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February 21, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-21

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_ -
PubJ.1iaed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
aited Olia >e %
g wuscas K
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not :otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special dis-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription, during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
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V.O.01dVeCry. . ."
LAST TUESDAY the great and sov-
ereign state of Tennessee reasserted
its stand against the teaching of the theory of
evolution in any of its schools.
A sufficient number of vitriolic attacks have
already been heaped on bigot-ridden Tennessee
by such experts as H. L. Mencken, but a plea for
free education is always in order.
It is a sad spectacle to see a state in the twen-
tieth century revert to Metternichian methods in
suppressing enlightenment. It is not a question of
whether the theory of evolution or the story in
Genesis is the correct picture of the creation. It is
a question of whether progress in the knowledge
of science, philosophy and other fields is to be
made available to a supposedly free people.
Abraham Lincoln loosened the fetters of physical
slavery in the South, but it seems another emanci-
pator is needed to break the bonds of Southern
intellectual slavery: a mental slavery as cruel as
that physical slavery that was abolished 70 years
The purpose of the so-called "monkey law" is
evidently to keep the teachings of the Old Testa-
ment safe from the heresies of education, but a
religion enforced by law has seldom endured. The
good people of Tennessee would be far wiser to at-
tack the teachings of philosophy and science with
philosophy and science, not legislation.
Letters published in his column should not he!
Construed as expressing the editorial oinini7 o , The
Daly. Anonymous co'tributiois will be disregarded.
The names f commnunican s wll, however, be regarded
as confldential upon irequest. Contributors ae asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the righI to cnden e
all letters of over 300 words.
Misunderstood Cat
To the Editor:




Telephone 4925
MAe A O ED.TOR...............WILLIAM G. FERR S
CIT E rT ..........................JOHN HEALY
spo)R .I.tOR.................ARTHUR CARSTEN S
WOME'S EDITO.......................ELEANOR BLUM
NLITT >ETORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. 1<Jaherty.I
nol . Goe Thomas I. Kleene, David G. Mae-
doald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPOi?' r A' STATS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
Will n 1eed ArtS Settle.
WOENS PSTiN8:l.rbara L. Pates, Dorothy Gie,
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i I lRn, Roalie Itsnick, Jane Scheider,
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C ,Shld r M. Elis. William H. Fleming, Richard
0. ie.hyrp71. I3ird, Bernard Levick, Fred W,.
u ,Loyd S. I.Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
lalT mman. Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
i: ii id Wisma,, eogeAndros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ccl(:uuniaFred ?Deano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
. Cocuma, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Drothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elane Oollberg,]Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
i ' ieithaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
bth Miller, Melba Morrison. Elsie Pierce. Charlotte
Ruoi'r, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
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Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
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Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
FIeld, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehrman' Detty Woodworth.

"Dear Bud," writes L.M.N., "may I dedicate
this little contribution to William Randolph
Hearst and his anti-liberal and anti-red bug-
When I was one-and-twenty
A wise guy said to me
Give blood and health and manhood
The price for victory.
Give youth away, perhaps your life
And I, at one-and-twenty
Loved the U. S. Liberty.
I still 'was one-and-twenty when,
Deciding life comes first
I fought - with writer's blade
Against the Fascist's thirst.
I put my strength with youth's crusade
The world of war to worst
I still at one-and-twenty
Fight for freedom versus Hearst!
It was George Bernard Shaw who said, "What
is the matter with poor is poverty, and what is
the matter wIh the rich is uselessness." And then
the Daily Oklahoma, the official publication of the
University of Gknho1 a comes f ,t with this:
"And wha't is the ma;te wi ath a moron is dumb-
The regis&'av ci Tex's U'niversity kcts miuch
f an mail. Says (:Ae a l'Pir: "Ksnd s2hls: As I
want to m amei e a ode university please
lh ai knew at no i one g allowed to smoke
ay othew On yoni Ctheor. grOTeds. Thanking
an ie r te fo wretrpi c'id as I tand in wait."
canoiher as e rlc;0s: "darc Sr - Peane tell
me how you 'rronuce 'often' witch letter is
silent often ci' oan
Focts from hero a ud there -- Th United States
has a higher proportion of college graduates than
any other nation in ahe world. There is one col-
lege graduate for every 44 persons - The class-
room of the University of Montana covers 800
acres - the forestry school's laboratary in Platte
canyon-There are 203 different organizations
on the Penn State campus.
There have been some classic stories about
travelling college teams who- lose their way
when their guardian angel, the manager, be-
comes confused, but this Washington and Lee
wrestling team seems to do it intentionally.
The boys went downl to Raleigh to meet North
Carolina State and quite by accident, they say,
they drove up to St. Mary's College (for girls).
The president of that college was quite sur-
prised when he was told that the young men
had come to wrestle and wanted to know where
they were going to stay.

Yor 1935


Shock Troops
Against Japan . *
PROF. JESSE S. REEVES, returning
from a trip around the world,
pleads for a more tolerant and sober judgment
of Japanese affairs on the part of Americans. The
state of Oriental competition certainly warrants
such judgment.
In the first place, it must be admitted that Japan
is a power not flippantly to be considered in the
world scheme. From a relatively primitive country
it has risen in the last 60 years to a prominence
nervously eyed by other nations. Any nervousness
on the part of other countries, however, is a con-
dition for which they themselves are in a large
degree responsible.
The "discovery" of Japan was inevitably fol-
lowed by exploitation, but the astute Orientals were
quick to turn evil toward their own ends. It was
not long before Japan emerged as completely "civ-
ilized" as its "discoverers." This was a sad realiza-
tion to face; sad in view of the fact that instead
of a market, Japan had turned into a competitor.
Japan, surmounting' the disadvantages of a
lack of natural resources, has developed into a
commeil and industrial nation of the first
The cheapness of Oriental labor has long
been a ,radito. Added to this low initial cost
on, raw materials are either cheap
have her n made cheap by the government
thug ins of subsidization.
rng military government of Japan has
kn o the coal industry, transportation fa-
c nthe production of electrical power
t er tlg(em without profit, and sometimes even
h taxes take care of the deficit. Sub-
coi mn has made it possible for Japanese man-
ufactue to produce goods for a low price and to
underel teir ioreign competitors in spite of high
Ja ese commerce has invaded the sacrosanct
prcm, of British India; it has taken much of
e in the Philippines from the United
Stl it has a virtual monopoly on Chinese
t.n view of these facts, Western commercial
int cs have a right to view the situation with
Cn the face of it there is little to do about the
problem. But unless something is done about it,
we will continue to drift toward open conflict.
A first step toward this more sober judgment
ight be, as suggested last week by Senator Thom-
a of Utah, an exchange of students with Japan.
This senator feels that there is no better way of
oftaining the understanding and trust necessary

Misrepresentation can hardly be distinguished
from prevarication, and when it comes to such
destructive misrepresentation as is evident in the
recent "sprtlight" showing at the Michigan
Theatre, it is criminal. In the United States we
have hunted most of our grand beasts to near
extinction. The puma, (panther, or mountain
lion) may soon follow on the way of the dodo.
In the West this cat is somewhat destructive
among the sheep, but there it is well under con-
trol and any attacks that it does make on live-
sAock are now the rare thing rather than the com-
monplace. Its last retreats are such remote places
as the Everglades of Florida.
Perhaps there is little use in saving such things
as the bald eagle, the bison, the grizzly, or the
puma, and it is hard to get excited about it. But
after all the: motive to save these beautiful beasts
is in the same plane, surely as great and in-
tangible, as the appreciation of music.
I am not trying to paint a picture of a misunder-
stood saint. The panther kills deer, small game,
and sometimes kills ruthlessly, but the salvation
of the more gentle animals did not await the
advent of civilization. The panther had a chance
for several thousand years before America was
discovered to exterminate the deer, rabbits and
other small things in its haunts upon which it
preys, and from all accounts and evidence, with-
standing the methodic processes of modern hunt-
ers that have marshalled to its aid, the puma
has not succeeded to this day in driving any
species to the threshold of extinction.
In this film the great cat is referred to as a
ferocious and dangerous killer. To prove it the
producers staked out a fawn and let us watch the
cat kill it. We are told that the panther can "rip
a horse open with a single blow." I am inclined
to think they can inflict on a horse just about
as bad a wound as the horse would sustain from
the old-fashioned racket spurs ...
Let me quote the "New International Encyclo-
pedia" under the article "Puma."y
"In the West the mountain lion (panther, puma),
although more numerous in the Rockies than the
panther ever appears to have been in the East,t
has always been regarded as a shy and coward-
ly beast, little to be feared except when cor-
nered . . . and under ordinary circumstances is
inclined to avoid rather than to attack men,
and often seems to seek their company in a
friendly way. This timidity and confidence aided
the easy extinction of these animals throughout
the eastern part of the country."
In the picture we see three or four men heavily
armed, plus camera men and sound apparatus not
shown, bravely riding forth from camp on an ex-
pedition about as dangerous as hunting jackrab-
bits. The dogs no all the work, hedge the cat,
and tree it. Then up ride the brave, brave, hunters<
(sports) and feverishly fumble for their rifles to see
which will be the first to shoot. The picture ap-
propriately ends with the sage comment upon the
size of the cat by two superstitious clowns. Frank-
ly, the intellectual level of the whole thing rates
on a par with hoodooism and backwoods folklore.
What can be done about this? Shouldn't people
knot of it?
--Ralpi A. all.
Miss IInw's En
To the Editor:
Sunday's rotogravure section shows a picture of
Viola Illma addressing the American Youth Con-
gress at New York University. It fails to mention
that while she claimed to be actuated by ideals
of lofty patriotism in desiring to organize the
American youth, she is really an alien financed
by the German government, i.e., a Nazi agent.
Last summer she was given a mysterious free trip
to Germany with everything paid. By her own ad-
mission she had conferences with Hitler, Goebbels
and Goering. Returning from Germany with letters
of introduction from a man suspected of being a
German agent during the war, and with ample


A Washington

Fuldl Payment

Part Payment

1 -1
OPENING of the Senate debate on the $5,000,-
000,000 work relief resolution was marked by
something that may prove significant. It gave
Oregon's junior senator, Frederick Steiwer, Re-
publican, an opportunity to set the stage further
for what may turn out to be 1936 aspirations.
Senator McNary of Oregon always has figured
in gossip as to where his party might turn that year
for either a presidential or vice-presidential nomi-
nee, assuming that effort toward a rapprochement
between eastern Republican conservatism and
western Republican liberalism is the keynote of the
convention. As minority leader in the Senate and
former chairman of the agricultural committee,
and disclosing in his record a nice balance be-
tween the two extremes of party thought, McNary
has been viewed as a "atural contender.
HERE DID NOT SEEM much chance for Stei-
wer to get anywhere for himself in view of
McNary's dominating place in the picture as Ore-
gon's spokesman. He is some 10 years younger than
McNar y, however, just past 50. And last session
in the Stetwer-Cutting drive to restore soldier
payments slashed under the New Deal economy
bill, he stren:thened himself mightily with the
seldier vote.
Wherefore, when. Seiwer led the way in the re-
lief resolution detae as a member of the com-
mit tee that reAoted the nasire, his position was
worthy c' atten'oc. He made a carefully pre-
parrd address. He extolled the "principles" of
Rooevei ct recovery planning, even of substituting
wok relief for s eostly eiret relief; but he
dId n(t hs.tape to 'ritlidiz the President directly
fer aleged failure of the pevious PWA efforts
t I get aneqLuate re-emopioymoent results,
E rATOR STEIW ER reversed the process of hit-
ting at Roosevelt over Sc:retary Ickes' shoul-
ders. His criticism that a year after Congress had
provided $3,300 000 for a PWA re-employment
program that was to put a million men to work,
more than half the huge sum still lay in the treas-
ury, allotted but unexpended, and that actual re-
employment,. which was but a quarter of expecta-
tions, was caried directly to the White House
The point Steiwer was making against a "blank
check" grant by Congress to the President of five
more millions to spend as he pleases for recovery
was that results with similar grants to date do
not justify such action.



Meref the



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