Announce New
Promotions In
Local R.O.T.C.
Three Made Regimental
Staff Sergeants; Seventy
Made Sergeants
An order .of the University Reserve
Officers Training Corps yesterday as-
signed 70 members of the junior ad-
vanced course to posts as sergeants
in the University regiment. Wencel:
A. Neumann, Jr., '36E, was named as
master regimental sergeant. Julius!
H. Wiles, '36, John E. Johnson, '35E,:
and Howard W. Underwood, '36E,j
wcre assigned to duty as regimental
sta'f sergeants.
L. Maurice Mason. '36Ed., Russel
E. Mason, '36E, and Robert J. Jagow,
'36E, were named as master ser-
geants of the three battalions. Other
battalion staff sergeants are RobertI
L. French, '36, A. H. Cutler, '36E, J.,
B. Hales, '36, C. H. Greve, '36E, W.
M. Travis, Anson G. Raymond, '35E,
Robert M. Stevens, '36E, Clarence El-!
wood Shannon, '36E, and Anthony F.!
Proper, '36E. Staff color sergeants
are James F. Goodrich, '36E, and Ed-
I'm Broke, Says Ex-Playboy Jimmy Walker
Dr.Lemon And
Prof. Hyma To
Lecture Today!
To Speak In Third Group
Of The Student Christian
Inquiry Series
Prof. Albert Hyma of the history
department and Dr. William P. Lem-:
on, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, will deliver lectures at 4 p.m.I
today in the Upper Room of Lane:
Hall in the third group of the Stu-
dent Christian Inquiry series. Pro-
fessor Hyma will discuss the leaders
of religious thought during the Ren-!
The lecture series was sponsored,
"in order to stimulate interest of the:
student body in historical perspective
and to give a grasp of the fundamen-
tal questions in Christian thought."
Two lectures have been given each
1Wednesday, the first giving a "high-
ly condensed" presentation of the
great religious leaders and their in-
fluence, moving backwards from the
present to early times. The second
of the lectures, which have been giv-
en by Dr. Lemon, have been along
the theme of "Religion In Account
With Life Today."
The representatives of the various
churches, who are cooperating in the
presentation of the lectures include:
Baptist, Gordon Stowe, '36A; Con-
gregational, Lester Houck, Grad.;
Disciples, Harold Welch, Grad.; Epis-
copal, Katherine Stoll, '35; Evangeli-
cal, Herbert Schmale, '36; Lutheran,;
Carl Beck, '38M; Methodist, Roy Moi;
IPresbyterian, David French, '36; Uni-!
tarian, Ernest Kikendall, Grad.; Stu-
dent Christian Association, Richard S.
TWill Visit Britain
}f .
tk{i i
win V. King, '36.
Assigned to duty as first sergeants
of the 12 companies of the regiment
are William Harrison Fleming, '36,1
Carlyle V. Parker, '36E, Lyle M. Read-I
ing, '36E, Wayne W. Crosby, '36E,
Alfred M. Hilburger, '36E, Darell A.
Phillippi, Charles A. Fr'amburg, Jr.,
'36E William A. Eason, '36E, Walter
D. Weidner, '36E, Boyd E. Allen, '36E,{
Robert S. Fox, '36E, and Kenneth C.
Mosier, '36E.
Others appointed as line sergeants
are R. J. Auburn, C. G. Barndt, R. W.
Boebel, R. J. Bowman,. R. M. Burns,
P. H. Clark, R. L. Eshelman, M. M.
Eurle, W. R. Eldridge, L. C. Fisher,
G. R. Ginder, C. V. Gross, G. A.
Graves, T. W. Heilala, E. D. Howell,
J. R. Hodgson, C .F. Haughy, H. J.
Jackson, H. L. Koeler, E. W. Keck,I
C. Y. Liu, W. I. LaBaw, R. B. Lucking,
John Marks, J. L. Marley, C. E. Nad-
eau, P. W. Pinkerton, H. B. Ritz, T.
C. Ross, W. F. Ruether, W. H. Snair,
F. J. Sweet, J. L. Steffenhagen, C. W.
Swartout, G. R. Stewart, H. A. Strick-
land, E. A. Stone, R. R. Trengrove, J.
H. White, and G. H. Zastrow.
These promotions and appoint-
ments in the University regiment
were made by order of Lieut.-Col.
Frederick C. Rogers, commandant of
the R.O.T.C. unit of the campus, and
were approved by President Alex-i
ander G. Ruthven.
Poetr Souht By
A poetry contest open to all under-'
graduate students is being sponsored
by Contemporary, student literary!
magazine, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Donald El-
dei, '35, editorial director.
The prize-winning poem will appear
in the next issue, to be published
April 1, and the winner will be award-
ed $10. in books. The manuscripts
n-ust be turned in at the Contempo-
rary office in the Student Publications
Bw!ding by March 13..
The judges, who will be announced
soon, will be three faculty members.
No poem or sheaf of poems may ex-
cced four pages.
Campus sale of the current issue of
Contemporary will be continued to-
day. After tomorrow, copies may be
obtained at the Contemporary office.
-ssocia ed Press Photo,
With creditors haling him into court and another creitors' suit
in tr cieet, James J. Walker, former mayor of New York, announced
in Lcndcn that his days as a "playboy Charlie" were ended and that the
prce cnt Mrs. Walker, the former Betty Compton, had financed his
recent travels in Europe. Thy couple is shown in their most recent
pi'ture in London.
Uses Of Land For Recreation
DiscussedBY Prof. K. C. Murray
That land utilization for recrea-
tional purposes in Michigan is both
one of the greatest industries and
major problems of the state was the
point brought out by Prof. Kenneth
C. Murray of the geography depart-
ment in his radio talk of the Mich-
igan My Michigan series yesterday
broadcast over WJR direct from the
::ampus studios in Morris Hall.
To substantiate this statement, Pro-
fessor Murray said that approximate-
ly $500,000,000 was spent on recrea-'
tion in Michigan. "It is known," he
said, "that the recreational industry.
furnishes the major support of many
northern communities, and that
recreational lands provide a large part
of the tax base in numerous local-
Until the conservation movement,
Professor Murray brought out, the fu-
ture value of land for recreational
purposes was almost entirely uncon-
sidered and its resources subject to
devastation and despoilment. "This,"
he said, "left us with a sadly depleted
"With the rapid development of
recreational values in the north,
brought on by the automobile, and the
growing interest in game protection,"
Professor Murray stated, "fire pre-
vention improved rapidly, and in a
few .years the face of much of the
northern country has been changed
materially by the natural reforesta-
tion which resulted from comparative
freedom from fire hazard."
According to Professor Murray,
technical staffs in wild life and wild
life management have been developed
in the Conservation Department to
cooperate with technicians from
Michigan State College and the Uni-
versity. He further asserted that a;
beginning is being made in the at-
tack on the problems of land use,
primarily in relation to the recrea-
tional industry.
Professor Murray answered two Clark, '37.
pertinent questions which have arisen
in respect to Michigan's recreational Graduate Tuition
resources, despite the development ofI
the recreational industry in the state Scholarships Open
and the leadership in Conservation
affairs which it has attained.
To the first question - Do the pres- Applications for University schol-j
ent recreational resources of Mich- arships in the Graduate School must
igan meet actual and potential re- be in by March 9, it was recently an-
quirements in an adequate manner? nounced by Dean Clarence S. Yoak-
- he answered "no." He explained um of the Graduate School. These
his point of view by saying that scholarships are for remission of
proper recreational facilities in the tuition.
cities are almost wholly lacking; state First established for the 1933-34
parks are overcrowded and inade- school year, the awards were made
quate; there is a constant clamor for to 15 students at that time, and the
better fishing in the inland lakes; and same number were awarded last year,
there is a constant demand for larger but this year the number will be in-
hunting grounds. creased to 20 if there are sufficient
His second question dealt with applications of a worthy nature, ac-
whether the natural resources in cording to officials.
Michigan are s'uch that they can be The awards are open to all sen-
developed to support an expanded iors planning to enter the Graduate
recreational industry or not. To an- I School next year, and who are resi-
swer this, Professor Murray said, dents of the State of Michigan. Blanks
"There is ample evidence that the for formal application should be se-
bulk of the unused land may ulti- cured at the office of the dean of the
mately become far more attractive Graduate School, and returned to the
and valuable than at present." same office.
-Associated Press Photo.
It was reported in Pas is that a plotI
against Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg
(above) 0 Austria occasioned the
"smuggl; g" ef the diplomat into
Paris, whence he went to London in
an attempt tc strengthen ties betweenj
Austria and England.
Olfactory Disturbance
Hits Campus Building
Professional interest in the m'ephi-
tis nigra reached a new low at the
Natural Science Building Monday
Mephitis nigra is another name for
skunk; and the characteristics by
which scientists identify it seeped
through windows and down hallways
until practically everyone had identi-
fied it.
A forestry student brought in a
mephitis nigra that had been run
over by an automobile to his class in
fur-bearing animals, and dissection
was begun, only unfortunately "thef
scent glands had been punctured be-
fore we started."
Other persons interested in study-
ing mephita nigrae are requested to
bring their specimens to the new
open-air laboratory at Ferry Field.
Programs, Bi ,Evps Letterheads
Our Pic es are nev er high
206 N Main - Downtown
(Next to Postoffice)
February Issue
Of Delinquency
Paper Released
Di tribution of the February issue
of the "Delinquency News Letter"
began yesterday, it was announced by
Pr(A. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology
dcpartment, who is editor of the pub-
The pamphlet, published by the
Michigan Juvenile Delinquency In-
formation Service of the University,
is being mailed to more than 3,500
judges, school officials and editors
throughout the State.
An article by Leon W. Frost, execu-
tive secretary of the Children's Aid
Society of Detroit, dealing with the
relationship of the family in the cases
of delinquent children is featured in
the current issue of the News Letter.
Otbetr items of interest include a
survey of the distribution of juvenile.
dclinquents in FlUnt, a report from 56
juvenile courts throughout the state,'
and general notes on the treatment of
juvenile delinquents.
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