The Weather
Generally fair, not so cold
fceay; tomorrow unsettled in
r.crth, cloudy in south.
t4iga u
Pot Vensus Kettle..
Fraternity Ilh'l1 Week..
Singers Engaged
Is Begun By
Vigorous In
Closing Week
Monday Primaries Close
Hot Battle To Secure
Party Nominations
Hell Week
Outlawed At
Board Announced Investigation Of Type Of
SWork And Aid Afforded
Announced By Gram
University Of Iowa By
Interfraternty -Council
Newcomers On List Are
PanteleiefI L e o n ar d,
Posselt, And Jepson
Boris Godunof' Is
Chosen For Opera
Chicago Symphony Group
Will Appear Here For
Thirty-Second Time
Engagements with a brilliant array
of celebrities, five of whom have never
before appeared in Ann Arbor and six
of whom are former favorites, for the
Forty-Second Annual May Festival,
to be held May 15, 16, 17, and 18 in
Hill Auditorium, were announced yes-
terday by the Board of Directors of
the University Musical Society.s
Newcomers include Helen Jepson,
new and brilliant star of the Metro-
politan Opera Association whose ar-
tistry, vocal powers, opera and con-
cert ability have set her apart as the
soprano "find" of the season; Maxim
Panteleieff, Russian bass-baritone
and founder and director of the Rus-
sian Grand Opera Company who is
recognized as the outstanding "Boris"
since Chaliapin was in his prime. He
will' sing -this role at the Saturday
night concert,
Contralto To Appear
Myrtle Leonard, a new contralto
of the Metropolitan Opera Associa-
tion whose triumph with that organ-
ization Jan. 8 marked the rise of a
new star will sing in two con-
certs; Ruth Posselt, young American
violinist who, since winning the Schu-
bert Memorial Prize, has toured ex-
tensively throughout Europe, includ-
ing a tournee of many concerts in
Russia; Wilbur Evans, baritone and
another American artist of assured
Those heard here before are: Gio-
fanni MartinelWi,-leading tenor of the
Metropolitan, who is recognized by
artistic ability, operatic accomplish-
ments, and virtuosity as the "succes-
sor of Caruso." This will be his first
appearance here in several years;
Josef Lhevinne, the "master pianist,"
who has not been in Ann Arbor for
several seasons, will be heard in the
Thursday night concert.
Althouse Here For 'Boris'
Paul Althouse, substantial tenor of
the Metropolitan, will come to the
the Festival for the special purpose of
singing the tenor role in "Boris God-
unof" which he created in its Amer-
ican English premiere, and will also
sing in the "King David."
Ethyl Hayden, Arerican singer of
substantial reputation, will sing the
soprano part in "King David," a
role which she has made distinctly
her own; Theodore Webb, who was fa-
vorably received at the last Festival,
will return for an important role in
"Boris"; Paul Leyssac, of the New
York Civic Repertory Theatre, will
read the role of the narrator in "King
The festival program as a whole is
under the musical directorship of Dr.
Earl V. Moore, who will present the
University Choral Union in several
outstanding choral works including
Moussorgsky's "Boris Godunof," given
in English, the original version being
used; "King David" by Honegger,
which will also be sung; and the world
premiere of Howard Hanson's songs
from the "Drum Taps."
Chorus To Sing "Jumbles"
Juva Higbee, supervisor of music
in the Ann Arbor public schools,
will direct the Young People's Chorus
of more than 400 voices in miscel-
laneous program at one of the after-
noon concerts, including the world
premiere of the work by Dorothy
James of Ypsilanti, entitled "Jum-
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,'
under the direction of Frederick
Sto. and Associate Conductor Eric
Del Amarter will be heard for the
thui by-second consecutive May Fes-
It has also been announced that a
substantial reduction in price levels
for season tickets has been made. All
season tickets will be reduced one
-dollar, making the scale $5, 6, and $7
per season ticket instead of figures
one dollar greater each. Holders of
coupons will also benefit by the re-
duction at the same rate of one dollar
per ticket.
New Gargoyle To
Annear Thursday
7 ~7 - _______
Gives Last Lecture
Heads Of Projects IhMuyskens Prepares
To Be Interviewed! For Final Offensive
No News Received From
Federal Authorities On
Continuation Of FERA
An inquiry into the function of the
FERA on the Michigan campus in
respect to the type of work being car-
ried on and the aid that it affords
students is now being conducted under
the supervision of the local FERA
Committee, it was announced yester-
day by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, secre-
tary of the Committee here. '
Each member of the faculty whoj
supervises an FERA project will be
personally interviewed by a repre-
sentative of the committee inrangat-
templt to find out what is wrong, iff
anything, with the present FERA set-
up, and to offer a basis of facts con-
cerning the FERA by which the local
administration may make changes
for the school year, 1935-36.
Questions that will be asked super-
visors will be directed towards getting
detailed information relating to
whether or not students working on
their projects need their jobs to stayl
in school, and also what faults they
S * '
Mark Sullivan'
To Give Last
Oratorical Talk
Washington Commentator
W. C. Sadler, Campbell,
Stephenson Also Engage
In Primary Race
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
speech department entei-ed the final
week of his campaign for the Demo-
cratic mayoralty nomination yester-
day as he prepared for the primary
election which will be held Monday.
"We are lining the forces of good
government," Professor Muyskens
stated. In propounding his platform,
he advocates "a forward looking pro-
gram of small business expansion in
this age of decentralization in order
to furnish more employment."
Encourages Small Factories
"I feel we should encourage the
manufacture of small technical in-
struments here," he said. "These
could be sold to the University, where
there is a great need of them, and
the money could stay in Ann Arbor
instead of going throughout the coun-
try. This increase of small factories
will bring relatively increased in-
comes and allow higher-priced labor.
"Welfare workers should be given
an equal chance with skilled and un-
skilled laborers and work for higher
wages," he continued. "There is no
need of a dole, but we must take care
no one suffers from want.
"Taxes in Ann Arbor are too high,"
the professor declared, "and there is
no one awake to it. There is need
of a tax equilization program that
would remedy the situation."
Primary Hotly Contested
Featured by a four-cornered race
for the Republican nomination for
circuit judge, the primary promises
to be one of the most hotly contested
in many years, although political ob-.
servers predict a light vote.
Besides the fight Professor Muys-
kens is waging against his opponent,
John W. Conlin, local attorney in
the mayoralty nomination race, three
other faculty members are in the
campaign. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of
the engineering college, a member of
Howell Rite s
Will Be Held
Here Thursday1
Dentist's Wife Dies In A
Hospital In Dearborn
After Short Illness
Private funeral services will be held{
at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Mrs. Martha'
C. Howell, wife of Dr. Robert B. How-
ell, local dentist, and for many years
a member of the faculty of the School
of Dentistry. Mrs. Howell died at 10
a.m. yesterday in St. Joseph's Retreat
HcFpitalnat Dearborn, following a
short illness.
Mrs. Howell, the former Martha
Clark, was born in Port Clinton, O.,
in 1878, but moved to Ann Arbor,.
where she attended Ann Arbor High
School. She was graduated from the!
University School of Music in 1904.
She was a member'of Alpha Chi
Omega sorority, and was subsequently
elected national vice-president, and
editor of the sorority magazine, "The
Lyre." She was also prominent in Ann
Arbor women's clubs, and was pres-
ident of the Theta Chi Mother's Club.
She is survived by her husband,
three sons, Roger Williams, '33F,
'38M, Roderic, '35-'38M, and Robert
N.. '37, all of Ann Arbor, and two
brothers, Dr. David Clark and Dr.
George Clark, both of Detroit.
Roger was captain of the cross-
country team in the fall of 1932,,and
Roderic was a member of the track
team in the same year. Both are af-
filiated with Theta Chi fraternity,
while Robert is a member of Beta
Theta Pi.
Mrs. Howell's body will rest at the
residence from 10 a.m. tomorrow
morning until the time of the serv-
ice. Friends may call then, but the
funeral will be private. Rev. Henry
Lewis, minister of St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church, of which she was a
member, will officiate at the service.
T1 C1 .n 7 7-A r.
, may find in the type of work itself.I
Will Speak Tonight InI Faculty supervisors will also be in-I
Hill Auditorium vited. to present any suggestions to im-
_________ prove present arrangements in cases
Mark Sul.ivan, internationally not- where the work now being done is
not satisfactory.
ed authority and commentator on Whether or not the FERA will be
American politics, will deliver the continued next year depends on the
eighth and last lecture of the 1934- policies of the Federal authorities,
35 Oratorical Association series, when PrfssrGa ecae."hsfr
he lectures at 8:30 p.m. toda iHllProfessor Gram declared. "Thus far,
Aeletorures the:30Gra.todayeintHillno word has been received here on
Auditoriumgon "The Great Adventure this score, and it is impossible to pre-
at Washington." dict whether any action will be taken
Mr. Sullivan will come direct from in Washington concerning the FERA
Washington from where he has writ- in educational institutions before
ten his week-day dispatches and Sun- June."
day articles which are read bya The appropriation that is being
newspaper public estmated at well utilized this year, he declared, was not
over 10,000,000. announced from FERA headquarters I
According to a letter received by until the middle of the summer, and
Carl G. Brandt, secretary of the Ora- it would not be at all surprising to
torical Association, Mr. Sullivan will see the same thing occur this year. Ac-
limit his speech to a discussion of cordingly, he said, students having
current political matters. It is believed FERA jobs will probably not be able
that he will talk at some length on to know if they will have their jobs
the Supreme Cout gold decision as back next year until the semester is
well as President Roosevelt's proposal; over.
to extend the life of the NRA for Some changes in requirements for
two years. students who desire FERA jobs next
The famous commentator is known year, to prevent "chiseling," if it
as a violent opponent of the NRA exists are contemplated by the com-
codes and has continually written ar- mittee, Professor Gram stated, but no
tides in opposition to it. . action will be taken concerning this
Mr. Sullivan's career as a political until complete facts of the year's work
reporter began more than 25 years have been assembled.
age when, as editor of a national-
weekly, he wrote comment in a sec- Freshmen Urged To
tion of the magazine called "Mark ( no
Sullivan's Page." Since that time he Try Out ForU
has never been for long away from Union
the nerve center of American public Fifty freshmen reported yesterday
affairs. to try out for the student organiza-
He is the author of a number of tion of the Union, it was reported last
books, chief among which is a five-
volume history of "Our Times." He night by Allen D. McCombs, '35, presi-
has recently completed the fifth vol- dent of the Union.
ume. n cOther freshmen who are scholas-
Tickets for the lecture may be ob- tically eligible to try out and are in-
tained at Wahr's Bookstore until 5 terested in the work of the studenti
pm. today after which. time they will organization may report from 3 to
go on sale at the box office in Hill Au- 5 p.m. today in the student offices on
ditorium. They are priced at 50 and the first floor of the Union, McCombs
75 cents. announced.
Freshmen tryouts will be assigned
to positions as subcommitteemen on'
NEW DIRECTORY OUT one of the five committees of the or-
A supplementary announcement to 1 ganization. These groups sponsor va-
the international directory will be rious programs throughout the school
available by the end of the week. Be- year, including all-campus tourna-
sides the addresses of new students, ments, student-faculty "bull sessions,"
it will contain changes of addresses Good Will fund drives, and open for-
made by old students. ums.
Students Demand Intelligent
Juniors Must Pay Dues
To Get 'Ensian Pictures
The payment of junior dues has
been made compulsory by ad-
ministrative action if an individual
senior picture in the 'Ensian is
desired, it was revealed today by
Russell H. Coward, '36, president
of the junior class. Previously only
payment of senior dues was com-
pulsory if the student was to be
included in the senior section of
the yearbook, Coward said.
Collection of the 50 cent fee will
be made this week until Friday by
members of the junior financial
committee and the executive com-
mittee, and also by designated
juniors in various houses, accord-
ing to Benjamin R. Char, '36,
chairman of the junior financial
During the period of collection
in the first semester approximate-
ly 10 dollars was paid as dues by
members of the class.
Five State Fires
Cause Million
Dollar Damage
Oldest High School In
Detroit Destroyed By
Five-Alarm Blaze
(By Associated Press)
Five fires destroyed as many struc-
tures in Michigan Tuesday, doing
damage estimated at well over a mil-
lion dollars.
Flames swept through Westerr
High School, the oldest high school
in Detroit, during the early morning
hours. Practically every fire station in
the city sent equipment to the five-
alarm blaze.
Warren E. Bow, assistant superin-
tendent of schools, said the actua&
loss would be $298,250 but that re-
placement of the school would require
approximately $1,000,000. He will pro-
pose that replacement money com<
from the PWA.
The cause of the fire has not ye
been determined.
Fire destroyed the Oakland Phar
maciy at Kalamazoo at midday wit-(
an estimated loss of $40,000. Twenty-
five students of Kalamazoo Colleg?
and Western State Teachers College
eating luncheon in the pharmacy
made their way from the building ir
The Frutchey bean elevator at Sag-
inaw, burned with a loss estimated by
Archie D. McIntyre, manager, at $50,-
The old Dutch Mill Tavern, sout
of Saginaw, burned with a loss o:
$3,000, and at Adrian, the Waysid<
Inn, a frame hotel on the south shorn
of Devil's Lake, was destroyed by fir
with a loss of $6,000.
In minor blazes, fire of undeter.
mined origin destroyed one store anc
damaged three others in St. Ignacc
Monday night, and at Saginaw, flames
damaged five buildings and destroyed
a restaurant.
the lion whose roar was known the
world over, died of old age at the
Philadelphia zoo after years of fame
in Hollywood.
mhe council, is opposing Wikilliam i.
Faust, former alderman, for the Re- L**Un rc nk'o
rpublicannomination as president of Speak On Toltov
the council. Prof. O. J. Campbell of Toso
the English department, and Prof. O.
W. Stephenson of the School of Edu- Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk, former
cation are contesting for the Demo- member of the faculty of the Univer-
craticnomination. The incumbent sity architecture college, will speak on
council president, E. E. Lucas, is not "Tolstoy's Life and Teachings" at
a candidate for reelection. 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science
Mayor Robert A. Campbell has no Auditorium. The lecture is under the
opponent for the Republican mayor- auspices of the Tolstoy League andI
alty nomination and will oppose either there will be no admission charge.
Professor Muyskens or Mr. Conlin The talk will be illustrated by about
in the April election. 50 lantern slides, including cartoons{
and paintings by European artists col-,
( lected by Dr. Onderdonk and pictures
C old W ave IS from various Tolstoy biographies.
These slides will be used to interpret
Continued I;symbolically Tolstoy's philosophy and
Ontinde nideas.
* 1 ' Dr. Onderdonk will discuss Tol-
M id 'ont ent oy's life only insofar as it relates
-to his beliefs. He will also contrast
communism with Tolstoy's ideas,
Low Temperatures Reach mentioning Stalin and Ghandi in
Frktheir relationship to the famous Rus-
sian writer.
Gulf; -2$ Recorded i Although Dr. Onderdonk never met
Tolstoy he is acquainted with his two
(By Associated Press) daughters, Alexandra and Patjana,
A cold wave moved across the mid- and his last secretary, Valentine Bul-
continent Tuesday from the Great gakov.
Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.
Temperatures dropped to 28 below
zero at Bemidji, Minn., 18 below at' Hal Prospt
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and Boone, p i
Iowa, 17 below at Virginia, Minn., 8
below at Devil's Lake, N. D., and 3 Average $2.9
below at Colby, Kan.1
Clearing skies favored crews who 1
attacked snow blockades on high- By OGDEN G. DWIGHT
ways in Minnesota and other north- Shades of 1929! With the first of
ern states. Eighty-five bus passeng- the month still three days away, 50
ers, marooned between Blue Mound Michigan students were found yester-
and Mt. Horeb, Wis., reached Madi- day to have an average of $2.98 apiece
son by train. Freight trains - one of in their pockets. And none of them
which had been imprisoned more than were on the way to a bargain sale.
24 hours in a 10-foot drift -resumed The questionnaire was instituted
normal schedules in snowbound sec- when it was found to be impossible to
tors of Nebraska. borrow 10 cents in the entire group
A freak blizzard swept Chicago, later interrogated, all members of the
impeding traffic, forcing the mercury staffs of student publications. Twenty-
down to 10 above zero, and increas- six were men, and the other 24 women,
ing the city's storm death toll to sev- and of these 13 were seniors, 8 juniors,
en. Icy roads made travel hazardous 19 sophomores, and 10 freshmen.
in northern Illinois. Contradictory though it seemed to:
Freezing weather descended on many, who held that the longer one
Arkansas and Mississippi and was was in school the more ways he found
to spend money, it was found that
Local CouncilTo Convene
Tuesday To Discuss Plan
Of Moderation
Situation Here Not
Serious - Singleton
Iowa Group Creates Court
To Punish Fraternities
For Hazing Practices
-IOWA CITY, Feb. 26 -()- The
University of Iowa interfraternity
council outlawed Hell Week tonight
and established a Panhellenic court
to enforce its dictum that all hazing
in connection with fraternity initia-
tions be abolished. *
The court was empowered "to re-
move social, rushing, or intramural
privileges from any fraternity on the
campus guilty of any violation of the
Appoint Court
A resolution adopted by the Council
provided that "the court should con-
sist of seven members of the fratern-
ity council to be chosen by the dean
of men and the president of the
council, sitting with another member
of the council selected by these two."
The court will begin functioning
within ten days and from that time
on will be prepared to decide on any
infractions of the rules presented to
it. It shall have the power to exer-
cise any disciplinary measures it
deems necessary as a punishment to
any offending fraternity.
Health Officer Investigates
The council action came in the
midst of an investigation of the fra-
ternity probation period known as
Hell Week, during which, it was
charged, several students suffered
"abusive treatment."
Meanwhile, Dr. C. I. Miller, head of
the student health department, was
continuing an investigation ordered
by President Eugene A. Gilmore after
receipt of a letter from a student's
mother in which she alleged that her
son had suffered during the initiation
Three men were reported to have
received medical treatment after pro-
bation week, but reliable sources re-
ported that only one could trace his
indisposition directly to hazing.
Fraternities reported this year's
probation "much lighter" and denied
charges of brutality and torture.
Singleton Comments
Philip A. Singleton, '35E, president
>f the Interfraternity Council, com-
nenting on local Hell Week prac-
ices, stated last night that he did
.aot believe the situation to be serious
'iere, if the Hel Week activities,were
:arried out along the present lines,
"There is always the possibility,
iowever, that an unfortunate accident
nay occur which would mar the posi-
ion of the fraternities and neces-
itate University action," Singleton
The Council will hold their regular
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
Jnion, Singleton said, at which time
'he question of the modification of
Hell Week practices will be discussed.
To preclude all possibility of unfor-
unate accidents during Hell Week,
Singleton declared that'- he believed
he modification of certain practices
would be justifiable.
it was Singleton's View that these
modifications could not successfully
be brought about through action of
he individual houses but must be
drought about by the concerted action
-f all the houses in the Interfraternity
Fraternities who are at present en-
gaging in hazing their pledges wre
counselled by Singleton to keep their
activities within the bounds of com-
mon sense.
Student Fr'actures
Skull Tobogganing
John R. Wood, '37, 20-year-old stu-
dent from Herkimer, N. Y., is in a
dangerous condition at the University
Hospital today, suffering from a com-
pound fracture of the skull, sustained
when the toboggan on which he was
coasting in the Arboretum hit a tree.
With him on the toboggan was
Clayton Hepler, '37, 18-year-old son
Mates, Marriage Survey Shows
Contrary to common belief, college
students consider brains more im-I
portant than either brawn or beauty
in choosing their life partners, results
of a recent "marriage attitude" survey
among University students indicate.
The questionnaire study conducted
by six members of Prof. Lowell J.
Carr's class in social psychology was
answered by a representative group of
318 University students in the Literary
College. The ages of those questioned
ranged from 17 to 40, the average be-
ing slightly over 22 years of age.
There was almost an equal division
among the classes on the campus.
in the woman of their choice. Sev-
enty male students considered mental
attributes superior to sense of humor
and good looks, which were second
and third in the tabulation. The ques-
tion of marrying a blonde, brunette,
or redhead seemed relatively unim-
portant to the majority of the men.
Other questions which were asked
included: Would you marry a per-
son of different religion, race or na-
tionality? At what age do you wish
to be married? How long do you wish
to know your partner before mar-
riage? Do you wish your husband or
wife to be a college graduate?
Of those asked.2 33 would be will-
Students Here
8 In Ready Cash
Taking the separate male and fe-
male averages in the classes, the sen-
ior man is the bloated capitalist of
the group, having in his possession
$7.06. The class of '36 male is next
with $4.12, the male freshman has
$4.07, and, strangely enough, the
freshman woman carries approxi-
mately a dollar more than the soph-
omore male, the averages being rela-
tively $3.15 and $2.17.
Trailing the "in the money" groups
come junior women, averaging $1.17;
sophomore women with an average of
98 cents; and the lowest and most
impoverished of the groups is the one
of '35 women, who have but 77 cent-
in their purses.