I The Weather C, r A6F Anb. %WWI 4 t .AAtr an 4g . ~Iaitjj Editorials The Supreme Court Decision.. . Exhibits Of The Library... Fair today and tomorrow; rode rate temperatures. VOL. XLV. No. 177 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Services Will Latest NRA Developments Commemorate W. A. Fletcher L o c a 1 Organizations To Parade In Decoration Day Observance To Unveil Tablet In JuIge's Memory Capt. Burlingame To Head Marchers; G. A. R. To Be Represented Final plans for the annual ob- servance of Decoration Day tomor- row by local military -and patriotic organizations have been formulated by a committee composed of members of the various groups., The activities of the day will begin with a parade at 10 a.m. Taking part will be the American Legion, the American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, the Varsity R.O.T.C. band, the University RO.T.C. regiment, Com- pany K of the Michigan National guard, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Spanish American War veterans, the Women's Relief Corps, composed of the ladies auxiliary of the American Legion and similar groups representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Spanish Amer- ican War Veterans. The three sur- viving members of the local G.A.R. post will form the rear guard of the procession. Burlingame Will Lead The parade, headed by the massed colors of the participating organiza- tions, will be under the command of Garnet J. Burlingame, captain of the local national guard company, serv- ing as marshal for the day. It will form at the National Guard Armory, and will proceed west to Main St., south on Main to Williams St., east on Williams to State St., north on State to North University Ave. and east on North University to the For- est Hill cemetery where the annual exercises and ceremonies will be con- The services will be held at the grave of William A. Fletcher, first chief justice of the Michigan Supreme Court and one time Regent of the University. These services will com- memorate the work and activity of Justice Fletcher as well as serving for Decoration Day observances. The Rev. W. P. Lemon, pastor of the Ann3 Arbor First Presbyterian church will deliver the convocation at thekgrave. He will be followed as speaker by William M. Potter, present chief jus- tice of the state supreme court, who will honor the memory of his prede- cessor in the distinguished office. Jus- tice Lemon is a resident of Hastings, Mich. Taps By Legion Following the two speeches a selec- tion will be given by the Varsity. R.O.T.C. Band preceding the unvei- ling of a stone to the memory of Jus- tice Fletcher which has been do- nated jointly by J. L. Arnet, of Ann Arbor and the Vermont Marble Com- pany. Taps will be played as the crack squad of the local American Legion post fires a volley in honor of the soldier dead. The benediction will be given by the Rev. Lemon. The last three G.A.R. members of Washtenaw County will be on the platformwith the veterans of the country's more recent wars during the course of the services. Whether they will also be inthe parade will depend upon their condition after decorating the graves of their comrades earlier in the day. The exact order of the units participating in the parade will not be announced until this afternoon. Relief ,Agen cyIs Stormed By Jobless WASHINGTON, May 28. - (A) - Born chiefly of the Supreme Court's overthrow of NRA and its other mo- mentous decisions, these still-unfo- cused developments swirled today: The Administration Feverishly, constitutional soil was sought for some of the New Deal's upturned roots. President Roosevelt directed studies; held conferences. A voluntary code plan under a revivified Blue Eagle was mentioned. Attorney General Homer S. Cummings and Donald R. Richberg huddled but an- nounced no results. NRA's Board talked of a commission study, possibly looking toward a constitutional amendment. Again, no definite de- cision. Mr. Roosevelt advanced his Wednesday press conference from morning to afternoon; some rumors of a radio talk persisted. Congress Stood still. Leaders ordered a re- measuring of all New Deal bills by the Supreme Court's NRA yardstick. They included social security, the AAA l amendments, holding company reg- ulation, banking and extension of what part of NRA remains. The House swiftly adjourned to halt Republican speech-making. Re- publican leader Bertrand Snell said that Congress could start over, run- ning for months, or go home. Sen- ate passed routine bills. Business Some leaders hailed NRA decision as recovery spur, ending uncertainty. Harper Sibley, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce, ap- pealed to business to uphold code- level hours and wages. The National Association of Manufacturers urged voluntary stability of wages, hours, working conditions, competitive prac- tices. Northern and Southern tex- tile mill spokesmen joined in similar pleas. Coal operators and labor lead- ers (failed to reach an agreement on a new wage-hour contract and mine leaders talked of a nationwide soft coal strike June 17. Labor The Labor Relations Board halted activities; code collective bargaining was gone. The future of Wagner Omnibus Bank Bll Ops ed By Louis Ward, WASHINGTON, D.C., May 28.-(W) --Contending the present system gave private bankers the power toi "create depression or decree prosper-r ity at will," Louis C. Ward, Washing- ton representative of Father Charles E. Coughlin's National Union for So- cial Justice, today urged that a gov- ernment-owned central bank bill bec substituted for the pending omnibus bank measure.( Appearing before a Senate banking sub-committee as a self-styled "lobby- ist" for a central bank proposal Fa-' ther Coughlin drafted for Senator Nye (Rep., N. D.), Ward declared:' "The present banking system with its creation of a system of credit money and operating under the Fed-1 eral Reserve Act, puts the power over money and credit in the hands of the bankers and gives them the power to create depressions or decree prosper-.. ity at will.1 BROADCASTER'S DAUGHTER ILL Ruth A. Bradner, '36, daughter of C. C. Bradner, noted news broadcas-, ter, was rushed to the University ; Hospital early this morning with an attack of acute appendicitis. Labor Disputes Bill was clouded. Senator Hugo Black, Alabama Dem- ocrat, contended that his thirty-hour week bill was the way out; Senator Daniel o. Hastings, Delaware Re- publican, replied that it was even less valid than NRA. Agriculture Secretary Henry A. Wallace agreed with congressional chiefs that con- troverted AAA amendments must be rewritten; they touch important li- censing powers of adjustment law. The Senate returned them to com- mittee for revamping. Some believed that production curtailment contracts were secure. Most cgntened that the Frazier-Lemke Farm Mortgage Mor- atorium Act was unrecoverable from the Supreme Court blasting. Its au- thors pressed an inflation bill to refi. nance mortgages. Rep. William Lem- ke, N o r t h Dakota Republican, planned to ask a court rehearing of the mortgage case. Prices The Stock Market was off in a 2,000,000-share day. Commodity markets quivered uncertainly, closed irregularly. Cigaret price slashing was reported with return of the loss- leader practice; other cuts Were re- ported. Code Authorities Some saw an end to business rule groups; others urged voluntary cohe- sion. A drive was started to rebuild liquor codes - the heart of govern- ment post-repeal liquor control. Congressional experts looked to tax- power rule. Funds For Slum .clearance And HousingAsked $221,507,000 Requested For Unemployment Re. lief; 31 States Affected WASHINGTON, May 28. - (P)-- Requests for $221,507,000 to clear slums and build low-rental housing in 31 states toped 4 long list of a pi a ions 'far work relief money made public today. The 60 housing projects for which funds were sought were proposed by the housing division of the Public Works administration. The $317,894,150 batch of applica- tions announced by the emergency council's division of applications and information also included requests for $44,739,200 to finance 29 municipal construction projects in 12 states and $44,313,000 for flood control in eight counties of Mississippi. Minor groups of applications asked for $6,250,950 for 30 projects classi- fied as self-liquidating in 16 states and $1.039,000 for rivers and harbors work in three states. Yesterday the President's advis- ory committee on work relief allot- ments cancelled a scheduled meeting at the White House with word it would not convene again until next Monday. It was learned that Maj. George Berry, president of the International. Pressmen's union and an NRA admin- istrator, has attended two of the com- mittee's sessions as a labor represen- tative. There has been no official an- nouncement of his appointment to the committee, however. The allotments committee has held only two of four scheduled meetings since it announced at its first ses- sion, May 7, it would meet Mondays and Thursdays. Parents Are Prepared To Pay Ransom Advrtisement Is Incidation Of Family's Acceptance Of Abductor's Terms B o y Seized Friday On Way From School Kidnaped Son Of Wealthy Family Believed Held In Populous Center TACOMA, May 28. --(tP-- Some- where outside the law, the kidnapers of little George Weyerhaeuser were believed laying final plans tonight to atempt collection of $200,000 ransom for their curly-haired captive - and deliver him to his parents. It was indicated that the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weyerhaeuser, awaited only directions from the ab- ductors to begin negotiating over the ransom demand. Tomorrow is the "deadline" set by the kidnapers for payment of the $200,000. Fearing for the nine-year-old vic- tim's life, if the ransom is not paid on time, the parents inserted an ad in the personal columns of a Seattle newspaper today announcing they were ready to deal. "We are ready, Percy Minnie," the notice said. Publication of the ad was in ac- cordance with instructions from the kidnapers who snatched the boy shortly before noon Friday somewhere between school and his home. Whether the new ad meant that the family had raised the demanded price or whether it wished to open negotia- tiations for a lesser amount could not be learned. Friends said that the Weyerhaeusers had suffered heavy losses in recent years. Private investigators reported dis- covering today a three-story ram- shackle house, hidden in trees and underbrush, which might have served as a possible "lookout post" for the kidnapers. In the structure, once a $50,000 home, fresh footprints were found in the dust, one of them from the rubber heels of a man's shoe. . An upper bedroom, they said, con- tained a stool and a block from which the dust and cobwebs had been re- moved. A window in it overlooked the area where the boy was last seen. United States Marshal A. J. Chitty said he believed the boy was being held in an apartment house or home, in some congested center of popula- tion. Miller Speaks At Sigma Delta Clii Initiation Greater Accuracy In News Writing Is Emphasized; Initiate Six A plea for greater accuracy in news writing was made last night by Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the depart- ment of mechanism and engineering drawing, at an initiation banquet held in the Union by Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic so- ciety. The new memDers of the society include Burnett Levick, '36, Bernard Weissman, '37, Fred Warner Neal, '37, William C. Bergman, '36, Philip Trezise, '36, and Maurice Russell, '35. Speaking on the subject "Is ac- curacy Incompatible With Good Jour- nalism?" Colonel Miller pointed out the development of a "why conscious- ness" among people throughout the world since the World War to show that there has been an .increasing demand for facts, not opinions, in the reporting of news events. "People are asking the question 'Why can't we have the facts?' and it is up to professional journalists to have the courage either to admit their stories are only approximations of the truth, when such is the case, or not to write the story at all," Col- onel Miller maintained. The profession of journalism, ac- cording to Colonel Miller, is classed in people's minds together with the professions of law, politics, banking and business in the "doubtful" cate- gory as to integrity and ethical stand- ards. "Medicine, teaching and engineer- chigan Industry Plans To Carry On 'As Usual'* Voluntary NRA Proposal New Deal Described As 'Groping Dazedly' For Future Pathway Legislation Brought To Momentary Halt Labor Chieftains Hasten To Salvage Bits From NRA Wreckage WASHINGTON, May 28. - () - Halted in mid-stride by the Supreme Court's abrupt destruction of NRA, the New Deal groped dazedly tonight for a pathwdy into the future. Under consideration was a plan for an entirely voluntary structure of codes for the government of business, limited to hours, wages and a ban on child labor, with all the old coer- cive or compulsory provisions elim- inated. Administration chieftains brought Congressional machinery to a creak- ing stop and ordered a thorough- going study of all major measures in the light of the words uttered by the high court yesterday in sentencing the Blue Eagle to immediate death. Conferences scattered from the cap- ital to the White House hardly got be- yond a discussion of the court's opin- ion, with its emphatic declaration that Congress had illegally delegated its powers to the President and that Congress has no control over intra- state commerce, or its hours or wages. Labor Leaders To Confer Labor leaders scurried to Wash- ington to see what could be gathered from the wreckage of NRA. They assembled at A.F. of L. headquarters with President William Green. There were widespread hints of strikes, espe- cially in textiles and coal if operators depart from code wage and hour pro- visions. An impending deluge of Republican gloating was headed off in the House by a quick adjournment, but the Sen- ate remained in session and fought it out toe to toe. Senator Joseph T. Robinson, the majority leader, main- tained that all regulation of intra- state commerce was now impossible. Senator Hugo Black, of Alabama, con- tended that his thirty-hour-week bill was unaffected. His insistence cen- tered more and more attention upon that measure. To Revise Amendments A complete revision of pending amendments to the Agricultural Ad- justment Administration was ordered, with a view to bringing the codes of AAA into conformity with the court opinion, and with special study de- voted to the licensing provisions. Subjected to close scrutiny, too, were the administration's Social Se- curity bill, the measure to abolish or regulate public utility holding companies, and the Wagner Labor Disputes Act, already bearing par- tial White House sanction. The legal lights of FACA stulied the predicament of codes through which the government regulates the liquor industry. Administrator Jo- seph L. Choate asked all involved to be patient and calmly predicted that the situation would be "straight- ened out" shortly. i t--- II Swingout Is Prvented; No Ceremony This Year Swingout will not be held this year because of the lack of time before the end of the semester, Allen D. McCombs, '35, chairman of the Student Swingout commit- tee, announced last night. The ceremony was scheduled to be held at 4:30 p.m. yesterday, but had to be called off because of rain. Although there was a lull in the downpour shortly before the march was to begin, only three or four capped and gowned sen- iors put in their appearance. According to the terms under which the Senate Committee on Student Affairs recently entrusted the conduct of the ceremony to the student committee, the ban on Swingout imposed by the Univer- sity in 1933 is now again in effect. However, McCombs explained that it is almost certain permission will be granted again next year. Barney R o s s Comes Back In Savage Battle Unanimous Verdict Gives Him Victory After 15 Round Bout POLO GROUNDS, N. Y., May 28. - (P) - As the boos of the malcontents rose high in the muggy air, a bat- tered, bleeding but doggedly game little Barney Ross climbed back to- night onto the welterweight throne, conqueror for the second time in three tries of the hero of the Irish, gallant Jimmy McLarnin. Barney came back the hard way, slugging out a decisive 15-round ver- dict over the bludgeoner who whipped him for the title last September, after Ross had won it in June the first time they tangled. He came back with blood trickling steadily from his nose, his features snarled and lumpy, but he came back in the unanimous opin- ion of Jack Dempsey, the old cham- pion, who was the referee, and the two judges, Abe Goldberg and George Lecoron. McLarnin, fighting a better, smart- er, more gruelling battle than in either of the fights in which they tangled before, escaped from the outward signs that marked Ross, but he took a severe body beating in the late rounds, his left eyebrow 'was cut in the eleventh and his right eye was swelling from the first half dozen rounds on. There were no knockdowns, but for I sheer savagery and punching-fury, it was one for boxing history books. CHAIN LETTERS LEGAL LANSING, May 28. - (/P) - The practice of chain letter writing is "but one of the numberless immoralities which the state does not and can- not undertake to punish." That was the essence of a ruling today by As- sistant Attorney General Buel A. Doelle. Industrial Executives Say Wages And Hours Will Be Unchanged Coughlin Maintains His Original Stand New Deal Leaders Go Into Conference; Drive For Black Bill Is Renewed DETROIT, May 28. - () - Mich- igan industry, headed by the au mobile manufacturing concerns ac- cepted th'e Blue Eagle's demise calm-" ly as most of them made preparations today to carry on business as usual. Executives of severalrprinciple in- dustries apparently were unanimous in predicting that no drastic changes in wages or hours were probable. Walter P. Chrysler, chairman of the Chrysler Corp., posted a notice in all of the company's plants assuring the more than 25,000 employees that changes in wage policies >were not contemplated. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of General Motors Corp. said tonight at New York that his organization contemplated no change in wage levels as a result of the Su- preme Court's NRA decision. "As to the effect of the Supreme Court's decision on the NRA as in- fluencing the wage level, it is my be- lief it will have no appreciable influ- ence," said Sloan. The Rev. Charles E. Coughlin said that the decision meant that "a great portion of the New Deal has been voided. We find ourselves almost where we started in 1932. The Na- tional Recovery Act has failed to re- cover. I still contend, as I have con- tended for the last two years, that there can be no salutary recovery until a central attack Will have been made on the money changers." Father Coughlin repeated his as- sertions that "both the NRA and the AAA were illegitimate children left upon the nation's doorstep by the United States Chatnber of Com- (By Associated Press) The NRA situation at a glance: The New Deal chieftains hurriedly conferred throughout yesterday with- out apparent results except for hints of the voluntary codes' structures. Worried as to the soundness of other administration measures, con- gressional leaders ordered a study of all major bills to determine their constitutionality. Senate and House chiefs arranged to rewrite completely the AAA amendments in the light of the Supreme Court's NRA decision. The American Federation of Labor, plainly troubled, summoned its ex- ecutive council to decide on a course of action. Strike threats continued to be heard. The National Labor Relations Board, in effect, folded its tent. A renewed drive opened in Congress for the Black 30-hour Week Bill, with its author claiming it untouched by the High Court's ruling. The business spokesmen, as repre- sented by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, urged volun- tary maintenance of stabilized wage and hour conditions. President Roosevelt, closeted in contsant conferences, determined to keep silent until a course had been decided. Rumors of a possible week- end raido talk persisted. Missing Aviator Is Said To Be Alive WASHINGTON, May 28.- ()- Paul Redfern, American aviator miss- ing and given up for dead for nearly eight years, was reported in a dis- patch to the State Department today to have been seen alive near Nether- lands, Guiana, South America, two weeks ago. James L. Park, American vice-con- sul at Colon, Panama, reported by telegraph that an "unnamed inform- ant" had told him he had seen Red- fern in the Guiana country. Redfern was reported seriously crippled. The informant, according to Park's report, offered to lead a Forootten Grave Of State's 1st Chief Justice Will Be Honored, CHARLESTON, Ill., May 28. - VP) -Beating and disarming two con-' stables, one hundred jobless men stormed theIllinois Emergency Relief Commission agency here today in a mass protest against their asserted failure to receive food orders. Sheriff Roy Clark and ten police- men and deputies rushed to the of- fice, arrested five alleged leaders of the demonstration and disbanded their followers. Men's Student Council Elects Officers Today Members of the Men's Student Council will meet at 2 p.m. today in the Michigan Union, it was an- nounced yesterday by Carl Hilty, By FRED WARNER NEAL Michigan's present chief justice will come to Ann Arbor tomorrow to pay tribute to Michigan's first chief justice, whose body has lain here for 82 years in an unmarked and long- forgotten grave. In 1853, amid somber pomp and splendor, all Ann Arbor turned out to the funeral of its most distin- guished citizen, William A. Fletcher. Clothed in a dress suit with a ruffly white shirt, his body, encased in an iron casket, was laid to rest in the city cemetery. And then everybody forgot the noted jurist. Forty-five years later Titus Hutzel, then superintendent of the water company here, found the casket when laying a main through Huron street. The city cemetery had been made into Felch Park. Many of the graves had been moved to the new Forest Hill Cemetery, Mr..Hutzel, now octo- old mother about it. A pioneer in Ann Arbor, Mrs. Hutzel immediately identified the casket and the body. "It's Judge Fletcher," she said. That was in 1901. Mr. Hutzel found two of the noted jurist's relatives. He asked them about the body in the iron casket. Yes, they remembered something about it, but what could they do? They could not afford to have it moved. So Mr. Hutzel did the only thing he could do. He put the casket back where he found it, marking the spot with bricks. During the year 1916, the Michi- gan Historical Society, through Re- gent Junius E. Beal, inquired about Justice Fletcher's grave. Mr. Hutzel swore out an affidavit regarding his finding of the body, and the Societyt decided to mark properly the grave and give the jurist due honor. By Dramatic Star's Aspiration Is To Be Playwri ght And Director By ELSIE PIERCE Acting is not the only phase of the theater in which Romney Brent, star of "The Simpleton of the Un- expected Isles" is deeply interested, for he is even more vitally concerned in achieving his ambition of being a great playwright and director. Although Brent had always intend- ed to become an actor, it was only pure chance that led him to attempt the writing of plays. He had been speculating heavily in the stock mar- ket, and when the crash came in 1929, was left without a cent except his salary. "I just decided I had to do some- thing to earn money," he said, shrug- ging his shoulders, "so I went home one night and wrote out a play, with the vague idea that I might possibly self wrote, you really feel that you have accomplished something crea- tive, and it is really a thrill to see the actors on the stage living your thoughts." Too often an actor lives only for his monthly salary, he went on, and thereby loses sight of the potentiala creativervalue that his role may have. However, he said, "Acting really does become inspiring when you are work- ing with a great artist like Nazimova, who makes the play great by her exquisite art." Brent was born in Mexico of Span- ish-American parentage but never intends to go back to the land of his birth except perhaps for a visit, "Be- cause," he said, "What there is of the Mexican stage is utterly primitive, and actors are regarded there as