cody swarm theI class Will meet regularly from 8:30 to University of Illinois basketball team, I ao a foot injury sustained in prac- ' 100-yard back-stroke in 1 :04.2 to win 9:30, p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays! did not begin playing the game untilI Lice. handily, and Benl Grady and Frank at, the Union. he was a junior in high school. On the negative side of the ledger Fehsenfeld finished one-two in the he training period this year will - ' is the lose through ineligibility of! diving, be considerably shorter, because the i B3ob L.awrence, All-America collegiate Saturday night found the Wolve- j National Red Cross Examiner will beI tbrcast-.:troke swimmer last year. whoj ines meeting the Canadian All-Stars in Ann Arbor the week of March 4.1 was changed to the .free-style events again in an exhibition meet at King- Miss Laurie E. Campbell will have last reeter. Stan , Ontario. Th st m t e Ca - charge of, the class. It is highly ' s 1v Easy Time At Buffalo 1 dians fell, 41-34. tm h aa recommended to girls desirous of ob- F n.TER NIT Y ! : 'IThursday night the Wolver-I The All-Stars are practically the tau'ring camp counsellor positions iies ra,1 over an all-star squad from ,.ame team that won the champion- MMNO P,~fh~ and -Niagara in the Buffalo; ship of the British Empire in the Em- CAMPUECIGARSTOR Y the tune of 55-29. Tex 1 ire games last yea r and are coached I CM U IA TR 1obertson in the 220 and 440-yard Fey Tommy Walker, the Canadian Metn lc o fiQ ,-tP events and Coach Matti Olympic team m entor. J ~ ;o.'s medley relay team of Fred l Sociable Fellows C cd, -. F ill Crittenden, and Frank WALCDO3RF THE YOUNGEST FulUinToTipsToPao Ba~ _na r ', set new Niagara district; Lynn Waldorf, recently appointed' EllneoPisTbc, reord and Kasley tied the old mark hecad football coach at Northwestern Candy, and Soft Drinks.""= in toe~ 100-yard breast-stroke, is the youngest mentor in the Western 52 EATLBRYS On the following night the Mich- Conference. He is 32, _...___________________ F I I t P I T r c W LTP OP Per Purdue .....5 1 217 183 .833 Indiana ..5 1 219 175 .833 W.isconsin . .5 2 193 162 .714 Illinois .....4 2 215 101 .666 Ohio State . .6 3 304 275 .66 Minnesota . 5 3 260 269 .625 Iowa,.......4 4 272 210 . .00 Michigan . 1 5, 18117g .166 Northwest'n 1 6 17$0 207 .143. Chicago .... 0 9 259 346 .000 .Yesterday's- Results Indiana 34, Iowa 30. Wisconsin 26, Chicago 24. Ohio State 41, Northwestern 2.9. ATTENTION ! MICHIGAN CUT RATE STORE i 601 E. Liberty - Phone 9192 Next to Michigan Theatre Don't be disappointed. 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