4stlon toi the Bulletn Is onstructiv notice to all members ofik
ty. Cp reeived at the ama. of the Asitant to the Proid
unt 3:30; 11Ma.m. Saturday.
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1935 baritone, from Lewisville, Ind., stu-
VOL. XLV No. 174 dent of Professor Arthur Hackett
from the School of Music, will give
Notices a Graduation Recital, Tuesday, May
Attention of All Concerned: Name- 28, at 4:15 in the School of Music
ly faculty, administrative and clerical Auditorium. Mr. Achilles Taliaferro
staff members and students, is re- will be the accompanist. The gen-
spectfully called to the following ac- eral public with the exception of small
tion by the Regents. children, will be invited without ad-
Students shall pay in acceptable mission charge. The program is as
funds (which shall not include notes follows:
unless the same are bankable) all Bois Epais ...................Lully
amounts due the University before Baci Amorosi E Cari ......Mozart
they can be admitted to the final ex- Rendi'l Sereno al Ciglio ......Handel
aminations at the end of either se- Che Fiero Costume ...... ...Legrenzi
mester or of the Summer Session. No Gessang Weylas ............... Wolf
office in the University is authorized Drei Wandrer ............Hermann
to make any exception to this rule. Der Ton .....................Marx
Any specific questions that can be Auf Dem Kirchof ...........Brahms
foreseen arising in this connection Heimliche Aufforderung ......Strauss
should be taken up with the proper Les Berceaux ................Faure
authorities at- the earliest possible Chanson de Barberine ........Loret
moment. Shirley W. Smith Requiem Du Coeur .........Pessard
Lamento Provencal ........Paladilhe
Student Loans: The Loan Commit- Sea Fever ..................Ireland
tee will meet on Tuesday, May 28, 1:30 The Roadside Fire ......... Williams
p.m., Room 2, University Hall. Stu- She Rested by the Broken Brook
dents who have already filed applica--........ ......"...Coleridge - Taylor
tions with the Office of the Dean of The Donkey .............. Hageman
Students should call for an appoint- Loven Went A-Riding .......Bridge
inent with the Committee. Students'" Recital: The following
students of Nell B. Stockwell, will give
To The Members Of The Guard Of a recital in Room 305, School of Mu-
Honor. A meeting for the purpose of sic Building, Tuesday evening, May
instruction and drill of the Guard of 28, at 8 o'clock, to which the general
Honor for the Commencement Day public with the exception of small
Exercises will be held at Waterman childrends invited:
Gymnasium, Monday, May 27, at 4:00 Chorale, "Jesu, Joy of Man's De-
p. in., under the direction of Dr. siring" ................Bach-Hess
George A. May. Papillons, Op. 2, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7,
L. M Gram, Chief Marshal. 8, 12 .................. Schumann
Prelude Op. 28 No. 18 ........ Chopin
Automobile Regulation: The fol- Betty Jean Young
lowing schedule will mark the lifting Grave ................ Ph. Em. Bach
of the Automobile Regulation for stu- Gopak . . . .Mussorgsky-Stutschewsky
dents in various colleges and depart- Elizabeth Mann **
ments of the University. Exceptions (Piano accompaniments by Anne
will not be made for individuals who Farquhar).
complete their work in advance of Prelude and Fuge in C minor . Bach
the last day of class examinations and Scherzo Marcia funebre from So-
all students enrolled in the following nata Op. 26 ............ Beethoven
departments will be required to ad- The Nightingale ..............Liszt
here strictly to this schedule: The Crystal Cage ........ ....Ibert
College of Literature, Science, and Preambule from "Carnaval" Op. 9
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June............. ........Schumann
11 at 5 p.m. Marjorie Parsons
College of Architecture: All classes. Wohin..................Schubert
Tuesday June 11, at 5 p.m. L'Angelus .. .Bourgault-Doncondray
School of Education: All classes. My Lady Walks in Loviliness.Charles
Tuesday, June 11, at 5 p.m. When I Think Upon the Maidens
College of Engineering: All Classes. W ThHead
Tuesday, June 11, at 5 p.m. Carl Fredrickson *_
School of Forestry: All classes. (Piano accompaniments by Emilie
Tuesday, June 11, at 5 p.m. Paris)
School of Music: All classes. Tues- Romance Valse from Suite for 2
day, June 11, at 5 p.m. pianos ................... Arensky
College of Pharmacy: All classes. Coronation Scene from "Boris Godu-
Tuesday, June 11, at 5 p.m. nof"...............Mussorgsky
School of Dentistry: Freshmen (Transcribed for 2 pianos by Lee
Class: Thursday, June 6, at 5 p.m.;
junior class: Tuesday, June 4, at 11s
a.m.; senior class: Tuesday, June 4, Marjorie Parsons and Betty Jean
at 4 p.m.; hygienists: Tuesday, June Young
4, at 11 a.m. * Student of Arthur Hackett.
Law School: All classes. Thursday, *Student of Hanns Pick.
June 6, at 11:30 a.m. Graduation Recital: Allen Callahan,
Medical School: Freshman Class: Organist, will give the following
Saturday, June 8, at 5 p.m.; sopho- Graduation Recital, in Hill Audi-
more class: Monday, June 3, at 5 torium, Wednesday afternoon, May
p.m.; junior class: Monday, June 3, 29, to which the general public, with
at 5 p.m.; senior class: Monday, June the exception of small children, is
3, at 5 p.m. invited:
Graduate School: All classes. Tues- Chorale ................. Andriessen
day, June 11, at 5 p.m. Candidates Discant on the Chorale "Nun Freut
for Masters' Degree: Tuesday, June Euch Lieben"..Ducis
11, at 5 p.m.; candidates for Doctors' Prelude...................Corelli
Degrees, Saturday, June 1, at 5 p.m. Fantasia and Fugue in G minor. Bach
W. B. Rea Chorale in A minor ......... Franck
Notice: Effective Monday, May 27, Legend of the Mountain . . . ...
.................. ......." .......Karg-Eert
the student rate of pay for all odd Prelude................Samazenilli
jobs, such as house cleaning, yard "Rise Up My Love" (Duet from
and garden work, is 35 cents an hour. "Merry Mount") m.s.s. Hanson-
Employment Bureau, J. A. Bursley,.....y...... ")....s.Callahan
Dean of Students...allahan
Graduation Recital: Mrs. Bertha
Bright Knapp, mezzo soprano, stu-
Lecture dent of Professor Arthur Hackett of
The Hopwood Lecture: Henry Has- the School of Music, will give a
litt, literary critic, will deliver the Graduation Recital Wednesday eve-
Hopwood Lecture on Friday, May 31, ning, May 29, at 8:15 o'clock in the
at 4:15 p. in., in the Michigan Union School of Music Auditorium, to which
Ballroom. His topic is "Literature the general public, with the exception
Versus Opinion." Open to the public.
After the lecture the announce- SCHOOL OF
ment of the Awards for 1935 will be
made. DANC ING
SClass ,and individual
Instruction in all types
Df dancing. ° Teachers
G CCourse. Terrace Garden
Gr aduation Recital: Mark Bills, Dage eudo Wuert95
of small children is invited. Emilie
Paris, will be the accompanist.
The Spirit Song............Haydn
She Never Told Her Love ..... Haydn
Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes. .
................. Old English
Sommi Dei................. Handel
La Fleur Des Eaux.......Chausson
Le Temps Des Lilas......Chausson
D'Une Prison ................ Hahn
Il Pleure Dans Mon Coeur . . .Debussy
Mandoline .. .............. Debussy
Ruh, Meine Seele.........Strauss
Fussreise ....... ........ .......W olf
Zur Ruh ..................Wolf
Mausfallen-Spruchlein .........Wolf
Der Schmied ................Brahms
Academic Notices
Library Exhibits Commemorate
Roanoke ColonyAnniversary
By I. S. SILVERMAN John White. These illustrations de-
An exhibition commemorating the pict the mode of dress, manner of liv-
three hundred fiftieth anniversary of ing, customs, and portraits of the col-
the planting of the first English col- onists. In several instances exact
ony, Roanoke, is the new display at color facsimiles of the original paint-
the William L. Clements Library. ings accompany the engravings.
The historical and rare pieces ex- A book of great rarity and im-
plain the establishment of the col-
ony and particularly describe the en-
deavors of Sir Walter Ralegh, Thop-
as Hariot, John White, Richard Hak-
luyt, Theodore DeBry, and Sir Fran-
cis Drake.
The exhibit is chronologically ar-
por tance describing Drake's rescue of
all but two of the colonists of Roanoke
and containing the first printed map
of a still existing American city, St.
Augustine, is Bigges' "Expedito Fran-
cisci raki" published in 1588. There
--- --- -- --- -- a iniiuiuueu in fhe avihUif callra
FIVE-Room apartment, June 17. LOST: A Wyvern pin between 15
Frigidaire. 209 North Ingalls. Phone South University and Angell Ha
3403. For summer or school year. Finder call 2-2217. Reward. 255
I LOST: Alpha Kappa Psi fraterni
NEXT college year. Large front suite pin. Lost on Sate or Haven. Pho
near Union. Unusually well fur- 9888. Reward. 250
nished, stall showers. Two men, -
ninety dollars each per semester. LOST: Silver rimmed glasses. Son2
Box 51-C. time Monday in Angell Hall or
MEN pleasant rooms for summer Forest Ave. Reward for Retu
session. $2.50 per week. Acacia Box 49.
fraternity. Call 8717. 259 LOST: Silver pin, bird with red e
WANTED Please call 568, Jordan. 257
WANTED: For occupancy June 15th, LAUNDRY
3-room furnished apartment. Call'
Mc~aden,7017 258 PERSONAL laundry service. We ts
McFayden, 7017. 258 individual interest in the laund
WANTED: Room with piano for sum- problems of our customers. Gir
mer, near Music School. Write silks, wools, and fine fabrics gus
Box 619. 247 anteed. Men's shirts our special
Yeans or inl eamiatins 111. ll~l. .l1 1VVll VIVS~jlr~liJ w 1are mciuded in the exhibit several
Rooms or final examinations' ranged beginning with Ralegh's "His- w
French (0), Saturday, June 8, a.m. tory of the World" and concluding hiof geographic knowledge of that per-
French 1, 1025 Angell Hall with Howe's "Historical Collections of id
French 2, West Gal. Alum. Memu. Virginia" of 1852. The display in- od.
Hall. morning classes) cludes a facsimile of the Clements An interesting and exceedingly en-
French 2, 1025 Angell Hall, (after- Library copy of Thomas Hariot's "A lightening bulletin acting as a guide
nooncasses). 2Brief and True Report of the New to the exhibit has been published by,
nFrn classes) .Found Land of Virginia" published the Library. It gives a short history
French 31, 1025 Angell H all. in 1588, which is considered "the of the Roanoke colony, notes on the
French 32, Nat. Sc. Auditorium. veritable cornerstone of any collec- various items shown in the cases, and
rrench 2, 0i ri. L.
French 71, 103 R. L.
French 111, West Phys Lect. Hall.
French 112, West Phys. Lect. Hall.
French 153, West Phys. Lect. Hall.
Rooms for final examinations,
Spanish - (0), Friday, June 7, pm.
Spanish 1, 205 Mason Hall.
Spanish 2, Nat. Sc. Auditorium. I
Spanish 31, 205 Mason Hall.
Spanish 32, 103 R. L.
Events Today
Methodist Episcopal Church: Sunday
9:45 a.m.- Dr. Roy Burroughs'
class for young menand women which
usually meets at this hour in the bal-
cony of the church auditorium has
been discontinued for the remainder
of the semester.
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv-
ice. As a thoughtful approach to
Memorial Day, Dr. C. W. Brashares
has chosen for his sermon subject
"Memorials of the Future."
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age:
12:10 p.m.-The noon class for
young men and women will no long-
er meet for discussions.
5:00 p.m. - Wesleyan Guild Out-
door Devotional Service. This will be
the traditional meeting held in hon-
or of the seniors at "The Meadows."
Transportation has been provided for
groups to leave the hall at 5 o'clocl-.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will speak
on "How to Stay Alive." A picnic
supper will be served at cost after
the program. A cordial welcome is
extended to everyone to come. Please
be prompt.
tion of books of the history of the!
United States." Hariot's story of the
Roanoke colony was reprinted by
Hakluyt in 1589 and by Matthaeus
Dresser in German translation.
Included in the series are 17 edi-
tions of the DeBry-Hariot folio ofI
1590-1620. DeBry, "the man whoI
immortalized the pictures of the Ro-
anoke colony," published the text
of the 1588 Hariot along with a score
of paintings by an artist planter,
students and their friends. Cars will
leave Harris Hall at five o'clock.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Pray-
er and Sermon by the Reverend Hen-
ry Tatlock, D.D. rector emeritus of
St. Andrew's Parish; 5:00 p.m. Young
People's Fellowship meeting in Har-
ris Hall.
Congregational Church:
10:30 a.m. - Service of worship
and lecture. Mr. Heaps will speak
on "The Tragic Fate of a Prince."
Prof. Preston Slosson will give the
closing lecture of the series on "The
Evolution of Religion," his subject
being "The Religious Map Of Today."
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry O. Yod-
er, pastor. - Sunday:
Morning worship service at 10:30
with sermon by Rev. Henry Yoder
on "Common Things With Christ."
Lutheran Student Club in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. An-
nual Senior banquet.
Unitarian Church: Morning service
at 11:00 o'clock. "Peace-time Slack-
ers and the Dead Soldier" will be Rev.
Marley's topic. Final meeting of the
Liberal Students' Union at 7:30. H.
P. Marley will talk on "Summer Work
for Restless Students."
Druids will hold a special meeting
at twelve o'clock today in the chap-
ter room.
Coming Events
Physics Colloquim: Mr. Cecil B.
Ellis will speak on the "Analysis of
the First Spark Spectrum of Thal-
lium" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, East
Physics Bldg. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Sigma Rho Tau: The annual Tung
Oil Banquet will be held Wednesday,
May 29, 6:15 p.m., Union. Special
arrangements have been made with
the R.O.T.C. department for men de-
siring to attend the banquet to take
the final examination at some other
it is a vaiuabie aid to the enjoyment
of the exhibit.
STOCKHOLM, May 24.- (AP) -Two
hundred thousand cheering Swedes
packed Stockholm's streets this af-
ternoon to bid farewell to Crown
Prince Frederik of Denmark and
Princess Ingrid of Sweden, Freder-
ik's bride today and Denmark's fu-
ture queen.
Their brilliant wedding in the
Thirteenth Century Church where
all kings of Sweden's Bernadotte line
have been crowned was attended by
an assembly of crowned heads, royal-
ty and notables rare to Scandinavia.
time. Men desiring to be excused
should mention the fact to the seller
of the ticket. A cordial invitation is
extended to all engineers and mem-
bers of the faculty.
Alpha Gamma Sigma: Initiation
and installation of officers at 8:30
on Monday, at the League.
Michigan Dames: There will be a
family picnic on the Island Monday
afternoon at 5:00. Bring sandwiches
and a drink and call Mrs. Karsian
6649 to find what other dish to bring.
University of Michigan Radio Club
meeting Monday, 7:30 p.m., room 304
Michigan Union. Prof. L. N. Holland
will talk on modern television.
Contemporary: All members and
prospective members of the business
staff for next year are requested to
meet at 4:30 Monday in the Contem-
poary office, Student Publications
Quarterdeck Society: Important
meeting Tuesday, May 28th, 8:00 p.
m., at the Union. Election of of-
TODAY through Wednesday
-- Every Day
Adults Untik 6 - 15c
After 6 - 25c
suits. Will pay 3. 4. 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. 200 North Main 7x
EXPERT typing of theses; corrections
made; rates reasonable. Call 5074
during noon hour or after 8 p.m.
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done in our own shop by experi-
enced operators at moderate rates.
O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta-
tionary Store. 314 S. State Street.
A.M.S. Inc. 311 W. Huron
Phone 2-3267
First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m.,
Worship. Sermon by Mr. Sayles, "Lin-
coln Liberty and Loyalty."
9:30 a.m. Church School. 9:45 am.
Dr. Waterman's class meets at Guild
Roger Williams Guild: 12:00 noon.,
Student class meets at Guild house
for last regular session. Mr. Chap-
man in charge.
5:"0 p.m. All Guild members and
friends are requested to meet at
Guild .house promptly, to hike to the
Arboretum for picnic supper and an-
nual meeting for seniors. Several
students will speak.
Beta Kappa Rho: It has been found
necessary to postpone the Beta Kap-
pa Rho picnic, which was scheduled
to be held Sunday.
Byrl F. Bachner.
Episcopal Student Picnic: There
will be a picnic this afternoon at
the cottage of Mrs. Henry Douglas
at Cavanaugh Lake for all Episcopal
" IT E i .0 r
111 1 IN ItE
The Education Committee of King's Daughter's Will Present
.::... ...... . .:::......
Dewi Jones singing in Detroit
a few weeks ago was a sensa-
tion in musical circles. He will
The Chrysler Choir is one of the
finest in the United States. Voices
are recruited from the factory and
I Ilii I
III _ _ Awn flIII.
I .. .. .. ..... .~:'~