THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 193S Law Is Called Poor Living In RadioSpeech, Prof. Tracy Discourages 'Easy Money' Idea Of Legal Profession Cummings, Norman Disagree Over Decision Students who are interested in lawa only as a means of earning a living were advised to stay out of the pro- fesion by Prof. John E. Tracy of the Law School in his radio talk yester- day on the Vocational Guidance Ser- ies over Station WJR broadcast from the campus studios in Morris Hall. "You can earn a much better liv- ing at something else," Professor Tracy emphasized. "But," he said, "if you really have! a good mind, if you are willing to work hard to acquire a good legal education, if you are willing to under-! go the struggles and disappointments that involve trying -to obtain a foot- hold in practice, if you feel that you would rather practice law at half thef income than to do anything else! which you can imagine, we of the profession welcome you to become a student of the law and eventually to become a member of our ancient and honorable profession." According to Professor Tracy, thereI are about 40,000 students in the law1 schools of the country, of which there is only room for about 5,000 eachI year. He stressed the fact that there is a place for only the best. With the coming of diversified dut- ies for lawyers, Professor Tracy said that there is a necessity for varied! qualifications. A good education is demanded of a lawyer. "It is true," he said, "that Abraham Lincoln be- came a great lawyer without such education, but he did not live in America in the year 1935 when com- petition is so keen that there is room in the profession only for those who are not only able butare thoroughly trained and prepared." Professor Tracy told young women who are contemplating entering the study of law to stay out of the profes- sidn, if they have independent means or have parents. with means . "If the young woman," he said, "is interested in the law as an intellectual pursuit without it being necessary for her to earn a living at it, I see no reason why she should not do what she most wants to do. If, however, she plans on taking up the law as a career at which she must make her living, I must advise that the odds against her are too great for the average woman to succeed Aptitude Tests Seek Bruno' s Appeal Minnesota Wrestler FtThrows Measles In F or ocaion ! :>5A T hrilling Match Are Conducted ATin (Bv Big Ten Press Service) With the spread of the measles as c s sPo s rs epidemic on the University of Min- M~assachusetts Professor IsPnesota campus last week, Studentt Giving Complete Tests Health Service authorities were faced with a problem of discipline. Among To Fifteen Students .students who were confined to the Health Service with the child's dis- More than 15 University students ease was a member of the Universityi are expected to submit to the voca- wrestling team. He was promised re- tional aptitude tests now being con- lease in time for a wrestling meet, but l ducted in Room 249, W. Eng. Bldg., bythere was the problem of keeping in ducted insRoon 249, W Eng. Bldg., byshape. He finally solved it by lock- f Prof. Johnson O'Connor of the Masa ing the door' of his ward and per- achusetts Institute of Technology. Ar- ing even ot inad to help rangements for the tests have been suading seven other inmates to help made by Prof. A. D. Moore of the him barricade it, pile the beds in a t Cmde bof. A.erD. Mooreofcorner and spread mattresses over1 Colegeof ngneeing Ithe floor. The conspirators, theirt Students from the various colleges re-sott. Tae drippig thet have indicated their intention to take d the vocational tests and Professor, learned the fundamentals of the grunt O'Connor will give them work samples s:<:;;:;<:::::::s:;:::d;:d. =t- in such diverse callins as surgery tressesskidded. Doctors and nurses banking, selling, executive work andstormed without while the muscle tmen stormed within. When the door: fvarious types of engineering. The ::..".""a.. first tests were held yesterday and:: was finally forced open and order re- will continue through Saturday. ~ :stored, seven measles patients re- turned to bed with rising tempea- Tests which are given include the - .tures. "wiggly block" test, vocabulary train- _ure_. ing, accounting and clerical aptitudes,,... ...... CALIFORNIA ALUMNI PREPARE and personality and behavior tests AA Professor O'Connor tests each stu- Alumni of the Pacific Coast are dent personally and individually, each' making extensive preparations to en- examination requiring two hours. ______- - tertain the Varsity track team when Although the results of the tests -Associated Press Photo. it goes to California to meet the Uni- do not conclusively prove that the Defiant of Edward J.-Reilly, chief versity of California at Berkeley on! subject is well-fitted for the indicated defense counsel, Frederick A. Pope April 13. vocation, Professor O'Connor !paid. (tep) and C. Lloyd Fisher (below) Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost, they are a valuable aid in determining cmired the appeal of Bruno Haupt- Prof. Ralph Aigler of the Board in certain characteristics which predom- miann to the New Jersey supreme Control of Physical Education, Presi- mnate in the individual. Equally true, euit, after Reilly had advocated a. dent Emory J. Hyde of the Alumni persons who fail in the tests have ,ay in proceeding. Association and General Secretary been known to become successful inm T. Hawley Tapping will make the their particular field, but the per- MAURER REVIEWS BOOK journey with the team. centage is very small. A large group of students yesterday Concurrent with the track meet theI heard Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the Eighth District of the Alumni Asso- hPA Ti'..Ird r1of Wefy . M aure oh ciation will hold their annual meet- .LJ I.JJJ '1CANLVAL U~~iLiLLU VLIeJaIIV License Plate Sale Is Going Briskly Here The sale of automobile licenses in the offices of the Chamber of Com- merce is proceeding at a brisk rate, according to officials in charge of the sale. The deadline for buying 1935 plates is the twenty-eighth of this month, and this no doubt explains the good business being done, officials said. Contrary to expectations, car own- ers are buying more plates than stick- ers, the ratio being something like 300 to 70. The "stickers" are good only until Aug. 1, while the plates, of course, may be used all year. It is thought that this may be the reason for more plates being sold. Car own- ers do not want to bother with the buying of license plates more than once a year. The hours during which licenses may be purchased are from 9 a.m. to 12 and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on week days and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. ... Davis er PROMPT PRINTERS 109-111 E. Washington Dial 8132 _ , I i iI t { i _ --Associated Press Photo. Ever. the Supreme Court can't please everybody. Attorney General Homer Cummings is shown at top as he read with satisfaction the court's decision upholding the government's gold policy. But "flabbergasted", was the word used by Norman C. Norman, New Yorker, who brought one of the suits necessitating the decision. He is shown below after he learned of the court's action. TV rHULD UK VLdepartment of Journalism review The Forestry Club will hold its sec- "Methods of Freedom," by Walter ing in Berkeley. ond annual winter carnival tomorrow Lippman, as the third of a series of in the Saginaw forest, three miles reviews by members of the depart- New Cars for Taxi Service west of the city on Liberty Street. ment's faculty. H Arrangements are being made for The review, originally scheduled 0 N ski races, sled races, hockey, and a for Monday, was postponed, but in E campfire lunch at noon, according the future the series will continue to CAMPUS CABS to Robert Wilson Hutchison, '37, b.e given at 4:15 p.m. every Monday 24-HOUR SERVICE chairman of the committee. in Room E, Haven Hall. ________SERVICE P H 0 N E READ THE WANT ADS Auto Industry Labor Groups Are Discussed Briggs Explains History Of Collective Bargaining Committees (Continued from Page 1) 1 l h tBhe exulained, "a man who has been Gin Shot By with the company for five years will not be laid off, while a man doing Father D i e s the same work who has had his job fora year is retained." "Since December the Board has In H ospital been conducting elections by the workers to set up collective bargain- ing committees which can present Sophia Hofhanesian Lives their demands to the employers in a 'man to man' fashion. This perhaD- i Three Days With Bullet the, most revolutionary phase of the new structure of the industry. Wound In Brain "The elections are conducted under the supervision of the Board. Profes- Sophia Hofhanesian, 14-year-old sor Ross, as Chief Examiner for the Pinckney girl, died at,9:30 a.m. yes- Board, has complete charge of elnc- terday in th&University hospital as a tions and a staff of 125 men who. recult of the bullet wound inflicted conduct the elections." upon her three days before by her "Before an election each plant is crazed father, Archie Hofhanesian, divided into a number of 'districts,' who attempted to destroy his entire each of which is allowed one repre- family. sentative. All workers, with the ex- The girl lived three days with a ception of such employees as foremen, bullet wound in the brain. An emer- sub-foremen, or gang leaders, are gency operation was performed Sat- eligible to vote. urday morning to remove it, but at "A nominating election is then held no time was much hope held for her in each voting district in which each ultimate recovery.- worker can nominate one person as a In the hospital as well is her young representative of his district, and he brother, John, who was shot in the may also indicate the union with arm by the father. He will recover, which his nominee is affiliated. The it is believed, as the wound is only two men receiving the largest num- superficial. The father appeared in ber of ballots have their name print- the home Saturday, called all the chil- ed on. the ballot for the final election dren together and started shooting which is held about two weeks later at them, telling them that they had when the man who receives the larg- spent their last day on earth. Three est number of votes becomes the rep- spen ther lst dy onearh. Treeresentative of that district. of the children escaped unwounded, Asked what the procedure would climbing out a window, but Sophia Aed as thempoee would and John were hit, be in case the employees of an auto- The father drove to Dearborn im- mobile company had some grievance, Tedatyhafersdrotin erboyndlie declared that they would have re- mediately after shooting the boy and course to bringing their demands be- girl, and there shot and killed a baker fore the company heads through their whom he accused of having hidden own elected committee. If satisfac- Mrs. Hofhanesian. He had been es- tion is not obtained, they may appeal tranged from his family for some to the Automobile Labor Board, he time. While in Dearborn he also shot continued. the baker's wife. He was stopped by No case has yet come up in which police officers in Dqtroit, a general the workers were forced to go beyond alarm having been sounded, and was the judgment of the Board, he said., killed by his own gun. It caught in However, the workers still have the his pocket and discharged as he was right to strike, he pointed out, and if attempting to draw it to shoot his way they cannot receive satisfaction free of the cordon of police. The bul- through mediation, they may always let entered his brain. use the strike to secure their demands. MILK-ICE CREAM [yN I am a friend indeed. A better friend top leaf nor a single coarse bottom than others, because I am made only of mild, fiagrant, expensive center leaf to mar my good taste or my uniform mildness. I am a sooth- ie ing companion, the best of friends. leaves. I don' t permit a single sharp ;,,,_. 1 F