TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY RIDAY, MAY 24, 1935 I Hunger Marchers Bes eige Illinois Capitol t ,. f.= W . . , _ u..u .... ... LATE WIRE NEWS it DAILY ('FFlICIAT ]BULLETIN tUct~on I the 'Rultn 1s onstructive n~otice to all members of the uxWI 3;l .Coyreeve t the offce of th~e ASFst~tant to the Prer0 deet --1-- ftw -a I Isle 4pya e Aust Not Be Denuded Of Trees ESCANABA, May 23. -(P)-Lead- ers in a movement to save Isle Royale as 4 National park made public Thursday a warning from Washing- ton that the government might re- fuse to accept the Lake Superior is- 14 for park purposes unless its stand of virgin timber is preserved intact. The warning was from Arthur E. Demaray, assistant director of the National Park Service, who wrote: "The Congressional act creating the park presumes that the lan will 1e useful for park purposes when acquired, and the Secretary of the Interior could hardly be blamed if he refused to accept a wholly or part- ly dg oled area." A statement from The Consolidat- ed Water Power and Paper Co., of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., which is pre- parirng to begin logging operations oa the island, also was mde public. "We are interested in practical conservation," the statement from Stanton W. Mead said. .Difr~kit Pastor Elected~ To High Church Office CINCINNATI, May 23.-(P)- The Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Vance, of De- troit, late today was elected modera- tor of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., higest office the church can bestow. E succeeds the Rev. Dr. William Ch4Qmers Covert, of Philadelphia.- Dr. Vance, pastor of First Pres- byterian Church in Detroit, has occu- pied that pulpit since 1911 and in the ensuing years has won a commanding place not only in Detroit, but in the nation. He was born Nov. 17, 1864, in Sulli- van County, Tenn., the son of an at- torney who hoped that his son would follow his own footsteps. Soon after yo ng Vance's graduation from King Cop*lge, in Bristol, Va., however, he entered. the Union Theological Sem- inary- ionus Veto T J Aid War Profits Bill Passage WASHINGTON, May 23. - (P) - Virtually conceding defeat in their effort to block the naval building pro- gram, Senate munitions investigators drew upon President Roosevelt's bon- us veto message today aid in their first fight to take "profiteering" out of war and preparedness. Gerald P. Nye (Rep.-N.D.), the chairman, hailed Mr. Roosevelt's re- marks against "unwarranted remun- eration" for those who remain at home in wartime as enhancing the prospects for the committee's anti- War profits bill. Meantime, Nye pursued his attack against the $460,000,000 naval ap- propriation bill in an effort to write into it provisions for restricting prof- its to thg yards which will build the 24 new ships it finances. T4 also proposed amendments that would give the State Department athority to keep the Navy from ma- neuvering in troubled seas, an ac- tion prompted by evidences of Japa- nese irritation over the fleet maneuv- ers in the Pacific. Lydia ME NDE LSSC Last Three PerforrmonC in J. B. Prie With MELVI FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1935 VOL. XLV No. 172 Notices Atitlenlenf Ai Concenedl: Name-' ly faculty, administrative and clerical staff members and students, is re- spcctfully called to the following ac- tion by the Regents. Students shall pay in acceptable funds (which shall not include notes unless the same are bankable) all amcunts due the University before they can be admitted to the final ex- aminations at the end of either se- mester or of the Summer Session. No office in the University is authorized to make any exception to this rule. Any specific questions that can be be foreseen arising in this connection should be taken up with the proper authorities at the earliest possible moment. Shirley W. Smith Student Loans: The Loan Commit- tee will meet on Tuesday, May 28, 1:30 p.m., Room 2, University Hall. Stu-' dents who have already filed applica- tions with the Office of the Dean of Students should call for an appoint- ment with the Committee. Choral Uniou Members: The music deposit of $2.50, for May Festival bocks, will be refunded to all mem- bers of the Choral Union, who re- turn all of their music books in good condition, to the School of Music of- fice, between the hours of 10 and 2, and 1 and 4 daily, not later than Fri- day, lay 24. After that date, re- funds will not be made. Please give immediate attention to this matter. Scnir Engineers: Announcements and Personal Cards are now ready for distribution. Please obtain them between 1 and 4 o'clock today at the second floor stairway of the West Engineering Building. Please facili- tate distribution by calling for them at that time. To the Members of the Michigan Wolverine: The Board of the Wolv- crine has declared that each member- ship now has the value of $2 and requests that all members call for their refund before June 1, 1935. All memberships not called for by June 1, will be written off. (outenpory: Subscribers may call for their copies of the May issue at Contemporary office in the Stu- dent Publications Building. There are still a few copies left for sale. Academic Notices M.E. 3a: The class will report for the boiler test at 8 o'clock Saturday morning, May 25. Events Toda Special Assembly for All Graduate and Undergraduate Applicants for the Techer's Certificate at 4 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. Dr. Rudolph Lund- quist, the director of the Laboratory Schools at Ohio State University, and national president of Phi Delta Kappa, will be the guest speaker. Anyone interested in public educa- tion is welcome to attend the meet- ing. The Graduate Students in Mathe- matics who are going on the picnic should meet in front of Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m. Any student wishing to make inquir- ies concerning the Boeing School may ee Mr. Haisma without appoint- ment. Motion pictures of the Boeing School and its work will be shown. Phi Delh Ka.-Ta: Omega chapter of Phi D lta Kappa will close its ac- tivities for the current year with a dinner for members, their lady friends, and teachers at the Michigan Union on Friday, May 24. Dr. Rud- olph Lindquist, National President Phi Delta Kappa, will give the ad- dress. Guests of the School of Edu- cation attending the Special Convo- cation will be invited to meet with us and observe our fraternity when in full force. Cntemporary meeting at 5 p.m. in the office of Contemporary, Student Publications Building, for all people interested in working on the maga- zine in 1935-1936. This includes the members of this year's staff as well as any others. Contemporary: Meeting at 5 p.m. in the Student Publications Building for all people interested in working on the business or editorial staff next year. This includes members of this year's upper and lower staffs who will be back next year. Coming Events Alpha Kappa Delta Picnic Satur- day, May 25, at Dexter-Huron Park. Each member may bring a friend. All those with cars or desiring transpor- tation are requested to meet at the northeast entrance of Haven Hall at 1:30 or 4:30 p.m. Graduate Outing Club: The last trip this year will be held Sunday, May 26. Any graduate student wish- ing to attend should meet at Angell Hall at 10:00 a.m. for the trip to Sil- ver Lake, 20 miles northwest. (Re- turn trip in time for supper). The activities, under the direction of Ira George, will include swimming, sail- ing, baseball and hiking in some of the most interesting woods near here. F,7ifty cents will cover the cost of transportation and plenty of good food. University Horse Show: The Horse Show is to be held at the fair grounds on Saturday, May 25, at 2:30. Ad- mission is free. Bus transportation from the North University Avenue entrance of the League at 2:15 p.m. Spectators will be welcome. Episopal Stdnt icnic: A picnic for all Episcopal students and their I friends will be held on Sunday eve- ning, May 26, at the cottage of Mrs. Henry Douglas at Cavanaugh Lake. Cars will leave Harris Hall at 5 p.m. on Sunday. Students desiring to go on the picnic must notify either 8613 or 7735 before Saturday noon, Lutheran Student Club: The Sen- ior Banquet, the final meeting of the Lutheran Student Club, will be held Sunday, May 26, at the parish hall of the Zion Lutheran Church on Washington Street. Alta Haab, the! new vice-president, is in charge of dinner and program. The other new officers who were elected at the last meeting are president, Gary Neaseth; treasurer, Herbert Ries; and Cather- ine Hertler, secretary. The dinner will be given by the Ladies' Aid of the Zion Lutheran Church. -Associated Press Photo. Seeking foAd for the state's 1,200,900 unemployed, "hunger march- ers" be-lged the 1Illincs capitol at Springfield, as shown above, but were fcrced to mave to a park to establish a camp. The demonstrators were crdered hem, with instructions to stage demonutrations in their own coni.inuniies. Britain Pushes Regents Name 4ir Program To Instructors Of Equal Geiny Summer Camp War Time Aviation Chief' Student Applications For Drafted To Take Charge Courses At Station Near Of Expansion Quota LONDON, May 23, - (/P)-- Great At its last meeting the Board of Britain drafted her famous wartime Regents appointed six men to act in aviation production chief today to the capacity of assistant instructors take charge of the expanded aerial at the University biological camp for defense program devised to meet Ger- this summer's session. many's challenge. Not all of these are local men. Don- In his new role Weir will be called ald McMullen is at present a member on to direct a program which con- of the teaching staff in the Johns templates a threefold expansion in Hopkins School of Hygiene; Carl Great Britain's first line home defense Hoffman, a former graduate assistant force by March 31, 1937. The goal set in the University of Michigan zoolo- by the government in the time al- gy department, is now at Lawrence lotted is 1,500 home defense planes, College in Appleton, Wisconsin. Mil- compared with the 580 now in service. ConlganeonWscuinfMilh It is also planned to train 2,500 ton Sanderson was recruited from the additional pilots and increase the University of Kansas. Closer to home personnel of the Royal Air force by is John Delaran of Alma, Micl. Dr. 22,500. The air defense arm at pres- . L. Miner, a teaching fellow in bot- ent has approximately 33,000 men. anydat the University and under- Lord Londonderry, secretary of, graduate James Merry. state for air, informed the house of The entire station staff, including lords that "under no circumstances Theodora Nelson of Hunter College, would Britain accept . . .inferiority to New York, who was recently selected, Germany." now numbers 21. Dr. George LaRue, "If the present program is insuffi- professor of zoology here in Ann Ar- cient," he said, "it will be increased." bor, will direct activities, with Dr. An attempt by the labor opposi- Alfred Stockard, an assistant profes- tion to limit the proposed expendi- sor in the same department, serving tures for air defense was snowed as the station's secretary. under in the house of commons last The 20 courses offered at the camp night by a vote of 340 to 52. have already attracted aktotal of 98 In an attempt to coordinate its students. This closely approximates army, navy and aerial programs, the the quota, and the applications re- cabinet is considering the creation of ceived hereafter will comprise a wait- a ministry of defense to formulate ing list. pclicies and plarns. Sir John Simon, In addition to its educational value, foreign secretary, is reported to be the station provides a pleasant form a possible choice for the post. of vacation. While living conditions Meanwhile, the government studied are hardly those of a big city, still means of meeting the conciliatory members are very comfortably housed gestures of Reichsfuehrer Hitler. in cottages and plenty of wholesome ---- _- food is available. Opportunities for l boating and swimming are excellent, Soviet Says Hitler # and there is also a baseball diamond. The clubhouse is a recreational cen- Desires Warfarej ter where entertainment of one sort Aeonautical Engineers: W. 4an Haitsma of the Boeing School of Attorney Cals For Aeronautics, Oakland, Calif., will be (, in Ann Arbor at the Allenel Hotel War 1 01 edc t from 3 p.m. through the evening. PHILADELPHIA, May 23. - (A) - Architelle Gourielli-Tchkonia, who I Theatre NOW says he is a prince, was called a "hurt husband" and a "roaming Russian" js Don't i Mi ,Ito. with a racket today by attorneys ad- dressing the jury that will decide his $100,000 alienation of affection suit. William T. Connor,*defending R. estty's Exciting Comedy Wistar Harvey, wealthy bachelor clubman and attorney, from whom the "prince" wants to collect, told the jurymen: "Let your verdict be a warn- ing to this roaming Russian and other Direct from 6 non-working foreigners that they Months iII N. Y. can't ply their rackets on American citizens." LE COOPERConnor called. the suit "blackmail conspiracy," as did William A. Gray, 'd. and Sat, Mats.: 50c and 75c plaintiff counsel. MOSCOW, May 23. - (A1) - The Soviet press declared today Reichs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler's foreign program as expounded in his speech Tuesday night is one of war in both western and eastern Europe. The first 'comment in the Soviet capital came 36 hours after the ad- dress was delivered. In the meantime official quarters, withholding any statement, gave close study to the text of the discourse. Karl Radek, whose writings fre- quently reflect government opinion, broke the silence with an article in Izvestia in which he said Hitler has clearly rejected collective peace ef- forts. The plan he put forward is "for the isolation of belligerents." Evenings: 75c -$1-$1.50 We Box Office Open Until 9 p.m. Dial 6300 MICH IGAN 25c Matinees and Balcony Evenings NAZIS MEET BRITONS LONDON, May 23. -(Phi)- Anglo- German naval talks, long in prospect, will begin in London in about 10 days, a high German source said to- day. Final arrangements are ex- pected to be made in Berlin by Baron Konstantin Von Neurath, German foreign minister, and Sir Eric Phipps, British ambassador to Berlin. Brit- ish circles said setting of the date had been left entirely to German officials. II- fii 14' W HITN EY Now BARBARA STANWYCK WARREN WILLIAM GLENDA FARRELL "SECRET BRIDE" BInUS;II M ,;, .... I 11 9 ,. i II II