SUNbAY, MAY 26, 1935
Shadow-Like Adeline Of Jalna
Dominates New La Roche Book
Essay flnnual Revives
The Familiar Essay..
a diverse heads as Education and Phil-
Author Finds A New Bernard
Shaw In Coming Festival Play
YOUNG RENNY: Jalna-1906 She is too vivid and honest a creation
By Mazo de la Roche; Little, Brown. to be an afterthought, anyway.
Mazo de la Roche began her 'Jalna, Penny is a youngster, just kicked
saga too late. Jalna, first of the series Mary armiitahe pchrime;: M i a
of four, was laid in the years 1924-25, girl in love with Maurice, her neigh-
which does not leave a very long pe- gir; Aelewis a;rceherunesgh-
riod over which to spread the doings bor; Adeline is 80;. the uncles are
of ucha lsty, turbulent family as just done with squandering their for-
of t such a lusty, u nstunes and are more or less perma-
the Whiteoaks. nently saddled upon Jalna. Into
Miss de la Roche has remedied the Jalna stalks, of all things, sex.
matter by a nimble feat of prestidigi- Two engagements are interfered
tation. The fifth book has been set with thereby. Maurice has been in-
in the year 1906, thereby proving discreet with a village girl. Renny
the saw that the last shall be first, hagenidsre ih.thensam
and so on. It is a good plan, too- has been indiscreet with the same
through all the Jalna books there has have s "aunt." two loveairs
marched the almost tangible shadow not withtct on two love affairs,
of old Adeline. Now one may know not without the assistance of ones
old Adeline in the flesh. slithery Malahide Court, who comes
She dominates the new book, al- from London to visit.
hdom ite istYe ngeby:kJal- There is much more. Miss de la
though its title is Young Reny: Jal- Roche tells it all with her customary
na-1906. Her palpable embodiment skill, making even such strained sit-
is so recent that one might suspectusVmkn n suongrine
Miss de la Roche of trying to follow uations s Renny's long ride on the
the vogue, which lately has inclined lt seem likely.
strongly toward salty old ladies whob
speak their mind. But actually Ade- ostly About Books
line was created some years ago, and And Their Authors
Harold L. Ickes, President Roose-
.O" 1 E Lelt's secretary of interior, is pt'e-
paring a book on the government's
expensive public works program. It
is to be called Works For The Public
Characterization M o s t and will be published in June by Mac-
Valuable Asset Of
VA recent biography of another
Revived Novel United States president has been is-
sued by Harper's. It is Holmes Alex-
THE PASCARELLA FAMILY: By ander's The Ameicai Taleyrand,
Franz Werfel, Viking $2.50. an account of the career and times of
Martin Van Buren
In 1932 a novel by Franz Werfel In the near future the Viking Press
called The Pascarella Family was pub- will republish Franz Werfel's The
lished in America. Werfel is of course Pascarella Family, which appeared
the author of The Forty Days of Musa before the best selling Forty Days of
Dagh, Verdi, and a number of such Musa Dagh, but attracted little at-
novels. tention from the public.
The-Pascareka Family was anothery pub- This month's selection of the Book-
lishers by receiving the most respect- Of-The-Month Club is Walter Millis'
ful critical attention looking like good Road To War, a history of the years
sellers; and then dying on their hands before the United States entered the
Its republication today is a resurrec- World War (1914-1917). The psycho-
titn hinged upon the popularity of logical dilemma in which the coun-
Fonry ays. Perhaps it will be a suc- try was thrown receives the greatest
cefulrDas.rera iwibas stress from author Millis. Road To
cessful resurrection. War is published by Houghton Mifflin.
The novel is formed around a
standard, almost a classic plot. We About the middle of July, the Vik-
see Don Domenico Pascarella, a do- ing Press will publish The ircus of
mnestic tyrant, suffering from a perse- Dr. Lao by Charles G. Finney. The
cution mania, and his six children, author is anCArizona newspaper man
three boys and three girls. We see who conceived this, his first book,
him ruling them as if they were in- while on vacaition in the Far East.
fants, although the youngest is in
the teens, and the eldest in her
late twenties. Nobody dares interfere Local Best Sellers
within the family, and few care to
take the risk on the outside. FICTION
Into the situation creeps life, the OF TIME AND THE RIVER. By
first token of which is an English- Thomas Wolfe. Farrar Rinehart.
man named Arthur Campbell, who $3.
first sees the father in his place of RIDING TIE MUSTANG TRAIL.
business, and secondly sees the By Forrester Blake. Scribners.
daughter Grazia at the San Carlo - $2.50.
the Pascarella's are Neapolitan. Little GREEN LIGHT. By Lloyd Doug-
by little, Domenico's little despotism las. Houghton Mifflin. $2.50.
is sapped, but never quite dissolved, YOUNG RENNY: JALNA-1906. By
to be sure. At the end of the Mazo de la Roche. Little Brown,
novel, however, death and business $2.50.
and love have stripped the tyrant of TIME OUT OF MIND. By Rachel
most of his power. Field. Macmillan. $2.50.
That is all the plot. But the value PYLON. By William Faulkner.
of Werfel's novel is in its character- Smith & Haas. $2.50.
ization. His portrait of Domenico, NON-FICTION
castigating his children for the evils, CATHERINE-THE PORTRAIT OF
which false pride, a false sense of AN EMPRESS. By Gina Kaus.
his own importance, and a persecu- Viking. $3.50.
tion complex bring upon him, is su- THE PEOPLE'S KING. By John
perb. The six children and Arthur Buchan. Houghton, Mifflin.
Campbell, Grazia's lover, are almost $2.75.
equally well drawn. And the life of GERALD (A Portrait). By Daphne
the Pascarella prisoners is marvel- du Maurier. Doubleday Doran.
ously contrasted with the normal $3.00.
Neapolitan existence.
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the Er
Department. Scribners $1.
Off and on for some time c
have been bewailing the disap]
ance of the familiar essay, "th
lady" of the literary concourse.
fessor Walter's 1935 Essay Annu
only disproves her passing, but
spirited evidence of a gayer reju
Possibly the editor's broad d
tion of an essay is responsible fo
investment of this dignified dras
room type with a quite new anim
and sparkle. "The Essay Annua
cepts as an essay," it is stated i
preface, "any piece of non-fict
prose which definitely reflects
personality of its author, and v
can be read at a sitting of two I
or less." Thus the volume is ma
include not only the more cor
tional and conservative mag
pieces, but articles from syndi
columns in newspapers, and from
rent books.
The keynote of 'the anthology
readableness that lifts it out an
yond the sphere of stuffy class
essay collections. The Annu
completely delightful from the v
Starring Shirley Temple, featu
Rosemary Ames, Joel McCrea, and I
Talbot. Directed by John Robert
If you haven't fallen for the ch
of Shirley Temple yet, you wi.
seeing "Our Little Girl." Ath
not her most glamorous pictui
gives her every opportunity to
play her talents at their best,
doesn't have a lot of unnecessary
This time she is the daught4
a very busy doctor whose wife
not learned what it means to be
vied to a physician. Bored and:
ly, she becomes interested in a
Tel ls How To Make
Almost Everyth
TRY. By H. Bennett. Che
Publishing Company. $2.
Practical Everyday Chenst
just what its title describes. N
textbook of complicated che
equations, analysis procedures
such, but a collection of everyda
mulas, covering everything fron
sinthe to zinc sulphate.
With this book and five d
worth of chemicals one should be
to set himself up as the man
turer of almost anything. Son
the things it tells how to mak
really intriguing: non-inflamr
airplane dope is one, and it even
tains a formula for a special
note glue. There are pages de
to compounds for such useful t
as shaving lotions, aspirin ta
tooth paste and liquors.
The jacket blurb carries a s
ment of one famous chemist, wh
the book "tells how to make e
thing except love and little
apples," and perhaps that is as
a descriptive phrase as any.
Eye Glass Frames
Lenses Ground.
State Street at Liberty
I !!
osophy, The Arts, Social Trends, and.
The Press, with the editor leniently By STARK YOUNG in
w" ~ ~~~~giving an edge to the group classedBySAKYUGi
under Humor. The writers represent- Distinguished New Yoi1 Dramatic Critic, ni
::+a.hrv;;hs.; uner umo. Te wrter reresnt- Author or "So Red the Rose" and T
ed include Wiliam Saroyan, Alexan- Former Hopwood Dramatic Judge) m
der Woolcott, Theodore Dreiser, and Bernard Shaw's latest play, "The
Howard Mumford Jones. Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles"M
At the same time the volume serves just given its world premiere in New
as an excellent thermometer of po- York by the Theater Guild with Nazi- w
litical and social temperatures. Such mova, Romney Brent, McKay Morris to
thoughtful and meaty discussions as and Lionel Pape in the leading roles,
Newton D. Baker's Decay of Self-Re- I is still in his delicious vein. It is a
liance, Ludwig Lewisohn's The New good, tricky, non-snobbish fantasy, s
Meaning of Revolution, and James and a welcome change from the Times N
Rowland Angell's The University in a Square state of mind.
* Time of Change strike home at cur- A clergyman of the English church o1
rent issues with peculiarly vital aim. vist su pians ofsthen Btihe c-
In a lighter vein is the smooth and pire as pirates visit when their car-
devatatng mrse byWestbrook goes bore them. Here is the famous
devastating morsel byestdrook Shavian life-force beginning to act. u
Pegler, i which he takes the Mdivani All is now a theme so sexily-sexless
boys for a ride, .that Shavianly it is doubly dear.
Nowhere save on this side of the h
Atlnti culdorgintesuc vgorus The. story of "The Simpleton of
Atlantic could originate such vigorous the Unexpected Isles" will no doubt h
and lively comments as Christopher be sure to appear later in published a
Morley's Old Loopy, a love letter to form. At present we may say that, a
Chicago, or Paul Gallico's The Mir- in stage form, it is much less boring, a
Gcale Men of Sport. This inimitible I much more, entertaining than "The
HOWARD M. JONES and thoroughly American spirit ton- Apple Cart." The story cannot be
(who contributed to the Essay Annual) ing the whole volume seems the best told in brief. It involves a simple,
indication that The Essay Annual saintly man in the midst of exotic
point of tactful and happy selection, series may gain permanent rank with oriental delusions and sexual comph-
and skillful arrangement of material. such yearly anthologies as O'Brien's cations. In the end arrives an angel,
The essays are grouped under such Short Stories and Mantle's Best Plays, full of pregnant Shavian ribs and
-'I ComingBooks A great virtue, due partly to the
author, partly to the brilliant cast,
^ -9 .IIIappears among the Guild company
( (, iTHE FRUIT-STONERS. Algernon aogteGidcmay
R E E N Blackwood. Dutton. A nThe actors really seem to enjoy their
_ _ _ _DB a R l V parts. This is quite right. The best
HEDWIG. By Vance Randolph. Van- portions of Shaw's play defy serious
guard Pressapproach: The play demands spirit,
bachelor. The doctor finds his sec- LOBO LAW. By Will Ermine. happiness and zest. This is the first
retary sympathetic. Shirley gets Morrow. play I have seen the Theater Guild
wind of the rift, and before the di- AN EASTERN ODYSSEY. By produce in a long time in which there
vorce takes place, saves the day in Georges Le Fevre. Little. Brown. was not a certain joylessness that
her own inimitable manner. PLAYTHING OF TIME. By Arnold derived not from the producer's being
The best shots are practically any Zweig. Viking Press. careful, but from their being pedes-
of those in which Shirley appears. WAR AND THE PRIVATE INVES- trian.
She is swell on a teeter-totter with TOR. By Eugene Stanley. Double- One of the purest, wittiest and most
her Scotty, and equally enticing mak- day, Doran. lovely performances I have even seen
ing a sandwich: which only a hip-
papotamus could put in his mouth.
The action is slow, and the adult
sequences seem somewhat trying; but
they are fortunately 'subordinated to
such delights as playing with dolls
and teasing the laundress. If you
aren't captivated this time, you'd
better see a psychiatrist)o E ey ie
John Addington Symonds' RnaFA INis-
sance In Italy has been added to theFON.PS
growing, list of Modern LibraryFONI E
Giants. It is complete in two vol-Of All the Leadh
The Most Complete ffCOLLEGEOUtLIne
in Ann Arbor
of All Kinds, Ai
This Week's Special
Drug StoreWE PY
South University at Forest
First Lending Library
a Shaw play is that of Mr. Rom-
ey Brent in the clergyman role.
he character is built on the simple
winded saint motif, a sort of humble
everse to the dominant Don Juan
aotif. In the final scene the sudden
quiet insight of Mr. Brent's playing
as better even than Shaw had writ-
The end of the piece comes to a
nagnificent conclusion, in those final
peeches, so beautifully delivered by
azimova, about life's being made up
I wonder and surprise, the new at-
ack of the dramatist's vision be-
omes doubly plain. How extraor-
unary it is that Shaw has always
nderstood the difference between
rue passionate thinking and mere
erebration. After all these years he
as learned certain stage lessons and
e realizes if you are going into the
Isionary, it is better at least to be
little moonstruck about it, to be
bit more drunk than didactic.
The key to a palate
tickler is a Fresh Straw-
berry Sunday that only
resides at the R & S Res-
taurant, 60 5 Church St.
and Kind-
tng Makes--
'ter Marks-
v'ailable at--
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For All Subjects
at 75c each
Includes Plate, Stock
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Choice of eight smart engraved
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