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February 12, 1935 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-12

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severe with himself. After getting into A fight
with a neighbor he fined himself $10 and locked
himself up for 30 days.
In Chicago a lawyer was forced by the court to
agree that if he ever decided to commit suicide
he would first tell his wife. who could then be
granted an injunction to make him keep on liv-
ing-if he didn't act quicker than she and the
In Philadelphia a young lady got $3,500 dam-
ages after an accident which made it impossible
for her to smell an onion. In Elmira, N. Y., a man
got the same amount for being unable to stop
In Pittsfield, Mass., a farmer recovered $50 be-
cause his cow's tail was bitten by a dog. In Chi-
cago a man found a cat frightening his canary,
killed it with a niblick, and paid a $10 fine for so
In a Chicago court also a wife was given per-
mission to phone her husband whenever she
wanted to and to say anything she wanted to him,
because "a woman's right to talk is her preroga-
tive" and "the right of free speech is especially
important to this woman." '
There need be no fear that the American courts
are not making the public secure in all its rights.



'1 ______________________I',I_
a=._ s ..- .a r. ... e kda~ g s .na . _..,u . . ,d ._.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial oinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon reques. Contributors are asked to
be brief. the editor reserving the right to oondense
all letters of over 300 words.
Challenge Accepted
To the Editor:
The Michigan Daily has challenged the National
Student League to arouse the interest of the stu-
dent body for a program of real self-government.
We accept the' challenge.
Since we have little doubt concerning the sin-
cerity of the editors of The Michigan Daily, we
invite them to aid us in our campaign.
We shall require space in the Soap Box, space
in the news columns, and plenty of editorial en-
couragement. As the first step in our campaign
we ask The Michigan Daily to send a delegation to
Wednesday's meeting of the N.S.L. at which a
symposium on the relative merits of the various
plans will take place, with prominent student
leaders as speakers. We hope that out of this
symposium there can arise an understanding of
what bona fide self-government can actually mean
for the student body.
The National Student League
Committee on Student Government.
Interested Women
To the Editor:
The idea that the women here like and want
their own separate government seems pretty wide-
spread. Yet the grounds for this view are not
terribly firm. The article in The Daily giving
the opinions of quite a few women on the League
government proves this.
Moreover, we have no reason to believe that
women could not cooperate in a common govern-
ment. At present, campus women are not terribly
interested in either their own government or that
of the men. I think, if given the opportunity,
Michigan women could become vitally interested
in student problems other than those of a social
Then, too, women are entitled to an equality of
representation in the Student Council since they
are such an important part of the University.
There is no reason why there should be two
separate governing bodies as there are now. The
National Student League plan for student govern-
ment provides for an efficiently organized group
composed of both men and women. I think this
coalition would be both welcome and beneficial
to the Michigan campus.
-R. R.
Washtenaw Justice
To the Editor:
Congratulations to The Daily for its fearless re-
print of the Herald Tribune article on Whippings
in Delaware. However, the congratulations are
limited to.the fact that you made no comment on
the question. Michigan is a long way from Dela-
ware, and any comment made by The Daily would
have had little meaning and would have been
founded on something much less than fact.
For three men to enter a house, beat up an old
man, rob him, leave him for dead, and then to
receive a slight punishment in kind is not my idea
of a miscarriage of justice. It would hardly have
been worth the Tribune's newsprint without some
mention of "red welts and blood blisters," a very
descriptive bit especially as no Tribune reporter
covered the story. Even though the Tribune may
have been shocked, I can't imagine such a thing
shocking The Daily. I have seen this kind of jus-
tice administered in Delaware. I have also seen
justice administered on Washtenaw Avenue during
what was and probably still is known as Hell Week.
Of the two, give me Warden Leach's Soothing
Lashes. Also remember that the mild little ward-
en, comparing him again to the Washtenaw boys,
didn't slap the culprits on the back after the
beating, shake their hands, and, with a- voice
trembling with emotion, call them "Brother." That
as I remember it, was the hardest part of Mich-
igan justice.
With the exception of the whipping post, Dela-
ware justice differs little from Michigan justice.

But Delaware has never had an Ecorse nor a
Wyandotte, spelling doubtful, nor has it had any-
where in its vicinity a Dillinger nor a Capone.
These little rascals were fairly well known
throughout Michigan, I believe, until another pus-
tice other than the state's was called upon to deal
with them. Perhaps this slight difference in jus-
tice has made Michigan, Indiana and Illinois more
comfortable places for those boys to carry on their

This was waiting for me this morning:
Dear Bud:
We liked the parodies on "You're the Top" ap-1
pearing in your column recently. I wish to dedi-
cate the following version to the A.E. Phi sorority.
You're a flop
Attendance regulations
You're a flop
Semester regulations
You're the hours we've spent while waiting
for a bus
You're lab experiments, field trips, orals, I
You're the tax
Taking every penny
You're a type
And there's too - too many
I'm "Dark Eyes" played
As a serenade - the top
But lissen, baby, you're the bottom
You're a flap.
It seems to us that columnists are always
stressing the point that people like Buddy Rogers
Sally Rand, Rudy Vallee and others have had col-
lege careers preceding their present successes.
That's all very well, but we just can't see just what
good it is to spend years learning the sciences and
arts when none -of it seems to be used in sliding
notes out of a sax or dodging bubbles. Maybe we
just don't understand.
A fraternity at the University of Texas has
a dog named Dammit Scram. Imagine what
happens in the poor pup's brain when some-
one holds out a very desirable bone and calls,
"Here, Dammit Scram."
Here's some consolation to you people who were
disappointed in your grades. A psychology profes-
sor at Oregon State says that professors give A's
to students who are meek and submissive and
whose ideas they can easily mold, and that inde-
pendent and defiant students get B's and C's, and
even D's. What does that make the Phi Bete?.
A budding young playwright at the Cornell
University was complaining because the pro-
fessor was so' brutal with his brainchild. The
professor tore it apart. Finally the youth
burst out:
"You never wrote a play. You don't know
anything about it. The man who writes it
surely ought to know more about it than
someone who never wrote a play."
"Young man," the critic retorted, "I ncver
laid an egg, either, but I am a better judge of
an omelet than any hen that ever did."

Last year students and graduates
of 60 universities in 20 States and 4
foreign countries enrolled in the
Amglo-American Section of Moscow
University. 1935 registration now
open to limited number. Summer
ssion July 16 - Aug. 25, includes
approximately 4 weeks resident
study in Moscow and 2 weeks field
travel through U.S.S.R. Courses
deal with education, art, economics,
literature, social sciences and Rus-
sian. Instruction in English lan-
guage by prominent Soviet profes-
sors. American advisors: Profs.
George S. Counts and Heber Harp-
ei% Teachers College, Columbia
University. Write for booklet UM-2
545 Fifth Ave., New York
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A Washington

THE AAA shakeup, featuring Jerome Frank's
elimination by consolidating his legal adivser
job out from under him, serves to call attention to
a definite tendency of the "New Deal" over a
period of months. There is hardly an administra-
tive incident or a word uttered by any authorized
Roosevelt spokesman since before the election last
November, with two possible exceptions, which
does not smack of caution and conservatism in
comparison to what "New Deal" extremists of the
brain trust type have hoped for.
The exceptions that might be noted are "New
Deal" policy on public utilities, particularly elec-
tricity; and the decision to go into work relief in-
stead of direct relief dsepite the doubled cost to
taxpayers and for social and public morale reasons.
Elsewhere, while the Roosevelt "straight ahead"
course still can be figured out as a middle-of-the-
road policy as between conservative and ultra-
liberal extremes, the trend seems clearly to the
right-center, not left-center.#
WHETHER the test is made by the ascendencyf
VT of such spokesmen as Secretary Roper, long
the all but unheard prophet of "New Deal" rap-
prochement with business, or Donald Richberg inI
administration inner councils, or by the form and
scope of the long heralded economic and social
security program, the result is the same. The
passing of the Johnson era in NRA takes on the
same slant by Johnson's own narrative. The
strange silences of the once voluble Under-Secre-1
tary Tugwell have a meaning all their own.
This is particularly noteworthy in the AAA
shakeup which carried away more than merely
Mr. Frank of the alleged pink-tinged "New Deal"
group that once so excited Dr. Wirt. The doctor,
should he come a-dining again in Washington,
would find it difficult .to detect hints of "red"
menace among White House chief advisers of this
He would have the authority of bitted and out-
spoken A.F.L. leaders that Richberg has becomeI
a sort of captain-general of the white guard, a
mere tool of big business, they say. And that is
capped by direct presidential documentary inter-
vention in the auto code-Richberg-federation row
to claim personal responsibility for what was done.
The White House did not let Richberg hold that
bag long.
* * *
BY ALL accounts, the forthcoming administra-
tion blue print for a permanent NRA is going
to show the same craftsmanship. NRA is to be
retained, with its code section 7a and much of the








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