The eather Generally fair today and to- morrow; no change in tempera- ture. Now LL G 4iirigan ~~E~ait Editorials Review Of Court Decisions. Faculty And Fraternity Dinners .. VOL. XLV. No. 178 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hopwood To Give Address Prizes To Be Given Prof. Jones To Announce Winners In Fields Of Prose And Verse Many Manuscripts Entered In Contest Hazlitt Will Speak Upon 'Literature vs. Opinion' Tomorrow In Union Henry Hazlitt, distinguished critic and editor of New York City, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Union on the occasion of the announcement of the winners of the fifth Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards Contest. Mr. Hazlitt, one of the ablest among the younger American critics, has chosen as his subject "Literature Versus Opinion." Following Mr. Haz- litt's lecture, Prof. Howard M. Jones of the English department, acting di- rector of the Hopwood Awards in the absence of Prof. Roy W. Cowden, will announce the winners of this year's contest in the fields of fiction, drama, poetry, and the essay. The career of Mr. Hazlitt has been a brilliant one. From 1913 to 1923 he served on various New York jour- nals as a financial writer, enlisted in the air force, and at the age of 21 piblished his first book, "Think- ing as a Science." He served for two years as an editorial writer on the New York Her- ald and the Sun, and from 1925 to 1933 was literary editor and free lance critic for the Sun and the Nation. In 1934 for a short time, Mr. Hazlitt was editor of .the American Mercury, re- placing the noted H. L. Mencken. Since 1934 he has been associated with the New York Times. Mr. Hazlitt is best known for his book, "The Anatomy of Criticism," a wide-ranging and informing book on the subject. Among his other publi- catiuns are "A Practical ProgramFoi' America" and "Instead of Dictator- ship." He is a contributor of articles+ and reviews to Scribners', Nation, Current History, and the American Mercury. As a critic he is notable for his sane and penetrating criticism with special qualifications as an economist and' student of affairs in addition to his equipment in literature. He has been been described as "notoriously hard- minded" in his criticism, with three marked intellectual interests: litera- ture, philosophy, and economics. The lecture will be open to the general public as has been the custom in past years. According to the rules of this year's contest a maximum total of $8,000 may be distributed in the major awards, and a total of $500 may be distributed to the winners of the minor awards. Ovr 50 contestants submitted manuscripts for judging in this year's awgrds. Sigma Rho TauT Addressed By Steel President S. Wells Utley, president of the Detroit Steel Casting Company, com- mended the Supreme Court's recent decision which branded the NRA un- constitutional in his address last night given at the annual Tung Oil Banquet of Sigma Rho Tau, Engineer- ing College speech society, held at the Union. In his speech entitled "An Exam- ination of the Capitalistic System," Mr. Utley said, "If government, through the expropriation of profits, destroys the economic system under which we live," the freedom "to be a sovereign citizen of a free republic, master of one's own destiny" will in- evitably be lost. He praised capitalism for inspiring pi'ogress and individual initiative, and predicted a brilliant future providing that "governme-it regulations" are not permitted "to take away profits from business." Following Mr. Utley on the program was a series of impromptu speeches, rendered for the purpose of determin- ing the smoothest speaking faculty member. Professor Roger L. Morrison of the Engineering School was select- ed and the Tung Oil Crown was pre- sented to him. The Cooley Cane was then pre- Parade And Speech Head Ceremonies Chief Justice Potter Will Deliver Main Memorial Day Address R.O.T.C. Regiment, Band Will March, Hope Urged By Roosevelt In Statement President States Various Code Groups Intend To Stick By Him Calls In Johnson, Others For Advice Believes Government Is Making Progress And Working For People Of New Men's Council; Dixon Elected President Ii Services Grave Court To Be Held At Of State's FirstI Head CHIEF JUSTICE W. W. POTTER Weyerhaeusers Hope, Fear For Son's Return Believe Abductors' Plans U p s e t As Parents Are Given No Word Of Boy TACOMA, Wash., May 29. - (/P) - Dread and hope were mingled in the deadline vigil of the timber-wealthy. family of J. P. Weyerhaeuser. Jr., to- night for the return of their kid- naped son, George. One police official said he believed there might be no "break" in the $200,000 ransom abduction of the curly-haired boy before Friday. "Original plans of the kidnapers have been upset," he pointed out, "by authorities and publicity." Many commentators expressed fear the boy -in the hands of the gang five days - would not be returned alive. There were occasional flurries of activity at the Weyerhaeuser home, where the kidnapers ransom note was delivered last Friday. 'Once a motor car drove up and an unidentified man carried a small cardboard box inside.1 None of the watchers could learn what the box contained.I Texnsi6n 'ih the ity~ was reflected in the increased guard over children of wealthy parents. All were "chap- eroned." Police disclosed a watch had been kept at three schools since last October. TACOMA, Wash., May 29. --WP) - Two close personal friends probably will be designated by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., to contact kidnapers of their 9-year-old son, sources close to the family said to- night, as the deadline for raising the $200,000 ransom passed. The probable contact men were named as Charles Ingram, assistant general manager of the Meyerhaeuser Timber Co., and F. Rodman Titcomb, brother - in - law of Weyerhaeuser. Neither could be reached for com- ment. Several movements by members of the kidnaped boy's family came with- in a few hours after the ransom dead- line slipped by at 6:30 pm., with an- other source close to the family in- dicating no money has yet been paid for the release of the boy. Mr. and Mrs. Weyerhaeuser and the three other children left the big house on top of the hill and drove' to Haddaway Hall, residence of the late J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Sr. Weyerhaeuser came back to the house, drove away again shortly after 8 p.m., then returned again carrying a small package under his arm. The source which gave the report concerning Ingram and Titcomb in- dicated George's father would not be present when the kidnapers are contacted. Fortner Postoffiee Carrier Indicted John W. Isaacson, local postal car-. rier who was arrested by a Federal inspector here more than a month ago for alleged thefts of money from let- ters sent to women students living in the larger dormitories, was indict- ed in Detroit yesterday afternoon by a Federal grand jury on a charge of rifling the mails, together with five Detroit carriers who had been arrested on similar charges. He was arrested here after com- plaints of theft had been received for more than a year, when Federal investigators traced the loss to the Ann Arbor Postoffice, and trapped Isaacson with a decoy letter. Although only Mosher Jordan Halls lie on Isaacson's route, it was charged The University R.O.T.C. and the Varsity R.O.T.C. band will play a prominent part in the annual Decor- ation Day activities and ceremonies, to be held this morning, according to plans of the local committee, com- posed of members of various patri- otic and military organizations, who are running the event. Chief Justice William M. Potter' Michigan Supreme Court will deliver the address at the conclusion of the parade. The Varsity R.O.T.C. band will probably head the procession accord- ing to the tentative line of march issued yesterday. The band will di- rectly follow the massed colors of the many groups taking part in the pa- rade. The full regiment of the Uni- versity R.O.T.C. consisting of more than 600 men will follow the band. This .will be the last formation of the organization this year, according to Lieut. Col. Frederick C. Rogers, commandant of the unit and head of the department of military science and tactics. Observances today will begin with the parade at 10 a.m. The marchers will proceed through the buisness sec- tion of Ann Arbor, then north to State Street, from there going to the For- est Hill cemetery on North Univer- sity Avenue. Several other local or- ganizations in addition to the Uni- versity R.O.T.C. and the Varsityuband will take part in the parade under the direction of Garnet J. Burlin- game, captain of the local National Guard company, who will serve as marshal of the day. Groups which will be represented include the American Legion and the American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Spanish American War Veterans, the women's auxiliaries of the Amer- ican Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Spanish American War Veterans, Company K of the Michi- gan National Guard, and the three surviving members of the G.A.R. of Ann Arbor. The three G.A.R. vet- erans will probably ride in cars in the parade, but their participation will depend, according to the committee in charge, on their condition after decorating the graves of their dead comrades earlier in the morning. The actual services of the day will be held at the grave of William A. Fletcher, first chief justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and one- time Regent of the University. The services are to commemorate the life and work of the distinguished Mich- igan jurist and also constitute the regular observance of Decoration Day. The Rev. W. P. Lemon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will de- liver the convocation, preceding the address of Chief Justice Potter at the grave of his predecessor. A stone which will commemorate the memory of Chief Justice Fletcher will also be unveiled at this time. The mem- bers of the G.A.R., many of whom knew Fletcher, will be present at the unveiling. WASHINGTON, May 29. - (IP) - President Roosevelt spoke a word of "confidence in our prospects" across the nation tonight by telephone in opening the California Pacific In- ternational Exposition at San Diego. In one of his first formal state- ments since the governmental uncer- tainty following the Supreme Court's sweeping scrapping of much of NRA, Mr. Roosevelt had these lines in his telephone talk: "What is before you represents progress, steps which have been taken and which led us to this very mo- ment in which we pause to look for- ward. "I think that we may well have confidence in our prospects. Govern- ment is being animated more and more by a desire for the well-being of the people as a whole. "A new public conscience is de- manding that those engaged in pri- vate enterprise in turn be guided by conduct based on good ethics and good morals as well as on thoughts of profit." WASHINGTON, May 29. - (A) - President Roosevelt closely scrutinized the reaction of industry and the public' tonight as, with scores of advisers, he strove to reduce the chaotic after- math of NRA's destruction to an or- derly plan of procedure.1 Breaking his silence for the first time since the Supreme Court killed the Blue Eagle, he 'told newspaper correspondents that far more im- portant than what was happening in Washington were the iraediaew sequences of the decision throughout American industry. On his desk, he said, were numer- ous assertions by varous code groups and trade associations of an inten- tion to stick by the codes until new legislation could be formulated. He added, however, that cut-throat tac- tics by a minority in those indus- tries could disrupt the whole scheme. Of more than 75 business men, law- yers and editors, whom the President said he had consulted, one of the out- standing figures was Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, original leader of NRA, whose vigorous tactics and biting epi- thets pushed the Blue Eagle agency to its former high place in popular prestige. Johnson hurried to Washington, it was understood, with a plan for a voluntary system of codes, with the Federal Trade Commission empow- ered to lift anti-trust law restrictions in certain cases. Mr. Roosevelt emphasized that Johnson was but one of 30 with an intimate knowledge of NRA who had been advising him. Prof. Felix Frank- furter of Harvard Law School, a fre- quent Roosevelt adviser, accompanied the former NRA chief. VOLCANO ERUPTS ANCHORAGE, Alaska, May 29. - A terrific eruption of the Augustine Island volcano, at mouth of Cook inlet, was reported by hunters and aviators reaching Anchorage. E. L. Griggs Is Granted Leave For Next Year Professor Will Spend His Time Studying Abolition Of SlaveryInEngland Prof. E. L. Griggs of the English department was grantedhsabbatical leave for next semester which he will spend in London studying the aboli- tion of slave trade in England, it was anounced yesterday. Professor Griggs will study the re- lation of the abolition of slave trade to the humanitarian aspects of ro- mantic literature. He has already done some work in this study. At the request of Thomas Clark- son's family, Professor Griggs will write his biography. Clarkson was the leading early abolitionist in Eng- land. To aid him in the collection of data on Clarkson's life, he has been given access to some material belong- ing to descendants of Clarkson. He plans to correlate this material with documents in the British Museum. Professor Griggs is the author of "The Life of Hartley Coleridge," pub- lished in 1929; editor of "Unpublished Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge," published in two volumes in 1932, and "The Best of Coleridge," and "Coler- idge; Essays by Several Hands." He will leave for London the latter part of August and return to Ann Ar- bor Feb. 1, 1936. Nazimova And ,Brent Star I Tonight's Play Ibsen's 'Ghosts' Features' Morris, Pape, Calvert In Supporting Cast The third play of the Dramatic Season, Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts," starring Nazimova and Romney] Brent, will open tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater. "Ghosts," which critics consideri the greatest of Ibsen's plays, is rep- resentative of his "moral question- ing" dramas. Nazimova will play the role of Mrs. Alving, and Brent will be cast as her son, Oswald.' The other characters are Patricia Calvert as Regina, who is in the ser- vice of Mrs. Alving, Lionel Pape as Engstrand, and McKay Morris as Pastor Manders. Nazimova was brought over from Russia to play the part of Mrs. Al- ving in the first New York produc- tion of "Ghosts," and has done much to popularize the play in this country. Although this is Brent's first tragedy role, he is a comedian of note, who has been starred by the New York Theater Guild, and has also written several plays, among them "The Mad Hopes" and "Nymph Errant." McKay Morris was starred in the New York production of "Aphrodite," and for several years was Ethel Bar-. rymore's leading man. The play will run for three days, ending Saturday night. There will be two matinees, one Friday after- noon and one Saturday. Scribners Publish Prof. Angell's Book A book by Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department, entitled "The Family Encounters the Depres- sion," will be issued during the sum- mer by the Charles Scribner & Sons publishing company. The book, dealing chiefly with the socio-psychological adjustment of families during the depression, is based on 50 complete documents ob- tained from students during the past four years. Issuing of Graduation Notices Ends Friday V - AXm 7 n n vn.. rr-- -. + I. BULLETIN ] Five Detroiters were injured, one seriously, early this morning in an automobile collision on Dex- ter Road., Mrs. F. Olver, 45, seriously hurt, and her husband, Fred 01- ver, 45, 2915 S. Fort St., Detroit, their son and daughter-in-law,] Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olver, 4335 driven by the junior Olver, head- on the charge of driving while intoxicated. According to the local police the charge will be changed to homicide in case any casualties occur among the in- jured.D The injured were in the cart driven by the senior Oliver, head- ed towards Patterson Lake, when it collided with one driven by Fred Wesley, 54, 2110 Kenton Ave., Detroit, coming towardls Ann Arbor.I Wesley is held in the county jaile on the charge of drunk driving,. According to local police, the charge will be changed to homi- cide in case any casualties occurX among the injured. S.C.A. Appoints Officers For Next Semester William Wilsnack Takes Office Immediately As President° William H. Wilsnack, '37, was ap-J pointed president of the Students Christian Association last night byo the Board of Trustees of the S.C.A.c Evelyn J. Maloy, '36, was appointedt vice-president, Richard S. Clarke, '37,I secretary, and Lawrence E. Quinn,V '36, director of Freshman Rende-v vous Camp. The 17 new cabinetf members will be announced today. Wilsnack has served as Houset Chairman of the S.C.A. during theF past semester and also has been an member of the executive cabinet. Hec is a transfer student from the Uni-C versity of Maryland, where he wasF also an officer of the student Y.M.C.A.a His home is in Mamaronek, N. Y., Miss Maloy, whose home is in Kan- sas City, Mo., has served on the cab- inet all year in the capacity of re-c cording-secretary. Both Clark andd Quinn have been very active in thet work of the S.C.A. Clark being edi-d tor of the Freshman Handbook and' Quinn serving as secretary of the or-s ganization. The outgoing officers are: Russellt F. Anderson, '36, president; Patriciat L. Woodward, '35; and Quinn, whof will retire'as secretary. Anderson andt Quinn will be retained on the cabinet as senior advisersand will share in the organization work with the new offi- cers. A new plan has been installed this year in order to give better stability to the S.C.A. The new plan calls for the election of a president of the or- ganization who is a sophomore and who will direct the program. Each year the retiring president will serve in an advisory capacity on the ex- ecutive cabinet. Anderson stated last night "that it is believed that the new plan will provide a smoother and better coordinated program.''i Wilsnack will be the 82nd presi- dent of the S.C.A., which is one of the oldest campus organizations, being organized in 1857 and having the dis- tinction of being perhaps the oldest student Y.M.C.A. organization in America.I During the past school year the program of the S.C.A. has been more1 of a sociological nature'. Several out- standing speakers have been spon- sored during the course of the sermes- ter, and the work of the Fresh Air' Camp has been one of the major parts of the program. 457 Winning Number In Gargoyle Contest The winning number in the Gar- goyle numbered copy contest is 457, it was announced yesterday by Jo- seph E. Horak, '35, business manager. The student holding the copy with this number, which was drawn by Executive And Judiciary Committees Of Control Body Are Selected Judiciary Group To Handle Disciplining Executive Committee Will Guide Affairs Requiring Immediate Action Wiliam R. Dixon, '36, of Midland, was elected president of the new Men's Council at its first meeting yes-' teray afternoon at the Union, and John W. Strayer, '36, of Buchanan,, was elected vice-president. Dixon is an ex-officio member of the Council because of his being past president of Sphinx, and Strayer was elected to the Council as a represent- ative from the Literary College. Dixon was chairman of the cooper- ative committee of the Union for the past year, a member of the Student Faculty Relations Committee, and a J-Hop committeeman. He is a mem- ber of Sphinx and is affiliated with'i Kappa Sigma fraternity. Strayer is a member of Theta Delta Chi fraternity, Sphinx, and Druids. In addition to spending three years on the Gargoyle business staff, he is' next year's president of the Var- sity Glee Club, an is a member of next year's board in Control of Stu- ent Publications. At the meeting the two committees of the Council were constituted for the coming year. Dixon, Strayer, and John C. McCarthy, '36, of Chicago, secretary of the Council, as the three officers of the Council are automati- cally ex-officio members of the Execu- tive Committee, and Nelson R. Drou- lard, '36E, of St. Clair, and Charles W. Markham, '36BAd., of Ann Arbor, were elected to complete the commit- tee. In addition to Dixon, members of the Judiciary Committee are Thomas H. Kleene, '36, of Asheville, N. C., managing editor of The Daily, Wen- cel E. Neumann, Jr., '36E, of Royal Ooak, president of the Union, and Frank B. Fehsenfeld, '36, of Indian- apolis, elected representative from the literary college. The Judiciary Committee, accord- ing to Dixon, will handle student dis- cipline and recommend to the Stu- dent Disciplinary Committee all viola- tions except those of a purely aca- demic nature. "The executive Committee," Dixon said, "will handle all affairs of the Council which require immediate ac- tion. It is to be a guiding organiza- tion." The retiring president of the Undergraduate Council, the organiza- tion which the new Council is replac- ing, is Carl Hilty, '35. Flandin's Plea For Sweeping Powers Denied PARIS, May 29.- (') -A steady golden stream, uninterrupted despite strenuous efforts to halt the flight from the franc, flowed out from the Bank of France's vaults today as Premier Etienne Flandin suffered the first major setback in his battle for dictatorial financial powers. The chamber of Deputies' Finance Committee voted 25 to 15 against his bill requesting far-reaching authority to balance the budget and defend the franc, thereby emphasizing the open hostility developing in parliament to the government's program. Some quarters said they believed that Flan- din might have to resign. Unimpressed, however, Flandin said he would carry his appeal directly to the chamber tomorrow. Prosecu- tions of persons speculating against the franc is contemplated, he an- nounced, and evidence gathered has been sent to the ministry of justice. Meanwhile the Bank of France's gold losses continued to average about 1,000,000,000 f r a n c s ($65,800,000) daily, with total losses since the movement began late in March esti- mated at some 11,000,000,000 francs (almost $716,000,000). 'U. S., English Students Similar Says Visiting British Educator There is a striking similarity be- tween American and English college students according to L. Ferrar Brown, administrative officer at the University of London, England, who is visiting the University for a few days while making a tour of many prominent American universities and colleges. Mr. Brown stated that ideas of American students about war and the economic depression prevail in England and that the general "ques- tioning attitude" among students which is evident in America is also predominant in England. There is a definite anti-war feeling among the students, he said. "The English students feel that there is no immediate danger of war but be- lieve that if the present armament The economic depression in Eng- land, as in America, has produced a profound influence on s t u d e n t thought, he said. "There seems to be a movement in thought toward the left, and there is a feeling that an economic setup of a more socialistic nature will be necessary," he stated. "From what I have observed, this seems to be a characteristic of Amer- ican students just as much as it is a' characteristic of English students, and I feel that this is a good attitude, for the young radicals of today usu- ally turn out to be the conservatives of tomorrow.', Mr. Brown said he believed the stu- dents at Oxford and Cambridge were perhaps the most "intellectually free" of any students in the world. "How- ever," he continued, "contrary to the' nn.-al-i s f th ir n. a-41lit- rint