The Weather Ll r e AW Aft- p"A J: AL Fair and m derately cool to- day; tomorrow fair, warmer. ~aitg Editorials Education In Government... Dignity And The President ,. VOL. XLV. No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Anti-Red Bill Sent To Senate Advocation Of Changes By Force Punishable In Provisions 61-28 Is Vote In State Legislature Speaker Pro-Tem Rebukes Gallery Demonstrators For Disorder LANSING, May 23.-(P)-The Dunckel-Baldwin anti-radical bill, making it a felony to advocate the overthrow of government, passed the House today by a vote of 61 to 28. Opponents of the measure packed the galleries, booing and cheering during the debate. Speaker pro-tem Delano was forced to warn spectators that demonstrations would not be al- lowed. The bill, modified so it ap- plied only to advocacy or participa- tion in attempts to overthrow state or national government "by force or violence," returns to the Senate for concurrence. As originally approved by the Sen- ate the bill made it a felony not only to advocate revolution by force but to circulate literature, hold meetings or teach radicalism. The House meas- ure, as amended, specifiedsthat it should not be construed as inter- fering with free speech, the freedom of the press, picketing, or striking. The bill worked its way through a parliamentary tangle before the final vote was taken. Rep. Hans O. Clines, (Dem.-Ludington), moved to send it back to the committee to "kill it. Rep. James Wilson, (Rep.-Kalama- zoo), leaped to the rescue with a mo- tion to table the measure. Wilson's motion carried. Declaring such tac- tics were only delaying the issue, Rep. Casper J. Dingeman, (Dem.- Grosse Pointe Shores), succeeded in taking the measure :,fomthe table for an immediate vote. "I am sick of this intimidation from the galleries," Dingeman said. "I do not think this legisiation is necessary, because we have laws enough now to suppress overt acts against the gov- ernment. But the issue has been raised and I for one propose to vote for the bill to show this gallery I am not going to be intimidated." Rep. Harold C. Bellows, (Dem., Bay City), charged lobbyists for the defeat of the bill were on the floor in viola- tion of the rules. He asked that they be removed, but nothing was done. Rep. Vernon -J. Brown, (Rep.-Mason), attempted to kill the measure by mov- ing for an indefinite postponement, but failed. On the roll call he voted for the bill. Those who voted against the bill w e r e : Representatives. Baginski, Berka, Bielawski, Burr, Calvert, Clines, Coumans, Diehl, Dombrowski, Faircloth, Glass, Harma, Helme, Houseman, Jarvis, Kaminski, Kapp- ler, Martin, McCann, Nichols, Raw- son, Romanski, Schriber, Schwinger, Steele, Teachout, Town and Wagner. By ARTHUR A. MILLER Before a gallery packed with more than 400 protesters to the Dunckel- Baldwin bill, some of whom were Uni- versity students, the House passed the anti-violent overthrow measure while representatives on opposing sides nearly came to blows. Figuring prominently among the bill's opponents was Rep. Redmond M. Burr of Ann Arbor. Laws of parliamentary procedure were hard to enforce as cross de- bate filled the room with confusing noise. Immediately before the final count was taken, however, the as- semblage quieted. An address by Rep. Joseph F. Martin, Jr., of Detroit, em- phasized the "un-American" aspects of the measure, adding "when you suppress you condense and like gas- oline, when it is condensed it ex- plodes." He stated that the bill made possible the "raiding of any meeting, where your children or mine may be, if the wrong kind of handbills are being distributed- and who is going to be sure of the people hiring the distributors?" The gallery was conspicuously void of American Legionnaires who had been present at former sessions. The spectators were mostly opposed to the measure, many of them wearing tags with the slogan, "Don't pass 262," printed on them. William Weinstone, Communist leader and the spearhead of the extra-official protestations, appeared University Is Noncommittal On Clements' Papers Controversy By FRED WARNER NEAL University officials refused to com- ment last night on the statement that the University is considering legal action to obtain historical material collected by the late Regent William L. Clements, which is still in posses- sion of the Clements family in Bay City. Meanwhile, Renville Wheat of De- troit, who is a Clements heir as well as an attorney for the heirs, termed the statements "ill advised." President Alexander G. Ruthven' said, "The University is in no posi- tion to make a statement regarding the matter at the present time. It, is all under negotiation." Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director of the William L. Clements Library, criticized the dispatch of May 21 from Lansing and other news articles as being "grossly inaccurate," and would give out no further informa- tion regarding the controversy. , Regent Junius .E. Beal of Ann Ar- bor would say nothing more than "It is all a matter of negotiation -- some-c thing to be worked out." The controversy began when Re- gent Charles F. Hemans of Detroit was quoted as saying the University was ccnsidering a replevin action to obtain collections still in Bay City which were "given outright to the University.' In spite of opposition and denial of this statement, Regent Hemans has made no modification of it. The-secoil ctions are believed to have been oiginally willed outright to the Univecity but Regent Clem- ,> td da odicil to the will in 1932, restricti;ng he University's right to that ojf fir-st purchaser of thema mtrials at a price of $400,000. Regent Hemans is quoted as saying that part of the c llection on "Oxford Letters on Early Amerirana" was purchased by Regent Clements with money given to him by the University for the pur- pose. Mr. Wheat, however, asserted that "there are no collections in Bay City purchased with University funds. The co-called 'Oxford Letters on Early Americana,' reirred to in one report of Mr. Hemans' interview, are his sole brainchild. They simply do not exist in By City, Ann Arbor, Oxford,1 or anywhere else." Mr. Wheat took the University to (Contnued on Page 2) Cbieaoo Holds Narrow Lead In Tournament Minnesota, Northwestern 1ie For Second Place1 In Tennis Meetj Navy Plane Kills Six In Dive To Sea Accident Occurs During Maneuvers InPa cifi Ocean Little Wreckage Is Found By Vessels Doomed Bomber In Attempt To Another Crashes llescel Cheerleaders Are Appointed Here The junior and sophomore cheer- leaders for next year were announced last night by Robert M. Burns, '36, new head cheer leader. Those who will be sophomore cheer leaders are Norman Sookik, Robert Williams, and Lawrence Roth. Allen Walker was named alternate. They are all freshmen this semester. The sophomores who will serve as junior cheer leaders are Morton Mann, Samuel Pozen, and Thomas Sullivan, all. of whom served this year. The selections, made yesterday at' Ferry Field, were conducted by Burns,1 Joseph Horak, '35, retiring cheer1 leader, and the sophomores. Co-ed Accused In lMyst ifying Shooting Fray' Attorney-General Declares, Case Has No 'Rhyme Or Reason' TALEQU'AH, Okla., May 23 -(I)- The shooting of Daniel Shaw, a Chinese student, by a co-ed from the Northeastern Oklahoma Teachers'1 College became more of a mystery to-' day as the girl's sister was brought into the case. The co-ed, 19-year-old Lois Thomp- son, faced preliminary hearing on a charge of wounding Shaw, but her trial was only one of several devel- opments in the campus puzzle. First, Owen D. Watts, an assistant attorney general, declared that the co-ed's 24-year-old sister, Leila, was' the writer of "extortion" notes al- legedly received by Lois. The young- er girl attributed them to Shaw and a "gang" and assigned threats as her reason for shooting the youth last March 27. Next, both girls were accused of assault with a deadly weapon in the wounding of Jack Christie, Tahlequah youth, March 2- although the shot which struck Christie was fired by an officer. Both pleaded not guilty to the assault charge and yesterday were released under $500 bonds. "There's no rhyme or reason to it," said Watts. "We are without a mo- tive in the case." Throughout Shaw has insisted he was the victim of a "tragic mistake" and while recovering from wounds in the chest said he had forgiven the girl. Library Exhibits Art Reproductions Reproductions of old Dutch wood- cuts dating from 1500 to 1550 are on exhibit this week in cases in the front hall of the Library. The Dutch are famous for their woodcut masterpiec- es and these exhibits feature the work of the most famous of these artists. Several of the reproductions depict folk tales and allegorical illusions. The most interesting of these are the "Allegory of Transiency" and "Alle- gory of the Prodigal Son." Fanciful EVANSTON, Ill., May 23.-(VP) - The University of Chicago, defending champion, held a one-point lead over the rest of the field when first day competition in the Big Ten tennis tournament was concluded today onr the Northwestern University courts.7 The Maroons, led by Trevor Weiss, ' swept the singles matches to pick upr four points and then added a doubles victory to bring their total to five points. Minnesota and Northwestern, each of whom scored a pair of singles triumphs and two doubles victories, were tied in second place with four1 points each. Illinois, with three wins in the' singles, was in fourth place, followed' by Iowa with two, Wisconsin two, Ohio State two and Michigan one.' Purdue and indiana were not repre- sented. A new system of scoring, which offi- cials feel will make the tournament more of a team affair and place less emphasis on the individual side, is being used this year. The singles title is being decided in competition which brings together the eight number- one men of each team in the champ- ionship bracket. The same proced- ure is being followed in the doubles. The rest of the contestants are' playing for points, one being allowed for each match won. In the singles all number two, three and four men are competin; in separate brackets. The number two doubles teams of each school likewise are battling for team points. Weiss defeated Bill Chambers of Ohio State, 6-2, 6-4, and the Maroon number two man, Norman Bickel, conquered Joe Moll of Illinois, 6-3, 6-0. The Chicago number three and four players, Herbert Mertz and Nor- bert Burgess, whipped Larry Arm- strong, Minnesota, and Howard Kahn, Michigan, respectively. Mertz' mar- gin was 6-3, 6-4, and Burgess won by 6-4, 6-4. ABOARD BATTLESHIP PENN- SYLVANIA, May 23.--(fP)--The crash of a big naval seaplane in night mid-Pacific maneuvers, carry- ing six fliers to a swift death and necessitating interruption of spec- tacular aerial operations, was dis- closed by the Naval high command today. It was a bombing plane, the 6P7. It plunged into the sea 50 miles south of Midway Island Tuesday night while in theoretical battle operations in pitch darkness. The six men aboard probably never knew what happened. The rigid secrecy surrounding the far-flung movements of many fight- ing planes and fighting ships was immediately dissipated when surface craft turned on their big searchlights in a vain hunt for the fallen craft. 45 Planes Search After ,a fruitless search, the 45 remaining planes that flew recently from Honolulu to Midway Island, 1,- 323 miles over sea, were ordered to. make a return mass flight to Pearl Harbor today. Two men previously died in a plane crash and a destroyer collision, bring- ing the maneuver casualties to eight. The 6P7 apparently fell with ter- rific force while circling about a disabled sister plane, the 6P10, which had been forced down on the ocean surface. The only wreckage found by the cruiser Northampton, the first surface vessel to reach the crash scene 50 miles south of Midway Island, was a battered gasoline tank, a twisted wing tip and a seat cushion. News Withheld Officers of the Pennsylvania said that the crash was withheld until a 24-hour search by air and surface craft had convinced them the six men had been killed and their bodies lost. Last word from the 6P7 was at 9 p.m. Tuesday when it notified the i destroyer Breese and the cruiser Ral- eigh it was circling above the 6P10. In response, the Breese and Ra- leigh steamed to the position given and took the 6P10 in tow at 10:30 p.m. Shortly after daylight yesterday pa- trol planes sighted the oil and wreck- age and directed the Southampton to the position. The search con- tinued until last night when all hope was abandoned. Other deaths during the maneu- vers were those of Lieut. Mathias B. Wyatt, of Easley, S. C., who was killed when his plane crashed while taking off from the aircraft carrier Saratoga, and Gunner's Mate Richard Chad- wick of Blissfield, Mich., killed in a collision of the destroyers Lea and Sicard. CAPTURE KARPIS OMAHA, May 23. - ()- A man believed to be Alvin Karpis, public enemy No. 1, was taken through here today on a United Airlines plane. A United Airlines stewardess said the man was heavily manacled and was dressed in pajamas. He talked free- ly, she said, and declared he was Alvin Karpis and had been captured near Boise, Idaho. Senate Kills Patman Bill By 4O Votes IPresident's Veto Sustained After .louse Passes Bill Second Time Michigan Senators Support President issue Debated For Five Hours As Veterans Crowd Gallery WASHINGTON, May 23.-(P) - Siding with President Roosevelt in his warning of "disastrous conse- quences," a band of 40 senators to- day killed the inflationary Patman bonus bill -only to find the whole bonus issue immediately resurrected on both sides of the capitol. The vote to override the chief executive's veto was 54 to 40. Not only did this fall short of the neces- sary two-thirds, but the Patman-ites lost in strength from the original 55 to 33 vote for passage of the $2,200,- 000,000 new currency measure. Administration forces mustered nine votes more than they needed, de- spite the overwhelming margin, by which the House yesterday passed the bill - 322 to 98, in the face of the President's dramatic personal ap- pearance. The momentous vote came at the end of nearly five hours of debate be- fore galleries so packed with spec- tators that even Senators' wives had to sit on the steps in the aisles. Kha- ki-clad veterans were sprinkled through the throng and in a promi- nent gallery seat, directly facing the Vice-President's dias was Louis Ward, personal press agent of the Rev. Father Charles E. Coughlin, whose last night's address condemning the Roosevelt veto had deluged the Sen- ate with telegrams to override the President. The two Michigan senators-James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg, both Republicans, voted to sustain the veto. General Strike 1 Threatened By Labor Leader. A.F.L. President Demandsi NRA Continuation For Two Years' NEW YORK, May 23.- UP) - Wil- liam Green. president of the Amer- ican Federation of Labor, declared this evening before a mass meeting of 50,000 workers at Madison Square Garden that unless his organization's demands for a two-year continuation of the NRA and other legislation were met, organized labor would lay down its tools in a general strike. "If it comes to that point," Green declared as the massed crowd roared its approval, "we will refuse to work and will mobilize our entire economic strength in the United States until we get our rights. "That is no idle statement. I mean just what I say. Furthermore, the workers can mobilize our political strength and order those men who deny us to stay at home when they stand for reelection." The Madison Square meeting adopted resolutions favoring both two-year extension of the NRA and the Wagner bill. Also at the New York rally were Senator Robert F. Wagner, author of the labor disputes bill, John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers, Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Cloth- ing Workers, and other Union leaders. Meanwhile, in 'Washington, the House Ways and Means Committee decided to call Green and Gen. Hugh S. Johnson tomorrow to testify on legislation to extend the NRA. Murderer, A Dog, Sentenced To Die F'or Heinous Crime FLINT, May 23. -(A')-Peter, a large, yellow hound, was put to death Wednesday, the first'dog to pay the death penalty in Genesee County as a murderer. He died by gas shortly after John M. Ripley, justice of the peace at Linden, had convicted him of killing n-.I-. 4- -.t. *v a flrnnnfi rneAd -an - Ohio State Star Preliminaries Of Conference Meet _ Begin At 3_p. m. Michigan Slight Favorite In Contest For Crown Held ByIllinois Ward In Top Form For Many Events Owens Leads Threatening Ohio State Track Team In Battle For Supremacy The eyes of the track world will literally be turned to Ann Arbor and Perry Field today where one of the greatest fields in the 35 years of the event will gather for competition in the Western Conference Track championships. Preliminaries in all individual track events except the mile and two-mile runs and all field events but the pole vault, high jump and discus throw are scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. today. Michigan's team, winners of the 1935 Conference meet indoors with a record total, will be slight favorites to scorea double victory in capturing the crown now held by Illinois. Mich- igan is host to the meet for the first time since 1923 when a Wolverine team scored a 1/2-point victory over Illinois with a total of 57%/ points. Ohio Is Threat , JESSE OWENS Twenty New Members Added To Druids' Roll Druids, senior literary honor so-1 ciety, announced last night thatt twenty new members have recentlyf been initiated.t The initiates include Derland John- ston, John O'Connell, Steve Reinias, Robert Sullivan, Morton Alshular,' Joseph Rothbard, Russell Walker, - Robert Hilty, Russell Runquist, Jamest Wiles, John Ogden, Peter Bowles, Wil- liam Reed, Woodrow Malloy, Robert Olson, David Wenkworth, John Stra- yer, George Rudness, Adam Stone, and Ben Grady.E Thompson And Dutra efeat Michigan Pair' Fischer, Kocsis Weaken In' Last Four Holes To Lose One Up_ Olin Dutra and Jimmy Thompson1 came from behind in yesterday's match with Johnny Fischer and Chuck Kocsis of Michigan after the Wolverine pair had them two down on the 14th tee, to win 14, 15, and 16 and then cling doggedly to their lead to take the match on the 18th green, one-up, when all four men had bird- ies. Displaying a brilliant calibre of golf that had the gallery of several thousand onlookers continually keyed up, Dutra, Kocsis, Thompson, and Fischer toured the first nine amidst a flurry of beautiful shots and spas- matic applause, and at the turn the Michigan linksmen were one-up. With the second nine and gathering dusk, the pros settled down to play a more consistent game and when Kocsis and Fischer both faltered on 14, failed to match Dutra's birdie on 15, and took fives on 16 Thompson and Dut- ra got an advantage they never re- linquished. Dutra and Thompson both had birdies on number one when they each sunk 10-foot putts after being just short of the green with their seconds, and when Fischer and Kocsis both failed to get down in one put, the pros took the only hole which they won on the first nine. Fischer and Kocsis came right back on the second hole when Dutra's brassie shot caught a trap at the side of the green, and Thompson just saved the hole for the pros when he Michigan's greatest threat today, however, is expected from the Ohio State team, led by the sensational Jesse Owens, the most brilliant track performer of the year. Owens, with world's records at hand in every event, is given an outright grant prac- tically without exception in the 100- yard dash, the 220-yard dash, the 220-yard low hurdles, and the run- ning broad jump. The sophomore 'Ebony Antelope' has tied the world's listed record time of :09.4 in the hun- dred, beaten the world's mark in the low hurdles with :22.9, run the fur- long in :20.7, and set a new American record in the broad jump with an ef- tort of 26 feet, 17%inches, a frac- tion short of the universal mark. Condition Perfect Given the perfect competitive con- ditions which will be made possible by ideal weather today and tomorrow, the Buckeye flash is expected to re- peat or better his best efforts here. Sharing the spotlight with Owens, however, is Willis Ward, acknowl- edged the most versatile track star in the country and one of the na- tion's foremost all-around athletes. After a season which has been marred by injuries, Ward has brought himself to top form for his last Conference competition, and is expected to make one of the best showings of his ca- reer. He has been entered in the broad jump, in which he is defend- ing champion, the hundred, 220-yard dash and the 120-yard high hurdles. Although Owens and Ward head the parade, probably the strongest field ever assembled for the events has been entered. Defending cham- pions in the high hurdles, Ken Sand- bach of Purdue, Ward in the broad jump, the discus, Westley Busbee of Indiana, and the javelin, Mark Pan- ther of Purdue, all will be given ser- ious competition, while every event is considered wide open. Records To Fall Besides the four events in which Owens will engage, Conference marks are considered endangered in the half-mile with a field 'led by Chuck Beetham of Ohio State, the pole vault, with John Wonsowitz of Ohio State, Irv Seely of Illinois and Dave Hunn of Michigan, the high jump, led by Willis Ward and Melvin Walker of Ohio State and Bob Riegel of Illinois, and the mile relay, with a crack out- fit from the University of Iowa. Final details of the meet are to be arranged at a meeting of the Big Ten coaches to be held at 10 a.m. today. Former Millionaire Faces Tax Charges BARNSTABLE, Mass., May 23.- (P)-James H. Rand, Sr., seventy- year-old one-time Buffalo multimil- lionaire and founder of what ulti- mately became the nationally-known firm of Remington-Rand Co., today answered a state charge that he had evaded his income tax by taking the poor prisoner's oath. He took the oath, which gives a I University Observatories Scene io'r Intensive Study Of Stars By JOHN P. HINCKLEY "We'll learn what astronomy is for; We'll learn what the stars can have in store-" And so runs the lyric of a popular song. It's more than a song to cer- tain University men, because they have selected it for their life work. These men work day and night so they may add more to man's knowl- edge of astronomy. In the University observatory there is constant activity -people run here and there chart- ing the locations of newly-discovered stars and peering into the huge tele- scope with undisguised eagerness. It is not unlike a huge beehive, yet has an air of orderly confusion pervad- ing it. Not only does the University employ to the numbering, classifying and charting of double stars, curious phe- nomena which have interested as- tronomers for centuries. Double stars are those which rotate about each other and which may mean much to the world when more is discovered about them. So far the number of double stars has reached 5,200, and within a few years may reach twice that amount. The staff at the South African site has been working con- stantly on the classification of double stars since the early spring of 1928. Perhaps even more interesting and certainly more hard to pronounce is the "spectroheliokinematograph," an instrument for observing not only the stars, but thessun and the different planets. It is used in connection