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Pubitbaed every morning except Monday during the
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SPORTS EDITOR ...................WILLIAM R. -REED
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Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W.
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Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks, Herbert W. Little.
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from your activities as alumni of the University.
As alumni you will have only sentimental ties
with the schools and colleges here in Ann Arbor.
You will give much, and receive little, but isn't it
more than a coincidence that you "givers' will
be - the happiest the most prosperous and suc-
cessful of all Michigan graduates?
Letters published in this column should -not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily.- Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contrbutors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Who Stle The Griffin?
To The Editor:
The other night some person or persons came
along and stole the iron griffin sign from the
front of 524 Elm St., probably all in the spirit
of good clean fun.
Now there's nothing like good clean fun, and
there's no denying that the griffin would make
a swell decoration for a fraternity room, and
there's no use in concealing the fact that the
undersigned has swiped a couple of signs in his
younger days.
However,-the situation is this: the missing grif-
fin wasn't a commercial sign, but a family crest;
it was especially designed and cost $40 or so; and
it has what the want ads generally call "senti-
mental value."
There is no reward (because virtue is its own re-
ward), but we'd like to get it back, and would
gladly trade the front door or a couple of shutters,
or any other swipeable goods for it. If the
guilty party ( and, boy, what a party it must have
been) will leave it at some neutral place, like The
Daily building, for instance, we'd appreciate it.
-Powers Moulton.
_As Others -Saee
Scholarship And Grades
(From the University Daily Kansan).
IN THE ACADEMIC WORLD every so often, re-
formers demand the abolition of grades. They
cite cases of college classes in which from 50 to'
75 per cent of the students receive "A's" or "B's"
-obviously too high a percentage. These reform-
ers say that students should receive either a fail-;
ing or merely a passing mark. Such a grading
system, they argue, would cause lazy students to
work harder, and the ambitious ones would swing
their atention from grades to scholarship.1
Such a system does not work out well in actual
practice; human beings just must have material
record of their accomplishments. Aside from the
lazy or dull, there are two classes of students. One
class expect to , make a decent academic record
in school; these students have a normal interest
in their school work. The other class measure
the success of their education in terms of the
honors they win. Students of this class often
chart their schedule to make Phi Beta Kappa in-
stead of really striving to broaden themselves in-
The best way to promote scholarship and intel-
lectual honesty among students is to translate
grades into terms of scholastic achievement. In-
structors should clarify the question definitely
and tell the students how much knowledge each
grade will require of the student. The instructor
would, for instance, clearly indicate the complete
mastery of his course that would be necessary to
attain an "A." By emphasis of the real raison d-
etre for marks, many students might be led to
evaluate them more correctly; and less intelligent,
or less ambitious ones would have a more definite
mark to shoot at.
More Requests
(From the Cornell Daily Sun)
IN A PREVIOUS editorial we suggested that many
of our faculty could improve their lectures im-
measurably "by rather simple application of log-
ical methods." Our first and most urgent re-
quest is that professors supplement their lectures
with printed outlines or notes. Repeatedly in the
past we have appealed to the faculty for this neces-
sary adjunct to our large lecture courses, but near-
ly always these pleas go unheeded.
In the early days of Cornell when probably the
greatest collection of eminent scholars ever gath-
ered in any American university were teaching
within the walls of Morrill, McGraw, and White,
printed lecture notes were regarded as the rule
rather than exception. Andrew D. White and
Goldwin Smith both employed this supplement to
their regular lectures, and even today they are
to be found in their bound volumes in many a
fraternity and alumni library.
In an unorganized and haphazard lecture, of
course, such outlines are useless, but in a well-
planned, systematic course they are indispensible.
Then a student can readily visualize the import-
ance of each topic under discussion and its rela-
tion to the main issue and all the subordinate
points. Whenever the professor digresses from the
main issue, an outline makes it apparent that
such digression has no immediate bearing on'the
main question, and when the professor returns to
the main point, as they often do without warning,
the student can resume taking his own notes.
It has been argued that the modern college man
would never attend classes if the fundamentals
of his courses are outlined before him. Such rea-
soning is absurd. If a student could master a sub-
ject so easily, then indeed attendance in the class-
room would be entirely valueless. Rather, how-
ever, when the elementals are so easily understood,
then the professor may expand his lectures to in-
clude subject matter now taught only in the more
advanced courses.
If the adoption of such printed outlines would
Today we wish to present a shining example
of poetry as she is written. We culled this choice
morsel for your delection and delight from the
Daily Illini; for your amusement, amazement, or
what you will. We give you -with a few addi-
From the country side, from far and wide,
From many miles around,
The girls all came to a burping game
And God - what ghastly sound.
With every pal a drip. And every drip
With a hick hic hic-
And a burp-burp burp.
a twirp.
The first to try was a Swede so shy
From Minnesota far.
With her mouth as wide as a camel's stride
She was heard to the farthest star.
The next to come, a number from
The distant Wabash shore
Gave a nasal snort of the Hoosier sort
And the crowd all yelled for more.
Then 'rose Sadie, a Northwestern lady,
Up from the depths so lurchy; -
With purple banner and cultured manner
Hit C like Galli-Curci.
Dixie Lee, demure to see,
Lent accent to the drama
Her southern drawl would slay you all -
"Burps fell on Alabama."
Get One of the Five Hundred
Numbered Gargoyles
Get a Year' Subscripti to
The Gargoyle.
P.S. - This is no Chain Letter.
Last but not least, the contest near ceased,
The girl from the Maize and Blue appears,
From Pretzel Bell comes she (or Recess it may be)
Where she had imbibed a few beers.
She burped loud and long, then burped into song,
In phrases of Latin and Greek.
With poise and finesse, and then you may guess
The contest had reached its peak.
The co-ed had won, for best she had done;
The crown was placed on her head;
The moral in this ballad herein-
Send your boys to Michigan
Where better burps are bred.
Incidentally, according to many collegians. a
new word for "burp" has come to the front. When
embarrassed merely say: "Pardon the eractaite."
r r,
Of The Alumni. . .
ORE THAN 1800 students are grad-
uating from the University's schools
and colleges this year.
For every dollar that these students have con-
tributed to the University, they have received in
return three dollars as their share of the current
expenses required to maintain the educational fa-
cilities of the University.
Out of this group of 1800 students, approximate-
ly 60 per cent will disclaim all responsibility for
this disproportionate amount of services received,
that is, if the history of the last decades is not
appreciably altered in future years.
They will not participate in any of the alumni
functions, will not affiliate themselves with any
of the Michigan Clubs that are to be found
throughout the world, will not attend class reun-
ions, will not aid the University in the way of
scholarships or other forms of donations, will only
infrequently "boost" the University through their
influence on prospective students or prospective
"It is a curious thing to note," states T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, "that the successful, prosperous men and
women who graduate from this University are not
among this group which accounts for 60 per cent of
the classes. They are almost without exception
included in the 40 per cent who do feel that their
relations with the University are only well begun
when commencement exercises are over."
There are three lines of activity which you 40
per cent can follow as alumni of the University.
The first includes the participation in community
affairs in the locality in which you T'eside,
such participation being of value to the University
insofar as you publicize your connections with
this University - and by community affairs is not
meant activities as "boss" of the local "wigwam,"
or "baron" of the local "rackets."
The second involves your direct relations with
the University. In this category the part played
by the Michigan Clubs cannot be over-emphasized.
They organize "college night" in high schools, of-
fer trophies and scholarships in promulgating
"on to Ann Arbor sentiment." They keep one in
constant touch with the current activities of the
University, and formulate plans to .assist the Uni-
versity at times when such assistance is urgently
Ofif The Record
NO GOVERNMENT official receives a more poetic
correspondence than Indian Commissioner
One letter closed :
"I've ruled as the chief of the Blackl feet for
70 years. I am nearing a change in moons. Fill
these, my last requests. May the Great Spirit
guide you."
Collier replied in part:
"You have seen your people in their glory; you
have seen them go down into the valley of hunger,
death and despair; now when you sun is setting
you see them return from the shadows."
About the only person who doesn't call toe
"Patman bonus bill" just that, is the author,
Representative Wright Patman of Texas. To
him it always is "adjusted compensation."
Pennsylvania congressman: "My little boy will
arrive Saturday on the two o'clock train. Please
meet him. My husband thinks you will be too
busy, but I know he is wrong. He usually is."
To a New York congressman from a man listing
his qualifications for a job: "I was born at
with a clean record and a fair education."
To an Illinois congressman from a wgman who
was having trouble collecting some war risk
insurance: "Sometimes I almost wish my husband
hadn't died."
The famous dictionary-maker, Noah Web-
ster, once worked for the government, says
Chief Postal Inspector K. P. Aldrich. He has
found records of Webster's days as a postal in-
spector, and they show him a much respected
member of the system.
paring to take her daughter, Paulina, to Eu-
rope for the first time.
She sounds slightly apprehensive as .she describes
the child -"independent as a poached egg."
She illustrates her point by telling of the day
she protested against Paulina's constant reading
of funny papers.
"But, mother," said the child, "you go to the
Senate every day, don't you?"
setts decided to make use of his Irish back-
ground when he stepped into Postmaster General
Farley's outside office and saw that the deter-
mined blond secretary was going to make him
He turned solemnly to his companions, waved
at the spacious waiting room, and orated:
Official Publication for Michigan's Alumni
26 Issues Per Year-920 Pages
:A publication worthy of your University's fine aca-
demic reputation.
12 MONTHLY NUMBERS of 28 to 36 pages each. Filled
with news of alumni and & personalities.
5 WEEKLY NUMBERS of 16 pages each, telling the
story of the early weeks of the school year, with expert
reviews of Varsity football games.
5 FORTNIGHTLY ISSUES Of 16 pages each, kedping you
up-to-date on campus events.
for 1 Year--To Senirs Only
Order at the
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