(, MAY 30, 1935'.
Michigan Nine Journeys
East Lansing
10 End Careers;
Larson To Pitch
For Wolverines
Fisher Takes Entire Squad
Of Sixteen Men To Face
Spartans Are Strong
Net Squad
These Four Will Start
Indianapolis Race
Ford, Oliver, Paulson, And
Teitelbaum, Star Infield,
Make Last Appearance
The season closes for the Michigan
baseball team today with a single
game against Michigan State at East
Lansing. Tuesday's scheduled game
with the Spartans, which was rained
out, will not be played, and the Varsity
will make no other appearance at
Sixteen men, the entire personnel,
will more the trip north. Ten of
these will be making their last ap-
pearance in a Michigan uniform. Ber-
ger Larson will be Michigan's start-
ing pitcher.
The whole infield will graduate
this June, together with a pitcher, a
catcher, and two outfielders. Capt.
Russ Oliver, Clayt Paulson, Jack Tei-
telbaum, and George Ford are the
infielders; Art Patchin, the pitcher;
John Regeczi and Mike Meltzer the
outfielders; and Walter Parker the
Michigan State has a very formid-
able record this year, although its
opposition has probably not been as
stiff as the Wolverines'.
Although - Larson will start, Art
Patchin may get in, and Fisher would
like to use John Gee once more be-
fdre the season ends. Gee's startling
performance against Northwestern on
the recent road trip has made him
a much more impressive possibility for
next year than many had considered
him. He places chief reliance on a
fast ball. Against the Purple he had
excellent control, also.
The game will begin at 3 p.m., with
the Varsity leaving by automobile at
11 a.m.
Those that will make the trip are:
Jim Williams, Art Patchin, Berger
Larson, George Ford, Jack Teitel-
baum, John Regeczi, Clayt Paulson,
Russ Oliver, Mike Meltzer, George
Rudness, George Lerner, John Gee,
Earl .-Meyers, .Harry Verbeek, Matt
Patanelli, and Walter Parker.
Michigan's lineup and batting order
is expected to be:
Ford, 3b.
Rudness, 2f
Paulson, 2b
Oliver, lb
Regeczi, f
Teitelbaum, s
Lerner, rf.
Williams, c
Larson, p
Yankees Down
Washington In
Short Contest
Home runs by Pitcher Charlie Ruf-
fing and Lou Gehrig provided the
New York Yankees with enough runs
to defeat the Washington Senators in
an abbreviated six-inning game by the
score of 7-4. The victory placed the
Yankees in a virtual tie for first place
with the Chicago White Sox.
The Boston Red Sox rallied to score
eight runs in the seventh inning ofI
their battle with the Philadelphia
Athletics and nose out the Macks,
10-9. Boston is now tied with the De-
troit Tigers for fourth and fifth posi-
A four-run rally in the second in-
ning discounted a home run by Ale
Kampouris and enabled the St. Louis
Cardinals to go into a tie for third
and fourth places in the National
League by virtue of a 6-3 win over the
Cincinnati Reds. Bill Walker was
the winning pitcher, although he1
was relieved by Paul Dean in the
Wally Berger led the Boston Braves
to an 8-6 win over the Philadelphia
Phillies by batting in six runs with a
homer and a single. Bob Smith re-
lieved Dutch Brandt on the mound
for the Braves in the fifth inning and
retired the Phillies in order without
allowing a man to reach first base.,
These were the only games sched-
uled to be played in both leagues. All
teams will play doubleheaders today
with much shifting of the standings
in prospect.
Picks lH
Eight Netters
Given Awards
By Johnstone
Neil Levenson Heads List
Of Eight Freshmen Who
Will Get Numerals
Howard P. Kahn, '36, of Brook-
lyn, N. Y., was elected captain of the
next year's edition of Maize and Blue
tennis players. At the meeting helc
yesterday afternoon Coach Johr
Johnstone announced the eight letter
winners of this year's Varsity, anc
freshman numeral winners.
The three seniors on the squad
Captain Seymour Siegel, Grand Rap.
ids; Robert Anderson, Grand Rapids
and Milton Eskowitz, Yonkers, N. Y.
head the list of "M" winners.
Captain-elect Kahn, John Rodri.
guez, Ponce, Porto Rico; and Theo-
dore Thorward, East Cleveland, O.
were the juniors to be awarded Var-
sity letters. The sophomores on thi
squad, Miller Sherwood, Grand Hav
en; and Jarvis Dean, Chicago, Illinois
conclude the list.
Top Positions Left Open
Captain Siegel and Anderson leav
open the positions at the top of th
Wolverine rankings when they grad.
uate next month. They alternated a
the No. 1 and 2 positions during the
major part of the season, while Sher.
wood and Kahn completed the firs
The new captain has been a membe
of the Varsity for the past two sea,
sons. His record has kept him in the
top bracket since he started playinj
! on the squad, for as a sophomore hi
was one of the Michigan netmen t4
be entered in the Big Ten tournament
He has the added distinction of beinj
the littlest man ever to win an "M.
Is Fighter
Of his consistently good play thi
year, Coach Johnstone has more that
once said, "Howie is one of my mos
dependable players. He always put
up a fight, and if he does lose a match
it is only after a three-set battle."
To fill in the empty posts left of
the Varsity, Coach Johnstone wi]
have as his most promising candidate
Neil Levenson, Leonard Veredier, an(
Mischa Barowski.
A complete list of freshmen to wi:
tennis numerals follows: Mischa Ba
rowski, Holyoke, Mass.; Roscoe Craw
ford, Grosse Pointe; Edward Fraser
Detroit; Neil Levelson, White Plains
N. Y.; Sigird Lynner, Floral Parka
N. Y.,; John Thom, Annapolis, Md.
Leonard Verdier, Grand Rapids; an(
Cecil Young, Honolulu, Hawaii.
I-M Sports
'The HOT
t -----By BILL REED
'Champions Of The
West' Is Not Idle
Cry, Records Show
That "Hail! Hail! To Michigan -
Champions of the West" is an ex-
tremely justifiable cry is obvious
when one learns that during 29 years
of Conference football competition
the Wolverine gridders have chalked
up 14 titles while their nearest rivals,
the Minnesota Gophers have only
nine championships to its credit.
Michigan entered the Western Con-
ference in 1896 as one of the orig-
inal members along with Chicago,
Purdue, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minne-
sota and Northwestern. In 1899 In-
diana and Iowa joined and in 1913
membership was completed by the
entrance of Ohio State. In 1907 the
Wolverines withdrew from the Big
Ten and did not return until 1917.
First Title In 1898
It took Michigan two years before
it started its winning ways. Chicago
pulled down the first championship in
1896 and Wisconsin's Badgers were
the champions in 1897. But in 1898
Michigan won and from then on up
to 1907 the Maize and Blue waved
victorious pennants five times over
the heads of the rest of the Confer-
When the Wolverines returned to
the Big Ten in 1917 the winning habit
began anew. From 1918 to 1926 the
Michigan men garnered five titles.
Then came three lean years until in
1930 Michigan won again. The vic-
tory was repeated in 1931, 1932 and
1933 and Michigan had won fourteen
Illinois Is Third
The results of the Conference teams
since they have been members are:
Michigan 29 years-14 titles; Minne-
sota 39 years -9 titles; Illinois 39
years -8 titles; Chicago 39 years - 7
titles; Ohio State 22 years - 3 titles;
Wisconsin 39 years - 4 titles; Iowa
36 years - 3 titles; Northwestern 39
years - 3 titles; Purdue 39 years - 2
titles; Indiana 36 years- no title.
Only 29 years a member of the Big
Ten compared to 39 for most of the
others, yet Michigan holds a lead of
five championships over the Gophers,
and six over the Illini while Indiana,
36 years in the Conference, has not yet
won a gridiron title. "Hail! Hail! to
Michigan- Champions of the West."
206 N. Main St. -- DOWNTOWN
Our Location Saves You Money.
33 Ca rs Await
Opening Bomb
At Indianapolis
Bill (uUlinings And Meyer
Try To Repeat Previous
Thirty-three qualifiers, making up
the fastest field ever to start in the
annual Indianapolis Memorial Day
500-mile classic, are waiting the start-
ing bomb scheduled to fire at 11 a.m.,
Detroit time. Because of the fast
qualifying times, it is predicted that
the record set by "Wild Bill" Cum-
mings last year will be broken.
Rex Mays, with an average of
120.736 miles an hour in his trial run,+
will lead the pack from the pole posi-
tion of the first of the eleven rows.
Kelly Petillo, who broke the track rec-
ord with an average over 121 which
was ruled out because the California
dare devil used too much gasoline, will
be starting from the eighth row, but
once the field has thinned out he will
probably fight for the lap money and
set a fast pace once he gets the lead.
Many favor Cummings to repeat his
last year's victory. His steady driv-
ing, the type that usually wins, may
put him in a class with Louis Meyer
and Tommy Milton, only two-win-
ners. Meyers will be trying for his
third win and cannot be discounted
when the favorites are being con-
sidered for he, like Cummings, drives
the type of race that wins.
Four of the ten Ford V-8's entered
by Harry Miller, veteran Detroit en-
gineer, will be among the starters.
During the trials the Fords, flashiest
creations ever put on the track, made
the most consistent showings of any of
the tiny cars, although their times
were not as good -as some.
University of North Carolina andj
Duke university baseball teams played
a night baseball game in Memorial
stadium at Greensboro, N. C.
The Hot Stove takes pleasure in
continuing with the precedent estab-
lished last year with the Star Dust
Honor Awards in announcing its
choices as the outstanding athletes in
the freshman class in each sport. Last
year's selections for the most partt
fulfilled the predictions made for
them and it is hoped that these selec-
tions may succeed as well.
If any comment is necessary, it
might be pointed ot that, as con-
trasted to last year, there is a carry-
over from sport to sport of outstand-
ing individuals. All-around athletes
are prominent in the class of 1938.
For the first time one man is named
as outstanding in two sports while
several are mentioned prominently
in as many as three sports.
"Winners" of these awards may call
at The Daily offices and receive three
copies of this paper.
FOOTBALL--Although the Chicago
alumni Award is usually taken as in-
dicative of superiority among yearling
gridders, restriction of choice for that
trophy to one individual has obvious
drawbacks which do not necessarily
operate on a selection such as this,
so that we may name any number.
Bob Cooper, a big man and fast, was
awarded that trophy, but we include
with Cooper, Stark Ritchie, a halfback
who has showed everything, and ap-
pears to be still improving. Cooper
and Ritchie head one of the strong-
est classes of gridders in recent years,
however, and it includes John Smith-
ers, a back, George Marzonie, who
will be welcomed at a guard, and
George Ghesquire, who will improve
the caliber of Michigan's cnl play
if he never enters a game.
BASKETBALL - There is no ques-
tion in picking John Townsend, for he
is not only the outstanding basket-
ball played of the freshman class, but
he is also the best ever to enter school
here by common acknowledgement.f
BASEBALL - Steve Uricek, who is
an all-around star, head the fresh-
man ball players. Although he did not
report until after spring football, he
established himself as an outstanding
fielder at third base as well as a strong
TRACK - Picking an outstanding
track man is obviously difficult be-
cause of the absence of means of com-
parison. Two men stand out, how-
ever, John Townsend and Bill Staehle.
Townsend has already thrown the
shot more than 47 feet while Staehle
will be a valuable replacement for
Harvey Smith in the middle-distance
and distance runs.
WRESTLING - A National A.A:U.
champion while still in high school,
Earl Thomas, brother of a former
Michigan captain and Olympic grap-
pler, is almost certain to take points
in any meet next winter.
GOLF - From one of the strong-
est and best-balanced freshman golf
squads in history, John Cameron of
Dtroit stands out with his par aver-
age for the season as a worthy sue-
June 14
music Corjfporaton of Aericaf'reets
r ents
OutstandingSophomore Group
By RAYMOND GOODMAN One of the redeeming features of
Because of the outstanding per- the basketball team was the showing
formances of Wolverine sophomores of Earl Meyers, Matt Patanelli, and
in almost every sport in the past Johnny Gee. Meyers sterling offen-
year, a brilliant athletic future is sive play and Patanelli's valuable de-
predicted for Michigan by most ex- fensive work combined with Johnny
perts. Townsend's passing and . all-round
Only in baseball and tennis did playing ability is hoped to put the
sophomores play minor roles, some cagers back on top.
in other sports, winning national
prominence and others showing prom- Allen Rubin, Frank Bissell, Harry
ise of blossoming into some of the Wright, and Abe Levine showed up
country's outstanding stars in the well in the wrestling. Johnny Gee,
next few years. Kim Williams, and Dick Heyliger won
The track team boasts the largest starting positions on the Varsity nine
number. Of the ten men who have and Heyliger and Dick Berryman
turned in times or distances good played a large part in the winning
enough to qualify for the nationals, of the Big Ten hockey title. Al
five are second-year men. They are Saunders was one of the four man
Howard Davidson, Sam Stoller, Bob team that won the Conference, golf
Osgood, Stan Birleson, and Walt crown and Miller Sherwood showed
Stone. These runners along with up well at No. 3 and No. 4 positions
Clayt Brelsford and Fred Stiles picked on the net squad.
up a large part of the total that won
the Western Conference last Satur-
day and will form the nucleus of
the team that many experts think
will successfully defend that title.
Despite the poor showing of the C ,e ra ce
football team, a group of sophomores
did show up well. Mat Patanelli is
one of the outstanding prospects at
the end position in the race for All-
American honors in the Big Ten. M e ' Suits
Chris Everhardus, whose running
ability was one of the brighter sides
of a dull season, shows signs of follow-
ing in the footsteps of his brother.
Whitey Aug, Ferris Jennings, Bud
Hanshue, and Joe Ellis also attracted - Style -
favorable comment.
The swimming team, winners of FANCY and PLAIN BACKS
the Conference and National cham-
pionships, picked up many points
through the efforts of seven second-
year natators. Jack Kasley won both Single- or Doubie-Breasted.
the Collegiate and Big Ten breast
stroke titles making a new record in
winning the latter. Fred Cody placed - I aterid
second to Taylor Drysdale in the Con-
ference meet and finished third in TWEEDS -- SHETLANDS
nation-wide event. Frank Barnard CHEVIOTS - WORSTEDS
won the same places in the distances.
Paul Keeler, Bob Mowerson, Bill CHALK STRIPES, ETC.
Crittendon, and Ed Vandervelde also
turned in impressive performances.
cessor to Michigan's long line of great
frosh golfers.
HOCKEY - Gib James, of Ottawa,
is picked to succeed John Sherf as
the outstanding skater in the Confer-
TENNIS - Nell Levenson and Leon-
ard Verdier.are the most likely pros-
pects among freshman netters to step
up into Varsity ranks next year.
SWIMMING-Michigan's four div-
ers took eight out of a possible eleven
places in the diving events in the Na-
tional Collegiate meet this year, and
all are returning next season but Bob
Cheetham may supplant any one of
them. He is especially capable off the
high board.
Pi Lambda Phi will receive the
championship, cup for competition in
general fraternity sports.
Alpha Omega will be given the
championship cup for professional
fraternities and on their cup will be
engraved the fact thatethey compiled
more points than any other fraternity
in either group. Their grand total
for the season was 1,007.
The Intramural Building will be
open today from 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The pool will be open from 3 p.m.
until 5:30 p.m.
The All-Campus tennis tournament
reached the semi-final round with the
following matches scheduled to be
played: Al Rotberg vs. John Edmonds.
Harry Kasabach vs. Mischa Barowsky.
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