THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1935 0 I Study Of Local . . University Budget Bill N s gh oTo extend aid to the University of Michigan, and to make an IS Com pleted annual appropriation for the use and maintenance thereof; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Section 1 (a). For the use and maintenance of the University of Gives Aims Of Collegiate! Michigan, there is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending Association June 30, 1936, and for each fiscal year thereafter, from the general fund of the state a sum equal to seventy-three one-hundredths of a Miss Annie Goodrich, dean-emeri- mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property tus of the Nursing School at Yale of the State, as equalized and fixed by the state board of equalization and president of the Association of for the year preceding the last regular session of the Legislature. cion f The sum hereby appropriated shall be paid by the state treasurer Collegiate Schools of Nursing, com- upon warrants which shall be issued by the auditor general .to the fleted yesterday a two-day study of regents of the University of Michigan. The director of finance shall the University Schooy of Nursing. include this appropriation in the biennial state budget. "The University School of Nursing," (b) In the event no equalization of property valuation is Miss Goodrich explained, "is one of made by the state board of equalization in any year preceding the the 18 provisional members of the last regular session of the Legislature, then the words "valuation association. Through a study of these of the taxable property" shall mean the sum of the valuations of 18 schools, we plan to determine the taxable property as equalized and fixed by the several county essential factors that make up a suc- boards of equalization for each year. Such sum of valuations shall cessful collegiate nursing school." be ascertained and determined by the auditor general. For the The association, formally founded purpose of making this determination the auditor general may lThyear, sstilona povim nal b d require such reports from the county boards of equalization or other las year, is still on a provisional basis, proper county officers as may be necessary for the purpose. ofs stated. meeting the last week (c) The regents of the University of Michigan shall make an sut May fin eCleveland ilseher- suits of the study now being made to annual report to the governor of the state setting forth all receipts determine the basis for active mem- and expenditures of the University. bership in the association, Miss Good- Sec. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions rich explained. of this act are hereby repealed. "The association is seeking to af- feet a closer relationship between es- tablished nursing schools and the arcoat"Ms Gorc eakd Explaining Chamber Music And colleges and universities of which they are a part," Miss Goodrich remarked. i "The field of preventive medicine The Gordon Quartet Program is becoming increasingly broad," she stated, "and the nurse is playing an increasingly important part in it. We ! By BARBARA BEACH I ity: between 1770 and 1827, the years believe that in nursing education, If you are among those who hold of his life, came both the French they can be better prepared for this that chamber music should be dined Revolution and the first stirrings of a work by increasing training in the by but not listened to, a delightful new economic order, and because of sciences, as offered by the colleges. To revelation awaits you this evening. his almost fanatic belief in the true accomplish this purpose there should Chamber music is of course not pro- sense of democracy, he has been called be a closer relation between the col- mthe republican composer. There are lees and their schools of nursing." gram music, in the sense that it does Russian strains to be detected in this She emphasized the nurse's part as not permit of a literal translation wradte eelade odo Sheeinhaszedthenure'spar asinto ideas. It found its birth in the work, and they reveal a deep bond of the interpreter between the physi- 18th century salons for dinner and sympathy that grew between Beeth- clan and the family, and the better after-dinner music within intimate oven and Russia. work which can be done in this line safrgr usicrwitheinhamn The mention of the symphonic ef- through such closer relationships dur- fects during the discussion of the irg the training period. Curative med- social and conversational atmosphere Mendelssohn Quartet will be ex- icine still plays the most important for which the salons of the century plained when the Beethoven Quartet part in the nurse's work, she said, are famous. But it is a poetry of is heard, for Beethoven realized the and the broader training available in moods. It is ntimate and personal, full harmonic and technical possibili- collegiate nursing schools is a great and if you are accustomed to sit ties of the two violins, viola, and cello. aid for the necessary preparation. tensed at concerts and analyze in- Many great critics hold the quartets Manylgreatlcritics holdhthequartet "The first nursing school was estab- tellectually what you hear, by all of this opus to be the highest mani- lished in 1873," Miss Goodrich said, means tonight listen with your imag- festation of subjective feeling and "and today over 100 colleges have a ination as well as your mind, close ideal beauty that musical art has yet nursing curricula with varying de- your eyes, relax, and let the music take revealed. grees of emphasis. Present day nurs- hold of you, for it will indeed. The other composition, placed on ing schools are building up the theory The origin of this form of musical the program between the two already and practice of nursing continually. composition is attributed to Haydn, mentioned, is the "Moods,Theme and The present problem is to coordinate and represents the interesting in- Variations" by H. Waldo Warner. the college and the nursing school, fluence of the 18th century aristoc- It is particularly discouraging to note and the association hopes to be able racy upon musical development. And that the London String Quartet, of to successfully, to some degree, attain Mendelssohn, whose Quartet in D which Warner is violist, one of the that objective." Major is to open the program, is a magnificent organizations of our time, composer who is interestingly able to is now on the verge of disbanding introduce a newcomer "to this atmos- bcueo iaca eiinis ' hr fodwrdscey isl because of financial deficiencies. H oke Spealks phere of old world society. Himself The six variations of the theme, ran aristocrat of the first water, a "Pleading" need little explanation be- "~ ~ ~ I friend of Goethe, and a frequenter of yn hi ils hywl uial n W ild LifeIn these very salons, Mendelssohn wrote yond their titles; they will musically this Quartet in Berlin in 1837, and lead the listener through the various t att in Berlin in187,an moods, hysterical, amorous, conceited, aG10 AddreSS hdedicated it to the Prince of Sweden. etc., and probably delight the audi- iquet and song without words, which ence to the point of laughter. Though uthinsoquartethticularlysth the technique of the thematic devel- Discussing the uses of wild life come between the first two move- opment here is interesting, follow the through chronological periods from ments, will easily carry the listener composer instead, place yourself in the time when explorers and trappers into the original atmosphere of an 18th century salon, dimly lighted, were absolutely dependent upon wild chamber music; the first and last and be just a bit shocked by the mod- animals for food and clothing until movements, however, are symphonic erness of Warner's none the less the present time, Prof. E. C. O'Roke to a degree that might fail to suggest charming composition. of the School of Forestry and Con- the atmosphere mentioned, but the _charmingcomposition. servation spoke yesterday from Mor- Beethoven to be played as the final Mis Hall over Station WJR as a feature number of the program will, by itsCansMode of the Michigan, My Michigan Series. proof of the reasonable symphonici Leaue Assembly After the period of use through help to explain and reconcile this trait _"" _ necessity, according to Professor found in the Mendelssohn O'Roke, came the era of exploitation. foun.inthevendelson Mj At a meeting of International Rela- During that time, wild life resources The Beethoven Quartet in F Major tions Club held in the political science Durin thastder nexhastib.was written in 1805 and dedicated seminar last night, preliminary plans he said, was followed by a period when to the Russian ambassador, Rosoum- were made for the annual Model As- hc saidwas folloeds ba rio wen- ousky. Beethoven lived in a period sembly of the League of Nations to ccrtain individuals or groups were in-jof more than usual historical activ- be held here the weekend of May 3. strmental in stopping exploitation - ti xetata oeta 5 and market hunting, and demanded It is expected that more than 250 andmake hntogaNeamade college students from 20 colleges and got, in return, the right to take Two I lled Near throughout the State will take part wid animals and birds for sport, un- ,hroughoithe wheti ild each de-r certain regulations. Saline In Crash ihe* asseblytheni s edeach der ertin rgultion. *~aiie Il ~4asnstudent taking the part of a delegate "The fourth and last stage, which to the actual League at Geneva. we define as the emergent social use Two people were killed and four The local group, of which Dr. How- phase," Professor O'Roke said, "is the injured at 6:30 p.m. yesterday when ard B. Calderwood of the political present looking towards the future, their speeding automobile careened science department is sponsor, will We concede that use for necessity may dff the toad and crashed into a tree meet again Friday, March 1, at which be perfectly legitimate and desirable on U.S. 112 three miles west of Saline, time assignments will be made to in some cases, but we can no longer state police at Ypsilanti reported. local delegates to the assembly. All see any reason for exploitation." The driver of the car. Homer Me- interested are invited to attend. Will Lose Job %T E AT THE DETROIT CASS Eugene O'Neill has broken away from the morbidness of his tragedies long enough to produce a distin- guished comedy in a far lighter mood than the theatre audience had ever imagined possible. The 'heatre Guild I is presenting that show, "Ah, Wilder- ness" at the Cass this. week, with George M. Cohan, the beloved Irish character, in the role of Nat Miller. Next week will see another Thea- ter Guild show, when Maxwell An- derson's "Mary of Scotland" opens with Helen Hayes, Philip Merivale, and Pauline Frederick in the leading roles. AT THE DETROIT DRURY LANE Detroit's newest, stock company opened an uproaringly funny comedy in "The Milky Way" Sunday evening. It is a delightfully amusing story, that has little to offer than laughter, but the mirth is enough. The Drury Lane Players, under the direction of Nat Burns, who is himself an actor of note and who took a lead- ing part in this week's performance, are now in their fifth week, and have added much to Detroit's theatre life. "The Milky Way" concerns one Speed McFarland, a champion prize fighter, who is knocked out by a driver of a milk wagon by the name of Burleigh Sullivan. The dispenser of Former Graduate Shows Film Here Leslie W. Orr of the entvmology di- vision at the University of Minnesota and former graduate student here has been on campus the last two days con- ferring with Prof. Samuel A. Graham of the School of Forestry and Con- servation. He brought with him a. two-reel movie showing the interrelationship between dark beetles and the fungi that causes blue stain on logs. Mr. .Orr has been showing this movie, taken at Itasca State Park in Minne- sota and showing in detail the life activities of the bark beetles, before groups of students at the School of Forestry and Conservation. TA E- the creamery, played splendidly by Frederick Bell, is a "sissified bean- pole." How he becomes the champion. and the former champion wins his sister is ane laugh after another. There is nothing serious in the play, but as a side-splitting farce, it is a "top." Nat Burns as Spider, the cham- pion's trainer, is a rotund wit, whileI Isobel Withers as Anne Westley, the feminine fixer, throws back clever lines that sparkle with humor. -C.A.E.- p L F l L 1 !S A G L T; S F 1 1 t Next Summer Session Is TO Open June 24, The annual Summer Session of the University will open on Monday, June ; V: 24, this year, according to Prof. Louis - A. Hopkins, director of the Summer ., i<; Session. The Law School, as usual will open a week earlier, on June 18, and instead' of the program of having only onef session, which is followed by other schools and colleges, will have two -Associated Press Photo. five-week sessions. Following the break of 31 prisoners Al four of the field stations main- from the Oklahoma state reformatory at Granite., Governor Marland said tained by the University will also open MrsGrgeAGWvers (above),sthe on June 24. These include Camp Mrs. George A. Waters (above), the on ,Jrne d4.Thesk incsureyngCat nation's only woman warden, would Davis, for field wok in surveying, be replaced by a man. Meanwhile, Jackson, Wyo.; The Mills Springs, Mrs. Waters personally directed the Kentucky, for practical work in geol: hunt for 18 men at large. ogy and geography; the Upper Penin- -_____r____en____rge. sula forestry and conservation camp in Alger County, and the Biological ENOUGH MYSTERIES Station at Douglas Lake. The bio- ATLANTIC CITY, Feb. 19. - (iP) - logical station, which will open its Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. twenty-seventh season, has become Trenchard, who pr'esided at the the largest freshwater station in the IHauptmann trial in Flemington, has world for the study of plant and ani- } had his fill of mysteries. Here for a mal life under natural conditions. Irest, the aged jurist dropped into a book store for something to read. Although certain courses in the The clerk recommended a mystery Medical School and in the School of thriller. Education will only last six weeks, "Not on your life," said Justice most of the courses will last for an Trenchard. A book on birth control eight-week period. A teaching staff finally was chosen, the justice re- of over 400 faculty members, includ- marking that the subject frequently ing many visiting professors has been cropped up in cases before him. engaged for the session. Favor CIhanae In Nae Of Campus Streets A committee of the City Council has returned a favorable report on the changing of the names of North, East and Soth Uniet avenues as suggested by Prof. Edwin C. God- dard. The matter has been refrred to the ordinance commit ee for "favorable consideration," according to the an- nouncement, and the new names will in all probability go ino effect at somt time in the near future, While the city council last night had not yet reached a dei:';ion on the motter of the be1ated id submitted Ve minutes late at the meeting Mon- dy night, a final action i expected roon. The bid, w h s for one of the units of the new sewge disposal plant, turned out to be ihe lowest of those submitted, and is consequently being given all possible consideration by legal council of ,the city. The Council also approved the hir- ing of both welfare and non-welfare men and trucks for the sewage proj- ect, acting on the express recom- mendation of City Engineer George H. Sandenburgh. Mr. Sandenburgh explained his recommendation by pointing out that if only welfare men were employed, a premium would in consequence fall upon the welfare. As it will be, both welfare men and others whose names are not on the welfare rolls will have an equal chance for engagement. AMAZING OPPORTUNITY College Students: Finance your education by part time work NOW -- full time position next summer. Rn resentatives are making two to flve dollars per hour. Write for proof of results and full details immediately. COLLEGE DEPARTMENT 1010 Arch Street, Philadelphia i ri a . 1 J' J, 1 r, EA READ) THE ~WANT ADS V. _ The Nemesis Of Trombley And Novack Is Snow, Or Vice Versa #I i .r f #I i It is 4 a.m. and all is most definite-' ly not well with Grounds Foreman Russell C. Trombley of the buildings and grounds department. "The snow had begun in the gloam- ing, and busily all the night Was heaping 'campus sidewalks' with silence deep and white." In a few hours students and faculty members will be up and about, scurry- ing to 8 o'clocks, packing down that snow into a solid, icy coating -if it is not removed in the meanwhile. That is why all is not well with Grounds Foreman Trombley. His is the responsibility for seeing that the snow is removed while it is in a removable condition. At 4 a.m. the snow is feathery and soft, two men with a snow plow can go-over approxi- mately eight miles of campus walksI in slightly more than two hours At 8 a.m. the snow, calloused by too- frequent contacts with the "world," has developed such an affectionate regard for the sidewalk that ,sharp-' edged shovels and a gang of men would be required to separate the pair. So out of bed at 4 a.m. clambers Trombley, calls up his co-worker Al- vin Novack, and both proceed to the storehouse of the buildings and grounds department. At the store-' house the pride and joy of the de- partment is waiting for them. It is their ready-made, two-wheeled, rub- ber-tired, once-a-road-plow, seven- foot metal snow scraper, and Tromb- ley "at the wheel" of one of the Uni- versity's trucks, the two set out to clear the sidewalks. It seems that there is quite a trick to this business of scraping eight miles of sidewalk, especially since the walks run toward I nearly every point in the compass. The difficulty arises in trying to keep from "repeating yourself" on the walks, trying to plan the route so that you will always be scraping snow, instead of driving over long stretches of already-cleared walk to reach a section which has been missed. "As long as we have been on this job," Trombley said, "we have yet to take the same route twice." A particular grievance of the de- partment is the snow which falls dur- ing the day, and is thus unavoidably packed down by the constant tramp- ing of pedestrian feet. This snow soon turns to ice, and if something isn't done about it the department will begin to receive complaints from large numbers of people whose "professor- ial" or "collegiate" dignity has been seriously impaired by most ignomin- ious spills and falls. "The only recourse we have," Trombley said, "is to the use of sand." Sand, however, Trombley pointed out, has some curious power that attracts the sun. No sooner have we sanded the icy walks before the sun comes out, melts the ice, and leaves a residue of sand. Almost immediately complaints from janitors start to come in, Trombley said. All bewail the fact f that their nicely finished floors are being "chewed up" by the sand which is tracked in. The sand is too wet I to sweep off, Trombley stated, so we usually have to fall back to the campus fire hoses and wash the sand off the walks. "Despite these difficulties, we believe that the University has as efficient and economical a snow-removal sys- tem as exists on any campus in the country," Trombley maintained. I i7- _ I IE n= FEAR AVIATORS LOST SAN DIEGO, Feb. 19. - (A) - Lieut. C. A. R. Lindgren and Arthur Freeman, radioman, were feared lost this afternoon when their Navy sea- plane plunged into the ocean off La Jolla. A patrol plane and a destroyer were rushed to the scene but could find no trace of the men or plane. 1' . ' IF YOU WRITE, WE HAVE IT I I TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES - LARGE and PORTABLE Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned, Repaired FEATURING THE FINEST IN MODERN PORTRAITURE 'I i' I ' , iI i I!I I