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February 28, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-28

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The Weather


frt i6ga


It's Mill Up To The Students...
No Rich Man's School . . .

Mostly cloudy, possibly local
snow flurries, colder tonight;
tomorrow cloudy and colder.



Bill Killing
Board Sent
To House
Senate Consents To Plan
Of Governor Abolishing
Administrative Body
School Relief Is In
Ultimatum Is Hurled At
Legislature By Executive
As He Demands Passage
LANSING, Feb. 27. -()-Faced
with a demand from Governor Fitz-
gerald for immediate action on his
broad economy program, the Senate
sent to the House today the adminis-
tration's bill abolishing the state ad-
ministrative board.
The governor earlier in the day had
said that school relief would be im-
periled unless his economy program
was expedited.
On the impetus of this warning, the
Senate by a vote of 19 to 10 hurried
passage of the measure abolishing
the administrative board and hold-
ing state departments and institu-
tions to specific appropriations voted
by the Legislature. Senator William A.
Palmer, of Flint, was the only one
of the 11 Senate Democrats who voted
for the bill.
The Governor said adequate school
relief cannot come through increased
taxation. "The responsibility is the
Legislature's" he said. "The bills in
question are designed to save money'
through- economical government so
there will be more for the schools."
In addition to the abolition of the
administrative board, the measure
eliminates the office of state budget
director, transferring his duties along
with the fiscal affairs of the board to
a new office of state finance director.
The administrative board was
created in 1921 during the adminis-I
tration of former Governor Alex J.
Union Plans To
Hold University
NightMarch 6
All Facilities Available;1
Free Dancing, Contests
Plans for "University Night" which
will be held at the Union Wednesday,
March 6, have been nearly completed
Union officials announced late last
night. Free dancing and exhibitions
in many popular indoor sports, in-
cluding fencing, will be featured on
the program.
John C. McCarthy, '36. a member
of the Union student committee, stat-
ed that the event "is intended pri-
marily for students and faculty mem-
bers and all those connected with the
University in any way."
Complete facilities of the Union will
be available to everyone, and student
committeemen will be present to com-
duet visitors on tours of the building
including the bakery, kitchens, guest
rooms, tower and various other offices
in the building.
In the south lobby several matches
in the fencing tournament will be
staged and very probably matches
between students, and students and
faculty will be featured.
The regular Union band under the

direction of Bob Steinle will play for
the free dancing which will begin at
8 and last until 10 p.m. During the
intermission of the dance the quartet
and Varsity Glee Club, which will be
directed by David Mattern, will offer
several numbers in a short concert..
The hobbies of many members of
the faculty and of students will be
featured in a Hobby Exhibition, and
in the billiard room on the second
floor of the Unipn matches both in
ping-pong and billiards will be played.
Contests between students and faculty
members will also be staged.
A special reduction in the price of
bowling will be made after the several
scheduled exhibitions have been
played. It was announced that the
price of bowling, which is usually 15
cents, will be cut to 10 cents.
A selected group of University wom-
en will give exhibitions in swimming
and diving in the Union pool, begin-
ning early in the evening.
The Tap Room will be open to all
visitors and special prices will be
available during Open House.
ITL..tirA L 'e'm.' Tn Ro I

Individualism Is Most Natural
Expression Of Society--Sullivan
THOMAS B. GROEHN saken the age-old American idea of
A claim that individualism is the liberty in favor of economic security.
most natural expression of society as "The young college graduate, seeing
opposed to collectivism and that the the terrifically dark aspect of life
former must be maintained in order during this depression, has tended
to encourage the college graduate to be a 'leaner' instead of a 'sturdy
or "young wish-to-have," was made oak,'" he said. "I think it pitiful
by Mark Sullivan, noted news com- that the young graduate should al-
mentator, at Hill Auditroium last low one shell-shock to make him a
night. 'leaner' for the rest of his life."
"I am far more concerned with the Under the category of collectivists,
'wish-to-have' element than with the Mr. Sullivan included the "Brain
men who are now on top or the Trusters." He criticized them be-
'haves,'" Mr. Sullivan stated, "and cause it was his claim that they are
in order to afford them a real chance trying to make life a college campus,
for success we must maintain a flex- with the work all laid out for the
ible society to develop personality, people, instructors at the head of each
natural ability,- and leadership. In "class," and neat gravel paths made
order to have this kind of a society, out for the people of the nation to
however, the 'haves' cannot be al- walk upon.
lowed to get to the top and perman- Mr. Sullivan also ridiculed the per-
ently be entrenched there." sons who claim that because the ma-
In past years the "haves" have terial world has changed it follows
been displaced by periodic depres- that we must also change our social
sions and more recently by heavy in- and governmental policies.
come taxes, according to Mr. Sulli- ( "We adjusted ourselves to the au-
van. tomobile without any great change in


Work Relief
Bill Nears
Democratic Leaders See
End Of Quarrel Between
Senate, White House
Switch In Votes Of ,
Senators Reported
McCarran Will Demand
Extensive Hearings On
Public Works Program
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. -( )-
Democratic leaders grew more optim-
istic today over the possibility of un-
snarling the controversy between the
Senate and White House that has
pinioned the $4,880,000,000 work relief



L. Plans



He warned against the too great
prevalence of people who have for-
peech Contest
Rules Will Be

Told By Brandt
Oratorical Contest WinnerM
Will Receive Chicago
Alumni Medalt
Rules governing the University Or-'
atorical contest will be announced
at 4 p.m. today in Room 4003, Angell
Hall, according to Carl Brandt, in-
structor in the department of speech.
Students interested will be informed
at that time of the regulations cover-
ing length, subject, and time for the
tryouts selections.
Members of the department of
speech will judge the preliminary
contest, which is tentatively sched-
uled for Thursday, March 21. The
five best orators will be selected to
which is planned for Thursday, March
1 28. An all-faculty committee will
serve as the judges for the final con-
test. The winner will be presented
with the Chicago Alumni Medal for
Excellence in Oratory. This medal-
lion, which is presented annually,
was manufactured in the United
States mint in Washington, D. C.
The winner of the local contest
will represent the University in the
Northern Oratorical League contest,
which will be held Friday, May 31,
in Ann Arbor. Other schools which
will be represented at the contest
are Western Reserve, Northwestern
University, University of Minnesota,
University of Wisconsin, and the Uni-
versity of Iowa. The Lowden Testi-
monial, donated by Former Governor
Frank Lowden of Illinois, will be pre-
sented to the winner of the League's
HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 27.- (')
--- Claudette Colbert and Clark
Gable were voted to have given
the best screen performances in
1934 by the Academy of Motion
Picture Ar.ts and Sciences at its
seventh annual award banquet
here tonight.
"The award given to Miss Col-
bert and Gable were for their ap-
pearanccs in the picture, "It Hap-
pened One Night," in which they

governmental and social policy, and They received reports, apparently
(Contizifbd on Page 2) authentic, that at least two and prob-
ably more of the 21 Democrats who
" supported the McCarran prevailing;
Surgery Top e iwage amendment would switch back
and vote with the administration ad-
Of Dr C llers een"ts.
Of Dr. lheTalk of a compromise on the issue
grew and a small group of backers of
Speech Today he labor amendment conferred twice
in an effort to get an agreement on
a substitute proposal. This was an-
Fifth University Lecture other development that put adminis-
-tration leaders in a better humor.
To Be Given In Science Nevertheless, the Democratic lead-j
Auditor.ers were determined to put the issue!
Auditoru n up to President Roosevelt when he
returns from Hyde Park tomorrow.
Dr. Frederick A. Coller. professor They expect Mr. Roosevelt to call aI
of surgery in the School of Medicine, conference some time tomorrow forj
will speak on "The Progress of Surg- a full discussion of the matter.
ery in Recent Years" at 4:15 p.m. Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the
today in Natural Science Auditorium. Democratic leader, said in an inter-
His speech will be the fifth of a group view today that he hoped to have the*
of eight by local faculty members tangle straightened out within a few
on the University Lecture Series for days. He indicated another test would
1934-35. be had on the wage amendment. I
A specialist in the treatment of Claiming there had been "no break
goitre and the surgical aspects of dis- in the line," Senator McCarran (Dem.,
eases of metabolism, Dr. Coller follows Nev.) author of the amendment as-
drawing and the history of medicine serted today that when the Senate
as his hobbies, according to Dr. Frank appropriations committee met again
E. Robbins, assistant to the President, to consider the measure he would de-
who is in charge of the lecture series. mand open and extensive hearings
A list of his publications in medical on the administration's public works
journals discloses many treating the program.
subjects of goiter, diabetes, thyroid
irregularities, and other topics in his
field of specialization. Africans Flock
Dr. Coller studied first at SouthFl c
Dakota State College, where he re-
ceived a B.S. in 1906 and an M.D. in ToItahanFlag
1908. He completed his studies at Har- Flag,
vard Medical School, receiving an
M. D. there in 1912. From 1912 to Reports State
1913 he served as surgical interne
and from 1914-1915 as surgical resi- ROME, Feb. 27.- (P)-- Thousands
dent at the Massachusetts Generalo' tfh
Hospital, spending a year in the of natives on both sides of the Red
meantime as Teaching Fellow in Sea were reported enlisting under
Surgery at Harvard. Italy's flag today for possible service
From 1915 to 1919 he was overseas against Ethiopia.
in France serving with the American IMeanwhile two more Italian ships
Ambulance Hospital at Paris, the sailed with their quota of troops and
R.A.M.C., of the British Army 'and war materials for East Africa to carry
the Medical Corps of the American the nation's war contingent to Eritrea
Army. Since 1924 he has held the rank and Italian Somaliland.
of lieutenant-colonel in the Medical Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia,
Reserve Corps. through his charge d'affaires denied
He is a member of the American Ethiopia intends to "touch a stone"
Medical Association, Alpha Omega belonging to Italy's African colonies
Phi Sigma, and the Junior Research and asked withdrawal of the rein-
Club. forcements sent there.
The lecture will be illustrated by This proclamation, issued to the
slides, and will be open to students foreign press by Charge d'Affaires
and the general public. Negradas Yesus. was received in sil-

From Classes
Members Here To Conduct
Student Strike Against
War And Fascism
Action Is Expected
To Begin April 4
100,000 College Students
May Act In Nation-Wide
Plans for participation in the
world-wide student strike against war
and Fascism to be held April 4 were
disclosed at the meeting of the Na-
tional Student League last night.
The proposed strike in the nature of
a walk-out from classes has the in-
dorsement and support of numerous
religious and youth groups through-
out the United States and Europe,
League members claim it will be sup-
ported in Europe by the National
Youth Congress Against War and
Fascism which recently met in Brus-
sels. More than 100,000 college stu-
dents in the United States are ex-
pected to be affected according to the
leaders of the strike.
The National Student League has
appointed a committee under the di-
rection of Michael Evanoff to pro-
mote student interest in the strike.
The committee will ask the support of
every student organization on the
campus in an attempt to create the
largest undergraduate strike in the
United States, and officials fo the or-
ganization expect a 50 per cent in-
crease in membership after the walk-
out from classes.
Other indorsers of the strike in-
clude Michigan's Youth Congress, The
National Council of Methodist Youth,
and the Student League for Industrial
Democracy. A local committee of the
Michigan Youth Congress will work in
cooperation with the National Stu-
dent League on plans for the local
Mentor Williams of the English de-
partment gave a talk on the "Recent
Development in American Literature"
during the latter part of the meet-
ing. He touched only on the social
and economic phases of modern lit-
erature and gave numerous illustra-
tions to support his arguments.
Work Here Delayed;
Families Suspicious
Although reclassification of the un-
employed was accomplished several
weeks ago by Washtenaw County
FERA officials, work in some counties
has been delayed because families in
some communities are suspicious of
the purpose of the information
sought, according to W. I. Duerr,
census director for the SERA.
The purpose of the census is to
classify the unemployed according to
their previous vocational training and
experience, so that eventually they
may be given relief jobs for which
they are fitted.
The field work is about half com-
pleted, Duerr said, and will be fin-
ished in about three weeks. It is pro-
viding work for about 2,500 persons
throughout the State.
The survey in Washtenaw County
was under the administration of Clar-
ence Elliott, FERA official.
Dr. Raphael Isaacs of the Medical
School will conduct a class on "The

Jew in Science" at 8 p.m. today in the
Hillel Foundation. The class is one of
a series on different subjects held
, periodically at the Foundation.




Labor Clause Held Invalid
Don't Make Model Of As Interstate Commerce
Speech Professor-Moser Is Not Involved

"Don't take speech professors as
models for good speakers," advised
Prof. Henry Moser of the speech de-
partment as he addressed the Alpha.
Nu smoker, last night.
"There is no such thing as a per-
fect speech," he said. He urged fresh-!
men to join some campus forensic:
society "as no speech courses are
open to you," stressing the fact that
the modern trend was to apply science
to speech.
Professor Moser, who is an author-
ity on speech defects, explained that
topic to the members and prospective!
members of the honorary speech fra-
ternity, stating that there are more
than 10,000 speech defectives in the
United States.
Hyna Speaks
On Leaders Ofj
Knowledge Of That Period!
Aids In Evaluating Life,
History Professor Says
A proper understanding and knowl-
edge of the Renaissance and the
leaders of the movement will help
people to understand present-day
problems and help them evaluate the
"profound issues of life," Prof. Al-
bert Hyma of the history department
stated yesterday in third the lecture
of the Student Inquiry series.
Professor Hyma gave a condensed
presentation of the beliefs and works
of the great leaders of the Renais-
sance movement including Leonardo
DaVinci, Erasmus, Petrarch, Ficino,
Valla, John Colet, and Thomas Moore.
"Contrary to popular belief there
are really two sides of the Renaissance
- the bright side and the bad side"
Professor Hyma stated. "The bright
side of the Renaissance is character-
ized by such great men as DaVinci,
who was a mathematician, engineer,
artist, and natural scientist. The
other side of the Renaissance," said
Professor Hyma, "is characterized by
negative criticism and by such men
as Erasmus and Valla."
A brief history of the Renaissance
movement was traced by Professor
Hyma, starting with Petrarch and the
first interests in the classics and
human life. The work of Leonardo'
DaVinci and Ficino in the various
fields of science and philosophy was
briefly reviewed and parts of the
writings of Erasmus, the great satir-
ist and letter writer, were read. Pro-
fessor Hyma then explained the in-
fluence of John Colet and Thomas
More on the church and religious
thought, and the great advantages
of the Renaissance. He stated that
the movement restored classical
learning, revived many schools of
philosophy, reformed the curricula
and textbooks fo the schools of the
time, and brought about the impor-
tant practice of experimentation.
In concluding the lecture Profes-
sor Hyma read various passages from
the "Letters Of Obscure Men," which
was written by several German hum-
BOSTON, Feb. 27.-(P)-The
State Senate today killed ratification
of the child labor amendment, 34-0.
The House overwhelmingly defeated
the amendment last week,





Judge Dismisses
Government's Suit
Federal Leaders Predict
Appeal; Decision Blow
To OrganizedLabor
WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 27 -(P)
- A history-making Federal court
lecision today established the legal-
ty of the Wierton Steel Co,'s em-
loyee representation plan and'held
hat Section 7-A, heart of the Na-
ional Industrial Recovery Act, is in-
pplicable to the company because it
s not engaged in interstate commerce
n its relations to its employees.
Judge John P. Nields wrote the de-
ision, holding that the plan of em-
loyee representation - a so-caled
company union - in effect among the
mployees of the defendant, affords
a lawful and effective organization of
he employees for collective bargain-
ng through representatives of their
wn choosing.
Major.Test of Act
The government's suit, regarded as
major test of .the Act's labor guar-
ntee provisions, was dismissed, and
he plea for an injunction to restrain
he company from dealing with the
mployees through the medium of the
,ompany plan was denied.
"There is no showing on the part
f the plaintiff warranting the court
n issuing an injunction," Nields ruled.
"Section 7-A, as applied to defend-
nt and its business is unconstitu-
ional and void."
The decision reiterated that Con-
gress may pass laws regulating busi-
ness only of an interstate or foreign
nature' and held that the Weirton
ompany is not engaged in such busi-
ness "save to a negligible extent." The
,overnment had held that the Weir-
on business is interstate.
Suggestion Fantastic
"The suggestion that recurrent hard
times suspend constitutional limita-
tions or cause manufacturing opera-
tions to so affect interstate commerce
ms to subject them to regulation by
the Congress," Judge Nields held,
'borders on the fantastic and merits
no serious consideration."
Judge Nields' decision was a blow at
the contention of' organized labor,
that the so-called company union is
a tool of industrial management to
circumvent the rights of workers to
organize and bargain collectively.
While government spokesmen pre-
dicted the ruling would be appealed,
Weirton officials jubilantly hailed it.
Company Hails Decision
Ernest T. Weir, chairman of the
board of the company, termed the
decision a "complete vindication of
our constant position that we have
never in any way influenced or dom-
inated our employees in the opera-
tion of their employee representa-
tion plan; that at all times they have
had complete freedom of action and
have conducted their organization ac-
cording to their own ideas."
"It also decides," he said, "the legal-
ity of the employee representation
and its outsanding value to employees
in the matter of collective bargaining
with their employers."
Department of Justice officials,
Francis Biddle, chairman of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board, Rep.
Robert L. Doughton, chairman of the
House Ways and Means Committee,
which handled the NIRA, predicted
an appeal will be taken. Doughton
said, "if there is any question of con-
stitutionality, we can take care of it
Opera Book To Be
Discussed Today
Prospective authors of the book and
music for next year's Union opera will
meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the Union,
William T. Brownson, president of

Mimes, announced last night.
An advisory committee of faculty
members who have had experience
with past operas will meet with those
interested in submitting material for
the twenty-seventh presentation next
The committee includes Prof. Earl
V. Moore, director of the School of
Music; Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon,

The executive committee of the In-
terfraternity Council will meet at 5
I p.m. today to act on petitions for in-
itiation and pledging of ineligible
men, Philip A. Singleton, president,

University Extension Work
Valued At $1,250,000 Yearly.

The value of the free educational,
opportunities furnished to the school'
children and adults of the State of
Michigan by the extension division is'
estimated at more than a million dol-
lars annually by University officials.
Valuing the various types of radio
programs from the price of a postage
stainp to 25 cents, the extension di-
vision estimates that its broadcasts
furnish annual educational opportu-
nities worth at least $933,338 to the
school children and adults of the
State of Michigan. Estimating other
I extension activities on a similar min-
I imum basis brings the total annual
'potential value' of such educational
efforts to $1,246,965.
Pointing out that the money value
of any general educational effort is
impossible to determine absolutely
and varies with every individual, here
is how the total is computed by sta-
tisticians. The radio music classes
hna ,- nnnn ronnlninilc Pnrn11Prd

grams, valued at 5 cents each, totaling'
Listener surveys made by Station
WJR reveal that 1,540,078 Michigan
residents listen regularly or occasion-
ally to the other general University
broadcasts on topics of current inter-
est. Halving this total and deducting'
a further 125,000 persons,- as pos-
sibly interested only in the foregoing
special programs, leaves 645,039.
These persons hear 38 talks, each
valued at 3 cents, or a total of $645,-
338. making the total estimated value
of all radio programs $935,338.
The next largest item on the esti-
mated total of service, $300,000, is for
the University Library Extension
Service. The service reached 300,000
school children and adults during
1933-34. Dr. William Warner Bishop,
University librarian, states that any
attempt to set up and operate like
organizations throughout the State
invnivin' P. Aiinnoa irn ,-of ovictina

once by the Italian government.
Troops continued to pour into
Naples tonight, indicating further em-
barkations were planned shortly.
Dispatches to the Colliere della Sera
in Milan said thousands of tribes-
men from many countries along the
Red Sea and Indian Ocean were
flocking to Eritrea and Somaliland
to enroll in the Italian native army.
(Dispatches from Addis Ababa,
Ethiopian capital, said that the gov-
ernment was informed Italy was re-
cruiting troops in Yemen, Arabian
kingdom, with which Rome is on
friendly relations, for service in East
Africa. The Milan newspaper's corre-
spondent also reported hundreds were
crossing the Red Sea from Yemen.)
License Deadline
Extended 15 Days
LANSING, Feb. 27. -The deadline
for the purchase of 1935 license plates
was extended from March 1 to March
15 today in an order issued by Sec-
retary of State Orville E. Atwood.
The order was based on a resolu-
tion passed by the House of Repre-
sentatives this afternoon after At-
wood was assured that the Senate
would concur early tomorrow. The ex-
tension was approved by a 60 to 14
vote in the House.
It is estimated that some 500,00(
Michigan motorists have not yet se-
cured their plates or half-year sticker,


Missionaries Solicit Student
Opinions On Religious Work!

"What is your attitude toward mis-
sions?" is the question Mr. and Mrs.E
DeWitt C. Baldwin, missionaries in
Burma now on furlough, have been
asking students of typical universities
and colleges in the United States for
over a year, and which they are now
asking of students on this campus.
"There are two aims to this exten-
sive survey," Mr. Baldwin stated. "One
is to find out the attitude of students
toward missions as a whole, and the
other is the endeavor to interpret
what the best of modern missions
really is."
To nmnile the material for the

ered last year, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin
spending ten days to two weeks at
each. This year, six of 'these same
campuses have been revisited to find
any changes in attitude of the stu-
In picking students to be inter-
viewed, Mr. Baldwin said, "All types
of students are chosen - a cross-sec-
tion of campus life including students
with varied political, social, religious,
and intellectual ideas. The only re-
quirement is that they are students
of promise and ability."
An hour is spent with each person
interviewed and all that is said dur-
ina this timo is: entirelv nonfirential.

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