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February 22, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-22

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+G-and Old Maiin.. .


-a ..W fiw a.... noI
TODAY Dr. John Parker Stoddard,
'59, the University's oldest livingj0O BSE RVER
alumnus, will celebrate his hundredth birthday
in Muskegon. By BUD BERNARD
Not only is Dr. Stoddard Michigan's oldest alum- From the high plane -of the Literary Digest
nus, but he is thought to be the oldest living college peace poll we .lide with a delightful skid
alumnus of any American college or university, to the poll conducted by students of the school
Congratulatory messages from all parts of the of journalism at the University of Pennsylvania,
world, including a letter from the President of on the absorbing question of whether or not col-
the United States, have been received by Dr. Stod- lege lads and lassies should go dutch treat on
dard. their parties.
Dr. Stoddard is 100 years old today, but his The majority held that the boy ought to pay
life has not been one of years alone -it has been and if he couldn't afford it, they ought to stay
one of worthy service to humanity. He has been home or spend the evening dawdling over the soda
a faithful servant to mankind in one of the fountain.
most self-renouncing of all fields, medicine. One lad quizzed reported he would start the eve-
In his long career he practiced in a geographi- ning cutting cards with his girl friend. Cut high
cally widespread field and wherever he was he gave 1- they talk about their friends. Cut low - they
without stint of his time and services. For a num- make fudge.
ber of years he was the county physician in**
Muskegon and ministered to the poor without any A junior at Ohio State University is think-
hope of great financial return. ing of breaking it all off with his girl, because
President Emory J. Hyde and General Secretary of her new nail polish. It seems as though
T. Hawley Tapping will represent the Alumni As- he once assisted at a butchering and has a
sociation at Dr. Stoddard's birthday party and complex.
Vice-President Shirley W. Smith will represent

the University.
To Dr. Stoddard before death is coming some
measure of the appreciation he so greatly deserves.
May he live to realize even more fully the grati-
tude of his fellow men who are better off for his
having worked among them.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brtef, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
The Radical Mr. Hearst
To the Editor:
Outstanding among the numerous contradic-
tions and incongruities appearing in recent issues
of Hearst newspapers was that which was splurged
across the front page of the Detroit Times Sunday.
In a "news" story, filled with the usual Hearst
editorial comment, we read that the "Moscow
Educators" are seeking to influence the innocent
young minds of America against certain phases
of our government. The customary three-column
"scare" headline shouts that the American Legion
has exposed another communist plot to make
"Reds" of our children. In the story itself, John
Strachey (author of "The Coming Struggle for
Power") is cited as, "a denouncer of the American
system," and "internationally known disturber of
the peace." At the conclusion of the article ap-
pears (in huge type) the 100-per-cent-American-
ism creed of the American Legion..
Now this propaganda might have been dismissed
as an ignorant appeal to mob prejudice, had notI
a second article of diametrically opposite tone, ap-
peared on the other half of the page. I refer
to the weekly sermon of the eloquent Mr. Hearst
himself! Here we read, under the didactic head-
line "Stop Government Interference, Hearst Ad-
vises Administration," the following ultra-radical
statements: "Taxation is the root of all our evils
-taxation and other burdens upon business.
The government is busily engaged in preventing
business from reviving. Banking is subject to the
same harassment by the government as other bus-
iness . . . The government is the bull in the china
shop . . . Take off the hobble of government re-
straint . . . William Randolph Hearst."
Ho hum, 'tis but another illustration of the
extreme gullibility of the American reading public,
who build up the circulations of these tight-rope-
walking artists, and swallow their gaudy red-
-Walter Seifert.
At a Sacramento, Calif., bridge party six hus-
bands and wives drew each other for partners
at the three tables. The odds against spoiling a
party in this way are 720 to 1.
Tennessee is bounded by more states (8) than
any other. And hounded by more critics thah most.

We always thought there must be some use
for blondes - but it took a scientist to discover
it. Recent experiments at Massachusetts institute
of Technology show that a blonde hair is the best
material for a certain instrument which registers
atmospheric humidity.
The man has one great advantage over the
co-ed. He can let the phone ring and ring
without hurting his conscience or curiosity.
* * ,
A professor at the University of Wisconsin re-
cently told students that if they found profes-
sors susceptible to "apple polishing" they should
certainly try to "polish their apples." In the large
classes, however, the professor stated, this form
of flattery is impossible, and the student misses
much of what he wouldreceive in the way of closer
acquaintanceship with the professor and the
benefits derived therefrom,
Some people visit the zoo and monkey cage
and others with similar motives call on pro-
-Martin College Sentinel.
The college students out on the University of
Oregon campus were griped that the city council
of Eugene should take away liquor from them,
so they got busy and circulated a petition and
really got signers too, demanding that the coffee
and cokes be left to them, if all else be taken
away. Such spirit!
* * *
This evidence really cast some doubt upon
the value of education. Here are some extracts
from exam returns at the University of Cali-
fornia. "The men were tossed and battered into
unconscientiousness." "Browning believes that
one moment of real love is worthy of a lifetime
of purity." "Romeo refused to fight because
he had just married Tybalt's cousin and it was
not natural for a man to pick a quarrel or
take up one after such circumstances."
As Others See It
Invalids In The Making
(From the University Daily Kansan)
YOU KNEW HIM in the classroom, on the cam-
pus - a pleasant fellow interested in his work
and those about him, but always a little worried,
a little haggard looking. He has left school, they
say, a physical wreck.
Three meals a day - most students get that,
but it is sleep that is fought back night after
night until one becomes accustomed to the lack
of it and accepts a dulled mind and body as a
normal feeling.
Health is valued too low by those who cannot
see beyond the present years. If the struggle for
an education results in the loss of health, it is not
worth the price, but there are students who manage
to keep both by carefully apportioning their time.

It Coists Hut
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Results of Daily Classified Ads.


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Religious ActivitiesI

Play Producing In The Provinces
By KENNETH T. ROME will not care so much, when drama is growing
(Of the English Department) on their own soil, whether every play they see
is on its way to Broadway or has come from
SMY ACQUAINTANCE with Mr. Raymond Broadway. Drama will come to be enjoyed more for
Van Sickle's comedy, "Why Minnie Boggs," in its own sake and less for its reputation.
premiere presentation by Comedy Club this week, If there is any place where the venturing spirit
is at present limited to the script, it is on this for new plays should exist it is in the universities
occasion I would comment. From reading the play, and among students. There are over 700 colleges
I look forward to a thoroughly enjoyable evening and universities in the country now with depart-
in the theatre. Mr. Van Sickle's comedy is hilarious ments of dramatic production, besides the count-
and leaves me with the glow of having been with less extra-curricular producing organizations. This
people I like. Minnie Boggs is a great character, represents a national distribution of production
When Comedy Club gave a first production last opportunity. I know of nearly 30 new plays pro-
year to the Hopwood prize play by Vincent Wall, duced last year in colleges and universities, repre-
"Little Love," it was suggested that that production senting almost as many states. Leaving out of con-
might mark the inauguration of a new policy and sideration the contribution of the School of Drama
function of producing only new plays. For Mr. Van j at Yale, with its long established tradition, many
Sickle, an established playwright, to honor Comedy ( of the most distinctive of the younger American
Club and the University of Michigan this year with dramatists received first production for their work
the opportunity of a premiere of a play already in university theatres - Lynn Riggs, Zona Gale,
scheduled to open in New York should certainly Paul Green among them. No university is richer
confirm Comedy Club in their new policy. in potentialities for drama than the University of
The two productions of new plays thus far un- Michigan, with its central location and variety of
dertaken indicate the range of function Which uni- traditions represented. No one has yet written
versity dramatic organizations are coming to per- a good lumber-country play so far as I know -
form in the development of American drama, and such a play should come from Michigan.
into which they should enter more largely in the Mr. Van Sickle's bringing his play to the Uni-
future. The absurdity of the centering of the versity of Michigan represents a more recent de-
national drama of a country with the geographic velopment. It has been becoming customary to give
extent and varied backgrounds of the United plays definitely destined for Broadway preliminary
I State in New Vnrk Citv is nming tn h egnerall workshAn nnriution thus curIiling- nensiveI

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
By Rev. Marley
Family service with buffet supper.
M. F. F. Ingram, Jr., of Detroit, will
read a paper, "Can Palestine Re-
peat?" a study of the Zionist
Mvovement, and will also show a
series of moving pictures on the
Mediterranean countries.

Hillel Foundation
Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
11:15 A.M. - Sermon at the Women's
League Chapel by Dr. Bernard
,,Protestant, Catholic and
JewCon They or Should
They Unite?"
8:00 P.M.- Student open forum led
by Leonard Kendall, grad. The
subject will be "The Unrealities
of Campus Life."

Zion Lutheran
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00,A.M. -Sunday School: lesson,
"Peter Heals a Lame Man."
10:30 A.M. - Service with sermon on
"Text, Philippians 1, 12-20.
2:30 P.M. - Jr. Mission Band.
5:30 P.M - Student fellowship and
6:30 P.M. - Student forum. Topic,
"Jesus in the Lives of His Fol-

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
L. LaVerne'Finch, Minister
A. Taliaferro, Music
9:45 A.M. - Class for young men and
-women of college age. Dr. Roy J.
Burroughs will lead the discus-
sion. Meet in the balcony of the
church auditorium.
10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship Service
I .. . .... -...9 . r a n 1


St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:30 A.M. - Sunday School
9:30 A.M. - The Service in German.
10:45 A.M. - The Morning Worship-
Sermon by the pastor.



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