TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEa. MICHIGAN zDaTTY , .. ; i fi{ Committee For All-Dental Ball. Names Patrons Tickets Are On Sale For First Annual Ball To Be Held Wednesday L. Benson Bristol, '36D, chairman of the central committee for the first All-Dental Ball, has announced the list of patrons, patronesses, and chap- erons for this spring formal which is to become an annual event similar to the Caduceus Dance given by the Medical students. Two patrons have been selected by each of the dental fraternities on campus. This includes Alpha Omega, Xi Psi Phi, Psi Omega and Delta Sigma Delta.., The group chosen are Dr. and Mrs. Ben Sidenberg, Dr. and Mrs. J. Elson, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Wicks, Dr. and Mrs. Frank McIn- tyre, Dr. and Mrs. Duane B. Lurkin, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Schultz, Dr. and Mrs. Ira L. Lehman and Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Vontick, all of Detroit, and also the former dean of the Dental School and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Ward. The chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Sommer and Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Brown. Duane Yates and his band will fur- nish the music for this dance which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Wednesday, in the League Ballroom. Tickets, which are priced at $1.50, may be purchased from any of the committee members. Besides the chairman, this includes Wayne Ogle- stone, '36D, Leo Beldo, '36D, Howard Ross, '36D, Bert Forster, '36D, James Baker, '36D, Louis Kans, '36D, and Milton Kamler, '36D. Decorations will be announced to- morrow, the day of the ball. Gabardine Shorts Prominent Among New Sport outfits Fails In Attempt To Break Speed Record Patricia Calvert Enjoys Acting Under Direction Of Nazimova By JEWEL WUERFEL Crocus" and Eleanor Ulric in Playing with Nazimova and under "Mona." her direction is the "biggest kick" Pa- Miss Calvert prefers living in Lon- tricia Calvert has had in her stage don, where she was born, but she experience. Miss Calvert is now play- confesses that she would rather work ing the part of the young girl in in America. "American audiences are "The Simpleton of the Unexpected terribly spoiled, because they have Isles" at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- such a large nunlber of good actors ater and also in "Ghosts" opening and actresses at their disposal," Miss later in the week, both starring Nazi- Calvert stated, "and they aren't loyal mova. to their old favorites either." She "In the five months I have spent finds that she must work much harder working with Nazimova I have learned here than in London to gain recog- more about the stage and acting than nition, but Miss Calvert feels that she I have under any other director, ac- is luckier in America. tor or actress in two years," Miss Tossing her auburn colored hair, this Calvert claimed. petite young actress confessed that The fourth generation of a the- she had one superstition. That was atrical family, Miss Calvert began her to never talk about anything before stage career playing with her father, it happened. With this in mind, she Louis Calvert, famous English Shav- refuses to discuss her plans for the ian comedian, in "You Never Can future, although she admitted she had Tell," his last play before his death. quite a few. Miss Calvert has had a variety of When asked if there was any special experiences in her 12 years of acting. role she longed to play, Miss Calvert She broke a record on Broadway ap- replied, "I really don't care f -it any pearing in eight plays in one year. part especially; comedy or drama, Besides 30 weeks spent with the Jessie anything will satisfy me if it is a Bonstelle Company and 30 weeks with good role." Besides acting, her am- E. E. Clibe in Boston, she has ap- bition is to write and direct. peared with Mary Boland in "Meet An innovation she would like to the Wife," Nance O'Neil in "Stranger see in New York is a company like Than Love, Sidney Fox in "Lost the Moscow Art Players. A company Sheep," Francis Lederer in "Autumn of this sort works together the year around and is able to offer the public the best in plays and actors. The Gold Predominates Group Theater in New York, al-' though very young, is the nearest to Spring ewe y approaching the ideal of the Moscow Art Players. Of Start ingDesign Discussing the performance of "Ghosts" Miss Calvert said, "The whole treatment is entirely different With the current influx of exquisite due to the influence of Nazimova. chiffons, flowers in the hair, and a She had brought out the reality of the general atmosphere of delicacy and play rather than the melodrama so charm, conventional light summer often stressed." Will Play For Ball -Associated Press Photo. Laura Ingalls, aviatrix, failed in a recent attempt to break the trzn-nccntir:ental speed rece.d. for women when her plane was forced down at Indianapolis. A leak in the oil line, of her plane caused the forzcd landing. She had been in the air ten hours and 45 minutes when she landed. While They Were Dancing Duane Yates, orchestra leader, will bring his eleven-piece band to play for the first annual spring formal All-Dental Ball to be held, Wednesday, May 29, in the Loague Ballreom. Medal Awarded To Outstanding Senior A buffet supper in honor of the seniors and graduates of the School of Music was given Friday night by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the school, and his wife at their home. Mrs. Earl V. Moore, wife of the di- rector of the School of Music, and Maretta Martinek, '35, president of the - graduating class, served. Following the supper Ruby Pein- ert, '35, was awarded the Stanley medal. This is an award which is given annually to the most outstand- ing graduate in the music school and is always made at this special supper. The warm sunny days of the past week call for tennis and bicycle rid- ing, and these activities in turn call for shorts. The shorts this year are shown in a great many styles and fab- rics. Seersucker, gabardine, linen, gingham, and all the new cottons vie for top honors in the fabric line. One very clever outfit consists of a pair of navy blue gabardine shorts with an anchor on the left helmline and a white jersey halter with a red steering wheel for decoration. The shorts are not pleated, but should be pressed carefully like a man's trou- sers. Gabardines are very good, be- cause they hold their shape so well and always look neat. Among the cottons there is a very nice combination in ' plaid gingham with two perky little bo~s on the back of the halter, one at the neck and the other at the waist. These shorts are pleated, which makes them full and comfortable. For canoeing jersey or gabardine slacks are ideal. They are comfort- able and protect your legs from the chilly breezes. Terry cloth slacks are also very prominent. A crew neck sweater is an excellent companion for your slacks. They are shown in all colors and many of them are belted with rope-like ties. A very clever one is in fine white jersey with a pair( of crossed flags in red felt and a red cord belt for color accents. IThere To GoI Motion Pictures: Michigan, "0 Men" with James Cagney; Whitney, "Good Fairy" with Margaret Sullivan and "Circus Clown" with Joe E. Brown; Wuerth, "David Copperfield" with W. C. Fields; Majestic, "Our' Little Girl" with Shirley Temple. Drama: Lydia Mendelssohn, "The' Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles"' with Nazimova and Romney Brent, 8:15 p.m. Dancing: Hut Cellar. Varsity Glee Club Elects Officers For Next Year The Varsity Glee Club held a special business meeting recently at the home of Prof. David Mattern, conductor. The new officers include John. W. Strayer, '36, president, Ralph V. AV atthews, '36 S M, vice - president, Burrel Samuels, '37, secretary, and William A. Sawyer, '37E, treasurer. .TANDEM LINENS in New EVERGLADE STYLES = I Their variety will intrigue you. The bright plaids, the Stweedy monotones and the i fancy linens in pastel shades will make your se- lection difficult, for each ! one seems smarter than the r _ next enri two o e w ithin Despite the threat of final exams,I Saturday's dances were well attended.. Probably because warm weather, cool Probably because of warm weather, cool summer formals and pastel. sport dresses were the most popular choices for dresses. Tea-dancing at the Delta Gamma house was Rosanna Manchester who wore white boucle as did Louise Stev- ens. Also wearing white were Mad- eline Ce and Dorothy arson. The first dress had a trim of royal blue embroidered in white. The other fea- tured a shirred neckline and full sleeves. Other pastel shades were in evidence; Jane Willoughby's choice was pale blue crepe with brown re- vers, and Maryanna Chockley also chose crepe in a lovely ashes-of- roses shade. Martha Jane Hankey was there in a pale blue dress with a matching jacket. Marjorie Kough attended in lavender triple sheer. Dancing in the dimly-lighted Ethel Hussey Room at the League, which was the scene of the Scalp and Blade dance, was Janet Ray who looked charming in yellow flowered chiffon. Barbara Thomas was there in white crepe as was Jean Nelson in green organdy. Betty Allan wore white" dotted organdy. Unusual colors were seen in the' dresses worn. by the Kappa's at their spring formal. Mabel Campbell and Virginia Cluff were both in white, the first chose white organdy and the second wore white pique. Jean Haskins, just returned from a week- end in Florida, was there in green crepe. Also wearing crepe was Elea- Final Parties Given I By Student Groups nor Noyes who chose red cotton crepe, trimmed with ruffles of matching color. An interesting feature of Katherine Rietdyke's blue chiffon' dress was the accordion pleating circling the bottom. Louise French chose brown organdy and Peg Crin wore pink organdy. Black and white combinations were shown in the dresses worn by Betty Fauver and Margaret Campbell. Dancing to the strains of the Union band, which played for the Alumnae, dance which washeld at the Union, were Barbara Spaulding and Mar- jorie Langenderfer. They were both 'wearing flowered chiffon. Beatrice Graham chose aquamarine crepe for this dance. Seen at the. popular Silver Grill was Marjorie Peters who wore blue and white striped organdy with a matching bow under the chin and white sandals. Shirley Redding was dressed in a soft brown wool suit with a cream lace blouse. At the Tau Beta Pi house party an informal dance was held Saturday night. Jean Andrews atended in an rensemble of tan and red crepe. Joan Anderson wore a white linen suit with a sport blouse. Marian Dickson wore a red and white sunback cotton pique. Banquet Given By Honorary Society Phi Tau Alpha, honorary classical society, held its annual banquet re- cently in the Alumnae Room of the League. Forty guests were present, including faculty of the Latin and Greek departments. Preceding the banquet, Lester Houck, Grad., took auspices in Roman fashion. Rolse Hoatvedt, Grad., presided at' the meeting following the banquet. Short after-diner speeches were given by Prof. Warren E. Blake on "De Asini Umbra;" Prof. Bruno Mei- necke, on "Mens Conscia Recti;" an Dr. Frank O. Copley "On Homesick-. ness." Prof. John G. Winter delivered' the presentation speech,, giving Eliza- beth Lawry, '35, the Phi Tau Alpha classical award, which was a morocco- bound volume of "Horace." The committee in charge of the banquet was composed of Brenda Parkinson, '36, chairman, Anna Henc- kel, '36, Virginia Kirkwood, '35, and Henry Russel, 36. Songs sung during the banquet were arranged by the music committee, in- cluding Edmund Borgioli, '37, Mary Raft, '36, and Ruth Coles, '35. jewelry or none at all would certainly be expected. But fashion in a most perverse moment has decreed heavy, elaborate gold baubles.rProbably this unexpected trend is related to the present Grecian and Oriental influ- ence in formals. In any case, such jewelry promises to be entertaining as well as unusual. If your theory as to the eternal fitness of things is given a terrific jolt, you nevertheless will feel amply compensated for these new pieces are undeniably exciting. Picture for example a shining series of huge metal balls encircling a bronzed wrist. Or a complicated ear- ring, of pearls and gold, brushing against a tawny neck. As we are go- ing quite native on the beach in Tahitian pareus, it is really only con- sistent to be slightly barbaric in re- gard to our jewelry trfles. Everything this season seems to be gold. Of course the monogram fobs are no longer novelties, but such things as bracelets resembling factory cogs are decidedly so. Fat gold metal coils form another such ornament. Heavy rings match metal clips and are set with sparkling colorful stones. Gold cuffs are startling. On a long- sleeved black dress gleam wide 'ex- panses resembling nothing so much as a man's cuffs, complete with links. Even more bizarre are the Agamem- non's wristlets-gold bracelets wound in Greek key design with matching clips. An egg-shaped evening vanity of the inevitable gold dangles from your wrist by a gold kid strap. Even for sports this massive idea is not to be outdone. Large pikskin bracelets illogically are set with glit- tering stones. In case you should feel doubtful about the practicability and comfort of carrying around all these superfluities on a hot day, be reas- sured because these pieces are mirac- ulously feather-weight. Mark Bills To Give Graduation Recital Mark Bills, 35SM, baritone, will give his graduation recital at 4:15 p.m. to- day in the School of Music audito- rium. He is a student of Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School of Music. The program will be as follows: "Bois E Pais" by Lully; "Baci Amor- osi" by 'Mozart, "Rendi l'Sereno al Ciglio" by Handel, "Che Fiero Cos- tume" by Legrenzi, "Gesang'Weylas" by Wolf, "Drei Wandrer" by Hermann, "Der Ton" by Marx, "Auf Den Kir- chof" by Brahms, "Heimliche Auf- forderung" by Strauss, "Les Ber- ceaux" by Faure, "Chanson de Bar- berine" by Loret, "Requiem Du Coeur" by Pessard, "Lamento Provencal" by. Paladilhe, "Sea Fever" by Ireland, "The Roadside Fire" by Williams, "She Rested by the Broken Brook" by Coleridge-Taylor, "The Donkey" by Hageman," "Love Went A-Riding" by Bridge. He will be accompanied by Achilles Taliaferro, '35SM. Michigan Dames Have Annual Picnic At Island Members of the Michigan Dames held their last meeting of the sea- son yesterday afternoon at the Island when they met with their families for their annual picnic. After the picnic there was horseshoe pitching, bean bag throwing, and baseball games. Chairmen in charge of the affair were Mrs. Karl Karsian, Mrs. How- ard Wilson and Mrs. Alberta Derks. Eighteen members of the sewing group of the organization spent an informal afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Gast Friday afternoon. When you corme r The student church groups enter- tained Sunday with varied activities. At a traditional senior. meeting the seniors of the Roger Williams Guild of the First Baptist Church gave farewell speeches. The annual sen- ior banquet of the Lutheran Student Club was held in Zion Lutheran Par- ish Hall. The Harris Hall Episcopal Stu- dents were entertained with a picnic in the evening at Mrs. Henry Doug- las' cottage at Cavanaugh Lake. The Liberal Students Union heard H. P. Marley talk on "Summer Work for Restless Students" at their final meeting. The Wesleyan Guild Outdoor De- votional Service, a traditional picnic for seniors was held in "the mea- dows," at which Prof. Howard Y. Mc- Clusky spoke on "How to Stay Alive." r All Set For Decoration Day These special school and college rail When Christmas Holidays come, you tickets,with their liberal extended re. can use the return coupon to travel turn limits,areimmenselypopularwith home again. and a great saving to students and The ticket agent in your own town, teachers. When you're ready to come or any railroad passenger repre- teack he F,,y oe ead tooe asentative can give you full details back next fall, buiy one and save a regarding return limits, stop-over third of the regular two-way fare. privileges, prices, etc. ASSOCIATED EASTERN RAILROADS is the "Dark Horse for Summer It's a winner every time; you'll love it in the wine-y reds, new blues, the orange-y yellows, lilac, violet, and' oIl the other deep shades that are so good for summer. Choose either a two-piece sports frock, one with a linen coat, or a dressier one-piece style. :.- s'. 4r \ / Models Sketched Above - One-piece linen with \ buckled bows down the waist, and a slim gored skirt. Gold, turquoise, and white. Right - Sports frock of natu- ral linen, two-piece, with friged pockets and collar, and multi- colored buttons. 6.50 / We've plenty of others in seer- sucker, pique, voile, gingham, r) I~They 1 and t're Young, Smart very, very new IFI .t - I- Get Yourself Tied Up in STRING You can't have too many of these string frocks. They're cool because they're cotton. They can't crush. That's why they're grand to pack into a week-end bag. They're ex- tremely flattering to your figure, The soft pastel colors do nice things to your skin. And the price does very little to your pocketbook. 11 the "darlings" of the', sandal vogue 1 $3*95 CREATIONS} 77 Girls are "soloing" in Con- nie's popular new flats . Here are two smart styles- a sandal of WHITE BUCK with White Crushed Kid, or Brown or Blue, and a plain White Kid sandal - also in I I STRING KNIT DRESSES . . . . . . . . . . STRING KNIT COAT.............. $5.95 3.95 "t r i z Marinette Boucles, values $1 9.75 - $25 11 Ill I c t~i its ,nnrl ~. n ,,rc 1 7 4r, _ IQR7S NRR I Ill CI I