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May 30, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-30

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V 30, 1935


First AllaDental Ball Attracts Capacity Crowd To

Many Unusual
Gowns Seen At,
Dental Faculty Members
Attend; Miss Parmeter
Guest Of Chairman
The first All-Dental Ball held last
night in the League Ballroom came
as a pleasant conclusion to the long
list of formal dances which.have oc-
curred this spring. A capacity crowd,
including dental students and fac-
ulty members, enjoyed the evening
dancing to the musical strains of
Duane Yates and his popular band.
Is Guest Of Chairman
Margaret Parmeter attended with L.
Benson Bristol, chairman of the cen-
tral committee. ,Miss Parmeter wore
a white taffeta formal with a short
train and clever red jewelry and
matching sandals. Guests of the other
committeemen were also seen in at-
tractive and unusual gowns.
Jean Friederici was there with How-
ard Ross. Miss Frieaerici chose a cool
blue organdy with a standing Queen
Anne collar. The dress was embroid-
ered in a deeper shade of blue. With
Bert Forster was Caroline Reynolds
of Mount Clemens who wore a white
gown, with black accessories. Alice
blue silk organdy with a pink ruf-
fled collar and sash were worn by
Dorothy Triplet, who was with James

Co-Ed Prefers Stag e Career To School

'Annual Banquet
Given By Iota
Alpha At Union
Professor Hinsdale Talks
On Ceremonies Of Firstl
Iota Alpha, honorary graduate so-
ciety of the College of Engineering,
held its annual banquet last night at
the Union. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, pro-
fessor emeritus of the theory and
practice of medicine, spoke on "Modes
of Michigan Life Befoe the White
Invasion.", Prof. H. E. Keeler, pres-
dent of the organization introduced
the speaker, and Charles Spooner,
Grad., was chairman of the banquet.
Dr. Hinsdale upset many popular
conceptions regarding the American
Indian, especially the Michigan In-
dian. "Contrary to the story-book
conception," according to the speak-
er, "there were never a million In-
dians in the whole United States.,
There were probably no more than
14,000 in Michigan.
The distribution of the Michigan
Indians is closely related to the
streampattern and the forest cover.
Because the streams afforded such
a great source of food supply, it was
natural that the Indians occupied
advantageous nositions nln tha

Music Recitals Dormitory Honors
B GSeniors At Dinner
Will Be Given
* The residents of Adelia Cheever
M onday Night Dormitory entertained their seniors
Tuesday evening at a dinner given
in their honor. Yellow tulips and blue
Students of Miss Martha Merkle larkspur were arranged in a simple
Lyon, instructor in piano at the manner on the tables, and yellow
School of Music, will give recitals at tapers in blue candlesticks completed
the music school at 7:30 and at 8:30 the decorations.
p.m. Monday. During the dinner, skits were given
Participating in the earlier program by Kathleen Dell, '36, Helen Yanos-
are Jean Reule and Isabelle Reule ky, '37, Virginia Banning, '38, Elza
who will play two duets, "May,.Time" Doegey, '38, and Mary Pattie, '36. The
and "A Sail On the Lake" by Bilbro. seniors honored were Emiline Ander-

Thomas Moore will play "The White
Seal's Lullaby" by Bensen and "My
New Bicycle" by MacLachlan. Isa-
belle Reule will follow this with
Lively's "Sing - Lee, China - Boy,"
Smith's "CrissCross" and Swift's "The
Owl." Richard Schneider will pre-
sent "Fireside Dreams" by Anthony
and "Jolly Darkes" by Bechter, and
Marilyn Bothman and Elinor Porter
are to play a duo, "Morceaux Melo-'
dieux, Op. 174, No. 1" by Gurlitt.
Edith Jensen To Play
Edith Jensen will then present "The
Guitar" by Gaynor, "The Holiday"-
by Kantzler, and "The Cascades" by
MacLachlan. "The Clowns" by
Richardson and "Dance of the Wood-
en Shoes" by Wagness will be played
by Jean Reule. Juliet Blum is to
offer "In a Fairy Barque" by Aaron
and "Cavatine" by Renecke, and Miss
Bothman will play "In the Olden
Time" by Jewell and "Hide and Seek"
by Schytte.

son, Virginia Bowlby, Frances Dell,
Isabelle McKeller, and Martha White.
Kathleen Dell, '36, was in charge of
the arrangements.
The officers recently elected for
the following year are Frances Dell,
'36, president; Helen Yanosky, '37,
vice president and social chairman;
and Virginia Banning, '38, secretary
and treasurer. The retiring president
is Martha White, '35.

Yellow Crepe Is Worn,
Mary Lou ,Hooker was seen with
Wayne Oglestone, another member
of the central committee. Miss Hooker
wore a yellow crinkly crepe dress cut
on simple lines. Trixie Miller, the
guest of Leo Beldo, was particularly
charming in black and white crepe.
A striking and unusual dress of beige
lace accentuated by pink accessories
and pink shoes was worn by Helen
Bandroff, who was with Louis Gans.
Milton Kamler had as his guest, Ann
Greenbaum, who was attractive in a
gown of pink lace with a tiny collar.
Pale blue lace was chosen by Flor-
ence Carpenter. Helen Read and
Carol Feltes were also seen there
Out-of-town guests coming for this
special occasion included Virginia
Staebler, Lansing, Mrs. F. H. Letch-
field, Bay City, and Virginia Hadaway
Faculty Are Represented
Members of the faculty of the den-
tal school including Dr. and Mrs. U. G
Rickert, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Jeserich,
Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Kingert, Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Bunting, and others were
Dr. and Mrs. R. It. Brown and
Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Sommer were
the chaperons for this function. Be-
cause of the large attendance at the
dance and the entire success of the
plans of the dental students, it is an-
ticipated that the All-Dental Ball will
become a yearly event similar to the
formal parties sponsored by the other
professional schools.


auaikJ±±uo uabl a J'JiW une &Taps To 8Gie
water routes. T B
Rea's "Yakima" and Englemann'sl
These same water routes afforded

Honora Bruere, 20-year-old
excharge banker, exchanged a co
recently left Bryn Mawr and wi
part in a new Broadway show.

-Associated Press Photo

' .a i-O "jGt11ZV YV GL vv, I L ViAVC O GLLLVL UUA

daughter of Henry Bruere, New7
llege; education for a stage career.
'1 begin acting soon. She has a

Annual Senior Ball Is Oldest
Traditional Dance On Cam
The annual Senior Ball, second only popularity in 1931, that at t
to the J-Hop in importance in social minute it was necessary to h
events on the campus, was established dances. The originally hiredc
long before the junior's dance became tra, Tal Henry and his North
a tradition. linians, played in the Union Be
The earliest records of a special en- and the Union Orchestra plat
tertainment in honor of students the overflow in the League Ba
graduating from the University ap- Last year an effort was m
peared in the first student newspaper, restore the dance to its original
The Chronicle, a bi-monthly edition for graduating members of th
which was later replaced by The versity only, and none but
Daily. were able to purchase tickets.
In 1870, the first year of.its pub-
lication, The Chronicle carried a re-
port of a reception held by the act- eeting Of Hiso
ing president at his residence for the
graduating class and other alumni Society To Be
and guests of the University. The
same paper announced an increase The annual meeting of the
in the enrollment of the University tena nuHist ial etg iflt
to 82 applicants, three of them being in the University Museums bi
The senior reception continued in at Washtenaw and North Uni
popularity and was soon transformed at 7:30 p.m. Monday. As a
'into a reception and dance and then I feature, Dr. Louis P. Hall, a n
finally into the senior ball. Orig- of one of the pioneer families
inally the dance was held exclusively county, will show early photo
for seniors, taking place during com- of Ann Arbor streets and bui
mencement week to prevent under- Some of the pictures date as fa
graduates from attending. as 1840 and 1850.
The year 1911 seemed to be a red Mrs. Reuben H. Kempf, a l
letter one for the ball. The annual resident, will give some of the
dance was held from 8:30 p.m. to 3 esting facts which she recal
a.m. and the grand march was omitted garding persons and places ofX
that year because of the "unavoidable nence of early Ann Arbor. The
confusion and delay" it caused ac- ing is open to the public.
cording to The Daily. The Senior_
Ball reached such great heights in ALPHA CHI SIGMA
Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity
Conger To Return Home to announce the initiation of tl
lowing men: Willis Fisher, '36
Soon From World Tour mond Housmer, '36E, Edwin D.
Beach Conger, Jr., will return to ell, '36E, Maxwell Collins, '36
Ann Arbor around Commencement Hubert Goldman, '37E.
time from travelt in Europe and Asia The officers for the coming
and the South Seas. Mr. Conger has are: William Peppel, '36, pres
been touring as assistant editor of Robert Sherwood, '36E, vice-
World Letters with Rex Barton. dent; Raymond T. Dotts, '36E,
Last year they visited the South tary; Herbert Galsworthy,
Sea Islands, the Philippines, the Heb- treasurer-recording secretary;
rides, the East Indies, Ceylon, India, liam W. Dalee, '36E, and LeR
and Somaliland. Mr. Conger and High, '36, ritualists.
Mr. Barton will sail from England -
about June 8 on the S.S. Berengaria. I - - ----
Mr. Conger is the son of Mrs. S.
Beach Conger of Hill Street.

York them the only means of transporta-
tion other than foot trails. In their
She light canoeshthey were able to travel
small in a continuous route, with a few por-
tages, from the St. Lawrence to the
mouth of the Mississippi.
In an interesting manner Dr. Hins-
ale explained the religious ceremonies,
the agriculture, the medical practice
P and the strange customs of the first
Pus inhabitants of this state, which bears
the Indian name Michigan or "Big
he last Waters." He concluded his speech
old two with a description of the Indian bur-
orches-j ial places, several of which are found
Caro- in this vicinity.
yed for New
,llroomn. I1 e
ade to
d status Of Glee Club
he Uni-
seniors A
Anno n edi

I Where ToGo



Motion Pictures: Whitney, "Mystery
of Edwin Drood" with Claude Rains
and "Gentlemen Are Born" with
Franchot Tone; Wuerth, "Rocky
Mountain Mystery" with Randolph
Scott; Majestic, "Our Little Girl" with
Shirley Temple; Michigan, "G Men"
with James Cagney.
Drama: Lydia Mendelssohn,
"Ghosts" with Nazimova and Romney;
Brent, 8:15 p.m.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
Delta Omega, honorary public
health society, Delta chapter, has
elected the following officers for the
next year: Prof. Barbara H. Bartlett,
president; Dr. Lloyd R. Gates, vice-
president; and Dr. B.. Jiminez, secre-
The graduate students who were
elected as new members of the chap-
ter are: Miss Florence Helene Bunton,
Dr. Gladys J. Kleinschmidt, Miss
Grace Darling Lucas, and Mr. Robert
E. Schneider.

r .The varsity Glee Club concluded
the season's activities under the direc-
Hel(1 tion of Prof. David Mattern, profes-
sor of public school music and the
Wash- teaching of public school music, on
be held Thursday, May 23, when new officers
uilding were elected for the coming year.
versity, The following were elected to office:
special John Strayer, '36, president; Ralph
nember Matthews, '35SM, vice-president;
of the Burrell Samuels, '37, secretary; Wil-
graphs liam Sawyer, '37E, treasurer; Richard
ldings. Harris, '36E, business manager; and
ar back Seymour Dembinsky, '37SM, assistant
business manager.
ifelong Those newly elected succeeded Her-
inter- bert Goldsworthy, '36E, president;
ls, re- Lawrence Quinn, '36, vice-president;
promi - Ralph Matthews, '36SM, secretary;
meet - John Strayer, '36, treasurer; Sher-
wood Nichols, '35F&C, business man-
ager; and Richard Harris, '36E, as-
sistant business manager.
During the past season, the Club,
wishes which has an approximate member-
he fol- ship of 40, gave concerts at the Rotary
, Des- Convention at Cranbrook School, De-
How- troit, at Mason, at Royal Oak, at Pon-
6, and tiac, at a meeting of the Variety
Club of Detroit, in Hill Auditorium,
g year at a meeting of the Ann Arbor Com-
ident: munity Fund, at a meeting of the
presi- Ann Arbor Rotary Club, and at a
secre- meeting of the Musical Club of High-
'36E, land Park. The group also sang in the
Wil- May Festival at Hartland, and ended
oy B. the year's events with the traditional


"Taps" will be presented by John A.
I Fisher. Miss Elinor Porter will offer
"A Merry Horn Pipe" by Fletcher,
Nautical Sportwear
Favors Gay Color
For Beach Dress
With summer weather already here
Michigan women are turning their
minds to the problem of "what-to-
wear." Color combinations, trim-
ming, and nautical emblems are the
keynote of this summer's active sports
Brown and yellow is a popular com-
bination and is featured in an outfit
of brown jersey slacks and a yellow
shirt of the same material with an-
chor trim of the contrasting color.
Striped anklets complete the outfit.
The traditional red, white and blue
is displayed in an interesting ensemble
of navy gabardine slacks and white
terry-cloth backless top with a huge
red anchor. Brown and white is used
in a costume of brown jersey slacks
and white striped jersey shirt also
with the nautical motif predominat-
Hip pockets and corded belts are
a new feature and may be seen in
cotton tweed shorts and smart striped
pique suits. The ever-popular three-
piece tennis suits in white, pastel
shades, and black are being shown
again this year.
Most people are already all agog
over the beach-wear of wild floral
designs taken from the native dress
of the South Sea Islands. These out-
fits are mainly wraps to be worn
over bathing suits before and after a
dip, but a few of the companies are
showing suits made of the same gay
Beach hats have large brims that
turn down in an oriental fashion. In
the brightest shades of red, blue,
green, and yellow, they make the
smartest of beach attire. Grass san-
dals carry out the Far-Eastern at-
mosphere, completing a fashionable
Air Cooled ... In j
This Open Mesh
miss imp icitq'
*The open, porous weave of
this sturdy mesh makes it ideal
for summer. Cool as nothing
at all, strong as a firm brocade
and as easily laundered as your
hose! The brassiere ends cross.,
diagonally in back to pull flat
the diaphragm and abdomen.
The uplift is of lace, and hip
control is provided$Q
by an open weave $350
elastic. Model 2404.
*Rez U. S. Pt. Off. Pat. No. .'.s8ra


"Pickaninny March" by Chambers ! 'p''0g eU lm J OInd
and "Nimble Fingers" by Orth. "Chil- 16 to 26
dren's Piece,-Op. 72,-No.-5" by Men-
delssohn played by a quartet consist- 6.95 10.75 14.
ing of Miss Blume, Mr. Schneider,
Miss Bothman and Mr. Fisher, will SCU 1 TS
conclude the program.Two Groups
Jean Watson will begin, the second
program with "Elegie" by Massanet 1 6.75 and 10.75
and "Will o' the Wisp" by Jungman. Values $19.75 to $29.75
Marjorie Jacobs will follow with Swagger % Length Coats
"Danse des Clochettes" by Rebikoff and hip length jackets, in
and "Youth and Joy" by Schytte. navy and tweeds.
Elise Jensen is to offer "Arabian Sizes 14 to 40
Night" by Mildenberg and "On Loch
Lomond" by Brown. Barbara De- SW EATE RS
Fries will present Bach's "Minuet Twins and Singles, mostly
from First Partita," Heller's "War- pastelsValues$2.9 to $595
rior's Song," and Bohm's "By the at
Mountan Spring."
QuartetTo2Play. and 3.95
Helen Schmale will play "Prae- 1
ludium" by Reinecke, "Elfin Dance SK I RTS
by Jensen, and "Barchetta" by Nevin. Navy, brown, and tweeds
"Improvisation and Melody, Op. 57" N Sies 2 to 32
,by Brown and "A Fountain Set in a
Flowers" by Weissheyer will be pre- 2 at
sented by Dorothy Sell. Betty Ann -200
Chaufty is to play "Two Part In-
vention, No. 1" by Bach, "Valse in A !
Minor" by Chopin, "Scherzo in E
Minor" by Mendelssohn, and "Val-
sette" by Boyle. J
A quartet, composed of Miss De- ELIZABETH DILLON
Fries, Miss Schmale, Miss Chaufty, GO
and Miss Sell, will play the finalWN SH
number, "Polonaise Brillante" by East William off State
The programs are open to the gen-
eral public.

Ie. ,


Friday Only
100 Hots
Straws and Felts
$1.49 and $1.95 val.

604 East Liberty


offers the Silver Lining for ex-
amination blues. Dancing in
the smart and soothing atmos-
phere on Friday and Saturday
nights throughout examina-
tion weeks.
FIDAV-----------9 /n 1

Friday and Saturday
Goody ear's
Month-End Sale
Goodyear's once-a-month clearance of all odd lots,
broken and incomplete size range in staple mer-
chandise as well as women's and children's apparel,
at prices that assure you of Extraordinary Values.
This May Month-end Sale is in every department.
Make selection the first day.
No approvals, no exchanges and no telephone
orders on Month-End Sale Merchandise.


if er'11




'-7' $1.00 IfI (11 li.-I

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