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February 20, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-20

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Meet The
Professor . . .

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T r, , - _ -
Pubiised every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
c'ssetiated 6011egita grass
S1034 1ij 935

student comes here with the idea
that he need have no false hopes of ever meetin=
a professor face to face, for such a rare privilege
cannot be expected in a place of this size. Ever3
jerkwater college teaches proudly - and probably
cincerely-that it offers the tremendous advantage
of more intimate contacts with faculty and fellow
But, frankly we had no idea that students were
actually graduating from the University of Mich-
igan still obsessed by the idea that in a school
of this size there was a lack of opportunity to
meet their instructors personally. We thought
growing proficiency in the art of apple-polishing
had dispelled all notion that the " pedagog sat
haughtily aloof, denying access to anyone so
humble as a student.
Yet some recent graduates of the School of Edu-
cation felt distinctly the absence of contacts with
faculty members outside the classroom, they re-
vealed in a survey announced some days ago. Per-
haps the added emphasis on this phase of Uni-
versity life in the last few years has reminded many
of the faults of which these graduates complain.
There is no reason why any future graduates
should bemoan their failure to become acquainted
with their elders in the University community. The
opportunity is theirs if they care to use it. Knowl-
edge of the opportunity can scarcely fail to dawn
upon them if they are sincerely interested in the
problems at hand. Once made, professorial friends
- yes, even at Michigan -are'known to sit long
hours chewing over even some of the most in-
consequential subjects - and liking it.
The professors may not thank us for adding
to the lines in their waiting rooms, gut, in justice
to them, their splendid cooperative attitude should
not go unheeded.

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special dis-
patches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
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$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
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Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR.... .................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EINANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. l~ laherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Artleur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
0. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
Elizabeth ,Miller, Melba Mcrrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
Rueger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
den; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,
Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation
and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified
Advertising and Publications, George Atherton.
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William1
Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park,
F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom
Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe,
Richard E. Chaddock.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,E
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, etty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kollig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

Editor's Note: The article appearing in this
column yesterday concerning the Theta house
was supposed to have been the sorority at the
University of Wisconsin and not the local
chapter as the item erroneously implied.
Wherever the girls at Skidmore College are
skidding to, they aren't skidding to everlasting
(lamnation. Eight per cent of them, according to
a survey, still admit they've never been kissed.
S ** *
A college columnist defines a nudist: One
who who goes coatless and vestless, and wears
trousers to match.
Everyone here is familiar with the rather famous
ruling that students may leave classes if their
professors do not put in an appearance within the
first 12 minutes of the hour. This regulation, how-
ever, proves to be a mythical and false belief if the
student is unfortunate enough to obtain a certain
type of instructor in his course. A slightly different
touch was added recently to a similar understand-
ing in existence at the University of Minnesota
It seems that a certain professor who was a de-
mon for promptness was in the habit of locking the
doors a few minutes after the hour so that late
arrivals would be forced to take a cut. The other
day the tables were turned on him in such a way
that the members of his class are still chortling
with glee. Upon arriving 13 minutes late he found
that the door was barred against him. His pupils
had waited the traditional 12 minutes, locked the
front door and whipped out of a back entrance.
A certain student of dentistry from Indiana
University has advanced the theory that by brush-
ine one's tonsils morning and night one can avoid
the necessity of having them removed. To back up
his theory he has invented a set of ling brushes
that will easily reach the offending appendages.
The practicality of the scheme has not as yet been
completely demonstrated.
It is not always the student who knows all
the answers. A professor at the University of
Southern California recently gave an un-
usually long assignment to his class. One of the
students in a disguested voice said, "Who in-
vented work anyway?"
"You should worry, you'll never infringe on
his patent," was th professor's retort.
"What would you do if you were on guard duty
and a battleship suddenly came across the parade
ground in your direction?"
This question was asked by a military arts class
at Syracuse University by an officer who was de-
sirous of finding out whether or not his class was
thinking. Naturally enough his foolish question
was productive of many foolish answers such as,
"I'd take another drink." "I'd shoot it." and "I'd
jump aboard."
That type of query is one of the Army's stock
questions. Only one in the class of 48 answered
correctly with, "I'd report it to the captain of
the guards."

1 S



Will Make

Your 1935




I.ecision .
ed States handed down its long-
awaited gold clause decision Monday. "The gov-
ernment," it ruled, "has to keep its promise, but
it does not have to pay what it promised to pay,"
or so it must have seemed to more than one
bewildered reader.
And still the questions persist: What is the true
meanihg of the court's decision? Does it nullify
the sanctity of contracts? Is the Constitution, in
the words of Justice McReynolds, "gone?"
Or, on the other hand, was the decision a vic-
tory for the Constitution? Is that document now
more clearly defined than before? Is the decision a
triumph for society over the claims of private in-
dividuals? While we are inclined to agree with
Dean Bates that the latter is the case, further
developments alone will tell. It seems quite definite,
at least, that a rather broad interpretation of the
Constitution has always proved best in a changing
Several things in connection with the decision
are of sufficient certainty and importance to be
pointed out.
First, the decision is undoubtedly one of the
most important in the annals of American his-
tory. What a ruling adverse to the Administration
would have meant, no one can tell. In all prob-
ability, however, it would have seriously disrupted
not only the New Deal financial policy, but the en-
tire recovery program as well. As it is, the absolute
power of Congress over the currency and all things
pertaining to it, regardless of any other factors, has
been asserted without a question.
Second, the decision is plainly a case wherein
the justices did consider factors other than the
purely legal aspects. Chief Justice Hughes, in
reading the statement of the court, explained
clearly that the economic condition of the country
was considered by those making the majority
ruling. Never before has a chief justice been so
outspoken concerning the court's consideration of
extra-legal situations.
Third, Chief Justice Hughes further showed
himself a great jurist. Appointed as a conserva-
tive, his opinions have defied classification under
any label. As Emerson said, ."Consistency is the
hobgoblin of little minds." "What great men do
is wisdom," Socrates exclaimed, "lesser men make
rules to justify." This speaks well for the present
chief justice of the United States and for the
prestige of the body over which he presides.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed~ as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Dairy. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names bf communicants will, however, be regarded1
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Unextended Insight
To the Editor: 'l
Permit me to congratulate you upon the in-
sight in regard to the underlying forces in con-
temporary society indicated by the review of "The
Lives of a Bengal Lancer" which appeared in last
Tuesday's Daily.
Is not the economic force making for imperialism
the same which makes for glorification of it in the3
cinema? And the same, I suppose, goes for war.
This one inconspicuous quarter-column is an
encouraging indication of what the entire edi-
torial page might be were the same keen analysis
axtended to all contemporary. affairs.
-Davis R. Hobbs.
Tolstoy Eventst
To the Editor:
Tolstoy's novel, "Resurrection" has the unique
distinction of having been filmed by four dif-
ferent companies, starting with a silent film by a
European producer.
The latest version is now playing in Ann Arbor
under the title, "We Live Again" with Frederic
March and Anna Sten in the main roles.
Tolstoy's masterpiece was honored by furnishing
the theme for a modern opera which was played
in Chicago a few years ago.
The early part of the plot is based on an actual
experience of Tolstoy's youth - just as in many
other creations of Tolstoy autobiographical ma-
terial is visible.
Tolstoy wrote this novel under unique circum-
stances, at a time when he had decided that hel
must give his literary talents to mankind without
remuneration; but the persecutions to which the
Doukhobor sect in Russia was subjected by the1
Czar compelled Tolstoy to make an exception andl
he agreed to accept payment for "Resurrection";
it appeared in installments and simultaneously in
the leading languages of Europe. The enormous
fees given Tolstoy were all turned over to the
Doukhobors who were thus able to emigrate toa
Canada on two specially chartered ships; thus
L. N. Tolstoy played the role of a modest Moses
who - while keeping in the background - enabledt
the people of his heart to reach a land of promise
where they could worship in freedom, no longer1
slaves to a military machine. (The faith of the'
Doukhobors is based on the Sermon on the Mount
and resembles that of the Quakers; they are also
Dr. William Lewin, writing on "Motion Picture
Appreciation in American High Schools," writes
of "We Live Again":
"Directed by Rouben Mamoulian, a meticulous
cinema artist, this screen version of Tolstoy's fa-
mous novel, "Resurrection," is one of the notable ,
photoplays of the 1934-35 season. Admirers of the,
great Russian novelist will be pleased to find that
the theme of the original story is faithfully re-
tained - the conversion of a Don Juan into a
Saint Francis. Mamoulian handles this great theme
with the idealism and mysticism of the Russian.
His condensation of the story is skillful, and
throughout the film he has caught the atmosphere
of the old Czarist days with fine imagination.
The acting of Anna Sten, S. Goldwyn's new Slavic
star, and our own Frederic March is convincing.
All the, players seem to have been well cast. Pic-
torially, the film is so beautiful that every angle
in the cinematic procession seems perfectly chosen.
Lighting and shading provide superb chromatic
effects that delight the eye. . . . Teachers of the
social sciences will find here a wealth of material
for the discussion of life goals and of social



Full Payment


Part Payment

A Washington



American Federation of Labor leaders who
conferred with him is a remarkable document. It
reveals him in a different role from that he estab-
lished in the bombardment of brief, trenchant
messages to Congress which started off the New
Then the President compressed maters of vast
meaning and significance into small wordage. His
meeting to the A.F. of L. leaders took a good many
words; but what did it say?
FIRST IMPRESSIONS represented the White
House meeting as signalizing a rapproche-
inent between the President and the federation
after the clash over the auto and tobacco codes,
both in force over bitter federation protest. Sec-
ond thoughts among Washington commentators
Produced the reaction that the White House meet-
ing had not changed anything.
The federation was standing by its guns. So was
the administration. There was an exchange of
complimentary expressions; but nothing to indi-
cate any relaxation of the White House policy of
letting employes in the basic industries, such as the
automotive, do their own picking of spokesmen for
negotiations with employers.
Certainly the rumbles of strike talk in federation
circles which came with the extending of the auto
code had died away. In the face of the President's
direct assumption of responsibility for the decision
to extend that code, there was no renewal-of the
attack by federation leaders on Donald Richberg.
HE FEDERATION men probably are well aware
that short of an effort to set up a distinct
labor party before 1936. an unlikely development,
they may have small choice that year among pres-
idential nominees. No rival to Roosevelt for federa-
tion support is yet even vaguely showing in 19361
prevues. That rather cramps the style of federation
spokesmen. There is no immediate point in an open
break with the White House.I
All of the questions in dispute are due for full
congressional airing soon in any case. What is to be i
done about NRA beyond its June expiration date
must soon be decided. The political importance
of the federation to members of both houses is


Memories of the
1936 J-I-o~p



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At Less Than Cost. Also a
INnn 1:vfr & in ieF

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