ASY, MAY 26, 1935 THE MfiCHIr A N it A lT.v T1 ' (11( AN T AI V . ~ L1V1 1U. .L US.U L " .1.1 x71 3. H L 1. r.&'JL zIVi 2 advisors F o r Freshmen Will Hold Meeting Nazimova Stars In Dra matic Season 'Comedy Honor Groups Have Colorful Prof. Bursley Will Explain Duties Entailed During Orientation Period' The first meeting of the Freshman Advisers of the orientation commit- tee will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the League at which time Prof. Philip Bursley, head of the central orientation committee, will explain the duties entailed during Freshman Week as well as relationship of the advisers toward the freshman during the entire first semester, according to Margaret Hiscock, '36, chairman of the student orientation committee. In addition to the explanation of the work connected with the entire semester, an outline of the orienta- tion activities -will be given. This will include a statement of the fresh- men lectures, speakers, and a program of the discussion groups on "How to Study." Miss Lloyd To Speak Dean Alice Lloyd will further ex- plain to the committee, their rela- tionship to the freshman while acting as advisers. Miss Ethel McCormick and Miss Gertrude Muxen, members of the central orientation commit-: tee will be present to answer ques- tions. According to the present plan, the freshman class will be divided into groups of ten, each having an adviser who will work with them during the entire first semester. "It is oblig- atory of every woman on the com- mittee to be present at this meet- ing include: Betty King, '37, Jean Bonisteel, '38, Evelyn Ehrlichman, '37, Gretchen Lehman, '37, and Bar- bara Spen'cer, '37. Freshman Advisers The women who will act as fresh- man advisers during the fall semes- ter are: Jane Arnold, '36, Mary Mar- garet Barnes, '37A, Ellen Brown, '36, Katherine Buckley, '38, Dorothy Carr, '36, Josephine Cavanaugh, '37, Betty Chapman, '36, Maryanna Chockley, '37, Dorothy Cowles, '36, Margaret Curiy, '38, Marion Donaldson, '37, Jane Fletcher, '36, Betty Furbeck, '36, Delta Glass, '36, Jane Haber, '36, Helen Hanley, '37, Florence Harper, '36, Gertrude Jean, '36, Rebecca Lot- ridge, '37, Jean MacGregor, '36, Cath- erine McInerney, '36. Barbara Mil- ler, '36, Betty Griffith, '37, Betty Nichol, '36, Mary Jean Pardee, '36, Betty Roura, '37, Ruth Rich, '36, and Dorothy Roth, '36. Other advisers on orientation are Helen Shapland, '37, Grace Synder, '37, Ronnie Stillson, '38, Ann Tim- mons, '36, Mary Lou Willoughby, '37, Doris Wisner, '37, Jewel Wuerfel, '37, Eleanor Young, '36, Mary McIvor, Edith Zerbe, '37, Marjorie Kress, '36, Rose Perrin, '37, Mary Johnson, '38, Gertrude Penhale, '36Ed, Dorothy Geldart, '37, Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, Betty Anne Beebe, '37, Kay Bishop, '37, Mary Louise Mann, '37, Jean Shaw, '36, and Winifred Trebilcock, '36.A Additions to the list since previously announced are: Maxine Hutchins, '36SM, Thelma Buelow, '37, Kitty Jane Miller, '37, Sally Thompson, '37, Mary Andrews, '37, Martha Wise, 38, Betty Green, '37, Virginia York, '36Ed, Audrey Talsma, '36Ed, Dorothy Jones, '36, Beth Turnball, '37, Margaret Sawr, '36, Betty Cosolias, '37, Lucille Johnson, '37, Elaine Reagan, '37, and Eileen McManus, '36. History Here (Continued from Page 1) on-one of. the campus drives, under which the Druid- wagon°would drive to see that the initiates were thoroughly dampened down. If they were cold, the older members would run along- side the wagon and paddle their feet to -keep them warm. A constant feud used to exist be- tween the membe's of Druids and Triangles, junior honorary engineer- ing society. It used to occur that when Druids wanted to drive their wagon load of initiates through the engineering archway, the Triangles would be having their initiation there and objected to being interrupted. Unable to stop the inroad of the Druids, about five years ago members of Triangles poured hot water on them from the windows above the arch. It stopped them, but several were badly burned and were confined to the Health Service for a while, which nearly put an end to all initia- tion. Triangles, founded more than 20 years, ago, has a program of lectures at its regular meetings intended to present broadening material outside the field of engineering. It hopes, too, to perpetuate the school and class spirit by bringing together stu- to popularize dentsin more than 100 separate de- matic Searson partments of the engineering college. matic Season It conducted the drawing exhibit in of the Unex- the engineering Open House several fg Thursday. years ago. In accord with its philosophy of cleanliness of the soul, Triangles has orse in its initiation a regular scrubbing1 of the engineering arch by initiates, who also crawl around in the steam Inners laboratories with the same idea of purification by heat in mind. ounrlce Of more general interest is the1 regular Triangle skating contest in front of the General Library. Init- resident of the iates, in dunce caps and carrying pails b, was awarded full of water, and some of whom have al judging be- t been given no opportunity to learnI Classes 1 and 2 to skate, are tested for speed - and ticc -Association endurance. ~trdayv t t-he Outstanding seniors in the engi- Breakfast For Seniors Will Be Held Today Mrs. Frederick P. Jordan, former dean of women, will be . a guest of honor and patroness at the annual Senior Breakfast to be held in the gardens of the League today at 9:30 a.m. The tradition of the senior gathering in the spring was inaugue- rated during the time when Mrs. Jor- dan was connected with the Universi- ty. Eleanor Blum will act as toastmis- ress for the breakfast and will intro- duce the two speakers, Dean Alice Lloyd and and Mrs. Lucile Conger. Trio music and a short skit will 'com- prise the rest of the entertainment. Charlotte Whitman, general chair- man for the breakfast, has been as- sisted in the arrangements by Mary Ferris, Billie Griffiths; Mary Stirling, Ann Osborn, Margaret Phalan, Vir- ginia Cluff, and Betty Hill. neering college are honored by mem- bership in Vulcans, which was found- ed in 1904. Meeting every two' weeks, Vulcans seeks to present also a broad- ening program to its members. The informal part of its initiation, conducted around a huge fire in front of the engineering clock tower, is a colorful spectacle. The initiates, stripped to the waist and blackened, brawl about the forge fire, blowing and pounding on the anvil. Later, in one of the remote rooms in the basement of the library, the legend of Prometheus is reenacted. Vulcan, the god of fire, is implored to take in the new members, but he is reluctant and has to be assured by Prometheus that they are worthy. Prometheus then relates the story of how man first was given fire and has used it. Finally Vulcan gives his assent, and the initiates are led through the appropriately warm steam tunnels to the Union, where the initiation is completed in private session. Alpha Gamma Delta 'Groceoepel, Detroit; Mildred 01- Honors Founding ard, Dearborn; Betty McDowell, Far- mington; and Dorothy Carpenter, Syracuse. Miss Julia Riser, Birming- Alpha Gamma Delta sorority gave ham, Ala., national inspector, and a dinner last night in celebration of Miss Helen Louise Moore, Chicago, the founding of the sorority at Syra- Ill., national social director. Willa Finch, Florence Hiscock, Ruth Pense, cuse university May 30, 1904. Miss .Helen Zisley and -Mary EllenHall, Emily Butterfield, one of the found- Ann Arbor, were also present. ers of the Syracuse chapter was the The T-shaped tableheld a cen- guest of honor. terpiece of 'red and buff roses, and Other out-of-town alumnae were green tapers were used. Betty Wag- Elsie Kluter, Florence Plymale, and ner, '36, was in charge of the dinner. het Summer Begin WshableC repes! - A brilliant new col- Q lction of washable ( crepe Dresses an d Suts for SUmmer, 0 in pastels and white. Sizes from 1 2 for ~~ .. misses- to 46fo O SUMMERr FOU NDA TIONSr Voile - Net - Batiste 0DRESSES $7.9 S p SMOOTH 0 SUITS $10.75 $50 to $.50 ELIZABETH DILLON Cose ShpGW HOP Dial 3110 11 a East William off State 0E" Le y -rp rse n Nazimeva, Theater Guild Star, noted as one of the first Ibsen in America, will oven the second week of the Drar tomorrow night in Shaw's latest comedy, "The Simpleton4 pected Isles" and play Mrs. Alving in Ibsen's "Ghosts" starti W eek-end Parties Bring Out Crowds Of Festive Students The approach of the final exami- nation period was not evidenced by the number of people atending spring formals last Friday. Blue, green, and peach organzas and chiffons pre- dominated in the new gowns. Dresses ranged in styles from sophisticated black chiffon to pastel robe de styles. At the Theta Chi formal, Ruth Sullivan was seen wearing a peach chiffon with a ruffled cape and or- chid accessories. A green crepe with a dark velvet sash was chosen by Martha. Hankey, and Gladys Briner' wore a blue and yellow plaid organza. Beige tulle, drop shoulder with veryI full skirt and red velvet trim was worn by Marjorie Morrison at the Phi Gamma Delta spring dinner dance. Jean Bonisteel was attractively dressed in a yellow chiffon with sash of contrasting shades. Wilma Bern- hardt selected a red and white plaid organdie with full loose sleeves, while a white organza with red belt was worn by Marjorie Coe. Adelaide Cro- well wore a peach net, and Beatrice Graham was seen in blue silk. Several unusual gowns were seen at the League, among them a black chiffon with white lace ruffles, and Peter Pan collar, which was worn by Margaret Norcross. Black with tur- quoise trim was worn by Mary Hunt- ington, and a green tunic with pink eyelet collar by Dorothy Adams. A two-tone light green crepe with a wide-stitched crepe tunic was worn by Helen Houck at the Union while Betty Immel wore the very popular blue organza formal. JEWELRY and WATCH REPAIRING HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty Show W Are Ann Betty Greve, '36, pi Crop and Saddle Clut first place in the fin tween the winners oft in the Women's Athle Horse show held yes Washtenaw County Ruth Hart, '37, and Jr. '37E, took second a Winners of Class 1, bers of the Crop an were Miss Hart, wh Miss Greve, second, a '37, third. Placing ii Hague, first, Frede '38E, second, and Ph '37A, third. Fair Grounds. Edwin Hague,J nd third places open to mem- d Saddle Club, o placed first, nd Eileen Lay, n Class 2 were rick Neumann, fillip Haughey, -yii 1 . t. 'i n , ; SPECIAL FOR ALL WEEK Caeli Spia Permanemnt Wave $2.50 REGULARLY $3.50 COMPLETE WHITE Nu-Buck OXFORDS for MEN in 4 styles at $3.50 H. W. CLARK ErrgIish Boot Maker 534-536 Forest Avenue A WAVE FOR EVERY TYPE OF HAIR. COMPLETE WITH SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE Phone 4161 Second Floor U 1 ., Science- .... is the guardian angel of all modern suc- cessful developments. It is because GREENE' S U I has been a faithful follower of this maxim that their new Fur Cleaning and Storage Service has met with such success. * Furs Cleaned The Way Your Furrier Recommends. * Glazed To Renew Life and Sheen. * Stored In Cold Storage Vaults. * Insured By "Travelers." IN LINEb 7 II L TS re- Jacob-J s and list of N ites, j brown lar as realize perfect 0.95 ' E A ...i /c rA,,' . ,. Sanforized LINEN SUI turn with the sun to son's, with bi - swing swagger topping . thel Summer favorites. M naturals, navy and1 are increasingly popu more and more co-edsi that here are thep warm weather colors. $7.95 to $1C e Investigate this Service before you Pt away your Winter Furs! $ 95 Separate coats and jackets top off a stunning combina- tion, especially when they're in linens, piques or string .. . and intriguing in whites, na- turals, brown, navy and pas- tel shades. $3.95 and up potD GREEN E'S CLEANERS &'DYERS CROCLEAN II n I 1 - I T..-- 7 . 7 14 1 Eu1