TUDE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1 MOM periences of Jesus" and "Expression of Jesus' Character." Supper will be IAL BU I ETIN served promptly at 6 o'clock. uctive notloe to all m abers of the Pc. ytcrian Student Appoint- ce of the Aeistant to the President mnt: 9:30 Student classes at the Church House. 10:45 Morning wrship, Dr. Wm. make-up final examination for this P. Lemon, "How can we know the course to be given this semester. Truth?" 5:30 Social hour and supper. 6:30 Vesper service. "Bread, But- Lectures ter and Beauty," Prf. John L. University Lecture Brumm. Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Professor 8:00 Fircide Hour. Rev. Mr. Bald- of Surgery in the Medical School, wm and wife. Returned missionaries will lecture on the subject "The Pro- from Burma. Authors of "Bethane." gress of Surgery in Recent Years" I illustrated), at 5:15 p.m., Thursday, UInitarian Church: Family service Feb. 28, in the Natural Science Au- at 5:15 o'clck. ditorium. Topic, "Bible Stories You Can Be- This is the sixth of a series of Uni- lieve." Buffet supper aL 6:15. Liber- versity lectures by members of the al Students' Union at 7:30. Mr. F. F. University faculties, which faculty Ing, am Jr., of Detroit, will give an members, students, and the general intereSting talk, "Impressions of public are cordially invited to at- Medierianan Countries." illustrat- tend. ed with movies. Public Lecture: Dale S. Cole, of Hillel Foundation: 11:15 Services Detroit, will speak Tuesday at 8 p. at the League chapel. Rabbi Heller. m., Michigan League, on the subject will speak on "Protestant, Catholic "Power to Use." Mr. Cole is an elec- and ew - Can They or Should They trical engineer by profession, a mem- Unite?" her of the honorary societies Sigma 8:00. Student open forum at the Xi and Eta Kappa Nu, a speaker Foundation, led by Leonard Ken- and writer on technical as well as dall, Grad. The subject will be "The religious subjects who points out that Unrealities of Campus Life." religion today must be rational, prac- tical, vn to met te n pfa Alpha Epsilon Mu: Supper meeting changing world. The public is cor- at 6 p. in., Russian Tea Room of the dially invited to this lecture which is League. sponsored by the Baha'i Study Group. Coming Events Events Today Psychology Journal Club meets1 Methodist Episcopal Church: 9:45 Tuesday evening at 8:15 in room a. m. - Class for young men and 3126. Dr. Colby will review Gott- l women of college age. The group dis- schald's studies on normal andj cusses modern social problems and feeble-minded children. All interest- Christian ideals. Meet in the balcony ed are invited to attend. of the church auditorium. , 10:45 a. m. - Morning worship Romance Languages Journal Club:1 Service. Dr. C. W. Brashares has Meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. chosen as a sermon subject, "Beau- 26, at 4:10 in Room 108 R.L. Dr. C.+ tiful Lies." A. Knudsop will speak on "Recent Editions and Studies of the Chan- Stalker Hall -for Young Men and son de Roland." Graduate students+ Women of College Age: 12:10-12:40 and others interested are cordially p. m. Class for young men and wom- invited. en - students as well as those who -- are employed. Plan to meet with the Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet- group here today as considerations ing Tuesday, February 26, at 6 p. m., for future class meetings will be Union. Mr. Harry E. Brelsford in. made at this time, charge of research at the Diamond 6:00 p.m. - Wesleyan Guild De- Power Specialty Co. will speak. ' votional Service. Dr. and Mrs. De-- Witt C. Baldwin, missionaries from A delphi House of Representatives,+ Burma, will lead discussion groups Men's forensic society, will hold a continuing. "The Code of a Chris- smoker for members and prospective tian." After the meeting there will members in its room on the fourth be supper and fellowship hour. floor of Angell Hall on Tuesday, Feb. --- 26, at 7:30 p. in. Professor John H. Harris Hall. Regular student meet- Muyskens of the Speech Department ing at 7:00 p. m. Dr. Carleton Peirce, will address the society. Adelphi will associate professor of Roentgenology hear tryout speeches for member- will give an address on, "The X-Ray ship after the address. All men stu- in Medicine and Industry." An in- dents are eligible and may apply for formal discussion will follow. All membership by giving a speech of students are cordially invited. not more than six minutes on any I subject. The public is cordially in- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: vited to attend the smoker. Services today are: 8:00 a. m. Holy communion; 9:30 a. m. Church Luncheon For Graduate Students School; 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten; on Wednesday, February 27, at 12 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew- f the Michigan League Building. Pro- is. fessor Charles F. Remer, of the Ec- onomics Department, will speak in- First Baptist Church; Roger Wil- formally on the "Economic Boycott." liams Guild - Sunday, 10:45, Rev. R. Edward Sayles will speak on "Re- The Executive Committee of the ligion is not Restraint but Life." Interfraternity Council will meet at 12:00 Noon at the student guild 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, in Room 306 house, Mr. Cha'pman will start a new of the Michigan Union. All petitions course of study on the history, lit- to this meeting relative to fraternity erature and religion of the Old Tes- initiation must be in the council office tament; 'to discuss the essentials for I by noon Thursday.a an understanding and appreciation Alvin H. Schleifer, Secy. of the subject. 6:00 Roger Williams guild meets. Elective Tap Class: A class in tap Mr. Lawrence Louis and Mr. Hsun dancing for men and women students Sung will be the speakers, discussing will be held in Barbour Gymnasium oriental problems. on Tuesday evenings at 7:30, begin- ning Tuesday, Feb. 26. A small fee Congregational Student Fellow- will be charged to cover the cost of ship: Prof. DeWitt N. Parker will the music. speak on "Some Reflections on Re- ligion" at the Congregational Stu- Hillel Players: Rehearsal for all dent Fellowship. Supper at 6:15. members of the cast of "The Time Has Come" Monday at 3 at the Salp and Wade meeting at the Foundation. Union at 5 o'clock. All members are - requested to be present. Mechanical Engineers: There will be an A.S.M.E .meeting Wednesday, Lutheran Student Club will meet February 27, at 7:30, in Room 348, this evening at 5:30 o'clock in the West Engineering Building. The first parish hail of the Zion Lutheran part of the meeting will be taken up Church, Washington Street. The by the oral presentation of student topics for discussion will be "The Ex- . papers. fifteen minutes being allowed -- Catering to Your Better Taste- CREAM WAFFLES - LUNCHEONS - DINNERS MAYFLOWER Restaurant Pilot Of Plane From W hicliSisters Plunged CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion, Telephone rate -15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10 ediscount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month.......................8 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........3c 2 lines daily, college year.......7c 4 lines E.O.D., college year.......7c 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used asadesired.........8c 1,000 lines used as desired.......7Ic 2,000 lines used as desired ...... The above rates are per reading line, based on eight readting lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case, Add Ge per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7%,z point. type.- NOTICE TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done in our own shop by experi- enced operators at moderate rates, O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta tionery Store, 314 S. State Street. 11x LAUNDRY PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 2x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 9x WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OL AND NEW suits, Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 do'l- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 240 North Main . 7x Classified Directory -e-ssociated Press Pnoto. In order to die as their British army aviator fianacs did a few days iealier in Italy, Elizabeth and Jane Dubois, beautiful American sisters, plunged hand in hand from a plane piloted by John Kirton (center), who thought he was flying the girls to Paris and did nct notice their absence until he was well over the English channel. He is shown as he aided in unloading a cargo of gold on a previous landing at Abridge, England. for each. The presentation of pa- women's debate team will meet pers will be graded and the best pa- Northwestern University's negative per will be presented at the coming team in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- Chicago conference. Those students ter at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow night. They intending to participate will please will debate the question of govern- contact Professor Boston before 5:00 1 ment monopolies on the manufacture p. m. Tuesday. There will also be a and sale of munitions of war. The film on Suspension Bridge Construc- debate is open to the general public. tion. Will the M. E. faculty please read this notice in their Monday Ex-Treasury Head classes? The Bookshelf and Stage Section To Tel Own Story of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Tuesday afternoon, at 2:45 PITTSBURGH, Feb.23. -08 90 - o'clock, at the home of Mrs. ClareSin- Mullett, at 1312 Geddes Avenue. come tax case closes, Andrew W. Mel- lon will be on the stand to tell his own story. Interior Decoration Section - The Pittsburgh multi-millionaire, Faculty Women's Club meets Mon- who seeks a $139,000 refund on his day, 2:30 p. M., at the home of Mrs. income tax, is spending the week-end W. J. Emmons, 929 Olivia Ave. Mr. with his attorneys working on the Frankel will talk on "Historical and case in which the government has a Contemporary Wallpapers." counterclaim he should pay more than $3,000,000 -in tax and penalties Women's Debate: The affirmative for 1931. FOR RENT NEW AND USED CARS - Largest- selection in the country. AssociaterI FOREST AVE.: Desirable single Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron. room. No other roomers. Phone Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted." 5416. 116 l0x ~~~ -' --- ~ RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP~ BEGIN TICKET SALE 1115 S. University. Special Monday Tickets for the lecture to be given and Tuesday, shampoo and finger by John Strachey, famed British radi- wave. 35c. Reat of week, Soc. Per- cal author, March 14 in Mill 'Auditor- manents $3 - $6, end permanents, $2. Phone 7561. 12x ium, are now on sale in Wahr's and I Slater's bookstores, it was announced BIBLIOPHILES TO MEET yesterday by officials of the National The Bibliophiles section of the Fac- Student League, sponsor of the lec- ture. ulty Women's Club will meet at 2:30 ultyWome's lub ill eetat 2301The tickets are at present selling at p.m. Tuesday with Miss Fredericka i G40 cents, it was stated. Gillette, 1319 Forest Ave. The group1-_ is now studying John Mansfield un- der the direction of Miss Catherine Campbell. The Bookshelf and stage section will meet at 2:45 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Clare Mullett, 1312 Geddes Ave. EXPERT PR INTING Programs, Bids Evps ,Letterheads Our Prices are never high The ATHENS PRESS 206 N. Main- Downtown (Next to Postoffice) I dancing tnihtint: hut cellar to Toss harger and his music o v9 to 11. -bill anderson offers entertainment between dances 0 0.. bring your ry I - I date to the hut!I THE PILGRIM SHOP After that smooth Cutter Ride, that Swell Ski jump or Sleigh Ride, fake a jaunt down here to get warn and have some of those Delicious Doughtnu/s and Piping Hot Coffee. Dunk if yon desire. You're Always Welcome at THE PILGRIM SHO Michigan Theatre Building "THE WAFFLE AND DOUGHNUT SHOP" 25 ..25c to 2 P.M. - 40c after 2 P.M. - Children 10c Shows Continuuus Today 1 :30 - 11:00 At twenty-five . . . a $25 a year clerk . lTILat twenty-six ... the conqueror of India ! SPat her nod bugles blew . . . drums roared. - .._::....:T.:OsneOf- T-e..Few%,Truly' PRICES ARE AL 15c TO 6 P.M. WAYS THE SAME ! 25c AFTER 6 O Great Pictures Ever Made I Corner of Fourth and Liberty Shows Continuous Today 1:30 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 Doors open at 1 P.M. I 1he trme dou drama o Qf a mother and,< daughter who are unknowing rivals in love! with WARREN AR HLLA d ROCHEL L E ..H U DS ON ' Ned Sparks Henry Armetta . MYR NA LOTY r CARYGRANT 7PM A F I ImITATinIIaiICc . I U a ~ "N.',9L '~ A' '~. X.'~.. -x U