PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - - -W-- Rearmament Is Seen As Hitler Talks On Peace Germans, Ages 18-45, Are Compelled To Serve By Conscription Plan Army Head Named Texas Bridge Swept Away By High Flood Waters German Official Claims 'We Have Contributed To World Peace' BERLIN, May 22 -(A)- While en- thusiastic Nazis acclaimed the peace gestures in Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hit- ler's Reichstag address, some skepti- cal foreign diplomats saw in it the promise of "an unprecedented re- armament race." Germans openly found no conflict between Hitler's declaration to the Reichstag that the country "needs and wills peace" and the promulga- tion a few hours later of a conscrip- tion program making possible the largest peace-time army in the na- tion's history. In diplomatic and other circles, however, the opinion was heard that "Hitler has offered nothing tangible toward the international peace cause" except an attempt to justify his course. The motive of trying to allay for- eign apprehension to gain sufficient time for fulfilling his arms plans was laid to Hitler by some. Points Of Address Among the features of the address regarded as unusual were: Its rejection of the idea of national assimilation in the face of continual harping by the Nazi-controlled press on the fact that thousands of Ger- mans lived beyond the borders of the Fatherland. Its opposition to pacts of mutual as- sistance. Its obvious attempt to placate Italy, France and Austria, while bristling at Russia.. Its expression of interest in preser- vation of the Locarno treaty. Soon after Hitler completed his speech in the Kroll opera house - it required two hours and fourteen min- utes - the government passed a law compelling all German males between the ages of 18 and 45 to serve one year in the army. Names Commander The decree named the Reichsfueh- rer as the supreme commander of the armed forces. The minister of war is in charge of the army, subject to Hitler's orders. Gen. Werner von Blomberg, who will head the ministry, hitherto has been known as minister of defense. The tone of Hitler's address and of the closing remarks of Gen. Hermann Wilhelm Goerin, minister of aviation, was that "we have made a real con- tribution to world peace now it is up to the rest of the world to follow our lead." Expressions of Germany's interest in peace frequently punctuated the speech. Der Fuehrer insisted the Reich was compelled to rearm be- cause of the militaristic policies of other European powers. Expect European Peace Conference LONDON, May 22. -(I)- A call for a new European security and disarm- ament conference was regarded in political circles today as the logical answer to Adolf Hitler's conciliatory gestures in his foreign policy address. The press generally marshaled opinion in favor of swift, decisive peace measures. It urged that Hitler's offer to participate in an air Locarno pact, agree to naval limitation and bind Germany against aggression be snapped up immediately. While Hitler presented no specific plan, his reiteration of previous dis- armament and security statements and the enunciation of new policies, particularly his willingness to acept a naval strength inferior to Great Britain's, were highly praised in some political quarters and newspapers. -Ibuli eu rYebb noto. At least two persons met death when their automobile plunged into the raging waters of the Red Rivtr near Burkburnett, Tex., after the free bridge spanning the stream had been washed away. Two othcrs in the ear were missing and one was rescued far down the river. Local Building Show Displays New Constructional Work, The first An sponsored by: officials and local contrac material deale Granger's on] ies many of of modern co The genial that "it's no x if you're thin aside from th find somethin decorations he parently, from and are parti Munit] Give in Arbor Building Show,1 show. Architecture and construction Federal, state and local go hand in hand and all the cartoons carried into effect by and "cracks" that were particularly tors and construction pertinent to the budding architects rs is now on display at are equally applicable to the builders East huron and embod- whose products are now taking the the advanced features place of orchestra and gaily costumed nstruction work. dancers. gateman will tell you Producers and moderators of fire! place to bring your girl and frigidity in their most advanced king of marriage," but forms take up much of the space of tat almost anyone can the exhibit. You can watch opera-- g of interest there. The tion the latest forms of automatic ave been inherited, ap- furnaces, automatic fire extinguish- n the Architects' Ball ers, automatic refrigerators, auto- cularly fitting for the matic stoves and automatic insulat-1 -- ors. Furnaces run from the old type, worked by main effort and a large ions Bill coal shovel to the latest type of oil. burner, the only necessary adjuncts Senate to which are a large tank for the oil S ate and a telephone with which to call up the service man when the thing; Sresident!goes on a strike. Ice boxes of the kind that you just put in a corner and ignore are another featured item. L _ _ ~el inaa i rer this exhibit as Bys Measure Would Give Five, Departments Power Of Licensing Arms WASHINGTON, May 22.-P) - Legislation which would set up a cab- inet committee to license munitions exports has been placed in the hands of .a Senate leader by President Roosevelt. The measure, handed by the Pres- ident to Key Pittman (Dem., Nev.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee, would give licensing powers to the Secretaries of State, Navy, War and Commerce. State De- partment officials are reported to have drawn the proposal. Senator Gerald P. Nye (Rep., N.D.), leader of the Senate's long investiga- tion into the munitions business, is said to regard the outlook for enact- ment of drastic legislation against' war profits as much improved by the President's action on the licensing bill. Nye and Senator Bennett C. Clark! (Dem., Mo.), another member of thej munitions committee, plan to con- tinue their filibuster against the $460,000,000 naval appropriation bill. They have been trying to force ac- ceptance of amendments which would curb profits to shipbuilders and strike out the financing of 24 new war- ships. Their effort was side-tracked tem- porarily yesterday by the filibuster of Senator Huey P. Long (Dem., La.), against President Roosevelt's appear- ance before Congress to read his bonus veto message. They stood aside also while Senator Millard E. Tydings (Dem., Md.), delivered an appeal for a "five-year armament holiday." Loca icemen i gno u6eiiuu ~ well as the icebox. Insulation that will keep your fu- ture mansion warm in winter, cold in' summer and even discourage termites and rats also on display. It is blown between the walls of the house with a contrivance resembling a garden hose at so much per blow. A dis- sected hot water heater will give you a finer insight into the wheres and whyfores of cold bathwater, and if you can deduce the ultimate use of the numerous wires, pipes, valves and gauges you may even be able to do something about it. Ohio Governor To Drop Libel Chargel COLUMBUS, O, May 22. - (P' - Gov. Martin L. Davey announced to- day that he had withdrawn a war- rant charging Harry L. Hopkins, Fed- eral relief administrator, with crim- inal libel. The governor gave the following reasons for withdrawing the warrant, which was filed March 18 at Newark, 0.: "All the objectives which were sought have been accomplished, and no good purpose can be served by carrying on a guerilla warfare. "So -far as I am concerned, there has been more than a complete vindi- cation, because it has put me in an unquestionable and incontestable po- sition." He referred to the investigation of the administration of relief in Ohio being conducted by a special Joint legislative committee. Business Men's Meeting Favors NRA Extension Congressmen Serve Notice That They Will Combat Richberg Bill WASHINGTON, May 22. - (k')-- A rally of business men who favor ex- tending NRA for two years shared interest today with a difference of opinion between Donald R. Richberg and several senators. Richberg, the chairman of the Na- tional Recovery Board, appealed Tuesday to the House Ways and Means Committee for a provision empowering the President to impose limited codes on recalcitrant indus- tries. In the Senate, which3 has passed l a resolution to clip the Blue Eagle's wings and extend its life only until next April, several legislators have served notice they would fight the Richberg proposal. The meeting of business men was called under the auspices of the In- dustry and Business Committee for NRA Extension to urge the two-year plan as the alternative to "business death." The business men met in Consti- tution Hall, and later planned to visit their congressmen. Leaders of the meeting maintained it had no partisan political' complex- ion, and vigorously denied assertions by congressional critics that NRA of- ficials had inspired it. NRA men from the first have been careful to avoid any appearance of sponsoring the session. Ward Cheney, organizer and chair- man, opened the conference with this statement: "NRA has made life pos- sible for literally thousands of small business men and industrialists, and its extension for two years is abso- lutely necessary unless we are again to be exposed to the grim danger of business death." Committee officials said men from more than 150 industries were at- tending. Among the delegations listed were groups from the bituminous coal op- erators, the construction industry, druggists, bakers, and the clothing trades, with some men from steel and other heavy industries. A special train from New York brought some 400 from cities in the Northeast, leaders said, and others came by plane and train. L iiZ:1- -* I I ii k"' THE BIGGEST LITTLE DRUG STORE IN ANN ARBOR MOVINO?2 We'llVdo CAREFUL JOB No chipped heirlooms, broken dishes, scratched mahogany or cracked vases when Elsifor moves your goods! Our mov- ers and packers are the best in $1.25 Parke-Davis and Abbott's 50's Haliver Oil Capsules 98c Tooth Paste Squibb, Ipana, Pepsodent, Iodent 34c each 3 for $1.00 Tennis Balls Wright & Ditson and Pennylvania 3 for $1.15 ri, Trr,-T'c MODESS "36" Napkins Thrift Package 49c $1.65 Value Houbig ant Body Powder 98c CIGARETTES Camels - Luckies Chesterfield - Old Gold Raleigh per $1.20Carton $1.25 Petrolagor The palatable emul- sion - All numbers 89c 50c MOLLE Shaving Cream Quick, Easy Shaving 36c Former 60c Size DR. LYONS' Do your friends have a really good p~hoto of you? They would appre- ciate one before going home from school. II, I I I I I11 Tooth Powder III 1 2 pkgs. 25c I I ®I III 11 { ' i il Ij