The Weather Snow flurries, colder today; tomorrow generally fair. 0, Ift pp A6F 00". Ar fiattu Editorials Meet The Professor ... The Gold Decision . VOL. XLV. No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Announce New Board. -Of Panhell' New President And Secretary Of Panhellenic Dean Bursley Asks Delay In Initiations Hauptniann s New Appeal Fight Begun Jane Arnold Is President Of Elected Sorority Association Officers Will Be Installed March 26 Mary Jean Pardee, Jane Servis, Betty Rich Are Named For Posts iJane Arnold, '36, was elected pres- ident of Panhellenic Association yes- terday at a general meeting in the League. Jane Servis, '36, was named secretary; Mary Jean Pardee, '36, treasurer; and Betty Rich, '36, rush- ing secretary. Miss Arnold, a member of Chi Omega sorority, is from Santa Bar- bara, Calif. She was chairman of Panhellenic Banquet in October, and holds in addition the office of vice- president of W.A.A. this year. She is also chairman of Penny Carnival, and is a member of Wyvern, junior hon- orary society. Miss Servis, of Detroit, is affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis. She acted as chairman of this year's Panhellenic Ball, held Dec. 1. The new treasurer, Miss Pardee, of Dearborn, is a mem- ber of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was secretary of her class during her freshman year, and served on the rushing rules committee of Panhel- lenic this year. Miss Rich, of Highland Park, was a member of the central committee for Panhellenic Ball this year. She was freshman representative of the League Board, and finance chairman of Sophomore Cabaret. She also be- longs to Wyvern, and is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Betty Aigler, '35, retiring president of the organization, presided at yes- terday's meeting. The newly elected officers will begin their term at the March~meeting of Panhelle iic. Other women to go out of office at that time are Ruth Root, '35, who has acted as secretary during the past year, Jane Brucker, '35, retiring rushing secietary, and Virginia Cluff, '35, former treasurer. The new officers will be officially installed at the League Installation Banquet on March 26. Michigan Daily Tryouts To Be H o eld Thursday Preliminary tryouts for all second semester freshmen interested in working on the editorial staff of The Daily will be held tomorrow after- noon, William G. Ferris, '35, man- aging editor, announced yesterday. Candidates will report in three dif- ferent groups. Freshmen interested in working on the sports staff will meet at 3:30 p.m.; tryouts for the women's staff will meet at 4 p.m.; and candidates for the men's editorial staff will report at 4:30 p.m. The meetings will be held in The Daily editorial offices on the second floor of the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street. Freshmen will be given preliminary training in headline writing and proof reading, as well as the actual covering of stories. At the end of this instruction period, they will be assigned to regular campus beats. Tryouts also read proof or write head- lines one night each week. In order to be eligible to tryout, Freshmen must be scholastically elig- ible. The requirements stipulate that all grades must be "C" or better with at least one grade of "B" or better. County Home Rule Bill Reintroduced LANSING, Feb. 19 -(.')- A pro- posal to resubmit to the voters a con- stitutional amendment providing for optional county home rule appeared in the legislature today. A resolution offered by Rep. Hask- ell L.'Nichols, (Rep., Jackson), would place the proposal on the ballots in the general election April 1. Should it be approved the legislature would be authorized to draft alternative plans of county government. Individ- -n,-1-Hp mid nf lnnan nrnnn JANE ARNOLD JANE SERVIS Eligibility 0 f TWrack..Squad Is Approved, Entire Indoor Team Is Declared Available For Coming Meets The Eligibility Committee of the Board in Control of Athletics in its meeting last night determined that all present candidates for the Varsity indoor track team are eligible, con- firmed the fact that Harry Wright, wrestler and football player is inelig- ible, but did not consider the cases of athletes in any other sports. It is the policy of the Eligibility! Commi.ttee to pass upon eligibility of candidates for a team as practice in the sport is first opened. Thus, the in- door track team was the only one to be given the attention of the com- mittee last night. In April the standings of baseball, golf, tennis and outdoor track can- didates will be determined and as the personnel of the latter will probably differ little from that of the indoor squad, Michigan's hopes of winning the Conference title remain high. The absence of the ineligibility plague from the track squad was em- phasized when it was shown that the 40 men constituting the squad main- tained a 1.67 average during the sem- ester just finished. Sam Stoller and Walter Stone are the only two men on the squad whoseI honor point totals do not equal theirE hour totals. In both cases it was decided that the difference was too little to cause the men to be declared ineligible. Stoller's presence should be ex- tremely beneficial to Coach Hoyt as the sophomore dashman is expected to be one of the main hopes in the sprints throughout the season. Mich- igan is considered extremely strong this year, perhaps strong enough to successfully defend its indoor Con- ference title in Chicago March 9 but ineligibility for any of the stars would probably have dashed the title, chances. MYSTERY SNOW BALLS BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Feb. 19. - (P) - Binghamtonians thought they were "seeing things" when during a, snow flurry today they saw the ground covered with snowballs, roll- ing merrily along without visible means of propulsion, and increasing in size as they rolled. The weather bureau, deluged with phone calls, explained that the phe- nomenon, rare in the East, was the result of a peculiar combination of soft, wet snow, a high wind and a temperature of about 36 degrees. The condition is fairly common in the Far, West. Michiganensian To Hold Tryouts Today A call to all second semester freshmen interested in trying out for the editorial staff of the Mich- iganensian to report at 4:15 p.m. today in the first floor offices at the Student Publications Building was issued last night by William McFate, '35, managing editor. All students who have been en- rolled in the University for at least one semester and are scholastically eligible for extra-curricular activ- ities will be permitted to tryout, McFate stated. 'Monkey Law' Upheld A f ter Bitter Debate Tennessee House Fails To Repeal Famous Act; A, Student Leads Fight NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 19. - (A) -Tennessee today refused to give up its "monkey law." The House of Reoresentatives de- bated more than two hours the at- tempt of 22-year-old Cecil Anderson, Vanderbilt's law student-legislator, to repeal a statute which gained world-wide attention a4 a trial in1 which the late William Jennings Bry- an, the "great commoner," defendecd it. The vote was 67 to 20 to retain it.1 An aggressive fight for repeal of the act was led by Anderson, the! youngest member of the House. Against him stood the oldest mem- ber, Dave W. Ruffin, 76, who mounted the speaker's rostrum, holding aloft a! Bible, from which he read the story of the creation in the first chapter of Genesis. Anderson levelled sweeping foren- sic fire against "narrow prejudiced religious fanatics," and said he did not fear their criticisms. The law prohibits the teaching inI state schools of any theory that man is descended from a lower order of animals. Ruffin re erred to the re- nowned trial at Dayton, Tenn., of John Thomas Scopes, a Rhea county high school teacher, who was charged in 1925 with teaching evolution in violation of the "monkey law." Scopes was convicted and the state' supreme court upheld the constitu- tionality of the statute, but ruled that the trial judge exceeded his authority in fixing a $100 fine, the minimum under the anti-evolution law, because such a fine was in conflict with a general statute limiting misdemeanor fines to $50. Postponement Requested To Permit Check-Up On Eligibility Of Pledges Fraternities Must Report Iiitiates Executive Committee Of Interfraternity C o u n cil To Examine Petitions Fraternities were asked today by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley to postpone initiation ceremonies until March 1 or later in order to enable his office to check the eligi- bility of freshmen intending to be initiated. House presidents were also re- quested by the Dean to submit to his office a list of pledges whose eligibil- ity is to be checked for initiation not later than Saturday, Feb. 23. The Executive Committee of the Interfraternity Council will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday to examine and pass on petitions for pledging and initia- tion to fraternities of ineligible men, according to Philip A. Singleton, '35E, president of the Council. Petitions must be turned into the offices of the Council before 5 p.m. Thursday, Singleton stated.! Sophomores desiring to tryout for the Interfraternity Council were re- quested by Singleton to report at the Council offices. Alvin H. Schliefer, '35, secretary of the Interfraternity Council, an- nounced last night that no man who entered the University after Septem- ber, 1934, will be eligible to initation into a fraternity until he has first paid the Interfraternity Rushing Tax of 50 cents. This tax may be paid at the Council offices, Room 306 in the Union,. between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. any day this week. Schliefer also warned presidents to instruct freshmen who are moving into their houses, to take the neces- sary steps to do so. A freshman must fist have a C average before he can move into a house, second he must have permission from his parents or guardian, third, the president of the houss must submit a list of the freshmen who are planning to room in the fraternity house, and fourth, the permission of the Dean of Stu- dents must be received. C. Lloyd Fisher Plea To New Supreme Court Stay Granted For Date Of Execution County To Pay Cost Of Trial Records Needed For Appeal TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 19- ()') - Bruno Richard Hauptmann's New Jersey counsel, openly defiant of Chief Defense Counsel Edward J. Reilly, of Brooklyn, carried the Bronx carpen- ter's appeal from the death sentence in the Lindbergh kidnap-murder to the State's highest court today. Hauptmann was sentenced to die in the electric chair in the week of March 18, but a stay of execution for at least seven onths was indicated by the appelate action. C. Lloyd Fisher, of Flemington, and Frederick A. Pope, of Somerville, went before Chancellor Luther A. Camp- bell, applied for and were denied a writ of grace to carry the appeal to the State Supreme Court, and thus threw their case automatically into the Court of Errors and Appeals. County Buys Record Earlier the lawyers went before Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, who presided at Haupt- mann's trial at Flemington, and ob- tained an order requiring Hunterdon County to pay the costs of printing the 1,600,000-word record of the six- week's'trial and the voluminous briefs necessary in an appeal. Only one more step was necessary to insure the postponement of at least seven months in the execution of sentence. That is to be made with- in the next day or so when Pope pre- sents a writ of error to the clerk of the Court of Errors and Appeals. That automatically results in a stay of sen- tence. There was a possibility that execu- tion of sentence might be still fur- ther delayed if the attorney is suc- cessful in obtaining a postponement of argument before the Court from the May to the October term. Stay Appears Certain Even though the Court should rule Carries Jersey's Message To Oldest Michigan Alumnus Sent By Roosevelt A letter "extending congratula- tions and best' wishes" was written by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Dr. John Parker Stoddard, '59, the University's oldest living alumnus and probably the oldest living grad-I uate of any American college or uni- versity. The message will be delivered to Dr. Stoddard Friday in Muske- gon on the occasion of his hundredth birthday anniversary.I Received at the office of President Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday, the letter will be presented to Dr. Stoddard, along with other congrat- ulatory messages, at a special testi- monial dinner at noon Friday in the! Occidental Hotel in Muskegon. The letter reads "I have learned with sincere in- terest that you shortly will celebrate your one hundredth birthday anni- versary. It gives me real pleasure to join with-your many friends in ex- tending congratulations and bestt wishes. Very sincerely yours,, Franklin D. Roosevelt" Seventeen AreI Given Debating Team. Positions McBurney Thinks Material Is Best In Recent Years; Predicts Successt Seventeen men were awarded posi- tions on the Varsity debating squad for the spring semester after elimina- tion tryout speeches had been madet by contestants yesterday ir Angell' Hall.1 James H. McBurney, debating coach, declared after the tryouts that1 he considered the new material on the, squad far superior to any that has been available here in the last few years. "Prospects for a successful1 outcome of the semester's schedule of debates are exceedingly bright," he declared. Edward Litchfield, '36, Jack Moekle,, '35, Jack Weissman, '37L, Collins Brooks, '37, Edward Downs, '35, and Abe Zwerdling, '35, retained their positions on the team. Ne.y men, whot have not yet participated in inter- collegiate debating are: William Cent- ner, '38, Eugene Grossman, '38, Paul Harvey, '36, Arthur Marlowe, '36, John Patterson, '36, James Douglas, '37, Herbert Grosch, '38, Joe Harmon, '38, Richard Mayer, '38, Alvin Schotten- feld, '37, and H. L. Shniderman, '38. The squad will be divided into two teams to prepare for the strenuous forensic season that will begin offi- cially with two contests on March 19, one with Xivier College in the after- noon, and the other with Syracuse University in the evening. 'The Delta Sigma Rho debate to be held in Madison, Wis., the last week in March, and the Western Confer- ence round robin in Evanston, Ill., a week later, will climax the debating year for the Michigan team. Two different questions will be used as propositions for the semester's de- bates. Control of armaments by the Federal government will be debated at Madison, and the principle of col- lective bargaining will be discussed, pro and con, in the Conference and all other debates. Ira Smith To Talk At Club Initiation University Registrar Ira M. Smith will speak on "Engineers and Speech Engineering" as part of the initiation program of the Stump Speakers of Sigma Rho Tau at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Fifteen new members will be ini- tiated into the engineering speech so- ciety. An outdoor program, near the engineering arch, is planned for 5 p.m. today and the banquet will begin at 7 p.m. Budget Of University Discussed University Appropriations Source May Be Shifted From Property Tax $64,000 Increase Made By Proposal President Believes Better To Take Income From General Fund The complete text of the proposed bill for the University budget, which was introduced into the State Legislature Monday, is printed on Page Six. By THOMAS H. KLEENE The proposed bill for regulating the University appropriations, which was introduced into the State Legisla- ture Monday, was described yesterday by President Alexander G. Ruthven as a shifting of the source of Univer- sity income from the State property tax to the general fund. This shift is necessitated by the fact that "an effort is being made this year to do away with the State prop- erty tax," President Ruthven ex- plained. "This means that the University must look somewhere for a continued 'measured' appropriation," he stated. At the request of the Legislature, he went to Lansing last week, and at that time suggested that "money for the University be taken from the general fund." The appropriation would, un- der his plan, be equal to .73 of a mill on each dollar of the assessed valua- tion of the taxable property of the State. President Ruthven stated that he believed it better to take the money for the University appropriation from the general fund rather than from any particular tax. Asked whether he believed the ap- propriation might not vary in the fu- ture because of a change in the as- sessed valuation of the taxable prop- erty of the State, President Ruthven said, "Nobody can predict the future of assessed valuation." The annual appropriation of the University, in the event that this bill is enacted, will be in the neighbor- hood of $4,064,000, an increase of $64,000 over the annual income from the State for the present year. These estimates are based on the present assessed valuation of taxable proper- ty in the State. This figure would be $16,000 short of the estimate - $4,080,000 - sent to the State director of the budget as the amount necessary to run the Uni- versity for the next year, it was ex- plained. The income of the University for the past two years has been approxi- mately $4,000,000 - $3,200,000 from the State and the other $800,000 from reserves, which were mostly unpaid hospital bills owed the University Hospital by the various counties of the State, President Ruthven ex- plained. l Conferen.ce Forf Authorities 0 f Houses Called Ruthven To Explain What1 Is Expected Of Various Fraternities7 A meeting of "responsible author- ities" of fraternities will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Room 1025 An- gell Hall, according to letters sent out from the Office of the Dean of Students yesterday. President Alexander G. Ruthven called the meeting in order to ex- plain to responsible authorities of the various houses what is expected of them and what cooperative measures the University can and will take to help them "carry on." Houses were asked recently by Dean Eursley to designate the person or persons who are to accept the respon- sibility of maintaining proper Uni- versity standards as regards scholar- ship, finances, and social conduct in the houses, and it is these men who have been invited'to attend the meet- ing. A number of alternatives were cited by the Dean as to the proper vesting of this responsible authority. These were: placing the authority in the hands of the officer of a chapter, a committee of active members, a fac- ulty or alumni adviser, a committee of alumni, a house-mother, or any other person or persons selected b v the fraternity. A statement of plans adopted by the individual houses to attain the objec- tives set forth by President Ruthven in his talk to fraternity men Jan. 19, was requested to be filed in the Offi- was requested to be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students last Thurs- day. These plans will also be dis- cussed at the meeting. LARGE ARMY APPROPRIATION TT . - -TY - .-rfIT "-1-, 1n.. against such a postponement and the arguments be heard in the May term, there would still be a delay in execu- tion since the Court would not render its decision until September, and the probable appeal to the Court of Pard- ons would not be passed on until October. Pope said the only reason he did not file the writ of error today was that he had left the form he wished to use at his office in Somerville. Fisher was frankly critical of Reilly. "Mr. Reilly," he said, "has been im- peding the defense since the begin- ning of the trial." He charged the chief defense lawyer had on one occasion made an unethi- cal remark about Hauptmann's in- nocence. Redistricting Given One More Setback The proposed amendment to the city charter for the redistricting of Ann Arbor's wards suffereddits third setback in eight days yesterday when petitions circulated for referendum failed to contain the requisite num- ber of signatures when filed at the of- fice of the City Clerk. The petitions for the measure sub- mitted by Prof. Leigh J. Young of the School of Forestry and Conservation, alderman from the seventh ward, were turned in to City Clerk Fred C. Perry at 5 p.m. yesterday, and when the signatures on the sheaf of peti- tions had been tallied it was an- nounced that little more than two- thirds of the required 1,289 names had been obtained. Angelo Herndon, Young Neoro Ex-Miner, Has Gloomy Future String Quartet Concert To Be Given Tonight The Gordon String Quartet will make its Ann Arbor debut in the Eighth Choral Union Concert at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium, play- ing an attractive program of chamber music. The quartet was organized by Jac- ques Gordon while he was concert master of the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra. Its first public performance brought immediate favorable respons- es from press and concert audiences. The demand for the quartet soon grew to such proportions that Mr. Gordon was obliged to resign his post with the Chicago Symphony Orches- tra and devote his entire activities to the quartet. David Sackson will be the second violinist for tonight's concert, Paul Robyn will play the viola, and Na- houm Benditzky will play the violin- cellist. The four members of this remark- able group, all young, have, accord- ing to their critics, reached superla- tive heights in ensemble playing. Their program for tonight will be as follows: Mendelssohn: Quartet, Opus 44, No. 1 in D Major. Molto Allegro vivace. By BERNARD WEISSMAN Angelo Herndon, the young Negro ex-miner who will speak here tomor- row in the Natural Science Auditor- ium under the joint auspices of the National Student League and the In- ternational Labor Defense, faces a fu- ture that is none too bright. His conviction in the Georgia courts on charges of violating the slave in- surrection law has been appealed in the United States Supreme Court, and if the appeal is unsuccessful he will be forced to serve the 18 to 20 years in the chain gang to which he has been sentenced. But gloomy prospects and bitter struggles have characterized the en- tire life of the convicted youth, now times 14 hours a day. Besides thisI we had to walk three or four miles from the surface of the mine to our work, and we didn't get paid for this time . . . . We had to buy all our mining supplies . . . . The company store soaked us. They weighed our coal and charged us for the slate in it .... Then after they skinned us that way, they skinned us again on the weight. The checkweighman had been hired by the company. He had the scales fixed beforehand, and the cars just slid over the scales." ' During 1930 Herndon became affil- iated first with the Birmingham Un- employment Council and later with the Communist Party. In June, 1932, he was one of the leaders of a mass demonstration of unemnloved in At- FRESHM EN! All freshmen who wish to try out for The Daily staff are requested to report tomorrow afternoon at the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street at the following times.